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music library after latest app update

Just installed the new app. But I can’t find where the music library went. Also no option to add a folder to the library 


Moderator edit: We have an article with instruction on how to add a music library share on Windows and MacOS. Have a look.


I dug out an old Sangean radio and put a thumb drive in so I could play my own music that I bought and paid for. Sonos has rolled back the hands of time 10 years from me. At least I can listen to my own music while I decide what to do with my bricked Sonos system. I will not be buying “fantastic new headphones” from Sonos.  

Prior to the update I was able to access my music library which is stored on a NAS drive.  Now I can’t see my music library in the app and there’s no option to add it back in, so I’m unable to play any of my music.


Like everyone else, I’m just astonished at the incompetence of the Sonos team.  CEOs have been fired for much less than this.  I’m glad Sonos had the “courage” to roll out a half-baked app missing features that have persisted for years and are available on all competitor systems.


Back in 2008, I purchased my first Sonos ZP120.  Since then, I’ve purchased no less than 20 additional Sonos products.  Sonos, what are you hoping to achieve here by alienating your most committed and longest standing customers?  We can and will leave if you don’t figure this out, and apologize.  The first step is to ROLL BACK THE APP UPDATE IMMEDIATELY.  We are customers, not beta testers.  What in the actual world is wrong with you?


Sonos--redefining what it means to be incompetent!

I’m also trying to find my locally stored music but with no luck. I’ve tried quitting the app and reloading it - still nothing under “Your System” about my NAS stored music.

15+ years of using sonos, 6x speakers and pretty damn annoyed.

I think that it is incumbent upon all of us who cannot access our local libraries to warn prospective customers about the Sonos ethos. I strongly recommend that you visit the webpage of your Sonos retailer and post a review detailing what has happened and the effect this has had on your music listening experience. The plain fact is that Sonos have a complete disregard for their existing customers. Sonos have no interest in what effect their extremely poor app update release process has on their customers - their release process breaks all IT software release best practice rules. They simply don’t care about you once they have had your money. Being told to buy a Windows system in order to continue using your Sonos system is not an adequate response to the release of a very bad, irrevocable App Update.


Be kinnd to prospective buyers. Warn them of the dangers of buying Sonos. Write your review today!

Can anyone help with the new Windows app please? 

I have updated it but it wants to be updated - but tells me it is up to date, but wants to be updated etc etc

How do I get out of this loop so that I can manage my music library?


I removed the app completely and reinstalled it. That worked

Well after 130 minutes on hold I got through to Sonos support. 

I wanted to know why I have lost access to my NAS music library.

I’m told that my NAS with SMBv1 is no longer supported. It will no longer work and will never work again with Sonos. Only SMBv2 upwards will now work. 

Thanks for letting me know in advance Sonos. 

Well after 130 minutes on hold I got through to Sonos support. 

I wanted to know why I have lost access to my NAS music library.

I’m told that my NAS with SMBv1 is no longer supported. It will no longer work and will never work again with Sonos. Only SMBv2 upwards will now work. 

Thanks for letting me know in advance Sonos. 

Did you not get the emails or notifications in the Sonos App in April, before the update?

It was also widely discussed here in the community. If you have no option to upgrade the NAS to use SMBv2, then if you have a PC on the LAN you could try using that instead. Here are the steps required:

If all else fails you’re perhaps best to upgrade the hardware instead, for the reasons mentioned here (and elsewhere online)…

Hope you can get it sorted. 👍

Thank you Ken.

No, I did not get the notifications on the app, or email, all was working fine until the app update!

I will upgrade to a Synology DS223 which is fine for my library etc.

Thank you 

“Did you not get the emails or notifications in the Sonos App in April, before the update?”

I never received an email or any other notification from Sonos or the app about this update screwing up my NAS USB drive access to my music folder.  I didn’t belong to this forum until this cluster …. happened.  I’m not a network / IT professional and most Sonos user aren’t.  So, if this is considered an upgrade, then I have some ocean front property in Kentucky to sell you.  My system worked fine and had for many years before the “upgrade”.   Now after many hours on hold with no help from Sonos tech support, moving all my music files to my PC, and many additional hours of trying to get Sonos to recognize my new music folder without error messages, I can at least use my desktop app.  The iPhone / iPad app is nonfunctional and if used actually screws up the PC desktop app.  Please make the earlier versions of the iPhone / iPad and desktop apps available.  BTW the S1 system works fine.


Configuration: I ran an ancient 2005 Linkstation NAS to host my mp3s, and built playlists in Sonos to refer to those mp3s and combine with napster on-demand songs.

Problem: With the app update the link to the NAS was cut (as it ran samba-1 protocol), the library removed, and the playlist pointing to dead mp3s (napster entries still visible & accessible via PC Sonos API).

Solution: The following may sound a bit nerdish…

  • I bought a 4 Gb Raspberry Pi  
  • I installed openmediavault to give me a mp3 music server (how to here: OMV).
  • I assigned the Raspberry a static IP adress which was exactly the same as my old NAS
  • I copied my music library onto a 128Gb USB stick, mounted the stick on the Raspberry in OMV and shared it (via samba-2 protocol!) to look exactly the same to the outside world as the old NAS.
  • I added & refreshed the library (pointing to the Raspberry) in the new Sonos PC API
  • All old existing/untouched playlists in the Sonos PC API with all mp3 and Napster songs are back fully functional. They just work again! I actually didnt expect this  - I think that is because I sneaked-in the new Raspberry server to look to Sonos exactly the same (IP adress + folder structure) as the old one
  • That gave me at 60€ and ~2h work an entirely new (samba-2) NAS and a working Sonos library/playlist environment (via PC Sonos API). And the Raspi is much smaller than the old Linkstation brick...

I have been following the help threads on adding the music library as a music source.

Was able to add my music folder on my laptop to the desktop app, and did not get the dreaded error 913. The problem I have is after adding the path, when I select Music Library the sub folders ( Artists, Albums, Genres, etc.) are empty and the only message I get on the blank screen is “No selections are available” Running music update does nothing. Does anyone have a solution?

I have just under 15,000 albums stored on my iMac. A number of years ago, Sonos put a cap on the number of albums the app would connect to (some of you may remember). It was not just that I couldn’t access all 15,000 albums, I couldn’t access any of them. The app just choked! I purchased a Subsonic annual license and Subsonic worked brilliantly for several years. Then it became a grayed-out option on the list of Sonos app services but it still worked. I stupidly upgraded the app when it was presented to me as new and improved (on a pop-up, not via email) and voila, Subsonic is gone and I can no longer access my music using the app. I can still access my music and play it on the Sonos speakers using the web interface, but it keeps asking me to upgrade to a new version (while at the same time ludicrously giving me a pop up asking if I want free shipping for some more of their crappy products). At some point, my Subsonic access on the web interface will cease, I have no doubt. Then my speakers will be useless. Sonos lost me the first time when it brushed off customer complaints that it needed a real EQ option, not just the rinky-dink EQ it offers. Then it capped access to large music libraries, and now it has basically put all its eggs in the subscription services basket and told its customers it doesn’t care what they think. No apologies, that I have seen. One day Sonos will have serious competition and there will be a lot of people ready to move on. 

I updated to the new version, and I have spent many hours today, trying to get my music library to show in the Sonos app. My Sonos (Apple Music library) is stored on my iMac hard drive. I have tried everything I know to provide the Sonos app access to the files, to no avail. Reboot, update, yada, yada, yada… This reminds me of issues that Sonos had some years back. It took quite a while until I was able to get it running again. (5-6 years ago?) Just like so many of many others in this community, I am very upset with the pitiful rollout of the “new, improved version” of the software. A competent business would offer the ability to revert back to the previous version, so we could continue to enjoy our expensive speakers, while Sonos goes back to the drawing board… (I have four Play:1’s and one Play 3). As I read thru many of the community’s posts, and read the feeble statements by Sonos, I was stunned to hear that they won’t have any updates until mid June?! You have got to be kidding me! So glad I still have my old stereo equipment, and a healthy stack of wax to keep me company while Sonos bumbles their way thru this hot mess. Do better, Sonos!!!

The new sonis app update simply does not work at all, no matter what I do. And it has removed the music library NAS connectivity. What in the world is going on? My system is useless. This is outrageous.

I have a large local library of about 35000 songs ~ 500 artists.


In the old app I could search for a song, album, artist, now it won't search the local library at all.

If I want to go to a specific artist, for example “Weezer” In the old app I went Library → Artists → “W” or just searched.

They removed the alphabet selector and the ability to search.

I now have to go to Local Library → Artists and then scroll and scroll and scroll. Page after page after page.

Imagine scrolling for a specific song. 

I think Sonos is moving towards streaming services support. As far as I am concerned my local library has become unusable.

What were they thinking?!!

hate the new app, rolled back to the previous one in frustration

I’m usually willing to give change a fair chance but I’m striving to find any advantages. I can’t seem to get the mute working on individual speakers and I can’t find all of my radio stations. I sometimes switch quickly from one station to another or mute TV and turn up a radio station. I didn’t know it was possible to go back to the old version. That’s what I’ll do if I can find it. 

hate the new app, rolled back to the previous one in frustration

Can you help on how to roll back to previous app? Hate the new one. Thanks


I’ve given up on this… my system is unusable, can’t access my music, streaming services are choppy… updated the app today thinking they might have given us the old one back but no… and then when I opened it the first thing that popped up was an advert for a Sonos Roam.


So I’ve taken to mailing the CEO, Patrick Spence, every day by using the convenient link halfway down this page telling him how much of a festering a******* I think he and his company are.


Hasn’t fixed anything obviously but I feel a lot better. 


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Sonos on Apple: After uninstallation, installation and login, everything went back to normal. But he new interface is a bit chaotic...

This is awful 

last night I couldn’t access or update my music in my NAS


Sonos if u intend to intro a new app make sure u beta test it first.

remember you aren’t the only option available 

fix this NOW!!

This upgrade is terrible

Can’t access my music stored on my apple Mac any longer

No more alarm system 

Took ages to get all the speakers working again.
Home Screen and menus have no normal logic

who tested this upgrade!!!!

Just installed the new app. But I can’t find where the music library went. Also no option to add a folder to the library 

OK, after much wasted time I finally got the desktop app to see my music library. For some reason the new app did not recognize the path that I had used previously to access the folder on my windows laptop. It would let me add the path but would not show the music files or update the library.

I created a new folder labeled Music1 and added it directly to my C drive. I then copied all of my music to this new folder. Selecting this path in the app created the music library with all of the music files available.  My previous setup allowed me to sink my desktop and phone app with a onedrive folder to keep a copy of my music in the cloud and still play music from the same folder on the Sonos apps. Until this is fixed I will have to add and copy new music to both folders.


I just downloaded the sonosphone app from the app store for $3.99.  I now have my libray back and able to play all my music and playlists on my Sonos system.  No waiting for June as this third party has competent tech people.  

updated to the new sonos update, loads of bugs and  obviously its like all new updates….,music folder is there in iPhone but no  content as albums or artists…. was fine with old app….. anyone with the same issue as was ok with old app before I updated, i stream from my iPhone to sonos system with sonos app but suddenly no content now..showing the sonos library but when you click album or artist …..everything missing saying no content ????

im sure its 1 of the bugs and will be rectified any help will be appreciated as have all software updated, anyone the same ??

I mean what an absolute croc of..  can you just roll back the app ?

Access to Local libraries is a must..

I'm more fortunate than others I have a Plex lifetime subscription., and their plexamp app is simply wonderful app for playing music, allowing you to access your local library., remotely if needed..  So for  Local library access sorted..  Sonos could learn a thing or two from them.. Those that haven't got this you could also  consider Logitech media server with Philippe Upnp plug-ins with android apps squeeze Control, squeezer or IOS equivalent for seamless access to your local library to play to your Sonos devices..

Of course you could consider PIcoreplayer which has LMS built in..

Bare in mind you will need a device like a raspberry pi or a supported Nas like Synology to set any of these up..  If using a RPI, and you have a music library elsewhere, add fstab entry for the PI to mount the remote library share..  Plex or lms will then be able to treat that as a local library.

Imho if you have local libraries its a worthwhile investment no matter which products you using..


In regards to Plex. There are offers all the time from Plex for discounted lifetime subscriptions, seriously consider it if you want superb functionality in accessing your local library, this is a must and I've had this in place for years. 


Another option for Android users is Air Audio, you can stream direct to speakers from any application..

There is a delay however in playng the music, older devices would need to be rooted, newer devices with newer android variants, this works very well without root..

For IOS users, if you do have a raspberry pi, or some hardware lying about set up Airconnect on a Linux distro.. again from Phillipe who brought the lms plugins..

This will allow Airplay functionality to Sonos devices that don't support it out of the box from any app that supports airplay from your Iphone

One thing that's gone which is barely mentioned though is access to media Servers..

I can no longer access my Twonkey Media server through the Sonos app, which has a specific port setting for Sonos support.

I don't really need it with my other solutions, but thinking that removal functionality is just a backward step imho and there will be others hit by this .

It clear to me whoever has been making the decisions, really didn't factor in a  proportion of the user base that wish to access local music libraries..  I spent years extracting my music to a Nas solution, why the hell release an app removing this functionality from your loyal customer base, absolutely beggars belief..


Anyway I hope this post helps some people






P S has your CEO  Patrick Spence resigned yet.  ? I suspect shareholders will be making that decision for him very soon

Someone needs to start a petition, gain support from Sonos user base (which won't be too hard) and submit that to Sonos. 


Something like this could gain traction very quickly on Social Media, and absolutely needs to be done. 

Trust had been lost, with your customer base and it's down to the decisions he has authorised and made 


