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Arc Backorder Progress

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288 replies

  • 6536 replies
  • December 15, 2020

Hi @Jeffrey_35 

Try this to determine what is being delivered:

  1. Log on to Sonos site and click ORDERS under your profile
  3. Scroll down under STATUS to the shipper (FedEx)
  4. Click the TRACKING NUMBER
  6. The results for WEIGHT and/or DIMENSIONS should provide a clue as to what's in the box via deduction


  • Headliner III
  • 273 replies
  • December 15, 2020

Thanks for that, it was very helpful and was able to figure what’s what. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • December 15, 2020

Small update for those who’ve ordered through Visions Electronics in Canada. I’ve now received my Arc. Ordered 20200904, delivered 20201215. 

Side note, the local store manager mentioned when I picked up that his location still has several orders with unreceived product, and nationally it is in the 100s. Not sure how reliable his information is but if you order in the near future I’d expect a significant delay.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • December 15, 2020
Jeffrey_35 wrote:

Update: got a notice my second tracking number is on its way to be delivered on December 21st. No news on the third. Have no idea which ones are which. Only hope that arc is 1 or 2, otherwise its like getting a car without the keys. Can’t really do much with a sub by itself. Could use the One SLs but I don’t need them for any other purpose than my home theater. 

Same here! Now 2/3 of my tracking numbers actually show movement with ETA 12/16 and 12/21. Based on the recommendation to look at the shipping specs my hope is that the arc is on the way. My original “ship by date” was 12/18, I’m thinking the third tracking number will start moving along by then. 

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • December 16, 2020

Ordered the Arc and Sub (Black) on Nov 22, with an “expected shipping date from” Dec 11.  CC was finally pre-auth’d on Dec 14 and is still in that status on Dec 16.  Status of order has been Processing since the 14th as well (had previously said Backordered).  Will update if/when tracking is provided.  I ordered direct through Sonos...hoping for a Christmas miracle!  Hindsight being 20/20, I could have just ordered the sub on sale, and bought the Arc at the local BestBuy and had everything within a week or so.  Live and learn... 

  • Lyricist III
  • 5 replies
  • December 16, 2020
sdbobie81 wrote:

Ordered the Arc and Sub (Black) on Nov 22, with an “expected shipping date from” Dec 11.  CC was finally pre-auth’d on Dec 14 and is still in that status on Dec 16.  Status of order has been Processing since the 14th as well (had previously said Backordered).  Will update if/when tracking is provided.  I ordered direct through Sonos...hoping for a Christmas miracle!  Hindsight being 20/20, I could have just ordered the sub on sale, and bought the Arc at the local BestBuy and had everything within a week or so.  Live and learn... 


I also ordered direct from Sonos on Nov 24 with Dec 11 as expected ship.  After I contacted customer support on Dec 14 afternoon, my card was charged that evening.  I got a tracking yesterday, Dec 15 with expected delivery on Dec 21.  But, that’s just a tracking - there’s no movement of the package yet.  

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • December 16, 2020

Ordered 5.1 setup 11/26, backordered with expected ship date 12/18. Order status changed from backorder to processing with cc charged on 12/9. Tracking numbers provided for 3 separate packages 12/10. Movement on the package #1 (presumed arc) noted on 12/10, now out for delivery today (12/16). Remaining 2 tracking numbers stuck in “awaiting arrival at fedex facility” limbo until 12/13 (ETA 12/21) and 12/15 (ETA 12/23).

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • December 16, 2020
mleun481 wrote:
sdbobie81 wrote:

Ordered the Arc and Sub (Black) on Nov 22, with an “expected shipping date from” Dec 11.  CC was finally pre-auth’d on Dec 14 and is still in that status on Dec 16.  Status of order has been Processing since the 14th as well (had previously said Backordered).  Will update if/when tracking is provided.  I ordered direct through Sonos...hoping for a Christmas miracle!  Hindsight being 20/20, I could have just ordered the sub on sale, and bought the Arc at the local BestBuy and had everything within a week or so.  Live and learn... 


I also ordered direct from Sonos on Nov 24 with Dec 11 as expected ship.  After I contacted customer support on Dec 14 afternoon, my card was charged that evening.  I got a tracking yesterday, Dec 15 with expected delivery on Dec 21.  But, that’s just a tracking - there’s no movement of the package yet.  

Just got shipping information on Dec 16, both items still haven’t arrived at FedEx facility.  Expected delivery Dec 18 so long as they arrive at the facility today.

  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • December 16, 2020

I ordered on November 24 with an estimated ship date of 12/11. As of this morning the Arc is still listed as ‘backordered’. It’s impossible to get someone from Sonos on the phone and no reply to an email request for update.

  • Headliner III
  • 273 replies
  • December 16, 2020
philpalmiero wrote:
Jeffrey_35 wrote:

Update: just got notice it shipped on the 9th and will be here in WI on the 15th. 3 days early, well done. Looking forward to enjoying the definitive Xmas movie-Die Hard on it once set up. 

Don’t, count on it, Jeffrey. Sonos packages have a way of disappearing. 

Update #3: So got my 2nd and 3rd tracking numbers and theoretically here 21st/22nd. HOWEVER, my Arc which was supposed to be delivered yesterday, never showed up (said on truck for delivery starting at 5 am, 15 minutes from my house). Called FedEx, they said they stopped delivering at 8. Fine, so it should be here today, right. Magically, the status is that it was on the truck for delivery at the same place since about 6 am. No delivery. Call FedEx, NOTHING, status still the same. Guess what, new update and new delivery date of the 17th.  I seriously wonder if someone 5 finger discounted it either in WI or when it arrived in IL the day before. WT actual F? Never happened with anything before of mine, much less Sonos. I would’ve picked it up at the FedEx location. Now what!!

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • December 17, 2020

Ordered Arc Nov 22nd with expected shipping date Dec 11.  Showed Backordered until yesterday Dec 16th, now checked shipping tracking and the guesstimate is to arrive Dec 21st.

I think it’s just unpredictable shipping logistics for the duration of this year end.  I think shipping anything is just confusing all around given COVID-19 and likely much more demand now with just about everyone shopping online.  It’s ripple effects all around.

good luck.

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • December 17, 2020
MintyFresh wrote:

I have finally had some feedback from my contact with the sales team, no reasons just that the expected availability for the Black Arc is now 29th January :astonished:

No other detail, the only saving grace is that they haven’t taken the money upfront.
Not very impressed that it has taken 10 days for the little nugget of information to come through. 

And now as if by the power of Greyskull I have shipping info with an ETA for delivery on the 21st Dec. 

If wish they had come back to me more quickly in the first instance or put the ETA on the order system, but I’m guessing that the 29th January date had set my expectations so low that now I am actually pleased! :sunglasses:

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • December 18, 2020
Jeffrey_35 wrote:
philpalmiero wrote:
Jeffrey_35 wrote:

Update: just got notice it shipped on the 9th and will be here in WI on the 15th. 3 days early, well done. Looking forward to enjoying the definitive Xmas movie-Die Hard on it once set up. 

Don’t, count on it, Jeffrey. Sonos packages have a way of disappearing. 

Update #3: So got my 2nd and 3rd tracking numbers and theoretically here 21st/22nd. HOWEVER, my Arc which was supposed to be delivered yesterday, never showed up (said on truck for delivery starting at 5 am, 15 minutes from my house). Called FedEx, they said they stopped delivering at 8. Fine, so it should be here today, right. Magically, the status is that it was on the truck for delivery at the same place since about 6 am. No delivery. Call FedEx, NOTHING, status still the same. Guess what, new update and new delivery date of the 17th.  I seriously wonder if someone 5 finger discounted it either in WI or when it arrived in IL the day before. WT actual F? Never happened with anything before of mine, much less Sonos. I would’ve picked it up at the FedEx location. Now what!!

FedEx is the worst.  They’ve lost/stolen several packages of mine in the last year.  And their logistics system that updates tracking is terrible.  My shipments have been  in Newark, NJ since 6:20pm last night, and there hasn’t been another update since then...which isn’t great because they were suppose to be delivered in the Boston, MA area today.  I cringe every time I have something delivered via FedEx, and as always, their estimated delivery date will slip until Monday.  UPS never does this crap!

  • Contributor I
  • 4 replies
  • December 18, 2020

I ordered an Arc and corresponding mount on 11/26. Both shipped this week, first the mount then the Arc. However the mount is still stuck on waiting on package. Yet the Arc is moving and the delivery date jumped up four days. 

I need my mount though. As others noted, phone call Sales is near useless. Emailed today, but note a 7 day response time

  • Headliner III
  • 273 replies
  • December 18, 2020

Good news for me, they actually delivered my Arc yday and as a bonus my sub was delivered today, 3 days early. Now only my one sls and The Death Star will be fully operational. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • December 18, 2020
pchump502 wrote:
Jeffrey_35 wrote:

Update: just got notice it shipped on the 9th and will be here in WI on the 15th. 3 days early, well done. Looking forward to enjoying the definitive Xmas movie-Die Hard on it once set up. 


blue_oktober wrote:

Ordered 5.1.2 set in white on Nov 27th for delivery in PA, it got shipped today on Dec 8th. Got 3 tracking numbers, estimated delivery is Dec 11th. 


I placed my order on Nov. 25th. for delivery to CA. I guess Sonos is not filling orders by time order was placed.  I am still waiting on tracking numbers or an expected delivery date. As others have mentioned an ETA would provide a bit of comfort other than just “backorder”. 


Update: My order placed on Nov. 25th was filled on 12/14 (estimated on backorder to be 12/11). I have received the sub on 12/17 and the ARC on 12/18. Best of luck to all those still waiting for their orders.


  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • December 19, 2020
Andrew_TX wrote:

I ordered on November 24 with an estimated ship date of 12/11. As of this morning the Arc is still listed as ‘backordered’. It’s impossible to get someone from Sonos on the phone and no reply to an email request for update.


Update that I received notice that the Arc was shipped yesterday; December 18.

  • Contributor I
  • 4 replies
  • December 19, 2020
c.wanja wrote:

I ordered an Arc and corresponding mount on 11/26. Both shipped this week, first the mount then the Arc. However the mount is still stuck on waiting on package. Yet the Arc is moving and the delivery date jumped up four days. 

I need my mount though. As others noted, phone call Sales is near useless. Emailed today, but note a 7 day response time

After an hour on hold, without even speaking to someone, finally got through. 

My Arc is scheduled for delivery tomorrow, 12/20 after shipping 12/16. The mount seems to have been found and started moving yesterday. Scheduled for delivery Monday now. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • December 23, 2020

I ordered the Arc, Sub and One combo. Ordered Dec 5th and it shipped Dec 22nd.

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • December 23, 2020
sdbobie81 wrote:
mleun481 wrote:
sdbobie81 wrote:

Ordered the Arc and Sub (Black) on Nov 22, with an “expected shipping date from” Dec 11.  CC was finally pre-auth’d on Dec 14 and is still in that status on Dec 16.  Status of order has been Processing since the 14th as well (had previously said Backordered).  Will update if/when tracking is provided.  I ordered direct through Sonos...hoping for a Christmas miracle!  Hindsight being 20/20, I could have just ordered the sub on sale, and bought the Arc at the local BestBuy and had everything within a week or so.  Live and learn... 


I also ordered direct from Sonos on Nov 24 with Dec 11 as expected ship.  After I contacted customer support on Dec 14 afternoon, my card was charged that evening.  I got a tracking yesterday, Dec 15 with expected delivery on Dec 21.  But, that’s just a tracking - there’s no movement of the package yet.  

Just got shipping information on Dec 16, both items still haven’t arrived at FedEx facility.  Expected delivery Dec 18 so long as they arrive at the facility today.

Finally, after a 4 day layover in Newark, NJ (thanks FedEx) both the Arc and Sub arrived.  Best of luck to everyone else waiting for their orders!

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • December 29, 2020

If anyone interested with ARC SL version, it’s available on Costco website “online” for immediate shipping. Few days back it was also available at a local Costco store.

  • Avid Contributor II
  • 9 replies
  • December 29, 2020

I ordered just the Arc on 12/4.  listed as back ordered till 1/15/2021.   When I emailed Sonos to confirm that, they said that date was wrong and wouldn’t ship till 2/5/2021. 

They also offered to cancel my order if I didn’t want to wait.     So far I’m not impressed by Sonos (at least their customer service).

  • 6536 replies
  • December 30, 2020

For what it’s worth  I’ll add my thoughts to this conversation. 2020 manufacturing and shipment of goods have been constrained for many companies due to the pandemic...not just Sonos. 

That said when Sonos shows a “ship by date” of “X” the buyer knows what to expect if they decide to buy direct. However, Sonos might due a better job of keeping the customer informed of the shipment progress by doing a bit more than just showing “back ordered” on the customer order page. 

Sonos to be more customer friendly to those that have taken the leap to order a product on backorder might indicate something like this “Original ship by date is still  anticipated as stated at the time of your order. If circumstances occur to alter that date they will be noted here.  Thank you for business”.

IMO a statement similar to the above would make this thread unnecessary. Then again some people will complain no matter what.

FYI, I have an Arc on backorder as well...however I don’t remember the “ship by date” that was in effect at the time of my order. I should have taken care to make note of it. Oh oversight 😫


  • 6536 replies
  • January 2, 2021

For what’s it worth my Arc will deliver on 1/8/21 barring any delays. That said my order was placed on 12/8/20 looks like 30 days between order and delivery date.

However, that doesn’t mean all orders will deliver within that time frame. Variables such as manufacturing and port of entry play into the scenario as well. Hopefully supply versus demand for Sonos direct orders will even out as the year progresses. 

Sonos shows 2/26/21 as a ship date for Arc orders placed today. Hopefully, 45 days will shorten in real time  without setting over expectations. 


  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 20 replies
  • February 4, 2021

So I appear to be the 200th post on this topic and it still appears to be an issue in 2021 receiving the Arc in any sort of reasonable time frame.

Ordered Arc and One sl 30th December 2020 quoted 29th January shipping.

Received One sl mid January which is good. Then decided to order Sub G3 to complete the system which arrived in a couple of days again great.

So was waiting on the Arc on 29th January there was no shipping notice or any kind of notification so I contacted support and they informed  yesterday! 3rd February! it would ship 5th February.

I then get an email this morning saying it will now ship 12th February so that brings it to 45 days another weeks delay.

I understand just in time fulfilment and manufacturing chains etc but surely they would know on the 3rd of February they couldn't make the 5th February????

I'd be interested in hearing fro UK buyers with similar delays. We as customers deserve better. We deserve realistic expectations. Treating customers like this diminishes the Sonos brand and customer confidence. Get a grip on this Sonos or customers will go elsewhere.

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