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In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

Disabling 5ghz transmission in my router settings (it can now only transmit 2.4 ghz) seems to have resolved issues regarding forgetting speakers and issues connecting (multiple) speakers and other reliability issues such as frequent music drop outs. The app also seems more responsive.


I would recommend disabling 5ghz in your router settings as a general troubleshooting measure.

So far, nobody has offered one scintilla of evidence that Sonos is eliminating local libraries.  Every problem with local libraries can be easily explained by the removing of support for the (supposedly) insecure SMB v1, or as another in a long list of stuff that wasn’t finished before the extremely premature release of this app.  Otherwise one could scream from the rooftops that Sonos is “eliminating alarms.  They hate people who have to get out of bed!!!!  ZOMG!!!”, and then on the very next release they look like a fool.

So stop with the FUD, this app is bad enough without all the tin-foil hat conspiracy nonsense.

Try starting the new app with no internet. You cannot access local stores. The app will not even allow basic functionality. It supports local stores if you are connected to the internet. Otherwise not. I read somewhere that 99% of the few million Sonos users are interested in streaming only. That explains everything. The new direction is for a web-based app only. THAT is where these problems are focused. Sonos has made this decision and they are willing to jettison anyone who prefers a different model. 


This is a biggie for me. It’s not that my Internet is unreliable, it’s just that local library playback should have no real dependencies on the internet, full stop. It does make me wonder exactly what data they’re getting from this and what purpose it serves, irrespective of their promise not to sell your data.

Realistically, the app should function for local library playback without any internet access. That it doesn’t is a deliberate Sonos design decision.

I think what is happening is that upper management has decided that the future is in web apps. That solves a lot of compatibility problems. Just make the Sonos app a web app and it works everywhere. Thy have decided that they will want eventually to go all in on that and it is better to force everyone now into that mold rather than make the change over time. They are gambling that they will lose the same number of users now that they would lose long term if they tried to make the change gradually. Allowing people to run the older app just delays the inevitable for those people who need it. It is a sea change in philosophy and they believe it is better to just do it all at once. I don’t agree with the philosophy so I will never be a Sonos customer again. Betray me once shame on me, Betray me twice shame on you. Bill Gates has said that in the future there will be no personal computers, just dumb terminals connected to the cloud. I hope that I am dead and gone before they pull that off. It is a brave new world, or as Sonos puts it, a courageous new world. Careful what you wish for Bill Gates and Sonos.


Hype Machine > Popular Tracks. I used to be able to play this as though it were a playlist. Now I can only play a single song at a time. 


Where are my speaker groupings? I’ve seen them in the mobile app but only sometimes. I’ve never seen them listed in the desktop web app.

Disabling 5ghz transmission in my router settings (it can now only transmit 2.4 ghz) seems to have resolved issues regarding forgetting speakers and issues connecting and grouping (multiple) speakers and other reliability issues such as frequent music drop outs. The app also seems more responsive.


I would recommend disabling 5ghz in your router settings as a general troubleshooting measure.

I bought a WIFI 6 router a while ago and had to downgrade to WIFI 5 as I experienced connection issues with older and even newer devices. Now everything works fine again. Did not try Sonos explicitly but maybe that can solve some issues

Can the moderators please forward my dissatisfaction with the fact that there are adverts in the app, thank you. It is greedy and intrusive to keep pushing me to buy more and more stuff from with-inside the app. I have, of course, opted out and put all settings to not receive any ads as per instructed by your customer support but I still keep getting ads. 

@mbushell in its current incarnation there is no doubt that the app is the weak link in the Sonos solution and there is no point having great multiroom support in the firmware of the speakers if you cannot add/remove rooms easily or add/remove songs in active playlists.

Personally I don’t see Sonos as Audiophile level what I like is the synchronisation across multiple rooms across a variety of speakers that suit the room.

If someone else can offer the tight synchronisation that Sonos does then I am happy to be corrected and will consider their products for the future. Because one thing most people agree with is that Sonos can no longer be trusted to honour our investment. 

I think BlueSound and Denon can do that, though they don’t have as many hardware offerings. I have replaced all my Sonos stuff now with Bluesound. In some ways the harware is better, in some ways not so much. But they provide native Windows, Mac, iOS and Android apps. Curiously they also just did a UI rewrite, but without breaking installations. They have a very wide range of streaming options but you don’t have to be on the internet or signed in the Bluesoft, to use the apps. They also support audiophile quality Hires playback. Denon is also very good, but they don’t have a PC app and I wanted that, In both it is a snap to add new rooms and rename them.

Using the new app on my phone and the Sonos favorite section is full of greyed out ghost stations and tracks.  They weren't there before.  All my actual favorites are off screen at the end of the list.  I can't delete the ghost items.

On my iPad I have not allowed the app to update. That app doesn't show the ghost items.

Why is there so little communication from Sonos as to when they are going to fix these issues, I guees to busy promoting the headphones. Adding adverts in to the app makes it feel cheap from the get go, when will they realise that we don't want our expensive music system to feel cheap.. but that's the least of the worries with this new app.. 1 mouth adversary tomorrow of the new app, it's going well!?!  I have never had such piece and quiet! 

Why is the new app so terrible, when are you going to make it more stable? I cannot control volume, speakers drop out. 

Why do you i**** keep “improving the app.” Destroying customer confidence in your product 

 have this garbage system in 3 properties 


Every single time you try and get cute and make changes we have major issues 

Fire the CEO


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Garbage company 


Garbage  product 


Garbage support 


3 properties I have all with sonos


All being  ripped out this weekend 


Exhausted  fighting with this system every time they “upgrade “ or make “improvements "


later Sonos 



I think BlueSound and Denon can do that, though they don’t have as many hardware offerings. I have replaced all my Sonos stuff now with Bluesound. In some ways the harware is better, in some ways not so much. But they provide native Windows, Mac, iOS and Android apps. Curiously they also just did a UI rewrite, but without breaking installations. They have a very wide range of streaming options but you don’t have to be on the internet or signed in the Bluesoft, to use the apps. They also support audiophile quality Hires playback. Denon is also very good, but they don’t have a PC app and I wanted that, In both it is a snap to add new rooms and rename them.

Food for thought: BlueSound and Denon have a lot in common with Sonos, inasmuch as all three companies make money selling hardware and have this critical slice of software attached. BlueSound is not yet public and Denon is owned by private equity, so who knows what kind of wacky “business decisions” they’ll make.

Consider high-quality audio gear that DOES NOT include wireless functionality and then add wireless via something like a WiiM Mini. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

So far, nobody has offered one scintilla of evidence that Sonos is eliminating local libraries.  Every problem with local libraries can be easily explained by the removing of support for the (supposedly) insecure SMB v1, or as another in a long list of stuff that wasn’t finished before the extremely premature release of this app.  Otherwise one could scream from the rooftops that Sonos is “eliminating alarms.  They hate people who have to get out of bed!!!!  ZOMG!!!”, and then on the very next release they look like a fool.

So stop with the FUD, this app is bad enough without all the tin-foil hat conspiracy nonsense.

Try starting the new app with no internet. You cannot access local stores. The app will not even allow basic functionality. It supports local stores if you are connected to the internet. Otherwise not. I read somewhere that 99% of the few million Sonos users are interested in streaming only. That explains everything. The new direction is for a web-based app only. THAT is where these problems are focused. Sonos has made this decision and they are willing to jettison anyone who prefers a different model. 


This is a biggie for me. It’s not that my Internet is unreliable, it’s just that local library playback should have no real dependencies on the internet, full stop. It does make me wonder exactly what data they’re getting from this and what purpose it serves, irrespective of their promise not to sell your data.

Realistically, the app should function for local library playback without any internet access. That it doesn’t is a deliberate Sonos design decision.


I suspects it’s more about reducing software development costs going forward. I use a local library myself. Not looking forward to how things go with a significant internet outage.

The new app is horrible. Now I can’t even group speakers, which is a core value proposition of Sonos since they first launched. I don’t see any channels on this? I can play music on each speaker separately, but they will not group. How does anyone at Sonos sleep at night? If I was in charge of tech we would be working around the clock. 

The reality is that companies only respond when you hit them in the only thing that matters-revenue. Stop buying their products. It’s a painful response as I love Sonos and have been using their products since launch. Please go explore the Denon heos ecosystem. It’s pretty dang good. And the app is very simple and straightforward- just like s2 used to be. Until we punish companies for ignoring customer feedback and ceos with hubris to tell customers ‘to deal with it’ by stopping to purchase their products when they do not respond to customer pain, they will have the power and all we can do is lament on these forums. 

slow slow slow...the unresponsiveness of the app is the biggest problem.

Any news on fixes on that disastrous app?


My questions is why has Sonos become so terrible?  I’ve got a dozen expensive speakers in my house, and the new app is just killing us.  I mean it glitches on about 50 different ways.  I can’t even do simple things like add songs to my queue.  With the release of the new app, you removed music services which I have had to relink with disastrous results. Sometimes even turning the volume up can prove impossible.   

The last time I called customer service for help, I was told I had a 90 (ninety) minute hold time.  

We all bought Sonos for a reason, one of which is that you offered functionality that we needed….such as linking to our music on our local networks.  How many times are you going to let us purchase things with the implicit promise of certain functionality and then try to pull the rug out from under us.   This is bad.  I mean, have you seen your Google play reviews for the app?  I have NEVER seen anything like it - fully 80% ratings of 1 and a lot more of 2 with about a 10% satisfaction rate.  Please let me know when you plan to get this all fixed and when you will give us back the functionality promised when we purchased. 


Note, the above is a partial, not comprehensive list of functionality loss, bugs and general gripes.  Listing them all would take too much time and I’m sure you know about most of it already.

Best regards, 

Jacob Troyer

The new app is horrible. Now I can’t even group speakers, which is a core value proposition of Sonos since they first launched. I don’t see any channels on this? I can play music on each speaker separately, but they will not group. How does anyone at Sonos sleep at night? If I was in charge of tech we would be working around the clock. 

The reality is that companies only respond when you hit them in the only thing that matters-revenue. Stop buying their products. It’s a painful response as I love Sonos and have been using their products since launch. Please go explore the Denon heos ecosystem. It’s pretty dang good. And the app is very simple and straightforward- just like s2 used to be. Until we punish companies for ignoring customer feedback and ceos with hubris to tell customers ‘to deal with it’ by stopping to purchase their products when they do not respond to customer pain, they will have the power and all we can do is lament on these forums. 

I had high hopes for Denon - good product range, decent app functionality (though no Windows version), Bluetooth and wi-fi, competitive price point -  but spent three hours trying to get Heos to find my local music library, changing all manner of settings on my PC and typing a plethora of path variants, before throwing in the towel. Instructions are minimal, tech support non-existent (46 hours and counting waiting for a reply) so frankly no better off than Sonos at this point. A pity as I was really keen. Giving them until the weekend to offer a workable solution before I move onto the next option.

You never know, by the time I get a workable alternative Sonos may just have made my original system functional again!

slow slow slow...the unresponsiveness of the app is the biggest problem.

Now this is a little funny. The new app is not entirely stable, every once in a while I have to stop and restart it. But when it’s working, I find it almost more responsive than the old app.

But since communication is over the internet any lag you may have in in- or out-going connections are likely to be painful. Also, there has to be a central hub somewhere where the connections go. If that one goes overloaded, guess what.


I haven’t used Music Libraries in years as I just stream everything. However since the upgrade I can now see my old Music Library folders including one on my first wife's PC, which is unsettling as she passed away in 2019.

How do I remove the folder in the new app?

I can't find any way to manage the music library in the app or web interface.

Surely I’m missing something?

slow slow slow...the unresponsiveness of the app is the biggest problem.

Now this is a little funny. The new app is not entirely stable, every once in a while I have to stop and restart it. But when it’s working, I find it almost more responsive than the old app.

But since communication is over the internet any lag you may have in in- or out-going connections are likely to be painful. Also, there has to be a central hub somewhere where the connections go. If that one goes overloaded, guess what.


This seems to suggest my network might be slow. My router is gaming capable and my internet speed is “blazing fast,” in tests that regularly top 900k. ….agreed the app once connected can be faster but it might take 10 or 15 minutes to connect to my system. That’s each time I open it. 

I have the most current software update.  I’m not seeing my Boost.  Am I doing something wrong?  I’m also not seeing anything that indicates I’m connected via Sonosnet.

I have the most current software update.  I’m not seeing my Boost.  Am I doing something wrong?  I’m also not seeing anything that indicates I’m connected via Sonosnet.

I’ve reported the missing SonosNet information on another thread, it’s a real pain. I have to log into my router to check the speakers are connected via SonosNet where they show as “wired” instead of “wi-fi” when they are.

Something else I just discovered with the new App, there is no option to play a whole album in the IDAGIO integration… please roll back to the old version… ridiculous
