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In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

I have had SONOS products for over 15 years and have seen the various changes, updates, improvements, new products, etc.  I love SONOS.. when it works.  The only thing that has been consistent with my SONOS products over the last 15 years is frustration, constant issues, re-configuration nightmares, things not working for no apparent reason, speakers cutting in, cutting out, cutting in again, cutting out again, stopping for no reason, groups ungrouping, groups not-grouping, a flashing red/white light on beam that comes back repeatedly for the last 3 years (yes, i have rebooted it at least 1,000 times, reconfigured and tried to update, apparently it is always up to date), volume changing for no apparent reason, increasing to full volume until my only option is to unplug the thing..  How is the app able to track the volume level when it does this, showing it going up, but somehow the controls to stop it, lower it, etc. don't work?

I see the forums and the uneducated/vile/sarcastic guesses that pass as answers.  Have you powered everything off and on?  It's probably a network issue (haha - it's always a network issue, isn't it? - it's such an easy target).  Why in the world should we have to go around the house and power cycle everything?  I have so many devices it is not a convenient thing to do.

Is it possible that thousands of users are having the same network issue?  I doubt it.

This latest app is a disaster - people on forums saying "why would you mess with your app? it was perfect"!  But it was far from perfect - it has been the bane of my existence for years.  Still, you somehow managed to make it even worse.  Where did the queue options go (play next, add to end of queue, etc.) this is one of the best parts of playing music - making a playlist on the fly and adding to it as you go along.  How does a decision like this get made??  

I have consistently had issues when grouping rooms.  Especially the bedroom, where I had a 5 year old Play:5..  I figured it was the oldest device so it was probably causing problems, and it always seemed to be the one that didn't want to play nice.  So I bought 2 nice new Era 300's thinking the newer technology would resolve things.  Not at all.  Same issues.  Why?

I have spent untold hours re-configuring, resetting, grouping, adding subs, adding surrounds, losing configs, re-authorizing music services etc.  So when a screen comes up saying "no services found" and suggesting I start by adding a device it's truly a stress-inducing event. It's too much.  

Please, focus on making core functionality more reliable.  Perhaps even develop a troubleshooting tool that can give some REAL answers when things are not working right, again, not just the same "reboot, re-power, reset, it must be a network problem - reboot your wifi", etc.   What else could be more important?

I'm sure you are receiving literally thousands of emails - many in anger.  I am reasonable and would simply like to know what is being done and when will this get better?  So a response would be extremely hope giving...

Some people would say, "If it's so bad, don't buy it - do something else.." Well, what else is there? Google speakers?  Alexa speakers?  Bluetooth speakers?  (this is rhetorical - so no need to respond all you negative energy folks…)

SONOS is the only game, so I remain hopeful that you will pull it together someday. 

Hope floats?

I spent £2.3k yesterday ordering a new system to replace my Sonos set up as I don't trust them to sort this out in a timely manner or to not do it again in future. As I don't stream music I don't feel as if I'm a consideration. I take delivery on Monday and assuming it all works Sonos will be out of my house and my life. In future I'm going to be very vocal is steering people away from this brand, whereas previously I was advocating it.

Just wish I could send my bill to the CEO.

It is so disappointing. At the same time, I get every second day a newsletter to buy new Sonos products, like headphones, etc. I do believe, this rubbish update was to promote new products. 
Sonos, if you don't react quickly, lots of users will drop Sonos. Sad. Really sad.

I wish they would do a rollback, test it properly, and then release it.
Regarding the CEO, like this, the CEO will not work much longer at Sonos.

I took the time to register on the forums just so I can add my complaint to everyone else’s.

This new update has rendered my system all but unusable. It looses speakers, I can not select a specific speaker, it always defaults back to the first one alphabetically, it is a mess to change volume, sleep timers are gone, etc. This is completely unacceptable, especially given the time the update has been out. Give a timeframe for solving this in the near future, maximum 2 weeks, or roll back the update.

And no, I do not want to scour the forums for workarounds for general and widespread problems. 

This is a masterclass in poor problem handling and potentially long term destructive for the company. The competition is stiff and a big reason to stay has been focus on the experience and stability of the system and app. I would hate to have to reevaluate those reasons. 

I was told a work around to select speakers. In the main menu the name of your system is at the top. There is a pull down menu there and that is where you should select the speakers. So far that has worked for me. 
This is a master class on how not to release a new update. I have invested a fair amount in Sonos But I am considering other systems now. The ceo should be fired for not addressing this with their customers. Very poor execution all around. 

The new updated app is very un user-friendly. *.

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

the only thing that will fix this horrible app is a rollback to the previous version. We have an investment in 8 sonos speakers that are now unusable. We stream radio and listen to Idagio and my music library of ~1000 CDs in MP3 form, am not interested in more bells and whistles, talking to my system or new earphones. One of us has given up and only uses line-in. The most important problems are

  1. slow response over wifi with 2 boosters in a modest 2 story house, to the extent that many times it simply won’t do anything
  2. cannot play albums on idagio (it took me several days of searching to realize that this feature had simply been omitted - why????)
  3. have no access to my music library. 

In a day and age where software is constantly improving and becoming more user-friendly with new and improved features, Sonos has taken many steps backwards. I have over 15 Sonos speakers in my entire house and I’m on the verge of selling them all and moving to a different platform. The software is missing all the features that we all know and is extremely user unfriendly. The coding department really **** the bed on this one. Hopefully they find some better programmers that can relate to normal people and quickly rectify the issues before everyone jumps ship.


What the story with the New App?  Will the issues ever be resolved? I have one speaker that was unplugged and now I can no longer use due to it having to be updated, yet the app doesn’t complete the update.  This is ridiculous 

Cant listen to my Podcasts since yet again another update

Since downloading the new Sonos app, wich I didn't like because it is so slow, i recently switched to a new internet provider/router. As a consequence, both my era 300's have been bricked. 

Friendly word of advice:


I can’t play any music on the new app. Somehow the queue has glitched and now that I can’t delete the queue it has just frozen on the songs in the queue but won’t even play them. So at the moment I can’t even use my Sonos system. What a waste of thousands of dollars. Please fix quick smart or I’m going to get rid of it and buy something else.

I am looking for a larger version of the Roam and the new Move 2 would be perfect for my needs (especially as it is currently on offer) but the app is so bad, I cannot justify buying another Sonos product at the moment.  I am now looking around for an alternative (there are quite a few options out there).  Of course, if Sonos fix the app or revert back to the old one, I might be persuaded to go for the Move 2 but that is looking unlikely.

I notice that I no longer know how to have a forum in French?

I usually listen to a podcast to fall asleep..... with the old app, it would play the podcast then stop at the end!

Now, in the morning it always runs in a loop, even though I didn't ask it anything!!!!
Plus before we knew how to set a timer, like the source (here the podcast) stops in 30 minutes... no matter how hard I search, there is no trace of this timer!!!!!

Plus the favorites which take a long time to arrive and which are no longer sorted in alphabetical order!!!!

I really have the impression that there are always fewer services and ever more expensive prices!!!!

help me !!!!

I see in the appstore history that version 80 was released around May 12, all these features disappeared upon release? or with the following updates? maybe they removed these features due to incompatibility with new products?? in this case, it is not likely to come back .....

just a return of the S2 app !!!! please !!!!!!! 😡
in addition, it takes the same color logo as the S1 !!!  😡
Let them make an S3 app in another color !!!! 🙏🏻

I see in the appstore history that version 80 was released around May 12, all these features disappeared upon release? or with the following updates? maybe they removed these features due to incompatibility with new products?? in this case, it is not likely to come back .....


I highly doubt Sonos would be promising timelines for the missing features coming back if they are “not likely to come back”.

I'm in the UK. I have Sonos on automated update. I wish I hadn't. Why, refer to all the comments on here. 

Just acquired a new Sonos Roam SL and I havent been able to add it to my system. Apparently the new app is preventing the Roam to be added. Customer service says they are already aware of the issue since the new app release. I want to know when the Sonos technical team will address this situation.

With the latest update of Sonos, not only is there a loss of features, none of my speakers work anymore. Everything was working great for a short time. Since the update I’ve had so many speaker dropouts, poor connections etc. In terms of the features of the new update, such a loss. Updates are meant to improve the user experience, but this update has made it a million times worse. 

The problem with Sonos, is ever since I invested in their products, I’ve had nothing but issues, and those issues are so hard to resolve, they’ve tried to make things intuitive and user friendly, but failed so badly. For example;

  1. No way to update your network for each speaker easily, rather than having to reset the whole speaker (in the new update, you can’t even manage the networks properly). 
  2. No way to manage the devices connection settings, any other product that connects to WIFI, has some form of management for savvy users, not Sonos, they restrict it all, probably in an effort to prevent users tweaking, but instead, what it means is that when you run into problems, you’re at the mercy of the company. 
  3. No support, whenever I’ve contacted Sonos, I’ve got absolutely nowhere. 

Any other large multi media giant can do all of the above seamlessly, connecting to WIFI on any of my other devices is a breeze. I can honestly say Sonos is the worst piece of high end tech I’ve ever used. 

My whole system was stable for about three months, but with the latest updates it’s all gone to poo again, and this just keeps happening with the products, I get it all working then a few months down the line, it’s back to trying to figure out why my speakers are cutting out, and why I’m having problems just enabling music between rooms. 

I give up, I’m selling everything I have and going elsewhere, not point throwing good money after bad. Worst company, load of crap, see you later Sonos. 

What on earth are you doing Sonos? The new app is beyond useless. Frequently can’t connect, loses players now and again, grouping players is hit and miss. Thankfully I didn’t upgrade the desktop controller of my system would be completely unusable 

In the iPad app I now get an ad with the text “Introducing Sonos Roam 2”. Why? I find it appalling and greedy of you to try and make me buy more products from you, in the app!


Concentrate on fixing the app instead of creating content that equals to ads! 

The X-button on the ad does nothing so I can’t even remove it. AND I AM NOT BUYING ANOTHER SONOS PRODUCT UNTIL YOU FIX THE APP OR ROLL BACK TO THE PREVIOUS APP.

Sonos amp terrible, the app can’t find system, extremely disappointed.

My Pandora and Spotify aren’t connecting to my Sonos and keeps telling me something went  wrong. I can only use Spotify in the app and nothing else works. The diagnostics online isn’t working either and wait times on the phone are 2 hours. Ridiculous how Sonos created havoc and disgruntled customers overnight. Shame shame on them.

What needs to happen is leadership needs to STOP defending their reasons for this release and instead admit the colossal mistake they made and OWN IT! From its nonsensical UI cards to broken and missing functionality, the new app is a dumpster fire of stupidity. Why on earth would you take something that was great and totally burn it to the ground? Frankly, unless they were specifically directed by the board of directors to release this product, regardless of known issues and customer dislike, Tucker Severson and especially Diane Roberts should be held accountable for this debacle. This app release reflects a SERIOUS leadership issue at Sonos, and since they are publicly traded, you can and should use your shares, even if you own one share, to voice your concerns and vote for change. 

After touting their app update which apparently is terrible for you believe you can get it You can't even contact support about anything they just continue sending you to the chat bot and will I answer the support telephone. Unacceptable for a company that charges hundreds of thousands of dollars for equipment they can't even have their web app interface were correctly just links you back to download the app that's the old version at high hopes the new version would fix all the horrendous issues with this piece of junk system but apparently it's just going to be worse and now you can't talk to somebody about it You can't leave this company is in business I can't believe they're still not even sell products to people and they're obviously use false advertising and lie about what their products can and can't do.

I understand that sometimes a company pins hope on a software upgrade driving new sales.  I understand that you thought that a new version of your app might do the same for you.  However, a couple of problems with that theory for Sonos:
1) A horrible new app will lead to horrible customer sentiment, word of mouth, PR, etc., etc.
2) You are a hardware company and if your software front-end is horrible then it does not matter how good your hardware is.  The bad software will reflect badly on the hardware.

With your new app, you took a mediocre app and made it horrendous.  It is a huge step backwards!  The new app makes competitors products look so much better now.  You are taking your existing customers who have been promoters of your products and are turning them into product detractors.  This cannot be anything but a hindrance to future growth.  I, for one, will think twice before ever even considering buying anything from Sonos again.

What a total backfire!

You need to rectify this situation immediately and allow your customers to revert back to using the old app as soon as possible.

I totally agree with everyone. So sorry I did the update. Will not buy another Sonos product if this issue is not fixed. It is so frustrating!!

Speaker volume adjustments very slow response…and then when you -abuse the music it’s slow to respond….and then a new song selection starts by itself! WHY NOT ROLL BACK THE PREVIOUS VERSION?
