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In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

Is there someone from Sonos Support listening to our cries, can we roll back to the previous version HELP!


No matter how many cries are heard, they aren’t rolling back.  The investors were promised headphones, and the old app doesn’t support the headphones, so the new app stays.  

No matter how many cries are heard, they aren’t rolling back.  The investors were promised headphones, and the old app doesn’t support the headphones, so the new app stays.


Although that is not really an argument for making the old app available under a different name for a limited amount of time. I don’t think that very many people who have posted to these threads are considering buying any Sonos Ace right now.

And, of course, burning the bridges so that they had to release the new app prematurely was a serious mistake that I think that more than one at Sonos would like to see undone.

No matter how many cries are heard, they aren’t rolling back.  The investors were promised headphones, and the old app doesn’t support the headphones, so the new app stays.


Although that is not really an argument for making the old app available under a different name for a limited amount of time. I don’t think that very many people who have posted to these threads are considering buying any Sonos Ace right now.

And, of course, burning the bridges so that they had to release the new app prematurely was a serious mistake that I think that more than one at Sonos would like to see undone.


You don’t understand how these things work.  Customer satisfaction is secondary (if it is even that) to a few other things.  First order of business are the investors, then the board, then the stockholders.  If a public company has to take a PR hit in order to please one or all of those, they will.  It’s not pretty, it’s not intuitive, and there’s debates about whether it is a viable long term strategy, but that’s the way it works.

Besides, it’s no secret that the customer base who likes to ***** on the internet is hard to please, easy to roil, and is so fickle they will find something else to point their rage at in the blink of an eye.  Does this mean the app was fit for purpose?  No, it was not. It was a freaking mess and never should have been launched from a customer point of view.  Does the equal amount of internet faux outrage for the last 3 app overhauls that were fit for purpose (faux outrage which by all appearances had no effect on sales or reputation) tell Sonos they can safely weather the internet storm if they just don’t panic?  Of course (rightly or wrongly so, given the big differences in app functionality vs. just being new).

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

They can surely have 2 versions on the App stores, the old version Sonos S1 is still out there for the early models, They could call it Sonos S2

I have two systems set up with multiple speakers at different locations. Literally every time I want to use either one the app can't ever find my system. I have to either reset my router or re setup my network. It is an absolute nightmare.  For speakers that cost this much, this is absolute crap. I can't even stream music from my phone anymore. Why can't sonos get it together? 

They can surely have 2 versions on the App stores, the old version Sonos S1 is still out there for the early models, They could call it Sonos S2


S1/S2 was a big farce, it requires maintaining two codebases (a very costly endeavor) and was only necessary because the old hardware could no longer physically load and run the new app.  None of this applies to the current versions of the S2 application.  Also, unless it is forced to by hardware limits (like the S1/S2 split), Sonos isn’t going to facilitate a portion of their customer base using an old application (that Sonos must maintain) which by its very nature means that customer base isn’t going to buy any new hardware.  

I have lost all Sonos playlists and using Sonos now is very hit and miss. Lose connection to the internet and app is very slow to change function. 
Have given up trying to contact Sonos. 

You don’t understand how these things work.  Customer satisfaction is secondary (if it is even that) to a few other things.  First order of business are the investors, then the board, then the stockholders.  If a public company has to take a PR hit in order to please one or all of those, they will.  It’s not pretty, it’s not intuitive, and there’s debates about whether it is a viable long term strategy, but that’s the way it works.

As it happens, I have fairly close relations with a product group in another company. Granted, their product is for the professional market, and not a consumer product. But I feel that they listen quite a bit to user reactions.

True, many here who ***** that they will ditch their Sonos devices are only making empty threats. Then again, I’ve seen some people who seem to be resellers or work with installing Sonos, and if they decide to kick out Sonos from their business, that may have effect that investors may not like.

As for making the old app available, that would only be for a limited amount of time, six months or so.

And there is certainly no denial that even if the new app had been fully functional, there would still have been an outrage only because it was different.


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.


As it happens, I have fairly close relations with a product group in another company. Granted, their product is for the professional market, and not a consumer product. But I feel that they listen quite a bit to user reactions.

True, many here who ***** that they will ditch their Sonos devices are only making empty threats. Then again, I’ve seen some people who seem to be resellers or work with installing Sonos, and if they decide to kick out Sonos from their business, that may have effect that investors may not like.

As for making the old app available, that would only be for a limited amount of time, six months or so.

And there is certainly no denial that even if the new app had been fully functional, there would still have been an outrage only because it was different.


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

6 months is past June 30th, and this is all about end of fiscal year sales projections.  That’s all that went into it.  If Sonos was willing to put out a crap app to protect that goal, there’s no way they are going to facilitate a block of those potential sales by encouraging/allowing people to run an app which doesn’t support the new product(s).

 there’s no way they are going to facilitate a block of those potential sales by encouraging/allowing people to run an app which doesn’t support the new product(s).


Well, you can’t say that the new app encourages trying new out products, do you? Or, well, it might. But not products from Sonos.


I’m curious, does anyone here like the new app? If so, explain what you like about it. The only thing I’ve been read here is everyone dislikes it and wants the old one back. Like I want my MTV back, I want my old S2 app back please.



Well, you can’t say that the new app encourages trying new out products, do you? Or, well, it might. But not products from Sonos.



You need to remember that the people complaining on the internet are but a small subset of users.  Of those not complaining, there are those who will just dump it and leave (like I would), those who don’t have problems (or aren’t affected by the problems they do have), those who have problems and just look up ways to fix them, those who have problems but search and find the fixes are coming, and those who use their devices so infrequently, the fixes are in before they even notice (if they notice at all).

None of us knows the exact distribution of those user types (but Sonos does, at least partially).  However, there are some users here who keep track of new users and the rate they are signing up.  At last count, there were around 200 new registers after the release.  Even if all of those were signed up to complain about the app (not an unfounded assumption) that’s a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of the Sonos customer base.  Certainly not a number to base any long-term business decisions on. 


You may be right, but as I posted on another thread, that’s what General Motors thought in the 60’s when they cut back on QC to save money and let buyers get their cars fixed more often…..  

My biggest frustration with the new app is selecting the room you want to control. I have a play 5 in my kitchen and an amp that controls speakers n my patio. The app will not let me switch from the play 5 to the amp. I select 5-6 times and it keeps going back to the kitchen. It is not useable. It has taken as many as ten times to make the rooms switch to the right room. It has them in alphabetical order and keeps going back to the first one. I have 4 rooms and only one is somewhat playable. Not sure where QA was on this design testing. 

Please bring back the search function for my music.

Please bring back the ability to control volume individually on each speaker in my system. 


I am now forced to use my laptop to get these faetures!

Why have an app?

Sonos doesn’t give a crap about their customers, that’s pretty clear. They know they have a problem and are doing nothing to correct it. 

I suspect there will be no rollback to the previous version because some file or files in the update were used (and modified) from the previous version. Since those files are modified with the upgrade, they can’t go back. If this is accurate is was a really poorly planned upgrade. When rolling out a “big bang” upgrade you better damn sure know it works and they clearly knew it DIDN’T work and they let it go into production anyway.

Make it hurt for them. Tell everyone you know to stay away from the Sonos product because they're incompetent. Post it everywhere you can on social media, tell anyone thinking about buying this garbage. Hitting the wallet is the only thing that will get their attention.

I just want the old App back. The new one doesn’t load properly or what does load has many previous features missing, eg All my playlists have disappeared, I can’t believe how bad you have made my Sonos experience. I’ve spent a lot of money on your system (4 x Play 1’s,  Amp, 2 x Sonos Connects, Playbar and Sonos Move but now I’m wondering what to do as it’s so frustrating as I can’t do what I did previously. Are you going to fix these issues or do I dump it all and go down another route????

It seems that constructive or any criticism is a waste of time.

New app- no good. Worked just fine (minus missing a few old features) for a few days. Now, all of my systems are missing from the app. Can’t find or reconnect to my home soundbar or surround speakers. App even fails to control the speakers I have in my restaurant. ALL of my systems dropped from the app at once and it doesn’t matter what platform I’m running it on or how many wifi and hardware resets I do on multiple networks… it’s just flat out broken. 



Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.


I can’t believe how bad sonos has s*** the bed on this new app that has a mind of its own!

I cannot control any of my devices, songs will leap into the next song after 30 seconds of play and then it will change sound groups without me touching any part of the new app...this app is fonrnicated! 

Somebody said they are going back to Bose and at this point I totally agree!

Sonos needs to FIRE the CEO, and now, and already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Moderator edit: Combined posts


In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

Worst app update in the history of app updates. I used to love Sonos. This update rendered my systems ( I have several) completely useless. Won’t re-sync. Won’t reconnect to my network. Blah blah blah. Nightmare.  Sonos is garbage for doing this.

Disgustingly horrible app update. My systems (I have multiple) are now useless.  Won’t reconnect to my network. Disappeared from my app completely. Tried reconnecting, rebooting, resetting, etc. all in vain. Used to love Sonos. In one fell swoop they’ve destroyed the trust of many loyal customers.  I’ve spent thousands on several rooms full of speakers. Not likely to ever spend another penny again with them. Too annoying to deal with this.

I spent £2.3k yesterday ordering a new system to replace my Sonos set up as I don't trust them to sort this out in a timely manner or to not do it again in future. As I don't stream music I don't feel as if I'm a consideration. I take delivery on Monday and assuming it all works Sonos will be out of my house and my life. In future I'm going to be very vocal is steering people away from this brand, whereas previously I was advocating it.

Just wish I could send my bill to the CEO.

Still no radio for my speakers, do we just have too settle for ,lack off functionality on this horrendous app

Finally bit the bullet and upgraded from S1 to S2 as wanted the Era 300 pair.  Spent a few thousand as had quite a few old items.  What a nightmare!

One port taking hours to update, never finishes, two factory resets still not working.

Era 300 took about 5 attempts to set up and another few hours to get to stereo pair.

S2 app is nothing like as good as S1, albums in a long list (I liked the tile view in S1], no alphabetic scroll, can’t add to queue so can’t make a playlist, app is very clicky and not as easy or clean as S1, no tablet view, all seems phone size, flipping adverts!, adding devices is very flaky to say the least.  Each new device taken at least three attempts to connect (two days in and have 5 out of 10 set up!)

So feature rich, no, easy to use, no, intuitive er no.

Not impressed at all, anyone buying new Sonos kit I would now say please don’t.  Go roon instead.

And I am a software engineer and electronics guru.  Just saying.
