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In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.


I own 2 Era 300's and no other Sonos products. Is there any way to downgrade them to S1? Would downgrading them restore basic functionality?

I own 2 Era 300's and no other Sonos products. Is there any way to downgrade them to S1? Would downgrading them restore basic functionality?

Era 300s won’t work with S! as they are too new.

Of the list of issues that have bene posted here, what ones are impacting you most?

Have you fired all the competent people working at Sonos?

Please give the possibility to roll back to the previos version!!!

This new app sucks big time!!


I have never in my life experienced an update so extremly bad!!!!!

EVERYTHING about it is bad and at least 10 steps back.


Again!!, please admit you have wasted money on a crappy release, and let us user roll back to the previus version, that was working fine…….!!!!

It will be interesting to see which fury gets neutralised by the app update later today. I am hoping for a decent changelog on a number of issues - a digital fire extinguisher, if you will...

Who the heck approved and gave green light to this piece of S*%T app at Sonos? SHAME! SHAME!

In the iPad app I now get an ad with the text “Introducing Sonos Roam 2”. Why? I find it appalling and greedy of you to try and make me buy more products from you, in the app!


Concentrate on fixing the app instead of creating content that equals to ads! 

The X-button on the ad does nothing so I can’t even remove it. AND I AM NOT BUYING ANOTHER SONOS PRODUCT UNTIL YOU FIX THE APP OR ROLL BACK TO THE PREVIOUS APP.

I spent £2.3k yesterday ordering a new system to replace my Sonos set up as I don't trust them to sort this out in a timely manner or to not do it again in future. As I don't stream music I don't feel as if I'm a consideration. I take delivery on Monday and assuming it all works Sonos will be out of my house and my life. In future I'm going to be very vocal is steering people away from this brand, whereas previously I was advocating it.

Just wish I could send my bill to the CEO.

It is so disappointing. At the same time, I get every second day a newsletter to buy new Sonos products, like headphones, etc. I do believe, this rubbish update was to promote new products. 
Sonos, if you don't react quickly, lots of users will drop Sonos. Sad. Really sad.

I wish they would do a rollback, test it properly, and then release it.
Regarding the CEO, like this, the CEO will not work much longer at Sonos.

I am concerned that Sonos will not exist in a few months/years due to this complete mess.  Their strength is their installed base- few have both Sonos and Bose systems.  Once someone leaves Sonos to another system, they will never come back.  If this is a 7-8% departure then Sonos can recover.  If the departure is in the 20-25+% range then corporate meltdown is next.

PLease fix all these glitches! Music goes in and out throughout all my speakers. Takes 5 minutes to play music when opening app. And yes, its the same wifi I had setup for the last app. Also takes a long time to shut everything down! Bring back the old settings!!!!!!!!Please.

Interesting- obviously the executives at Sonos know about the future of the company:  Over the past year, there have been no insider buys and 17 insider sells at Sonos Inc, indicating a trend where insiders are choosing to sell shares rather than purchase them.


I am concerned that Sonos will not exist in a few months/years due to this complete mess.  Their strength is their installed base- few have both Sonos and Bose systems.  Once someone leaves Sonos to another system, they will never come back.  If this is a 7-8% departure then Sonos can recover.  If the departure is in the 20-25+% range then corporate meltdown is next.

Sonos will definitely still be here in a few months and it is also unlikely that they will cease to exist in a few years either.

They will have a few lessons to learn from this attempt to extend their market to grow their business.

Let’s not ignore the fact that Sonos has evolved from a speaker company focused on local music, adding TV Surround Sound, then Streaming Services, more recently portable speakers and now headphones. Sorry if I have the order wrong and for progressions that I have missed but I think you get the picture.

The whole S1/S2 issue will have been driven by some of this and now we see the S2/S3 (my naming) issue.

So far most of us have followed because it suits our purposes. For me Sonos is still great for multi room music and because of this I use a PlayBar, PlayBase and Beam for music as well as their primary use case of TV. In fact the PlayBase is not connected to a TV at all.

Sure some people will sell up an leave, some will maintain their systems as they are and some will continue as if nothing happened.

The latest evolution seems odd, who would of thought that headphones were not a natural extension and that the Sonos USP would be TV not music? Not me.

Others may disagree with me but I think that two things will help Sonos avoid the 20/25% attrition that you fear will bring them down.

  1. No one does multi room as well as Sonos
  2. Sonos still offer a great range of speakers  (small, medium, large, soundbars and subs)

Wait six months for them to fix the app, that’s how long I think it will take, and I’m pretty sure that the outlook will be different. 

We have many deployments in the field where we needed to route the Sonos traffic across vlans. After updating the iOS apps, we no longer able to discover the connect to the system. I tested with the latest windows app and that worked fine. After looking at some packet capture, I found the issue.

The iOS phones are sending SSDP discovery packets with a TTL value of 1 which means the routing protocol I have configured won't be able to route traffic between VLANs.

The Windows app has the TTL value set to 4.

I know this won’t get a priority from the Sonos team but the fix for this one is so easy and simple. This will save so much a headache for many large deployments out there.

ymetry… That’s amazing that you could figure that out. There lies the rub with such “updates.”  The average, lowly users like myself, could never sleuth the problem(s) to such a degree.  It took a long time for me on this forum to finally find a solid link - posted by another smart user like yourself - that enabled me to go back to what I had before the app update (as it pertains to the Mac S2 Sonos desktop controller)

How did you solve the problem, or can you post the link? I also have the problem that I can't reach the speakers if the controller is in a different VLAN... :(

Does anyone else hate this new update? So difficult to navigate. I want the old one back, can we revert to the old?

how do you “end session” when streaming?

why isn’t there a master fader when joining speakers together?

why is there no longer a volume count(I used to sync these with my television output.

so many dislikes. It’s just a very unlikeable, strange layout and difficult to navigate. 

The SONOS management is incredibly stubborn. The latest update finally restored the „sleep timer“ functionality. But the App remains as it was (bad basic design, slow), still search for the local Music Library does not work („classic search“)… 

To whom it may 

My family and I absolutely despise the new Sonos app update. Is there a way to go back to the old app?

Build number 80.02.04 till excludes local libraries from search, and you still can’t skip down artists alphabetically. No indication of digital volume level and most annoyingly, no way to change source from within a speaker/speaker group. Essentially, still a POS and I’m still using SonoPhone and the thankfully unchanged macOS app instead.

Just applied the latest update to the Sonos App and I can report that the Sleep option is back.  However, the limit of 100 tracks for Amazon Music playlist has not been addressed.  Hopefully that is going to be addressed in an upcoming update.

Quite apart from all the missing features it is also insanely slow. 

dont upgrade!  the new sonos app does not work, its broken..

happy broken sonos day, nothing new in this modern world .


It’s absolutely shocking 😳 

Saludos a atoda la comunidad creía que era el único con problemas con la actualización de la aplicación y estoy tan estresado ya casi 15 días sin poder a volver a configurar mi sistema simplemente no puedo la aplicación es un dolor de cabeza quiero iniciar sesión y simplemente se sierra lo e intentado con 4 dispositivos diferentes sin éxito, estoy tan desepcionado es increíble que sea una marca de prestigio y sus productos sean tan caros y simplemente su aplicación no sirva para nada con su actualización y no solucionen el problema y los de soporte tampoco puedan solucionarte nada 15 días y pinches bocinas nomás las veo de adorno que desepcion creo si no corrigen pronto eso ya no me quedarán ganas de recomendar esta marca y mucho menos adquirir más productos valla manera de gastar dinero en bosinas que no puedo escuchar así aigan dejado la versión pasada era tan feliz 


Moderator edit:
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Greetings to the entire community, I thought I was the only one with problems updating the application and I'm so stressed, almost 15 days without being able to reconfigure my system, I just can't, the application is a headache, I want to log in and it just stops I have tried it with 4 different devices without success, I am so disappointed, it is incredible that it is a prestigious brand and its products are so expensive and its application is simply useless with its update and does not solve the problem and the support cannot either solve nothing for you 15 days and f***ing speakers I only see them as decoration what a disappointment I think if they don't correct that soon I will no longer feel like recommending this brand and much less buy more products just way to spend money on speakers that I can't listen to so they've left the last version was so happy

I am concerned that Sonos will not exist in a few months/years due to this complete mess.  Their strength is their installed base- few have both Sonos and Bose systems.  Once someone leaves Sonos to another system, they will never come back.  If this is a 7-8% departure then Sonos can recover.  If the departure is in the 20-25+% range then corporate meltdown is next.

Sonos will definitely still be here in a few months and it is also unlikely that they will cease to exist in a few years either.

They will have a few lessons to learn from this attempt to extend their market to grow their business.

Let’s not ignore the fact that Sonos has evolved from a speaker company focused on local music, adding TV Surround Sound, then Streaming Services, more recently portable speakers and now headphones. Sorry if I have the order wrong and for progressions that I have missed but I think you get the picture.

The whole S1/S2 issue will have been driven by some of this and now we see the S2/S3 (my naming) issue.

So far most of us have followed because it suits our purposes. For me Sonos is still great for multi room music and because of this I use a PlayBar, PlayBase and Beam for music as well as their primary use case of TV. In fact the PlayBase is not connected to a TV at all.

Sure some people will sell up an leave, some will maintain their systems as they are and some will continue as if nothing happened.

The latest evolution seems odd, who would of thought that headphones were not a natural extension and that the Sonos USP would be TV not music? Not me.

Others may disagree with me but I think that two things will help Sonos avoid the 20/25% attrition that you fear will bring them down.

  1. No one does multi room as well as Sonos
  2. Sonos still offer a great range of speakers  (small, medium, large, soundbars and subs)

Wait six months for them to fix the app, that’s how long I think it will take, and I’m pretty sure that the outlook will be different. 

 While I agree with many of Gaham’s observations.  One nagging issue for me is this move to web-based control of our audio system.  Sure some stoic super-fans on these forums are having little to no lag issues, yet for the majority of Sonos users, having to have most/all of their commands go out on the internet to Sonos’ servers and back just to do simple commands is going to cause continued discontent with the use of the new paradigm/app (which now is more of a wrapper for  Plus there are security issues already listed by tech-savvy/sophisticated users on these forums to consider. 

The sad bits for my family, friends, associates (who I use to elevate Sonos to), is that it WAS working fine and now it is NOT!  They aren’t generally techies, they just want to play their local and streaming audio and are SICK and TIRED of having to learn whole new interfaces to do so!

That and the Sonos’ leadership appears arrogant, stubborn, and clearly LIED with their promises (same features and functions) on the roll-out of this mess. Most of these folks are not complaining online, but have already moved on to other options in the market and selling off their troublesome gear.  They will NEVER be back! 

Sonos’s CEO has the 99% argument upside down. The old MBA adages was something like: When you mess up a product of service 99% of those impacted customers will not bother to complain and just move on to your competitor.  The 1% who do complain are taking the time to make your company better, LISTEN to them and don’t mess up again! 

I’m less optimistic than Gaham, yet I do want my $10k + of audio gear (purchased over 10 years) to work in the future so I’m NOT wishing for Sonos’ demise, just a whole new leadership team and more responsible board members.  


Congratulations to those that have been able to work out which functions are missing from the new S2 app - for me I can’t even work out how to use the basic functions. I have been a Sonos user for many years (and also work in technology) but the new app is so counter-intuitive that it is impossible to use. Nothing is in an obvious place. There are too many steps to do simple tasks. SIgnposting is non-sensical. And that’s before I’ve even mentioned any of the actual bugs.

Worst. Update. Ever.

Just applied the latest update to the Sonos App and I can report that the Sleep option is back.  However, the limit of 100 tracks for Amazon Music playlist has not been addressed.  Hopefully that is going to be addressed in an upcoming update.

Add to the end of the queue is also back. At least in the menu. But so far the response have been “something went wrong”.

To be fair, this was not unheard of with the old app. Or the Windows app for that matter.

By the way, I made a test and disconnect my network cable to the outside world. The Windows app became entirely unusable. It said that that no system was present.

I could still stop and start the music in the Windows app.

That is not really what they call a resilient design.

By the way, I made a test and disconnect my network cable to the outside world. The Windows app became entirely unusable. It said that that no system was present.

I could still stop and start the music in the Windows app.

That is not really what they call a resilient design.

Same for me. I had a short internet outage,  thought the controllers would switch over to local control but they didn’t.

DO NOT UPDATE TO THE NEW APP !!!! This new app is a MAJOR step backwards - kind of surprising that it is released????

I have 9 speakers and he old app worked fine !! - to play different music on different floors…. This new app is so complex in doing that…. to try to select different speakers and music - and then have it WORK ??!!.   I get a lot of ERROR messages.??!!   And to individually adjust volume on different speakers, well that is a hit and miss.     We have two newer iPhones for control - and we have to hit the volume buttons some 6-7 times to get a response from this new app. (its as if the screen does not feel the touch)   The old app had no such problems!!! 

PLEASE BRING THE OLD APP BACK !!  Last 7 years I have got my friends into SONOS - this app will now stop me recommending SONOS.

Please do something rational here, something to end this !!!
