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In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

DO NOT UPDATE TO THE NEW APP !!!! This new app is a MAJOR step backwards - kind of surprising that it is released????

I have 9 speakers and he old app worked fine !! - to play different music on different floors…. This new app is so complex in doing that…. to try to select different speakers and music - and then have it WORK ??!!.   I get a lot of ERROR messages.??!!   And to individually adjust volume on different speakers, well that is a hit and miss.     We have two newer iPhones for control - and we have to hit the volume buttons some 6-7 times to get a response from this new app. (its as if the screen does not feel the touch)   The old app had no such problems!!! 

PLEASE BRING THE OLD APP BACK !!  Last 7 years I have got my friends into SONOS - this app will now stop me recommending SONOS.

Please do something rational here, something to end this !!!

I am concerned that Sonos will not exist in a few months/years due to this complete mess.  Their strength is their installed base- few have both Sonos and Bose systems.  Once someone leaves Sonos to another system, they will never come back.  If this is a 7-8% departure then Sonos can recover.  If the departure is in the 20-25+% range then corporate meltdown is next.

Sonos will definitely still be here in a few months and it is also unlikely that they will cease to exist in a few years either.

They will have a few lessons to learn from this attempt to extend their market to grow their business.

Let’s not ignore the fact that Sonos has evolved from a speaker company focused on local music, adding TV Surround Sound, then Streaming Services, more recently portable speakers and now headphones. Sorry if I have the order wrong and for progressions that I have missed but I think you get the picture.

The whole S1/S2 issue will have been driven by some of this and now we see the S2/S3 (my naming) issue.

So far most of us have followed because it suits our purposes. For me Sonos is still great for multi room music and because of this I use a PlayBar, PlayBase and Beam for music as well as their primary use case of TV. In fact the PlayBase is not connected to a TV at all.

Sure some people will sell up an leave, some will maintain their systems as they are and some will continue as if nothing happened.

The latest evolution seems odd, who would of thought that headphones were not a natural extension and that the Sonos USP would be TV not music? Not me.

Others may disagree with me but I think that two things will help Sonos avoid the 20/25% attrition that you fear will bring them down.

  1. No one does multi room as well as Sonos
  2. Sonos still offer a great range of speakers  (small, medium, large, soundbars and subs)

Wait six months for them to fix the app, that’s how long I think it will take, and I’m pretty sure that the outlook will be different. 

 While I agree with many of Gaham’s observations.  One nagging issue for me is this move to web-based control of our audio system.  Sure some stoic super-fans on these forums are having little to no lag issues, yet for the majority of Sonos users, having to have most/all of their commands go out on the internet to Sonos’ servers and back just to do simple commands is going to cause continued discontent with the use of the new paradigm/app (which now is more of a wrapper for  Plus there are security issues already listed by tech-savvy/sophisticated users on these forums to consider. 

The sad bits for my family, friends, associates (who I use to elevate Sonos to), is that it WAS working fine and now it is NOT!  They aren’t generally techies, they just want to play their local and streaming audio and are SICK and TIRED of having to learn whole new interfaces to do so!

That and the Sonos’ leadership appears arrogant, stubborn, and clearly LIED with their promises (same features and functions) on the roll-out of this mess. Most of these folks are not complaining online, but have already moved on to other options in the market and selling off their troublesome gear.  They will NEVER be back! 

Sonos’s CEO has the 99% argument upside down. The old MBA adages was something like: When you mess up a product of service 99% of those impacted customers will not bother to complain and just move on to your competitor.  The 1% who do complain are taking the time to make your company better, LISTEN to them and don’t mess up again! 

I’m less optimistic than Gaham, yet I do want my $10k + of audio gear (purchased over 10 years) to work in the future so I’m NOT wishing for Sonos’ demise, just a whole new leadership team and more responsible board members.  


Good observations. But for me going forward the inability to play music without an internet connection is a deal breaker. We have frequent outages here and that is just no acceptable. I have already switched to BlueSound and am not looking back. I have $8k worth of Sonos equipment (mostly fairly new) sitting in boxes now, waiting for the right time to sell. It is sad because I actually like the Sonos harware. But the software and the company are not worth supporting. I have had enough, even though the switch is costing a bundle of money in a difficult economy. The security issues also bother me. With each passing day I have less and less confidence in big brother.

I've been a software engineer for a long time and I've seen this cycle so many times. A company comes up with a great product and quickly responds to customer desires leading to great success. Then they stop listening. Thousands of people are all saying "we want the old app back". Why do you not make it available? It wouldn't be that hard. Have a beta group volunteer to test the new app with a rollback option. Instead you are letting your entire reputation go right down the drain.

When are they going to Fix the new App.


The old one was much easier.  This one is garbage!!!

I was on vacation came home to find out the new version of Sonos SUCKS! 
I rebooted system thinking it was an update error. Nope I cannot even airplay from pandora then have Sonos kick in with others in the home so they can skip or see what’s playing, volume control suck trying to add all speakers sucks, one set of speakers we’re playing music from god only knows from where I had to unplug evince again.


Sonos sold me thousands of dollars worth of garbage. Now it is all junk. My next step is the Better Business Bureau. 

I would much rather spend my time listening to good music than tinkering with a broken app, and am thinking of axing my sonos system, pulling out my old amp, buying some nice hardwired speakers, and stop worrying about our music system going AWOL the day before we are having a party. Anyone else thinking similar?

I am concerned that Sonos will not exist in a few months/years due to this complete mess.  Their strength is their installed base- few have both Sonos and Bose systems.  Once someone leaves Sonos to another system, they will never come back.  If this is a 7-8% departure then Sonos can recover.  If the departure is in the 20-25+% range then corporate meltdown is next.

Sonos will definitely still be here in a few months and it is also unlikely that they will cease to exist in a few years either.

They will have a few lessons to learn from this attempt to extend their market to grow their business.

Let’s not ignore the fact that Sonos has evolved from a speaker company focused on local music, adding TV Surround Sound, then Streaming Services, more recently portable speakers and now headphones. Sorry if I have the order wrong and for progressions that I have missed but I think you get the picture.

The whole S1/S2 issue will have been driven by some of this and now we see the S2/S3 (my naming) issue.

So far most of us have followed because it suits our purposes. For me Sonos is still great for multi room music and because of this I use a PlayBar, PlayBase and Beam for music as well as their primary use case of TV. In fact the PlayBase is not connected to a TV at all.

Sure some people will sell up an leave, some will maintain their systems as they are and some will continue as if nothing happened.

The latest evolution seems odd, who would of thought that headphones were not a natural extension and that the Sonos USP would be TV not music? Not me.

Others may disagree with me but I think that two things will help Sonos avoid the 20/25% attrition that you fear will bring them down.

  1. No one does multi room as well as Sonos
  2. Sonos still offer a great range of speakers  (small, medium, large, soundbars and subs)

Wait six months for them to fix the app, that’s how long I think it will take, and I’m pretty sure that the outlook will be different. 

 While I agree with many of Gaham’s observations.  One nagging issue for me is this move to web-based control of our audio system.  Sure some stoic super-fans on these forums are having little to no lag issues, yet for the majority of Sonos users, having to have most/all of their commands go out on the internet to Sonos’ servers and back just to do simple commands is going to cause continued discontent with the use of the new paradigm/app (which now is more of a wrapper for  Plus there are security issues already listed by tech-savvy/sophisticated users on these forums to consider. 

The sad bits for my family, friends, associates (who I use to elevate Sonos to), is that it WAS working fine and now it is NOT!  They aren’t generally techies, they just want to play their local and streaming audio and are SICK and TIRED of having to learn whole new interfaces to do so!

That and the Sonos’ leadership appears arrogant, stubborn, and clearly LIED with their promises (same features and functions) on the roll-out of this mess. Most of these folks are not complaining online, but have already moved on to other options in the market and selling off their troublesome gear.  They will NEVER be back! 

Sonos’s CEO has the 99% argument upside down. The old MBA adages was something like: When you mess up a product of service 99% of those impacted customers will not bother to complain and just move on to your competitor.  The 1% who do complain are taking the time to make your company better, LISTEN to them and don’t mess up again! 

I’m less optimistic than Gaham, yet I do want my $10k + of audio gear (purchased over 10 years) to work in the future so I’m NOT wishing for Sonos’ demise, just a whole new leadership team and more responsible board members.  


Good observations. But for me going forward the inability to play music without an internet connection is a deal breaker. We have frequent outages here and that is just no acceptable. I have already switched to BlueSound and am not looking back. I have $8k worth of Sonos equipment (mostly fairly new) sitting in boxes now, waiting for the right time to sell. It is sad because I actually like the Sonos harware. But the software and the company are not worth supporting. I have had enough, even though the switch is costing a bundle of money in a difficult economy. The security issues also bother me. With each passing day I have less and less confidence in big brother.

You said that “No one does multi room as well as Sonos.”  This is rather humorous because it is partially true and therefore not true. If you just look at the harware, there is probably some truth in this statement. But if you look at the system as a whole, hardware, software and support, Sonos is arguably the worst multi room audio system. For audiophiles it is the absolute worst because the Sonos company is no longer even trying to serve people who have large local music collections and want to enjoy them locally, without this insipid dependence on big brother Sonos watching and controlling every move. Sonos a year from now will be a streaming platform only. Period. Maybe that is the largest part of the audience. But for the rest of us, there are much, much better options. Sonos has competition, solid competition, from companies like Denon and Bluesound who are not willing, so far, to just throw away part of the market, and users who have been faithful for years. I don’t wish Sonos anything bad. But I am offended by the way I and others who have been treated. It is not just bad business. It is wrong. It is theft of the worst kind.  False advertising. 

So far, nobody has offered one scintilla of evidence that Sonos is eliminating local libraries.  Every problem with local libraries can be easily explained by the removing of support for the (supposedly) insecure SMB v1, or as another in a long list of stuff that wasn’t finished before the extremely premature release of this app.  Otherwise one could scream from the rooftops that Sonos is “eliminating alarms.  They hate people who have to get out of bed!!!!  ZOMG!!!”, and then on the very next release they look like a fool.

So stop with the FUD, this app is bad enough without all the tin-foil hat conspiracy nonsense.

@mbushell in its current incarnation there is no doubt that the app is the weak link in the Sonos solution and there is no point having great multiroom support in the firmware of the speakers if you cannot add/remove rooms easily or add/remove songs in active playlists.

Personally I don’t see Sonos as Audiophile level what I like is the synchronisation across multiple rooms across a variety of speakers that suit the room.

If someone else can offer the tight synchronisation that Sonos does then I am happy to be corrected and will consider their products for the future. Because one thing most people agree with is that Sonos can no longer be trusted to honour our investment. 

So this morning I’m getting the now-dreaded update message on my OSX app. Which I am afraid to do after it took so long to get some semblance of my system working. 

Has anyone else been brave enough to try, and did it help or harm?

The lastest App update has me now considering changing speaker brands...Worst piece of crap user interface I have ever used.  Navigation must have been designed by a competitor to drive out business.  If there is any way to revert I would love to hear it?

Downloaded today's app update on Android. I only have a Roam and for me, the biggest problem was that everytime I opened the app, it couldn't find the Roam and I had to open and close the app a number of times to get it to connect. 

Following the update, the app connects to the Roam immediately, first time. For me  this is a major improvement. I know many are having other problems  but for me, all is now looking much better. Never thought this would be the case. 

First off, HATE the new app in general (like everyone else). What used to be a great user experience has now turned listening to music on these great speakers into a very frustrating, annoying chore.

My biggest issue is how the new app now defaults to whatever the first speaker in the system list is. In our home, this means that it defaults ALL music to our Beam + Sub that is also used as our entertainment system for our TV. So, when my wife is watching TV, and I want to use my Roam or Move to listen to music (out in our garage for example), as soon as I start playing music, the Beam she is watching TV with starts playing the music I had selected… and then it is really annoying to have to uncheck those system components to get the music to play where I want it to. Not only that, but then she has to re-select the Beam + Sub as the audio source for the TV.

The old app would remember where you last sent music, whether it was a single speaker or grouping of speakers. This new setting cannot be considered a “feature”, as I cannot figure out why anyone would want to have to constantly be selecting and unselecting speakers and groups every single time.


Downloaded today's app update on Android. I only have a Roam and for me, the biggest problem was that everytime I opened the app, it couldn't find the Roam and I had to open and close the app a number of times to get it to connect. 

Following the update, the app connects to the Roam immediately, first time. For me  this is a major improvement. I know many are having other problems  but for me, all is now looking much better. Never thought this would be the case. 

For clarity, the app still has problems and I still prefer the previous version but I see this update as a big step in the right direction. I accept those with multiple speakers may well still be having problems.  While it's great that Sonos seem to be addressing the problems, it is a shame this wasn't done before release of the app. 


So far, nobody has offered one scintilla of evidence that Sonos is eliminating local libraries.  Every problem with local libraries can be easily explained by the removing of support for the (supposedly) insecure SMB v1, or as another in a long list of stuff that wasn’t finished before the extremely premature release of this app.  Otherwise one could scream from the rooftops that Sonos is “eliminating alarms.  They hate people who have to get out of bed!!!!  ZOMG!!!”, and then on the very next release they look like a fool.

So stop with the FUD, this app is bad enough without all the tin-foil hat conspiracy nonsense.

Try starting the new app with no internet. You cannot access local stores. The app will not even allow basic functionality. It supports local stores if you are connected to the internet. Otherwise not. I read somewhere that 99% of the few million Sonos users are interested in streaming only. That explains everything. The new direction is for a web-based app only. THAT is where these problems are focused. Sonos has made this decision and they are willing to jettison anyone who prefers a different model. 

Try starting the new app with no internet. You cannot access local stores. The app will not even allow basic functionality. It supports local stores if you are connected to the internet. Otherwise not. I read somewhere that 99% of the few million Sonos users are interested in streaming only. That explains everything. The new direction is for a web-based app only. THAT is where these problems are focused. Sonos has made this decision and they are willing to jettison anyone who prefers a different model. 


None of which is actual evidence that Sonos is eliminating local libraries.  Think rationally for a second . . .   If Sonos is eliminating local libraries, why in the world would they waste their time disabling SMB v1 support?  The only thing SMB v1 is for is local libraries, nothing else Sonos does depends on SMB v1.  So if the one function is going away, why bother wasting the manhours?  Also, why announce they are going to fix the searching (or any other function) of local libraries, if local libraries are going away?  

Don’t fall for the FUD, and stop spreading it even if you do.  There’s enough crap in this update to enrage the mob enough, you don’t need to be making more crap up. 

So far, nobody has offered one scintilla of evidence that Sonos is eliminating local libraries.  Every problem with local libraries can be easily explained by the removing of support for the (supposedly) insecure SMB v1, or as another in a long list of stuff that wasn’t finished before the extremely premature release of this app.  Otherwise one could scream from the rooftops that Sonos is “eliminating alarms.  They hate people who have to get out of bed!!!!  ZOMG!!!”, and then on the very next release they look like a fool.

So stop with the FUD, this app is bad enough without all the tin-foil hat conspiracy nonsense.

Try starting the new app with no internet. You cannot access local stores. The app will not even allow basic functionality. It supports local stores if you are connected to the internet. Otherwise not. I read somewhere that 99% of the few million Sonos users are interested in streaming only. That explains everything. The new direction is for a web-based app only. THAT is where these problems are focused. Sonos has made this decision and they are willing to jettison anyone who prefers a different model. 


This is a biggie for me. It’s not that my Internet is unreliable, it’s just that local library playback should have no real dependencies on the internet, full stop. It does make me wonder exactly what data they’re getting from this and what purpose it serves, irrespective of their promise not to sell your data.

Realistically, the app should function for local library playback without any internet access. That it doesn’t is a deliberate Sonos design decision.

Volume Control is all over the place. Various scenarios: 

Press volume control buttons - No response 

Play an instagram video - Sonos music volume will jump to full volume. No way to turn it from without going to the Sonos app. 

Play TikTok - Sonos music will mute / pause 

Volume slider in the app is non-responsive or extremely laggy. 


One of Sonos’ main features is its multi-room control and app. I'm baffled why they would release this untested app with less features than the last one. They should just roll back at this point. 

Why oh why Sonos can’t I get the app to select a new room?

It keeps playing in the bedroom and I cannot force it to play in the living room. 
It’s driving me crazy, Sonos administrators!!!!!!!   

Dear admin,

Please see the dozens of complaints about room selection!

It’s absolutely unacceptable and useless!!

Please, please, please, oh please do something about this. Feed this message to your developers please. 


This is a biggie for me. It’s not that my Internet is unreliable, it’s just that local library playback should have no real dependencies on the internet, full stop. It does make me wonder exactly what data they’re getting from this and what purpose it serves, irrespective of their promise not to sell your data.

Realistically, the app should function for local library playback without any internet access. That it doesn’t is a deliberate Sonos design decision.


A legitimate beef, but still not one that proves Sonos is “eliminating local libraries”, which is all I was talking about.  As to the data, Sonos doesn’t need (nor ever has needed) an internet based loop to gather your data.  It’s been gathering data for years.  


This is a biggie for me. It’s not that my Internet is unreliable, it’s just that local library playback should have no real dependencies on the internet, full stop. It does make me wonder exactly what data they’re getting from this and what purpose it serves, irrespective of their promise not to sell your data.

Realistically, the app should function for local library playback without any internet access. That it doesn’t is a deliberate Sonos design decision.


A legitimate beef, but still not one that proves Sonos is “eliminating local libraries”, which is all I was talking about.  As to the data, Sonos doesn’t need (nor ever has needed) an internet based loop to gather your data.  It’s been gathering data for years.  


Yep, sorry, I was replying to the other poster (mbushell) but this forum is a bit c**p for quoting. I’m not too fussed about Sonos collecting my data, and realise it has been for years, but I take umbrage at the app not working with local libraries without Internet access.

Sonos surely know this but why is your new app so incredibly useless and why haven't you sorted it out? Numerous updates since the launch and it's still rubbish. Two main issues, once you mange to get it to work instead of playing on the ERA speaker as the previous day it decides to play off the Arc. When you fight the app to correct itself and you wish to change tracks it states no system found even though it's playing! As Sonos appear to be incapable of fixing the many bugs in the app or can't be bothered you have and will continue to lose many many customers. 
