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In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

  1. App response time is so slow.  Over 10 seconds, up to minutes.  Needs to be instantaneous.  Nothing less.  Change the song, advance the song, turn down the music, etc.  If someone asks me to turn down music, and my new average is 30-60s, that is unacceptable.  We are now using bluetooth countertop speakers waiting for Sonos to resolve.
    1. It is not our WIFI, so let’s not start with that.
  2. Our least used grouping is now apparently the ‘default’ room where the app constantly tries to suggest we play in that room.  That room is for a movie.  I apparently cannot change the default, so now cue #1 above.
  3. I now have several more clicks to play with the volume - we always have our multiple speakers at different volumes to achieve the balance we want  - quieter in the kitchen while eating/talking, while louder in the adjacent room for surround sound.

This is actually really bad. We are about to install Sonos cieling speakers in a new house and we are asking for alternatives.  We play music ALL THE TIME and Sonos app controller is literally preventing me from playing music.  Why?   Luckily I have one old speaker in our bedroom on the S1 and that is executing logically with a user experience based on the primary purpose of playing music.

It was worth scrolling through 54 pages of the incisive commentary on the junk quality of the SONOS refurbished app to add my reply. My app barely loads. Every time I open it, I get this: “Not connected”. Wait 20 seconds. Then finally it registers to my system. Wait more … some icons appear. Some never appear (favourites). (The old version was not slow and it worked.)

So. I am DONE with Sonos App! 

Like 100s of others: I suggest Sonos goes back to the old version! 

How many comments do you need before you do something? 


I have been without a Sonos app for 30 days to control my expensive Sonos system. 

The iPhone Sonos app is no longer available to me. It is unacceptable that I had auto-update switched off and now I have no access to the original S2 version on my Sonos app that worked perfectly well to control my expensive speaker system.  Sonos just shut me out with a locked message saying software update required.  I am in complete limbo. Unconscionable!

The internet is flooded with complaints about the new app, and customer support can take hours to speak to someone. 

And now Sonos wants me to agree to a new terms of agreement, to an app that I do not want, to let me access it. 

Just let me say that Sonos has 60 days to make me whole again.

I used to love you


You are SO BAD now


Who ever you hired in the last two years should be fired. 

The new app is horrible! Hope they are working on it though. I used to love adjusting the the volume on different speakers to get it just right.

Now it does not even connect when I try to use the roam as surround sound speakers! Cant connect…Fix it please! I used to praise how great sonos was but anyone new would not know how to make it work.

After update the application, Trueplay for ARC stopped working. What is happening whith Sonos and its engineers? This is very serious. This is the second time This has happened because of their updates. When are they going to fix This mess?

Seriously Trueplay isn't working with my iPad Air 4 right now, what happened to Sonos? I can only do Trueplay with my Sonos Five and not with my ARC, this is unheard of.

Moderator edit: combined posts


This app update is terrible, the music is turning off and on so we cant really use the system. And it doesnt load the songs when searching. Need to keep restarting the phone to make it work again. Then after a couple of times it goes back to not working. Have deleted the app and reinstalled it a couple of times, does nothing.. 

Dear SONOS, 


Something went wrong. Try again. 



You sold me my system with the promise I could easily build and edit playlists using your app. 

As you’ve removed this key feature, please would you arrange to collect my kit and issue a full refund. 

Thank you. 

This latest update to the app is the worst. It’s awful to use, how can you go back to the previous version?

One other thing I hope will be added in the app in future updates: in the old app you were able to open the queue, while the audio source is set to TV. In the new app, you can't.

It was functionality I used quite frequently, for example, to play music while commercials are playing on the TV.


For years I’ve always defended Sonos, but the new app just disappointed me. 

Reading all of the comments helps me know that my opinion about the app is not wrong.

•Terrible app
•Difficult to use.
•Where is the “Related Artists” button? While I’m listening to music I use to search related artist to find my next song adding it to the queue. 🥺
•How can you choose the system before you choose the song.?  You have to play a song, then realize that the song is playing in other room and then you can change it. That’s really frustrating.
Thanks for adding the queue functions, And the timers.

Really dont understand how a company like Sonos would release a new app that is worse than the last one. It is almost unstable, it disconnects ever 5 mins even when music is playing. Please revert back to the old version, and work on something better. 

  • Playback still interrupts.
  • Speakers still don’t sync.
  • Many seconds of lag between command and implementation.
  • Navigation within the app is still awful.
  • Why does it keep saying “LINE IN” as the source when I am not using Line In?

When friends came round before May we would pass round the iPhone to play music and it was simple to use.  I wouldn’t do so now, it would be embarrassing.

When is this all going to be fixed??

The new app was working okay for me (I am not a power user), though it is really slow and I find it difficult to navigate (how do I select the speaker I want to play on before I start playing music??). 


Now however, our speakers are unusable. Yesterday when another family member updated to the new Sonos app on their iphone, it somehow dropped all speakers from our system and I am now in an endless loop trying to add them back through factory resets. I successfully added back a Roam, but when I tried to add back a Play:5 (gen 2, i think), it errored and asked me to re-start my mobile device. When I did that and re-started the Sonos app, it had lost the Roam from the system. It also cannot find the 5. It seems like I am going to have to factory reset *again*.

The old Sonos app provided numerical volume percentages when adjusting the volume. It looks like the new app no longer does this. Is anyone else wishing this old feature still existed?  And/or has anyone figured out how to bring back the numerical values?

Please, please, can we have the ability to revert to the previous version of the Sonos App whilst you fix all the issues with new App! 

The usability reliability of the new app is quite frankly shocking.  Friday night I had a house full of friends and I could not control any of the eight speakers I have.  It was frustrating, annoying and quite embarrassing. I had to revert to a cheap Bluetooth speaker in the end!! 

It’s extremely laggy, unable to control the volume, certain speakers don’t appear in the list. The music stops randomly in one set of speakers if it’s paired with another.  It plays only a handful of songs from my playlists then stops.  It’s shocking - all this equipment and it’s sitting there useless.  I’ve tried Apple and Android devices and to no avail.  Please do something about your app. It wasn’t broken before so what needed fixing!  I’m very angry as I’ve invested in your tech that you have seemingly broken by lack of testing.

Easy fix would be to allow users to download and use the previous app version but until then all the speakers in my house are useless.

Adding to my list of complaints about the new app:

I am listening to a playlist of my local music (Music Library):

  1. I click on the queue and it doesn’t automatically bring me to the current track.  This playlist has 3300+ songs.  I need to scroll to find where it is currently at? The prior app didn’t require that.
  2. I cannot edit the queue anymore?  Seriously? 

Sigh. I have been a loyal Sonos customer for over a decade but I may be out if they don’t fix this soon. Sonos has competitors now.


Are you listening Sonos? You are losing customers in order to sell headphones.  Really?


I am Missing:

- direct Access to Playlists instead of hiding  them under favourites 

  • editing playlists: delete Songs by swiping Right or left- actually I cannot remove Songs quickly from a List within the list- or it is hidden so well i am not able to find it.


I hate to jump on the bandwagon, but dear God, who were the basic subjects for this update other than users? I have a system in two homes and now I have to select a system instead of it just connecting based on the WiFi network. Who thought that was an upgrade? 

It also looks like somebody threw up on the screen and it’s not at all intuitive.  Whoever authorized this for GA should get demoted so they can watch how a fix is supposed to happen (assuming the special individual that approved the release didn’t fire the competent people that understood customer needs. 

I was able to go back to Sonos 2 on my PC (phone app still doesn't work for shit) Started it and got this…

...Really Sonos?..REALLY? I’ll take “Limited Functionality” as opposed to “No Functionality” any day...

It seems to be rule in the smart phone era that everytime a functional app is updated it becomes bloated, less user friendly and less reliable. Congratulations SONOS, in one fell swoop you’ve won the prize for the most non-functional, impossible to use and system breaking update. You are now the king of worse than useless app updates.

I own a dozen speakers in an advanced custom smart home and have done a ton of troubleshooting with your products over the years. Now I can’t even turn music on without scouring online help forums.

That you released and plan to stick with this garbage is the final insult. I think you have plenty of feedback elsewhere on why.

What’s the best way to unload a dozen sonos products and find a workable alternative?

Or can anyone link me to 3rd party software that successfully hacks the hardware, since the company insists on bricking it? I pay for it, and they don’t let me use it.

I just don’t get how they can get away with this, the new update they released few days ago as made all my speakers disappear. Can’t use the speaker to watch movies or listen to music.Its such a joke

Has anyone noticed that the Amazon ratings for all Sonos products has mostly been 1 star since the update.  This will impact sales for some time.

You all must know just what a piece of uselessness the new app is right? I can’t even begin to name all the issues it causes. It completely boggles the mind that you’d ever release it. 
