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Yesterday we released a new update to both iOS and Android.


The update has the following version numbers:


80.02.05 (Android)

80.02.04 (iOS)


Please note that you may need to check for updates in the App Store in order to update during the first few days of the release.


With this update we've added or improved some of the following features you all have been asking about:


  • Mute button (on iOS)

  • Play Next & Add to End of Queue

  • Sleep timers

  • Improved local library connectivity

  • Improved Trueplay setup (on iOS)

  • Added distance settings for surrounds

  • Ability to update older firmware systems


Check out the full release notes here.


We've still got a road ahead of us and here is what’s coming soon:


  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June

  • Playback controls including mute and volume numbers: June

  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June

  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July

  • Create and edit local music library: July

  • Improved Autoplay settings: July

  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July

  • Snooze alarms: TBD


We appreciate your continued patience.



Update 17 June 2024:



Today we release another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.03.06 - iOS
80.03.03 - Android


This update brings a number of fixes and additions that you've been asking for.

In this update:

  • Introduced mute button on Android.

  • Added numerical values to the volume and group-volume sliders.

  • Updated the volume icon to reflect the volume level on iOS.

  • Added stereo or mono configuration for Amp/Port output on iOS.

  • Improved TalkBack screen reader support for volume sliders on Android.

  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection on iOS.

  • Expanded support for service reauthorization on Android.


Check out the full release notes here.



Update 1 July 2024:


Today we released another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:

 80.04.04 - iOS
80.04.04 - Android


This update brings a number of fixes and additions that you've been asking for.

Check out the full release notes here.

In this update:

  • Added multi-product setup for professional installers for iOS
  • Improved accessibility for configuring alarms with VoiceOver and Talkback
  • Added autoplay setting for analog devices using line-in for Android
  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection for Android
  • Added timezone settings for iOS
  • Added the option to forget a system in order to connect to or create a new system for iOS
  • Improved notification for player firmware updates on Android



Update 18 July 2024:


Today we released another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.05.01 (Android)

80.05.01 (iOS)


Please note that you may need to check for updates in the App Store in order to update during the first few days of the release.


With this update we've added or improved some of the following features you all have been asking about:

  • Added setup, configuration, and search for local Music Library
  • Improved account settings for Sonos Pro subscribers
  • Improved line-in autoplay and compression settings
  • Improved accessibility in Settings
  • Improved notification for player firmware updates 
  • Updated the volume icon to reflect the volume level
  • Amp/Port can be configured for Stereo or Mono output in Android
  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp


Check out the full release notes here.


We've still got a road ahead of us and here is what’s coming soon:

  • Playlist editing
  • Downgrade from S2 to S1
  • Persistence of offline devices 
  • Additional configuration settings



A few notes about Local Music Library Functionality


Fixes for all of the following issues will be addressed in future updates. 

We appreciate your patience!


  • After adding/removing a share, there can be a delay during reindexing where it’s not clear that Music Library indexing is happening, and some leftover elements of a removed share can still show up during reindexing. Be patient - it is in fact, still indexing. 
  • Music Library Search is not accessible in the controller without access to the Internet.
  • Local Music Library will not work for alarms.


Additional things to consider specifically on Android:


  • The “More” menu, Play Now and Play Next options may fail with "something went wrong" for local library content. Local Music Library albums are also currently unable to be favorited. 
  • - When a new library share is added, it doesn't appear in the music library settings page. The share does appear if you dive into Music Library > Folders. It may appear if the share disappears after closing/reopening the app, but the share is successfully added.

Things to consider specifically on iOS: 


  • No album art of Albums in Sonos Favorites


Update 6 August 2024:


Today we released another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.06.04 (Android)

80.06.03 (iOS)


Please note that you may need to check for updates in the App Store in order to update during the first few days of the release.


With this update we've added or improved some of the following features you all have been asking about:

In this update:

  • Introduced TV Audio swap for Sonos Ace from Arc, Beam, Beam 2, and Ray on Android
  • Added TV Audio swap for Sonos Ace from Beam, Beam 2, and Ray on iOS
  • Added S2 to S1 downgrade tool 
  • Improved smoothness and reduced latency for Group Volume controls on iOS
  • Added mute buttons for individual products in Group Volume controls
  • Added Group Volume controls from the Now Playing screen on iOS
  • Added the ability to clear the queue on iOS
  • Improved performance for large queues on iOS
  • Added the ability to “forget system” on Android
  • Improved reliability for speech enhancement and night mode settings on iOS
  • Improved reliability when starting playback from a playlist on Android


Check out the full release notes here.



Update 27 August 2024:



Today we release another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.07.03 - iOS
80.07.05 - Android


This update brings a number of fixes and additions that you've been asking for.

In this update:

  • Accessibility improvements in Settings
  • Improved smoothness and reliability for product setup
  • Added the ability to clear the queue on Android
  • Added Night Sound toggle in Room Settings for sound bars


Check out the full release notes here.



 Update 19 September 2024:


Today we release another update for the new Sonos app.

This update will be rolled out for iOS and Android separately.

Here is a quick look at what is going to be available for both iOS and Android updates:

iOS - (Available starting today)
Version 80.09.05

  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Improved performance when browsing content in Home and in Browse
  • Improved queue management including ability to delete, reorder and scroll
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Continued improvements to the user interface
  • Added Trueplay support for iOS 18


Note: This iOS update will be deployed in phases over the coming days. Please allow until Tuesday to receive via automatic updates. If you add a player to your system, you’ll be prompted to update during setup. If you’d like to get the update sooner, go to the App Store, locate the Sonos app, and tap the Update button. 

Android - (Scheduled for September 24


  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Added setting to change the Alexa wake word language


Check out the full release notes here.


Maybe they are fixing this bug that was still present as of May 2024 



I think that’s an indexing issue with some USB linked-to-router shared libraries which users were using SMBv1 to index their library before switching to SMBv2 to share it - its being investigated I believe, but in @BrianJG’s case I understand it’s a MAC shared library which I suspect is using the http protocol through the DCR and a user/share has perhaps not been put in place for the library folders - but that’s just a guess on my part.

There are at least some people who appear to have correctly configured a network share of a MacOS folder (Sonos able to connect to the share) and then run into issues during indexing. The linked thread below is one example. The person in this thread provides evidence suggesting their issue is related to cumulative length of the metadata being built up in the index. Not sure if this is specific to MacOS shares though or if its an issue for all very large libraries.


Maybe they are fixing this bug that was still present as of May 2024 



I think that’s an indexing issue with some USB linked-to-router shared libraries which users were using SMBv1 to index their library before switching to SMBv2 to share it - its being investigated I believe, but in @BrianJG’s case I understand it’s a MAC shared library which I suspect is using the http protocol through the DCR and a user/share has perhaps not been put in place for the library folders - but that’s just a guess on my part.

I don’t believe it was limited to  just usb libraries but if they haven set up the smb share correctly it’s definitely not this. 

There are at least some people who appear to have correctly configured a network share of a MacOS folder (Sonos able to connect to the share) and then run into issues during indexing. The linked thread below is one example. The person in this thread provides evidence suggesting their issue is related to cumulative length of the metadata being built up in the index. Not sure if this is specific to MacOS shares though or if its an issue for all very large libraries.

Thanks for the cross-reference @osm, this is quite interesting! Two some-odd weeks back I made the observation that because the new app/new architecture is a blank-sheet-of-paper rewrite, lots of exceptions and corner cases are no longer properly handled. Those “lost lessons” will need to be re-discovered, re-debugged, and re-fixed before the new app/new architecture “just works” as well as the v16.1 app.

I suspect that many of the “works for me, broken for you” issues have such a root cause. Re-running the discover-debug-fix gauntlet will take time, as the difference between broken and working may be extremely subtle. In this case of this Mac user, it could be a single array in the v16.2 firmware that is not sized correctly; it could even be a new interaction between the v16.2 firmware and Sonos servers.

Those of us trying to help users diagnose and fix such “works for me, broken for you” issues can hopefully keep all this in mind when trying to help on these forums.

Whilst I, like many others, have been critical of the new app and specifically it being released before it was ready, I think the development need some recognition for the hard work that they have done in the last 4 weeks. 

Whist it is still not fully function and performs badly for many users this is a lot better than the initial version so congratulations and please keep up the good work. 

Are you high? The programmers, I’m positive, warned management that it wasn’t ready and full of bugs. Management pushed ahead with the rollout anyway. Now, we they are decimating their public reputation as far as quality product and service goes. I have posted many…not so stellar reviews…due to this recent change. This is not how you run a business. This is the entire reason you have beta testers. I’ve done several beta tests with Sonos and didn’t see anything regarding testing for this new interface or functionality testing. 

Today’s release has not fixed anything...actually, it is worse.

So updated just now and as well as all the ongoing issues, Sonos app now has a bug. Well of course it does, I just updated it and my system is up to date. It just keeps crashing even after cache is cleared. Thumbs up to Sonos. 


Hey @kevinboardley, are you on a Samsung device? I ask because I do not get that fabulous pop-up when the app crashes on my Android tablet.

IMHO, that pop-up is Peak FUBAR™️ … and that’s a high bar after the past two months of fubar.

Dear Sonos: Don’t send me another update. Don’t expect me to download another update. DO NOT force another update on me…

Unless and until you have a finished product that, at the very least, includes all of the basic functions we enjoyed before you involuntarily recruited all of us for this science project two months ago sand still counting, with no end in sight]. 

I didn’t sign up for any of this. I’m a Sonos client because I want to play music without a lot of fuss. I had everything I wanted until early May 2024. I was a happy camper.

Now I’m not happy. Not a bit. Please fix what you broke. Please do not ask me to help you fix it. That’s not in my job description.

Thanks for your time and attention.


Dear Sonos: Don’t send me another update. Don’t expect me to download another update. DO NOT force another update on me…

Unless and until you have a finished product that, at the very least, includes all of the basic functions we enjoyed before you involuntarily recruited all of us for this science project two months ago sand still counting, with no end in sight]. 

I didn’t sign up for any of this. I’m a Sonos client because I want to play music without a lot of fuss. I had everything I wanted until early May 2024. I was a happy camper.

Now I’m not happy. Not a bit. Please fix what you broke. Please do not ask me to help you fix it. That’s not in my job description.

Thanks for your time and attention.

You don’t have to install the updates @chambolle, just disable the firmware auto-updates in the Sonos App and switch-off the App auto-install too for your controller device and sit back and wait until you personally decide to install the latest versions of the App/firmware.

Ken: At the moment, the auto-update slider is disabled [greyed out and inactive] in my Sonos app. I assume that means I won’t be forced to update. But at this point, who knows what’s going to happen next. 

My post was submitted in hopes the Sonos folks who initiated this string soliciting feedback are paying attention. And in hopes they’re going to hear us and have a sense of urgency to restore full functionality to our Sonos systems without considerable additional delay.

Which seems to be a vain hope thus far. 

Dear Sonos: Don’t send me another update. Don’t expect me to download another update. DO NOT force another update on me…

Unless and until you have a finished product that, at the very least, includes all of the basic functions we enjoyed before you involuntarily recruited all of us for this science project two months ago sand still counting, with no end in sight]. 

I didn’t sign up for any of this. I’m a Sonos client because I want to play music without a lot of fuss. I had everything I wanted until early May 2024. I was a happy camper.

Now I’m not happy. Not a bit. Please fix what you broke. Please do not ask me to help you fix it. That’s not in my job description.

Thanks for your time and attention.

You don’t have to install the updates @chambolle, just disable the firmware auto-updates in the Sonos App and switch-off the App auto-install too for your controller device and sit back and wait until you personally decide to install the latest versions of the App/firmware.

So I'll just take pot luck then on when I should update to get back functionality unless of course I am forced to do so lest working functionality in the app is disabled.

I used to recommend Sonos. For some considerable time now, I warn people to steer clear. This is what happens when companies are driven purely by shareholder value. Customers go hang because you don't matter.

And I go to my desktop controller and sure enough functionality disabled until I update. I just thought of a very rude expletive.

Hey @kevinboardley, are you on a Samsung device? I ask because I do not get that fabulous pop-up when the app crashes on my Android tablet.

IMHO, that pop-up is Peak FUBAR™️ … and that’s a high bar after the past two months of fubar.

Yes. Android. Started last night after update. Now I can't use it all. It hust crashes and closes within seconds of opening. 

Hey @kevinboardley, are you on a Samsung device? I ask because I do not get that fabulous pop-up when the app crashes on my Android tablet.

IMHO, that pop-up is Peak FUBAR™️ … and that’s a high bar after the past two months of fubar.

Yes. Android. Started last night after update. Now I can't use it all. It hust crashes and closes within seconds of opening. 

Maybe this week’s app update will fix it.

Just tried support 40 minute wait, have to go to work.  Chat bot  reporting no agents available.

My questions will be, just in case anyone is looking here:  

  1. Are they aware of this and if so, and they require a diagnostic,
  2. how am I to send one given that the android app keeps crashing (edited: removed the desktop app still allows diagnostics)
  3. If I update the desktop controller will I have absolutely no way of switching anything on or off other than unplugging from the wall?

What an unmitigated disaster. This sort of thing should spell either an end to a company or at very least its CEO in any economy that is managed even slightly for the benefit of the end consumer.

Just tried support 40 minute wait, have to go to work.  Chat bot  reporting no agents available.

My questions will be, just in case anyone is looking here:  

  1. Are they aware of this and if so, and they require a diagnostic,
  2. how am I to send one given that the android app keeps crashing and the desktop controller functionality if disabled until I update. 
  3. If I update the desktop controller will I have absolutely no way of switching anything on or off other than unplugging from the wall?

What an unmitigated disaster. This sort of thing should spell either an end to a company or at very least its CEO in any economy that is managed even slightly for the benefit of the end consumer.

Yes they are definitely aware.

If you do a diagnostic collection post the details here so that the Sonos Team can pick them up.

I suspect that they are getting a lot of unsolicited diagnostics so it will help them to help you if you communicate the details. 

Just tried support 40 minute wait, have to go to work.  Chat bot  reporting no agents available.

My questions will be, just in case anyone is looking here:  

  1. Are they aware of this and if so, and they require a diagnostic,
  2. how am I to send one given that the android app keeps crashing
  3. If I update the desktop controller will I have absolutely no way of switching anything on or off other than unplugging from the wall?

What an unmitigated disaster. This sort of thing should spell either an end to a company or at very least its CEO in any economy that is managed even slightly for the benefit of the end consumer.

Yes they are definitely aware.

If you do a diagnostic collection post the details here so that the Sonos Team can pick them up.

I suspect that they are getting a lot of unsolicited diagnostics so it will help them to help you if you communicate the details. 

I have, you replied to it.  ************


Moderator Note: Recorded and removed diagnostics number. Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Yesterday we released a new update to both iOS and Android.


The update has the following version numbers:


80.02.05 (Android)

80.02.04 (iOS)


Please note that you may need to check for updates in the App Store in order to update during the first few days of the release.


With this update we've added or improved some of the following features you all have been asking about:


  • Mute button (on iOS)

  • Play Next & Add to End of Queue

  • Sleep timers

  • Improved local library connectivity

  • Improved Trueplay setup (on iOS)

  • Added distance settings for surrounds

  • Ability to update older firmware systems


Check out the full release notes here.


We've still got a road ahead of us and here is what’s coming soon:


  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June

  • Playback controls including mute and volume numbers: June

  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June

  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July

  • Create and edit local music library: July

  • Improved Autoplay settings: July

  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July

  • Snooze alarms: TBD


We appreciate your continued patience.


Update 17 June 2024:



Today we release another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.03.06 - iOS
80.03.03 - Android


This update brings a number of fixes and additions that you've been asking for.

In this update:

  • Introduced mute button on Android.

  • Added numerical values to the volume and group-volume sliders.

  • Updated the volume icon to reflect the volume level on iOS.

  • Added stereo or mono configuration for Amp/Port output on iOS.

  • Improved TalkBack screen reader support for volume sliders on Android.

  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection on iOS.

  • Expanded support for service reauthorization on Android.


Check out the full release notes here.


Update 1 July 2024:


Today we released another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:

 80.04.04 - iOS
80.04.04 - Android


This update brings a number of fixes and additions that you've been asking for.

Check out the full release notes here.

In this update:

  • Added multi-product setup for professional installers for iOS
  • Improved accessibility for configuring alarms with VoiceOver and Talkback
  • Added autoplay setting for analog devices using line-in for Android
  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection for Android
  • Added timezone settings for iOS
  • Added the option to forget a system in order to connect to or create a new system for iOS
  • Improved notification for player firmware updates on Android


What a load of garbage. I haven’t had access to anything except Sonos Radio for two months. 

Now (7/19/24) it doesn’t work at all.  Come on, Sonos, talk to us!  What is going on & when?

Now (7/19/24) it doesn’t work at all.  Come on, Sonos, talk to us!  What is going on & when?

Maybe it’s something local to you causing your App not to work?... It’s perhaps a little slow in some areas, but the App should now be working… it’s definitely working okay here.

Edit: If you can’t get the Sonos App to work maybe give Sonos Support a call. Here is the link to contact them:

Now (7/19/24) it doesn’t work at all.  Come on, Sonos, talk to us!  What is going on & when?

Since the ‘update’ a few days ago my app is even less responsive that it had been before.  Having to resort to using the buttons on the speakers to switch off when needed as the control doesn’t even register any speakers.  I suspect that a certain lack of responsivness will be a inherent ‘feature’ of the cloud based system that will never be resolved.  Promises, promises, promises that even when delivered never quite hit the mark.  Controlling my bluetooth speaker is more relaible and therefor emore ‘enjoyable’ as an experience.

Now (7/19/24) it doesn’t work at all.  Come on, Sonos, talk to us!  What is going on & when?

Maybe it’s something local to you causing your App not to work?... It’s perhaps a little slow in some areas, but the App should now be working… it’s definitely working okay here.

Edit: If you can’t get the Sonos App to work maybe give Sonos Support a call. Here is the link to contact them:

Well aren’t you the lucky one.  Seems that this is not the case for many prople on the forums.  No local library I see.


I’ve uninstalled & reinstalled on my S22 twice… “Something went wrong with Sonos  Sonos closed because this app has a bug.  Try updating this app after its developer provides a a fix for this error.”  Message comes after it crashes.  I live in Washington, DC.  Also, I have wasted a lot of time with your support since the update.  Not looking forward to another round because I have a life.

Well aren’t you the lucky one.  Seems that this is not the case for many prople on the forums.  No local library I see.

Yes, I have a local SMBv3 NAS. That’s always worked in the new App. There’s Artwork missing on Android controllers, but it’s not too bad on iOS controllers.. as per below. I guess it would be nicer to view onscreen if the Artwork could be made available at some later point, though maybe not considered a priority at the moment, perhaps?

25,697 tracks.. 👍

I’ve uninstalled & reinstalled on my S22 twice… “Something went wrong with Sonos  Sonos closed because this app has a bug.  Try updating this app after its developer provides a a fix for this error.”  Message comes after it crashes.  I live in Washington, DC.  Also, I have wasted a lot of time with your support since the update.  Not looking forward to another round because I have a life.

FYI It’s a bug in the new POS app. A work around for some people is to not use local library music, only streaming.