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New Sonos App Update!

Yesterday we released a new update to both iOS and Android.


The update has the following version numbers:


80.02.05 (Android)

80.02.04 (iOS)


Please note that you may need to check for updates in the App Store in order to update during the first few days of the release.


With this update we've added or improved some of the following features you all have been asking about:


  • Mute button (on iOS)

  • Play Next & Add to End of Queue

  • Sleep timers

  • Improved local library connectivity

  • Improved Trueplay setup (on iOS)

  • Added distance settings for surrounds

  • Ability to update older firmware systems


Check out the full release notes here.


We've still got a road ahead of us and here is what’s coming soon:


  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June

  • Playback controls including mute and volume numbers: June

  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June

  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July

  • Create and edit local music library: July

  • Improved Autoplay settings: July

  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July

  • Snooze alarms: TBD


We appreciate your continued patience.



Update 17 June 2024:



Today we release another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.03.06 - iOS
80.03.03 - Android


This update brings a number of fixes and additions that you've been asking for.

In this update:

  • Introduced mute button on Android.

  • Added numerical values to the volume and group-volume sliders.

  • Updated the volume icon to reflect the volume level on iOS.

  • Added stereo or mono configuration for Amp/Port output on iOS.

  • Improved TalkBack screen reader support for volume sliders on Android.

  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection on iOS.

  • Expanded support for service reauthorization on Android.


Check out the full release notes here.



Update 1 July 2024:


Today we released another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:

 80.04.04 - iOS
80.04.04 - Android


This update brings a number of fixes and additions that you've been asking for.

Check out the full release notes here.

In this update:

  • Added multi-product setup for professional installers for iOS
  • Improved accessibility for configuring alarms with VoiceOver and Talkback
  • Added autoplay setting for analog devices using line-in for Android
  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection for Android
  • Added timezone settings for iOS
  • Added the option to forget a system in order to connect to or create a new system for iOS
  • Improved notification for player firmware updates on Android



Update 18 July 2024:


Today we released another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.05.01 (Android)

80.05.01 (iOS)


Please note that you may need to check for updates in the App Store in order to update during the first few days of the release.


With this update we've added or improved some of the following features you all have been asking about:

  • Added setup, configuration, and search for local Music Library
  • Improved account settings for Sonos Pro subscribers
  • Improved line-in autoplay and compression settings
  • Improved accessibility in Settings
  • Improved notification for player firmware updates 
  • Updated the volume icon to reflect the volume level
  • Amp/Port can be configured for Stereo or Mono output in Android
  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp


Check out the full release notes here.


We've still got a road ahead of us and here is what’s coming soon:

  • Playlist editing
  • Downgrade from S2 to S1
  • Persistence of offline devices 
  • Additional configuration settings



A few notes about Local Music Library Functionality


Fixes for all of the following issues will be addressed in future updates. 

We appreciate your patience!


  • After adding/removing a share, there can be a delay during reindexing where it’s not clear that Music Library indexing is happening, and some leftover elements of a removed share can still show up during reindexing. Be patient - it is in fact, still indexing. 
  • Music Library Search is not accessible in the controller without access to the Internet.
  • Local Music Library will not work for alarms.


Additional things to consider specifically on Android:


  • The “More” menu, Play Now and Play Next options may fail with "something went wrong" for local library content. Local Music Library albums are also currently unable to be favorited. 
  • - When a new library share is added, it doesn't appear in the music library settings page. The share does appear if you dive into Music Library > Folders. It may appear if the share disappears after closing/reopening the app, but the share is successfully added.

Things to consider specifically on iOS: 


  • No album art of Albums in Sonos Favorites


Update 6 August 2024:


Today we released another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.06.04 (Android)

80.06.03 (iOS)


Please note that you may need to check for updates in the App Store in order to update during the first few days of the release.


With this update we've added or improved some of the following features you all have been asking about:

In this update:

  • Introduced TV Audio swap for Sonos Ace from Arc, Beam, Beam 2, and Ray on Android
  • Added TV Audio swap for Sonos Ace from Beam, Beam 2, and Ray on iOS
  • Added S2 to S1 downgrade tool 
  • Improved smoothness and reduced latency for Group Volume controls on iOS
  • Added mute buttons for individual products in Group Volume controls
  • Added Group Volume controls from the Now Playing screen on iOS
  • Added the ability to clear the queue on iOS
  • Improved performance for large queues on iOS
  • Added the ability to “forget system” on Android
  • Improved reliability for speech enhancement and night mode settings on iOS
  • Improved reliability when starting playback from a playlist on Android


Check out the full release notes here.



Update 27 August 2024:



Today we release another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.07.03 - iOS
80.07.05 - Android


This update brings a number of fixes and additions that you've been asking for.

In this update:

  • Accessibility improvements in Settings
  • Improved smoothness and reliability for product setup
  • Added the ability to clear the queue on Android
  • Added Night Sound toggle in Room Settings for sound bars


Check out the full release notes here.

@Marco.B the new features for the app including alarms, add next to queue, add to end of queue and sleep timer weren’t available in my app despite being fully updated. Many other people have experienced this as well.

The reason why the features aren’t available is because we are using DNS based privacy/add blocking on our networks. Whitelisting all * traffic isn’t enough, the features only become available if we allow the third party servers that you are using to deliver adds in the app. No features without ads.

Is this a bug or mistake or will we need to keep allowing sonos in app adds and third party tracking/ad servers to keep receiving the new features?

Until I saw this I thought the users who were posting about Sonos looking to create revenue from subscriptions using the new app were being paranoid 😂Now I’m not so sure ☹️ Why would you want to “hide” basic features behind a web based validation process? Besides adding unnecessary latency to the app the potential for the apps functionality to be disabled through an error or data corruption will impact reliability.

It will also make it impossible to play music from their local network during an Internet outage.

This looks like a case of centralised management gone crazy. 

@Ken_Griffiths Thank you, I understand the Play Now part.  But does “improved settings” plural mean they have more in mind for that bullet point than just Play Now?  I’d really like to know what their plan is for queue reordering and deleting.

There’s also ‘Play in another room’ so maybe it’s that? .. note these are the ‘Playback settings’ - The ’room queue management’ such as editing/re-ordering/saving/clearing a queue is a different topic - I’ve not seen anything mentioned about those things, at least not so far, but assume they will make an appearance at some point in the new App.

So far after the update I have no truplay so that is NOT a welcome additional feature. 1 week of ownership and feeling a ton of regret.

So far after the update I have no truplay so that is NOT a welcome additional feature. 1 week of ownership and feeling a ton of regret.

Did you also run the system firmware update after the app update?

Android 80.02.05

Have been able to see my local library ever since early May update. No album art yet. 

What concerns me in particular is no reference to Sonos Playlists which allowed so much flexibility and integration of both local and network material. Cannot get the Sonos Favourites to save anything as a partial workaround either.

Same here: the new Android app has far more issues than the iOS app, and that is saying something. Sonos Favorites are entirely un-functional for me on the Android app, and work AOK on the iOS app. Seriously frustrating.


Did find this... the 'at a future date' worries me a little as I am still waiting for free beer tomorrow... 🤔

The reason why the features aren’t available is because we are using DNS based privacy/add blocking on our networks. Whitelisting all * traffic isn’t enough, the features only become available if we allow the third party servers that you are using to deliver adds in the app. No features without ads.

Yo, @Bumper! I ran packet capture and performed a cornucopia of reverse DNS lookups to find the source of ads running in the new app. I’m reasonably certain they’re from, better known as Google. Try whitelisting * and see if the full feature set is enabled.

I totally get that whitelisting Google all but defeats the purpose of running an adblocker. Don’t shoot the messenger and stuff.

The reason why the features aren’t available is because we are using DNS based privacy/add blocking on our networks. Whitelisting all * traffic isn’t enough, the features only become available if we allow the third party servers that you are using to deliver adds in the app. No features without ads.

Yo, @Bumper! I ran packet capture and performed a cornucopia of reverse DNS lookups to find the source of ads running in the new app. I’m reasonably certain they’re from better known as Google. Try whitelisting * and see if the full feature set is enabled.

I totally get that whitelisting Google all but defeats the purpose of running an adblocker. Don’t shoot the messenger and stuff.

Haha appreciate this. Damn, Google, anything but Google 🤣. Checking my logs I don’t see at all but maybe they are using another alias?

Can’t edit my original post - meant to also say I’ll test out white listing and will post back 

Play next add to queue will make a bit happier. I post a lot of screenshots of the Sonos app so getting it a bit prettier would be a bonus.

Haha appreciate this. Damn, Google, anything but Google 🤣. Checking my logs I don’t see at all but maybe they are using another alias?

Yeah, absolutely: packet capture gives me raw IP addresses that I feed into reverse DNS, which yields “least common denominator” domains. For example, I get ‘’ rather than ‘’. If your logs are ordered chronologically, you’ll see a whole lot of activity (90%) with a smattering of ad activity (10%) mixed in.

So far after the update I have no truplay so that is NOT a welcome additional feature. 1 week of ownership and feeling a ton of regret.

Did you also run the system firmware update after the app update?

I did not One of my Era300s Had an update for the firmware, but none of the other stand. Ultimately, I had to reset all the speakers And start a set up over again, three times before it finally updated all the speakers and then after that, the EQ settings would function properly so I had to reset one more time. 
I’m just concerned with how much I spent for These Speakers they should function a lot better. After owning these for about a week, I can’t count the amount of times I’ve had to completely reset the system and I hope this isn’t something I have to do every time. Firmware update comes out. 

Yesterday we released a new update to both iOS and Android.


The update has the following version numbers:


80.02.05 (Android)

80.02.04 (iOS)


Please note that you may need to check for updates in the App Store in order to update during the first few days of the release.


With this update we've added or improved some of the following features you all have been asking about:


  • Mute button (on iOS)

  • Play Next & Add to End of Queue

  • Sleep timers

  • Improved local library connectivity

  • Improved Trueplay setup (on iOS)

  • Added distance settings for surrounds

  • Ability to update older firmware systems


Check out the full release notes here.


We've still got a road ahead of us and here is what’s coming soon:


  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June

  • Playback controls including mute and volume numbers: June

  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June

  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July

  • Create and edit local music library: July

  • Improved Autoplay settings: July

  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July

  • Snooze alarms: TBD


We appreciate your continued patience.

So now the ability to have your own local music library has moved from mid-June to JULY?

Go back to the old app until you get this worked out and stop experimenting as you go! 

Like many, I bought SONOS specifically to play my own music, and that is no longer possible. It is THE MOST BASIC FUNCTION of any media centre. If you cannot do that, buy back our equipment. 

In this latest release, why did they remove the volume up button and force you to use a slider to adjust the volume? It’s such terrible UI. The side is finicky and prone to being mis-tapped. The volume buttons required simple taps and were dead easy to use. 

I’m 70 with lots of Sonos speakers that don’t work. I feel like I’ve been handed a box of parts and to figure out what I can put together. For now, I’ve dug out an old SANGEAN radio with a thumb drive to play my music. I may be dead by the time Sonos works this out. 

The reason why the features aren’t available is because we are using DNS based privacy/add blocking on our networks. Whitelisting all * traffic isn’t enough, the features only become available if we allow the third party servers that you are using to deliver adds in the app. No features without ads.

Yo, @Bumper! I ran packet capture and performed a cornucopia of reverse DNS lookups to find the source of ads running in the new app. I’m reasonably certain they’re from, better known as Google. Try whitelisting * and see if the full feature set is enabled.

I totally get that whitelisting Google all but defeats the purpose of running an adblocker. Don’t shoot the messenger and stuff.

@press250 whitelisting * didn’t work.  I’m away from my system for a few days and will give it another try early next week.

Sonos needs to be more transparent about the Android updates. They claim that the 6/4 update restore queue management and that is a HALF-TRUTH at best. Yes on the app on mobile phone and NO on the Tablet app.


Tell us the truth.  A botched rollout is one thing; not being truthful is another.   

Posting from Japan.Since it is a Google translation, there may be some strange English expressions.When I updated the iOS app, I was prompted to update arc and sub, so when I tried to do so, an error message appeared and I was unable to update.I tried dozens of times without success.Even if I disconnect the arc+one+sub system once, reset it, and try to update it individually, it doesn't work.The system is currently in hibernation mode because it has been disassembled and cannot be updated.It seems that this is probably a problem on Sonos' side, so I would like to see an immediate improvement.

Hi ! I have bought a Sonos move yesterday & have spent many hours , Reading EVERYTHING possible & carrying out numerous times , Installing, deinstalling (

80.02.05 (Android)) , restarting Routers, Resets of Speaker & accounts & app !!! I suggest that TOP management take note that there are millions of very angry Sonos owners that will BLACK mark your company if you do not sort out the basics !!! I can not register my Sonos move (error 1101 ) therefore the speaker is useless & will be being returned !! & reading the similar catastropic reports on sonos move 2 & other owners experiences with your software !!!!!!!! No one is able to use their products !!! P.S. I even phoned the hotline , but when get an automated message that the waiting time is 85 minutes !!! Then your poor employees are going to be the next thing you lose !!!! The basic problem of your software has to be solved or you are sinking like the Titanic !!! 

I didn’t comment on why it was initially released early - In truth, I personally would choose to not give a comment on that matter, as I have not personally seen the reasons why the App was released before it was perhaps finished.

Hi @Ken_Griffiths, the answer to this question was made clear by @tuckerseverson during the AMA: 

“Over time we “cross-faded” our engineering attention into the new app. We need to make the new app be the app going forward so we stop splitting our attention.”

This means that at a given time, they decided to stop developing new features to the old app to avoid having to code the same features twice and optimize resources. So, the code to allow the launch of Ace and Roam 2 was developed for the new app and not for the older one. With the coming launch of these, the app team had no other choice than launch the new app even knowing it was incomplete.

Since this update, I no longer see my Arc or Beam theater systems in the IOS app or in the Windows app. Ive tried rebooting everything, but no luck.

All my other 10 Sonos speakers are there and work fine, but have lost control of my theater setups.

Anyone else see this or know how to fix it?

It's great that you are working on this.

Can't be you.

I have the latest app updated yesterday.

But Trueplay still does not work for me.

Tried with both my iPhone and two different iPads.

It plays the testing sounds for about 30 seconds.

Then the sounds stop, but the Trueplay interface continues, saying it's still listening to the test sounds, even though it's quiet. I have tried to let this continue for about 5 minutes, but it doesn't stop. So I have to finish setting up Trueplay.


System: ARC, Sub Gen 3, two ERA 300.

I have tried to connect/ disconnect the WI-FI from both the ARC and Sub, but it makes no difference.

Is there an ETA for correcting the know Roam SL compatibility Issue?  As it stands now, I purchased a very expensive paperweight.   

Add to queue just gives me the dreaded something went wrong and recently played is borked again. Seems a bit retrograde.

Yay (sarcasm). The update has bricked my Arc and sub system as it can no longer find either and won’t let me add them again. At least Airplay still works. Sonos should be ashamed of forcing this shoddy update on us before it’s ready for use. At this point I’m ready to warn everyone I know not to buy Sonos products as I’ve never had these problems with any other speakers.

Since this update, I no longer see my Arc or Beam theater systems in the IOS app or in the Windows app. Ive tried rebooting everything, but no luck.

All my other 10 Sonos speakers are there and work fine, but have lost control of my theater setups.

Anyone else see this or know how to fix it?

I have a similar problem with the Sonos app itself, though my Airplay and Windows Sonos app still work. I have read that Sonos knows of these problems but so far no fix.