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Yesterday we released a new update to both iOS and Android.


The update has the following version numbers:


80.02.05 (Android)

80.02.04 (iOS)


Please note that you may need to check for updates in the App Store in order to update during the first few days of the release.


With this update we've added or improved some of the following features you all have been asking about:


  • Mute button (on iOS)

  • Play Next & Add to End of Queue

  • Sleep timers

  • Improved local library connectivity

  • Improved Trueplay setup (on iOS)

  • Added distance settings for surrounds

  • Ability to update older firmware systems


Check out the full release notes here.


We've still got a road ahead of us and here is what’s coming soon:


  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June

  • Playback controls including mute and volume numbers: June

  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June

  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July

  • Create and edit local music library: July

  • Improved Autoplay settings: July

  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July

  • Snooze alarms: TBD


We appreciate your continued patience.



Update 17 June 2024:



Today we release another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.03.06 - iOS
80.03.03 - Android


This update brings a number of fixes and additions that you've been asking for.

In this update:

  • Introduced mute button on Android.

  • Added numerical values to the volume and group-volume sliders.

  • Updated the volume icon to reflect the volume level on iOS.

  • Added stereo or mono configuration for Amp/Port output on iOS.

  • Improved TalkBack screen reader support for volume sliders on Android.

  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection on iOS.

  • Expanded support for service reauthorization on Android.


Check out the full release notes here.



Update 1 July 2024:


Today we released another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:

 80.04.04 - iOS
80.04.04 - Android


This update brings a number of fixes and additions that you've been asking for.

Check out the full release notes here.

In this update:

  • Added multi-product setup for professional installers for iOS
  • Improved accessibility for configuring alarms with VoiceOver and Talkback
  • Added autoplay setting for analog devices using line-in for Android
  • Added support for SonosNet channel selection for Android
  • Added timezone settings for iOS
  • Added the option to forget a system in order to connect to or create a new system for iOS
  • Improved notification for player firmware updates on Android



Update 18 July 2024:


Today we released another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.05.01 (Android)

80.05.01 (iOS)


Please note that you may need to check for updates in the App Store in order to update during the first few days of the release.


With this update we've added or improved some of the following features you all have been asking about:

  • Added setup, configuration, and search for local Music Library
  • Improved account settings for Sonos Pro subscribers
  • Improved line-in autoplay and compression settings
  • Improved accessibility in Settings
  • Improved notification for player firmware updates 
  • Updated the volume icon to reflect the volume level
  • Amp/Port can be configured for Stereo or Mono output in Android
  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp


Check out the full release notes here.


We've still got a road ahead of us and here is what’s coming soon:

  • Playlist editing
  • Downgrade from S2 to S1
  • Persistence of offline devices 
  • Additional configuration settings



A few notes about Local Music Library Functionality


Fixes for all of the following issues will be addressed in future updates. 

We appreciate your patience!


  • After adding/removing a share, there can be a delay during reindexing where it’s not clear that Music Library indexing is happening, and some leftover elements of a removed share can still show up during reindexing. Be patient - it is in fact, still indexing. 
  • Music Library Search is not accessible in the controller without access to the Internet.
  • Local Music Library will not work for alarms.


Additional things to consider specifically on Android:


  • The “More” menu, Play Now and Play Next options may fail with "something went wrong" for local library content. Local Music Library albums are also currently unable to be favorited. 
  • - When a new library share is added, it doesn't appear in the music library settings page. The share does appear if you dive into Music Library > Folders. It may appear if the share disappears after closing/reopening the app, but the share is successfully added.

Things to consider specifically on iOS: 


  • No album art of Albums in Sonos Favorites


Update 6 August 2024:


Today we released another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.06.04 (Android)

80.06.03 (iOS)


Please note that you may need to check for updates in the App Store in order to update during the first few days of the release.


With this update we've added or improved some of the following features you all have been asking about:

In this update:

  • Introduced TV Audio swap for Sonos Ace from Arc, Beam, Beam 2, and Ray on Android
  • Added TV Audio swap for Sonos Ace from Beam, Beam 2, and Ray on iOS
  • Added S2 to S1 downgrade tool 
  • Improved smoothness and reduced latency for Group Volume controls on iOS
  • Added mute buttons for individual products in Group Volume controls
  • Added Group Volume controls from the Now Playing screen on iOS
  • Added the ability to clear the queue on iOS
  • Improved performance for large queues on iOS
  • Added the ability to “forget system” on Android
  • Improved reliability for speech enhancement and night mode settings on iOS
  • Improved reliability when starting playback from a playlist on Android


Check out the full release notes here.



Update 27 August 2024:



Today we release another update for the new Sonos app.

The update has the following version numbers:


80.07.03 - iOS
80.07.05 - Android


This update brings a number of fixes and additions that you've been asking for.

In this update:

  • Accessibility improvements in Settings
  • Improved smoothness and reliability for product setup
  • Added the ability to clear the queue on Android
  • Added Night Sound toggle in Room Settings for sound bars


Check out the full release notes here.



 Update 19 September 2024:


Today we release another update for the new Sonos app.

This update will be rolled out for iOS and Android separately.

Here is a quick look at what is going to be available for both iOS and Android updates:

iOS - (Available starting today)
Version 80.09.05

  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Improved performance when browsing content in Home and in Browse
  • Improved queue management including ability to delete, reorder and scroll
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Continued improvements to the user interface
  • Added Trueplay support for iOS 18


Note: This iOS update will be deployed in phases over the coming days. Please allow until Tuesday to receive via automatic updates. If you add a player to your system, you’ll be prompted to update during setup. If you’d like to get the update sooner, go to the App Store, locate the Sonos app, and tap the Update button. 

Android - (Scheduled for September 24


  • Improvements to setup flow
  • Added ability to set appearance between light mode/dark mode/system default
  • Added setting to change the Alexa wake word language


Check out the full release notes here.


What is it now, a month? I have the new app on a tablet to see how it's going, with the old one on my phone.

Basically it's still a sh*t show. 

Now it seems to occasionally work but it's hopelessly inconsistent and drops everything in a regular basis. It means my system remains unusable..... I really don't want to write off thousands of pounds but at the moment I don't have a means of playing music throughout my house.

It's been like this for too long and I beseech those ill-advised people here complimenting the engineers on the rectification work to make it clear that this just will not do. Firms who treat their customers like inadvertent beta testers deserve to go out of business. The management of the firm needed to hear that unfiltered by any mitigation that may lead them to believe they "got away with it". 

At the next board meeting they should be invited to resign having treated the most important people in the company (That's us, the poor bloody customers btw!) like crap.

Since not all users experience this, please call Sonos and give them a chance to learn why this is happening.


Will there be another app update today (one week on), or is it back to Weds per the previous ones? Or is there no update this week..?

85 min waiting time to talk to support !!


@Ken_Griffiths Thank you, I understand the Play Now part.  But does “improved settings” plural mean they have more in mind for that bullet point than just Play Now?  I’d really like to know what their plan is for queue reordering and deleting.

Any answer to this?  I fear that by re-adding Play Now and Play Next, Sonos thinks it has fixed queue management.  But they have not.  Actual fixed queue management would add back in Delete and Reorder capabilities.


Shocking that all we’re asking for is exactly what was already there before they decided to dump this new, untested, and horrible app on us.

I reset my system thinking it was a hardware or network issue. My entire 12 speaker system is now only usable as individual bluetooth speakers. Please rollback to the previous version or release a fix soon. This is highly inconvenient to not have anything working when it’s summer and I have events and parties where I would like to use my system as intended.

Factory Reset has complicated your issues. For other readers, I recommend that you do not Factory Reset without further consult.

When you attempt to reinstall your players are there any error messages? Which phone/pad are you attempting to use for the controller?

Over a month has passed since the first upate. My Beam 2 has been mute since day one. The toslink adapter that came with the Beam just stopped working after the update. The adapter does work with other products so clearly the firmware f***ed it up or Sonos just chose to stop supporting it… I can only listen to airplay. So no sound from my TV or record player. Been in contact with customer service twice and no help. My guess is that I will be months without sound on my Beam 2. Great job, Sonos. You just f***ed over half of your customers with this update. I will never buy a product from Sonos ever again. Barf. 


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

I’m on Android but I understand the iOS app has gained mute at the cost of losing the discrete volume up/down buttons either side of the volume slider. IMO this is a retrograde step. One thing I like about the new app is the discrete volume up/down buttons. It’s not really clear to me why a mute button is needed when I can just press stop/pause, but if must be added please find a way to include it that doesn’t involve getting rid of the discrete up/down buttons. 

I’m on Android but I understand the iOS app has gained mute at the cost of losing the discrete volume up/down buttons either side of the volume slider. IMO this is a retrograde step. One thing I like about the new app is the discrete volume up/down buttons. It’s not really clear to me why a mute button is needed when I can just press stop/pause, but if must be added please find a way to include it that doesn’t involve getting rid of the discrete up/down buttons. 

You can tap the volume slider line up and down to increase and decrease volume in single increments. 

I’m on Android but I understand the iOS app has gained mute at the cost of losing the discrete volume up/down buttons either side of the volume slider. IMO this is a retrograde step. One thing I like about the new app is the discrete volume up/down buttons. It’s not really clear to me why a mute button is needed when I can just press stop/pause, but if must be added please find a way to include it that doesn’t involve getting rid of the discrete up/down buttons. 

You can tap the slider on either side of the volume indicator to adjust volume in increments - but for  me I definitely preferred tapping the buttons on either side (it’s easy to hit mute by accident). 


I’m on Android but I understand the iOS app has gained mute at the cost of losing the discrete volume up/down buttons either side of the volume slider. IMO this is a retrograde step. One thing I like about the new app is the discrete volume up/down buttons. It’s not really clear to me why a mute button is needed when I can just press stop/pause, but if must be added please find a way to include it that doesn’t involve getting rid of the discrete up/down buttons. 

You can tap the volume slider line up and down to increase and decrease volume in single increments. 

I know. But I think the actual explicit targets provide a better UI. If there isn’t enough space for up/down buttons and mute, IMO it would be better to make mute the hidden element (e.g. mute by long pressing volume down).

Nope, once again, Sonos has failed me. I tried to set up my music library on a folder on my computer, and I get a 913 error message. It’s a folder on my computer. Please if anybody has any ideas? I’m all ears. 

I’m on Android but I understand the iOS app has gained mute at the cost of losing the discrete volume up/down buttons either side of the volume slider. IMO this is a retrograde step. One thing I like about the new app is the discrete volume up/down buttons. It’s not really clear to me why a mute button is needed when I can just press stop/pause, but if must be added please find a way to include it that doesn’t involve getting rid of the discrete up/down buttons. 

You can tap the volume slider line up and down to increase and decrease volume in single increments. 

I know. But I think the actual explicit targets provide a better UI. If there isn’t enough space for up/down buttons and mute, IMO it would be better to make mute the hidden element (e.g. mute by long pressing volume down).

I do agree, by the way. I was delighted to see the small and large speaker icons at either end of the volume slider line when the app was first updated. Then the mute fans became noisy (ironically) and this lovely piece of intuitive UI and UX was vanquished… Proof that the plan for the app layout had undergone as much pre-planning as the Star Wars sequels, changed on a whim...

Nope, once again, Sonos has failed me. I tried to set up my music library on a folder on my computer, and I get a 913 error message. It’s a folder on my computer. Please if anybody has any ideas? I’m all ears. 

When you go to add a folder do you use one of the first two options (“my music folder” or “another folder or a drive connected to my computer”)?

If so, have you tried the third option (networked device)? You can setup folders on your computer to be network shares (a dedicated NAS drive isn’t needed). In the not too distant future (once the desktop app is no longer supported) I suspect network shares will be the only option available for adding a folder.

I love the new app. Much easier to use and more advanced. Just make sure app and speakers are running the latest version. Restart the app and you are good to go :-)

Highly recommended and much better than the old S2.

Try to play around with the new app. Especially pulling overlay screens up/down is great.

You will be surprised :-)


I love the new app. Much easier to use and more advanced. Just make sure app and speakers are running the latest version. Restart the app and you are good to go :-)

Highly recommended and much better than the old S2.

Try to play around with the new app. Especially pulling overlay screens up/down is great.

You will be surprised :-)


Takes a lot of guts to post this amongst the circling jackals.  Prepare to get roasted.  

 Restart the app and you are good to go :-)



Restarting the app will not fix all the bugs and missing features.


Try to play around with the new app. Especially pulling overlay screens up/down is great.


Not a criticism, but would you classify yourself as a “youngster” or “oldster” (I’ll let you decide the dividing line) My observation while I’m out and about it that youngsters like minimal screens with lots of digging and scrolling. Oldsters tend not to like this. The minimal screens are perceived as “easy”. I’m and oldster and prefer denser screens that don’t require much navigation before getting to the action. Youngsters usually perceive this sort of screen as “complicated’.

I’m not bothering much until things start to get sorted for library users.

Nope, once again, Sonos has failed me. I tried to set up my music library on a folder on my computer, and I get a 913 error message. It’s a folder on my computer. Please if anybody has any ideas? I’m all ears. 

When you go to add a folder do you use one of the first two options (“my music folder” or “another folder or a drive connected to my computer”)?

If so, have you tried the third option (networked device)? You can setup folders on your computer to be network shares (a dedicated NAS drive isn’t needed). In the not too distant future (once the desktop app is no longer supported) I suspect network shares will be the only option available for adding a folder.

Hi there,

Thanks for responding. Previous to this hell of a version I’ve set up the library by pointing to a file on my computer that is not my “music” folder as I’ve ripped everything to FLAC. Told the desk top app the location of that library that way (another folder on my computer), never tried to use the phone or iPad to set that up. Worked like a charm for years, now it does not.  I have copied the FLAC  folder to my NAS (synology) and got it to work, but it seems to lag at times. Wanted to go back to the thing that was not broken and worked wonderfully that is until Sonos’ new brain child (NOT). Are you saying I can treat this folder as a network share?  The computer is on Ethernet and always on.  Please let me know, thanks. 

Nope, once again, Sonos has failed me. I tried to set up my music library on a folder on my computer, and I get a 913 error message. It’s a folder on my computer. Please if anybody has any ideas? I’m all ears. 

When you go to add a folder do you use one of the first two options (“my music folder” or “another folder or a drive connected to my computer”)?

If so, have you tried the third option (networked device)? You can setup folders on your computer to be network shares (a dedicated NAS drive isn’t needed). In the not too distant future (once the desktop app is no longer supported) I suspect network shares will be the only option available for adding a folder.

Hi there,

Thanks for responding. Previous to this hell of a version I’ve set up the library by pointing to a file on my computer that is not my “music” folder as I’ve ripped everything to FLAC. Told the desk top app the location of that library that way (another folder on my computer), never tried to use the phone or iPad to set that up. Worked like a charm for years, now it does not.  I have copied the FLAC  folder to my NAS (synology) and got it to work, but it seems to lag at times. Wanted to go back to the thing that was not broken and worked wonderfully that is until Sonos’ new brain child (NOT). Are you saying I can treat this folder as a network share?  The computer is on Ethernet and always on.  Please let me know, thanks. 

Yes, instead of moving your FLAC folder to your NAS, you could keep it on your computer and share that folder on your network and then add that network share path to the Sonos system (in the same way you added your network share path for your NAS folder). Click here for some pointers on sharing a folder to the network from a Windows PC. In the write up the person refers to sharing the iTunes folder on the network. You would replace that with whatever folder you want to share on the network. If you happen to be on a Mac, it shouldn’t be too difficult to lookup how to share folders to network on a Mac. If it doesn’t work when you add the network path to your Sonos system, look up how to check what SMB version your computer is using to share files on the network and ensure its using SMB2 or SMB3 (Sonos has dropped support for SMB1).

Regarding the lag you sometimes experience with your library shared from a Synology NAS: this might be related to sleep/hibernation settings on your NAS. If your NAS is in a hibernation state when you try to access your library there will be an inevitable lag whilst the Sonos app waits for the NAS to wake up. I have this with my NAS too but it doesn’t bother me. If it bothers you, you could potentially look into tweaking your sleep/hibernation settings (e.g. you could probably set it to not enter hibernation between certain times of day).

I’m using Synology. It can be slow to wake if it has been hibernating.

Nope, once again, Sonos has failed me. I tried to set up my music library on a folder on my computer, and I get a 913 error message. It’s a folder on my computer. Please if anybody has any ideas? I’m all ears. 

When you go to add a folder do you use one of the first two options (“my music folder” or “another folder or a drive connected to my computer”)?

If so, have you tried the third option (networked device)? You can setup folders on your computer to be network shares (a dedicated NAS drive isn’t needed). In the not too distant future (once the desktop app is no longer supported) I suspect network shares will be the only option available for adding a folder.

Hi there,

Thanks for responding. Previous to this hell of a version I’ve set up the library by pointing to a file on my computer that is not my “music” folder as I’ve ripped everything to FLAC. Told the desk top app the location of that library that way (another folder on my computer), never tried to use the phone or iPad to set that up. Worked like a charm for years, now it does not.  I have copied the FLAC  folder to my NAS (synology) and got it to work, but it seems to lag at times. Wanted to go back to the thing that was not broken and worked wonderfully that is until Sonos’ new brain child (NOT). Are you saying I can treat this folder as a network share?  The computer is on Ethernet and always on.  Please let me know, thanks. 

Yes, instead of moving your FLAC folder to your NAS, you could keep it on your computer and share that folder on your network and then add that network share path to the Sonos system (in the same way you added your network share path for your NAS folder). Click here for some pointers on sharing a folder to the network from a Windows PC. In the write up the person refers to sharing the iTunes folder on the network. You would replace that with whatever folder you want to share on the network. If you happen to be on a Mac, it shouldn’t be too difficult to lookup how to share folders to network on a Mac. If it doesn’t work when you add the network path to your Sonos system, look up how to check what SMB version your computer is using to share files on the network and ensure its using SMB2 or SMB3 (Sonos has dropped support for SMB1).

Regarding the lag you sometimes experience with your library shared from a Synology NAS: this might be related to sleep/hibernation settings on your NAS. If your NAS is in a hibernation state when you try to access your library there will be an inevitable lag whilst the Sonos app waits for the NAS to wake up. I have this with my NAS too but it doesn’t bother me. If it bothers you, you could potentially look into tweaking your sleep/hibernation settings (e.g. you could probably set it to not enter hibernation between certain times of day).

Thanks so much for this!  I will give it a try. I’m on a Mac so I will look up the file sharing. 

Well, that’s 3pm UK time passed now. Clearly no further app updates/system improvements to come this week… That’s ten days of continued issue reporting since the last update, with no incremental fixes to help anyone. I was hoping today, 14th June might be the mid-June we were quoted for the next round of remedies...