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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


@Rhonny , this is nothing to do with you spotting it etc., many people's systems would have updated automatically. Many were expecting a fairly sizeable update yesterday to resolve some of the bigger issues. That it actually, somehow, appears to have regressed is astonishing in the current situation and sooooo unprofessional, amateurish even. 😔😔

That’s true, about the automatic updates. (I wasn’t trying to glory hunt…!)

Stupidly did the v16.3 build 80.1-55014 update.

First try playbar updated, then lost my system, let me re-connect to my router, only playbar and sub present lost 2xplay1 surrounds. Powered play1 off/on no change. Power cycle playbar lost control to it in app. Run update again, play1s update and appear in their own rooms, playbar,sub and play1 all present. Can play music to all, but cannot add play1s as surrounds, no suitable devices found, sub slider not working so can’t turn it down. Give up goto bed.

If surrounds are bonded to playbar on 5ghz, how do the surrounds handle updates? maybe i should of unbonded before updates? this seems where things might have got too complicated…..

Thanks for the updates alll. Like most of you I am stuck with a laggy, buggy app with reduced functionality (cannot edit playlists anymore etc) but at least I can still just about use it to play music

Sounds like the way forward is to avoid all updates as they seem to make things worse 

Unbelievable a commercial product allows something like this to go live 

@Ken_Griffiths It is not only the artwork but textual content not being updated too. Playing this morning is still showing last nights show as content…

If you find a local side fix to sort this give me a shout and I will look and see if I can replicate 👍

I bought a Sonos Amp, part of a TV sound system expansion with a sub. I have a Play gen2 speaker, on software1(S1). Wanted to group it with wired speakers in TV audio upgrade. Grouped devices need to be on the same S version. I couldn’t group the Amp with the Play, as downgrade of Amp from S2 to S1 is disabled as of May. No one told me this, made clear what I wanted to achieve, at purchase. Directed by customer tech support to upgrade Play to S2. multiple attempts, progress clock stalls by ¾ mark. Multiple calls to customer support. Diagnostics, etc, ad nauseam . 5 days of troubleshooting. Play speaker is now no longer usable. I am stuck with a blinking green, can only select add speaker, it is discovered ok, then no way to get past the “update required”, which always stalls(was 12 hours once), or get update fail message. Returned Sonos Amp to purchase point.

Probably too late to warn others, who only come here, when they need help. This kind of incompetence doesn’t just happen. Does some bean counter think those with bricked speakers will run out and buy new ones from Sonos? BTW, Bose is having a big sale on Amazon Prime.

Thanks Marcia. I will check the Bose sale out

Does anyone have any other recommendations as an alternative to Sonos?

@Ken_Griffiths It is not only the artwork but textual content not being updated too. Playing this morning is still showing last nights show as content…

If you find a local side fix to sort this give me a shout and I will look and see if I can replicate 👍

Here’s what I saw, I made a quick recording yesterday. See attached.
edit: I don’t use the Android tablet often anyway, I prefer the iPad and it’s working fine on iOS.

Tried the new buggy, laggy app and went back to my old one via an APK site. Today my app tells me I can no longer use it and I am forced to update. No change in the lag. It shouldn't take a whole second for what I press in the app to take effect on my Sonos equipment. It's totally unacceptable

Tried the new buggy, laggy app and went back to my old one via an APK site. Today my app tells me I can no longer use it and I am forced to update. No change in the lag. It shouldn't take a whole second for what I press in the app to take effect on my Sonos equipment. It's totally unacceptable

If it only takes a second your app is doing pretty good. I’m getting anywhere from almost instant to 3-10 seconds. My ikea symfonisk remotes are saving the day.  Honestly this new app is the worst app I’ve ever used. 

Tried the new buggy, laggy app and went back to my old one via an APK site. Today my app tells me I can no longer use it and I am forced to update. No change in the lag. It shouldn't take a whole second for what I press in the app to take effect on my Sonos equipment. It's totally unacceptable

It’s working okay here on Android, but some ‘Samsung’ mobile users in the community have reported an issue with the new App not loading on startup (with some models) and may have spoken to support, I guess?

If you’re seeing a different issue though, then it maybe best to reproduce it and then immediately submit a Sonos system diagnostic report from within the Sonos App, note it’s reference and then contact/chat with Sonos Support Staff via this LINK and see what the Staff can perhaps suggest to help resolve the matter.

Thanks Marcia. I will check the Bose sale out

Does anyone have any other recommendations as an alternative to Sonos?

Something popped up in my browser this morning concerning Denon and how it was in competition with Sonos. It show a picture of a black amp. I clicked on it and saw a numbers of connections with RCA jacks, so it looked very similar to my Sonos Connect which feeds my Yamaha separates to my Def Tech tower speakers. I’m not sure however if Denon makes their own speakers. I was interrupted in the middle of the article. 

Thanks Marcia. I will check the Bose sale out

Does anyone have any other recommendations as an alternative to Sonos?

Something popped up in my browser this morning concerning Denon and how it was in competition with Sonos. It show a picture of a black amp. I clicked on it and saw a numbers of connections with RCA jacks, so it looked very similar to my Sonos Connect which feeds my Yamaha separates to my Def Tech tower speakers. I’m not sure however if Denon makes their own speakers. I was interrupted in the middle of the article. 

You may also want to check out WiiM devices 

16 days since the last app update. And a month late on the initial promised date for local music library search (ye, I know they slipped it to July). Can only hope it’s a blockbuster update, putting the new app on a par with the old one, functionality-wise. 

Given bugs such as this one, I’m thinking Sonos have a long, hard road ahead of them to get the app to an acceptable level:

Given bugs such as this one, I’m thinking Sonos have a long, hard road ahead of them to get the app to an acceptable level:

Well it’s certainly not happening on every Android device. My Sonos App doesn’t crash when I play a track/album etc from my tablet. The only issue I see (have always seen) on the Android App version, is that it doesn’t display the local library artwork, but the artwork shows on the iOS controller App.

Well it’s certainly not happening on every Android device. My Sonos App doesn’t crash when I play a track/album etc from my tablet. The only issue I see (have always seen) on the Android App version, is that it doesn’t display the local library artwork, but the artwork shows on the iOS controller App.

Hi @Ken_Griffiths, we’ve narrowed down the crashing Android bug …

… with the help of an intrepid detective on Reddit, where many users are encountering the bug with exactly the same steps. In other words, the bullet points in the post above are perfectly repeatable for those of us unlucky enough to qualify. So hold onto your lucky rabbit foot, it is golden! 😉

Hi @Corry P, I am literally on hold with support to report the bug detailed here …

… but I may need to head to a scheduled lunch before I get to the front of the queue. Can you submit a bug report for this issue impacting many Android users?

Given bugs such as this one, I’m thinking Sonos have a long, hard road ahead of them to get the app to an acceptable level:

Well it’s certainly not happening on every Android device. My Sonos App doesn’t crash when I play a track/album etc from my tablet. The only issue I see (have always seen) on the Android App version, is that it doesn’t display the local library artwork, but the artwork shows on the iOS controller App.


I didn’t state (or even hint) that it was like that on every Android device. I was just pointing out that it’s a pretty bizarre bug (and it’s seemingly reproducible for those who it affects).

Well it’s certainly not happening on every Android device. My Sonos App doesn’t crash when I play a track/album etc from my tablet. The only issue I see (have always seen) on the Android App version, is that it doesn’t display the local library artwork, but the artwork shows on the iOS controller App.

I didn’t state (or even hint) that it was like that on every Android device. I was just pointing out that it’s a pretty bizarre bug (and it’s seemingly reproducible for those who it affects).

Sorry🙏I didn’t mean to come across in that way - I was just really showing it’s not happening here. There are still issues I see with the Android controller, mainly the Artwork display in my case for my local library and some music devices, BBC Sounds, for example… So we all need something fixed.

I’m okay, as Android is my fallback controller, truth be told, I mostly use iOS devices and those do seem to be slightly further along the development path with the library Artwork etc.

I'd like to be able to add my local music Library. Basically my Sonos system are now just a bunch of big paperweights. I can play mudic from a radio if I just wanted to do that, wouldn't need the price of a Sonos system. 

Have you tried the things mentioned here…

I did that. I was able to get a path added to locate the music Library but it wouldn't index the library. I did online chat and they just ended up telling me to call support. I have had the time to do that yet.





I just updated because I thought they might have actually fixed something. No …. Nothing  

Open up Spotify or apple

music or tidal or any other music app and just copy paste their code. I mean basic stuff…. It’s just painful . Sonos used to be great this new app thing and the one before was not much better. 

GET A GRIP SONOS! I mean not withstanding the removal of basic features. My analog bloody £20 dab radio has a sleep button on it.


it’s just the shocking interface that’s trying to upsell Sonos products …… zzzzz horrible  







The new app is terrible. It's unreal how bad it is. My mind is blown at the 💩 of this new app. My system is uncontrollable with the old app. What is wrong with you.

The new app is terrible. It's unreal how bad it is. My mind is blown at the 💩 of this new app. My system is uncontrollable with the old app. What is wrong with you.

Your posts across the forum will prove invaluable.

The new app on my android is really bad. Very long response times to display spotify and other services. I often get  "something wrong happened" when trying to use the gui.

I have been a fan of Sonos and have always recommend Sonos to friends. Not anymore. I will not buy anything more from you. 


The new app on my android is really bad. Very long response times to display spotify and other services. I often get  "something wrong happened" when trying to use the gui.

I have been a fan of Sonos and have always recommend Sonos to friends. Not anymore. I will not buy anything more from you. 


There have been worsening issues with Android phones since this week’s system update. Perhaps today or tomorrow’s app update will help to rectify these.
