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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.



what’s happening with Sonos system since yesterday? I have huge problems with configure my set at app. Even more… my ser yesterday totally crashed. Every Sonos devices was unpaired and I have very big problem to configure properly again. 
I have two friends which have same issue. 
All set at application unpaired and there is difficult to set it right again.


thank you for,response


Clearly Patrick Spence, the marketeers who are obliterating the market with bs +ve propaganda and the supporters on here have not heard of or read or been advised to read 'The Emperor's New Clothes' by Hans Christian Anderson. I recommend you catch up (and that is the best feedback provided).

and see article there:

Sonos (NASDAQ:SONO investor three-year losses grow to 58% as the stock sheds US$109m this past week.

New App in May was obviously a disaster. Spent many hours over several weeks to finally get my system back running the way I had been using it hassle free in the past.  Now after a few weeks of enjoyment you update the system again and now I can’t use my music library with my speakers.  Anyone working for this company should be highly embarrassed although I doubt you are!  For years I was a sonos enthusiast and sung the praises to anyone looking for a sound system.  Now Sonos is a disgrace!

and see article there:

Sonos (NASDAQ:SONO investor three-year losses grow to 58% as the stock sheds US$109m this past week.

Where is my surprised face? Idiots who thought the artificial pandemic stock price increases in tech companies would continue once the pandemic ended lost money. 🤦

And from the same article 5 year investors have seen growth and the prediction for the next 3 years is growth above the predicted US average.

Did you actually read the article and linked forecasts or just like the clickbait headline?

Android app crashing as soon as you select music from local library seems to be a pretty major issue that needs fixing ASAP. How is an app that simply stops working when one of its major features is totally failing allowed out of the gate? Where’s your QC Sonos??

Android app crashing as soon as you select music from local library seems to be a pretty major issue that needs fixing ASAP. How is an app that simply stops working when one of its major features is totally failing allowed out of the gate? Where’s your QC Sonos??

Sonos Staff have acknowledged this as a known issue affecting some Android controllers, I have seen that some Samsung products are affected. I understand a quick workaround is to reboot the player (or group co-ordinator) with the library track(s) in its queue, to clear the queue and the App should then work. Anyhow, here’s hoping the matter will be resolved soon.

What will happen first I wonder? Sonos fixing the app or Sonos going bust? Of course, that might be the solution - get bought out by a bigger company who actually listen to their unhappy customers.

Come on Apple, you’re sitting on a mountain of cash!

 Please, please after the app is tweaked fix that glitch at track changes when playing Dolby Atmos.  It’s not a gap, it’s more like a bump.  Very irritating.  A great example would be any Atmos version of Stravinsky: Rite of Spring.  The track change from track 2 to track 3 demonstrates this clearly.

What will happen first I wonder? Sonos fixing the app or Sonos going bust? Of course, that might be the solution - get bought out by a bigger company who actually listen to their unhappy customers.

Come on Apple, you’re sitting on a mountain of cash!

Whereas I suspect Sonos management and their team of developers have a very clear plan and are moving away from their old ecosystem over to new technology and are building everything from the ground up and ‘by design’ they are taking their S2 customers with them, switching things over from the old to a new platform and a new way of how everything works.

My guess is old firmware/software on the existing hardware will be removed step-by-step and in will come the new. The transition is undoubtedly a disruption to ALL, but I suspect this has been entirely expected and that all is steadily going to plan. The big benefits of a far better multiroom wireless audio system will come later, when all the old stuff has been taken out and has been replaced. It’s maybe just a case they could not do the switch overnight, in one fell swoop, and yes it’s painful, but there is no gain without the pain and when complete, customers and shareholders that stick around and stay the course will likely reap the benefits of their investment.

So that’s my view of the Sonos world and I accept its quite different to yours and many others around this community too.

Cool story but all signs point to Sonos releasing this POS buggy app to sell headphones. “Going entirely as expected” WTF come in that’s just ludicrous 🤣


What will happen first I wonder? Sonos fixing the app or Sonos going bust? Of course, that might be the solution - get bought out by a bigger company who actually listen to their unhappy customers.

Come on Apple, you’re sitting on a mountain of cash!

Whereas I suspect Sonos management and their team of developers have a very clear plan and are moving away from their old ecosystem over to new technology and are building everything from the ground up and ‘by design’ they are taking their S2 customers with them, switching things over from the old to a new platform and a new way of how everything works.

My guess is old firmware/software on the existing hardware will be removed step-by-step and in will come the new. The transition is undoubtedly a disruption to ALL, but I suspect this has been entirely expected and that all is steadily going to plan. The big benefits of a far better multiroom wireless audio system will come later, when all the old stuff has been taken out and has been replaced. It’s maybe just a case they could not do the switch overnight, in one fell swoop, and yes it’s painful, but there is no gain without the pain and when complete, customers and shareholders that stick around and stay the course will likely reap the benefits of their investment.

So that’s my view of the Sonos world and I accept its quite different to yours and many others around this community too.

There may well be a plan but if it is as you suggest it does look like they made two errors in their planning:

  1. The speed with which they could achieve parity in the App, they started with mid June as a target and are now providing dates in August they were at best over optimistic in what they thought was possible
  2. The impact on their existing customers, Sonos’ reputation and the pressure on their internal teams of not having feature parity with the old App difficult to quantify the damage they have done as there are not clear metrics but they have done some damage and that will have an impact down the line

I hope that there is a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow but so far all they have to show for it are the Ace headphones and the new Roam (2).

You have to admit though the Ace Headphones are excellent and they are in keeping with the quality of Sonos hardware and their sound signature. I do like the headset, but I’m not personally sure why their release needed an all new Sonos App for everything - it could have been tagged onto the old App or even easier had a ‘preview’ App alongside the S2 App. I think there’s ‘much more’ to it than simply needing the App switchover just for the Ace to be released into the wild.

You have to admit though the Ace Headphones are excellent and they are in keeping with the quality of Sonos hardware and their sound signature. I do like the headset, but I’m not personally sure why their release needed an all new Sonos App for everything - it could have been tagged onto the old App or even easier had a ‘preview’ App alongside the S2 App. I think there’s ‘much more’ to it than simply needing the App switchover just for the Ace to be released into the wild.

This is the direction I think Sonos is headed, and I don’t know if this has been mentioned anywhere in the various areas of this community. They want your music for follow you. Just think, most people have their phones with them all the time. So you are Bluetooth to your headphones, then you are in your car, so now you turn on your car radio and have your playlist playing on your car radio (of course, through your phone). So basically, everything locally is going to originate from your phone, which is connected to a Sonos Server/Cloud based system somewhere, and your music is following you via the headphones (as you walk), Move Speakers and your car radio. I see this coming. 

You have to admit though the Ace Headphones are excellent and they are in keeping with the quality of Sonos hardware and their sound signature. I do like the headset, but I’m not personally sure why their release needed an all new Sonos App for everything - it could have been tagged onto the old App or even easier had a ‘preview’ App alongside the S2 App. I think there’s ‘much more’ to it than simply needing the App switchover just for the Ace to be released into the wild.

I can’t comment on the Ace headphones because:

  • I really don’t need another set of Bluetooth headphones, and that is all they would be for me, as I already own a really high quality pair
  • I have no intention of giving Sonos another penny until they regain my trust

You have to admit though the Ace Headphones are excellent and they are in keeping with the quality of Sonos hardware and their sound signature. I do like the headset, but I’m not personally sure why their release needed an all new Sonos App for everything - it could have been tagged onto the old App or even easier had a ‘preview’ App alongside the S2 App. I think there’s ‘much more’ to it than simply needing the App switchover just for the Ace to be released into the wild.

This is the direction I think Sonos is headed, and I don’t know if this has been mentioned anywhere in the various areas of this community. They want your music for follow you. Just think, most people have their phones with them all the time. So you are Bluetooth to your headphones, then you are in your car, so now you turn on your car radio and have your playlist playing on your car radio (of course, through your phone). So basically, everything locally is going to originate from your phone, which is connected to a Sonos Server/Cloud based system somewhere, and your music is following you via the headphones (as you walk), Move Speakers and your car radio. I see this coming. 

When the Roam was first introduced, I thought it was a great feature that it could be grouped over WiFi to any/every other Sonos speakers, but it could play it’s Bluetooth audio to the group, or to any devices in the group. I saw it as like using the Bluetooth audio like a line-in source …and the Sonos Audio  `SoundSwap’ feature was really good too, which in some ways has been extended to the Ace for TV Spatial Head-Tracking Audio… So ‘yes’ it would be really nice as a next step, to play music in the Home and pick up the Ace and take that same playing audio outdoors seamlessly and swap the audio to the Home speakers on return (and swapping with in-car audio too and perhaps speakers held at other locations).

Interesting to see if that’s where Sonos are heading with these things - I still think that there is likely a much bigger reason than just the Ace for all the changes we’re now seeing.


I can’t comment on the Ace headphones because:

  • I really don’t need another set of Bluetooth headphones, and that is all they would be for me, as I already own a really high quality pair
  • I have no intention of giving Sonos another penny until they regain my trust

Of course @Gaham, that’s entirely your prerogative. I’m not going to say where I think you should choose to perhaps spend your money - it’s always a matter entirely just for you. I have other headphones too. I like them all for a variety of different reasons. I just think Sonos have done a nice job with the Ace, as their first venture into this new market.

Like everything Sonos, the Ace headset also has further future potential too, that I think maybe exploited at some later time with firmware updates.


New Sonos App was updated on my Android phone , 7/19/24.

This is not a good thing.  I had everything set to NOT auto update. Not sure why but i was forced to update as version 16.1 would not launch at all.

The new app is unstable at best.  The app constantly locked up and fails.  I am forced to reboot phone constantly even though i "force stop" the app on the phone. It gets caught in an never ending loop of a black hole.

Access to my NAS is now squirrelly where it was solid in the previous version.

Why are you making this worse.

So many of us have liked and supported the Sonos product, don't chase us away by making things impossible to use



New Sonos App was updated on my Android phone , 7/19/24.

This is not a good thing.  I had everything set to NOT auto update. Not sure why but i was forced to update as version 16.1 would not launch at all.

The new app is unstable at best.  The app constantly locked up and fails.  I am forced to reboot phone constantly even though i "force stop" the app on the phone. It gets caught in an never ending loop of a black hole.

Access to my NAS is now squirrelly where it was solid in the previous version.

Why are you making this worse.

So many of us have liked and supported the Sonos product, don't chase us away by making things impossible to use

I have Sonos systems at three different locations and have hung around the community here for quite a number of years - I’ve not yet seen a confirmed case where Sonos has forced an update on anyone, where the user has correctly disabled both software and firmware updates. If you think they have, then I would suggest you check your settings and speak with Sonos customer support via this link:

If nothing else, the Staff may then also go onto assist you with the other App issues you’ve mentioned in your post.

Cool story but all signs point to Sonos releasing this POS buggy app to sell headphones. “Going entirely as expected” WTF come in that’s just ludicrous 🤣


And there you have it courtesy of Ken with his rose tinted glasses, The Emperor's New Clothes in full Panglossian pride with zero recognition of any of the real problems with the architecture technological, systemic or legal. The problems highlighted by Andy Pennell and others on here are not going away, and there is zero response from Sonos either because their software engineers are ignorant of them or negligent. 

If there are multiple known issues with the new version of the app that can't be fixed in a short amount of time, why not put us back on the latest working version of the app? 

New Sonos App was updated on my Android phone , 7/19/24.

This is not a good thing.  I had everything set to NOT auto update. Not sure why but i was forced to update as version 16.1 would not launch at all.

The new app is unstable at best.  The app constantly locked up and fails.  I am forced to reboot phone constantly even though i "force stop" the app on the phone. It gets caught in an never ending loop of a black hole.

Access to my NAS is now squirrelly where it was solid in the previous version.

Why are you making this worse.

So many of us have liked and supported the Sonos product, don't chase us away by making things impossible to use



I had auto update turned off for the Android app, and was using the latest version of the app that allowed the widget to be used.  Then, within the last 2 days, when I opened the app, it said I had to update the app and it wouldn't allow me to do anything in the app.  Tried force closing the app and reopening it, same thing.  So I updated..... And now I have no widget and no playback controls without opening the app. Insane

And there you have it courtesy of Ken with his rose tinted glasses, The Emperor's New Clothes in full Panglossian pride with zero recognition of any of the real problems with the architecture technological, systemic or legal. The problems highlighted by Andy Pennell and others on here are not going away, and there is zero response from Sonos either because their software engineers are ignorant of them or negligent. 

I would understand the ‘Emperors New Clothes’  comment if it was a case that the new Sonos App was not working here.

I think I’ve posted enough clips to try to show the doubters that it is working fine, from App startup, library playback to controlling group volume etc. it seems you refuse to believe what I am seeing.

My son initially delayed upgrading from S2, but he’s now on the latest App and so is my daughter/son-in law and several friends and they’re okay with the App too.

The only complaint I have is the few seconds delay when I press the play/pause button in some of the music services before playback starts, but everything else is just fine. 

The music is most certainly still playing here and it sounds exactly as before the May 7th update on any/every room or group.

Regardless of the new Sonos App ‘remote’ anyway,  I also still have Airplay, Direct Control, Voice Service, Line-In, Bluetooth, Plex, TV Apps and may other things besides to play audio to my Hardware.

Do I accept that others may have issues with device discovery, local library shares not working and lag due to a good many things? Yes of course I do and in some cases I can see how Sonos may need to improve things for those people and how some users perhaps can also do more to improve some things for themselves too.

Anyhow if you think the new App is not behaving here, then all I can add is you’re entirely mistaken. 

And there you have it courtesy of Ken with his rose tinted glasses, The Emperor's New Clothes in full Panglossian pride with zero recognition of any of the real problems with the architecture technological, systemic or legal. The problems highlighted by Andy Pennell and others on here are not going away, and there is zero response from Sonos either because their software engineers are ignorant of them or negligent. 

I would understand the ‘Emperors New Clothes’  comment if it was a case that the new Sonos App was not working here.

I think I’ve posted enough clips to try to show the doubters that it is working fine, from App startup, library playback to controlling group volume etc. it seems you refuse to believe what I am seeing.

My son initially delayed upgrading from S2, but he’s now on the latest App and so is my daughter/son-in law and several friends and they’re okay with the App too.

The only complaint I have is the few seconds delay when I press the play/pause button in some of the music services before playback starts, but everything else is just fine. 

The music is most certainly still playing here and it sounds exactly as before the May 7th update on any/every room or group.

Regardless of the new Sonos App ‘remote’ anyway,  I also still have Airplay, Direct Control, Voice Service, Line-In, Bluetooth, Plex, TV Apps and may other things besides to play audio to my Hardware.

Do I accept that others may have issues with device discovery, local library shares not working and lag due to a good many things? Yes of course I do and in some cases I can see how Sonos may need to improve things for those people and how some users perhaps can also do more to improve some things for themselves too.

Anyhow if you think the new App is not behaving here, then all I can add is you’re entirely mistaken. 

Hang on, your assertion is that if the app plays back music that it is working as it should? Forget widget, forget playback controls, forget previous such features? Strange angle 
