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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


After 2 months of relying on the legacy desktop sonos controller and the old S2 app on my android phone to play sonos, I have discovered a new ios app version become available, and I gave it a try, and just re-installed the new S2 app on my ipad.  The app version is 80.04.04.  

It recognized all speakers on my network instantly.  It loaded my spotify instantly, and the sleeptimer is BACK !

However, it still has issues to group more than 2 speakers in my house.  But I can live with the current version of app on my ipad.  Thank you sonos, please continue to make the app better.

Yes, I forgot to mention the grouping of speakers. When I trying doing this using my IOS app, the app has a mind of its own. Speakers will, or might group, and then it will take me a couple of ungrouping tries to get everything back to normal again. I’m sure eventually, this will be corrected in future updates, but I just wanted to mention this for Sonos’s edification. 

Ah okay - thanks @106rallye 👍 I didn’t understand the LI reference, but got it now.

The Sonos cloud access here seems really fast to me, but admittedly my internet link is a little quicker than @User117655’s.

Also my setup is not seeing any mDNS multicasting issues, like some have reported. I’m surprised that mDNS multicasting is an issue with any modern router/Home Networks these days as Apple’s version of mDNS (bonjour) is so widely supported the world over. Anyhow I’m sure Sonos will resolve any issues there, just as they did with the majority of SSDP multicasting issues that got reported over the years.

I guess where things couldn’t be resolved in the past, there was the fallback to SonosNet which had very few issues with device discovery, but with that alternative no longer available on newer products, I guess the only fallback option might be to get a decent router/mesh based system. The big issue there though, I guess, is they can be a little expensive. Over a grand+ in some cases, for decent network hardware.

I don’t think you read the article if you are asking these questions. 

I don’t think you read the article if you are asking these questions. 

Why do you say that? You might have to explain that one to me. The questions/comments are entirely related to @controlav’s article.

After reading responses but not finding a similar experience, I decide to ask if anyone has the same problem I have. I also have ONE positive change though!

Positive change
I had big problems since the February/March update where the mobile app simply would not load the playlist or even find the speakers. Spotify’s mobile app would find the system without a problem, same as both the Sonos and Spotify desktop apps.
Since last week it seems the mobile app is getting better at this.

Negative change
Since about two/three weeks the speakers are so incredibly slow to react.
And since last week the volume change is not implemented at all, and the worst: if I use the volume on a speaker to finally control it, it drops back to the previous volume or doesn’t react at all! This has never EVER been an issue and it frustrates me beyond words.

I don’t think you read the article if you are asking these questions. 

Are you attached to @Ken_Griffiths’ ankle? I’ve yet to see a post he has made that you’ve not commented on…! 

After reading responses but not finding a similar experience, I decide to ask if anyone has the same problem I have. I also have ONE positive change though!

Positive change
I had big problems since the February/March update where the mobile app simply would not load the playlist or even find the speakers. Spotify’s mobile app would find the system without a problem, same as both the Sonos and Spotify desktop apps.
Since last week it seems the mobile app is getting better at this.

Negative change
Since about two/three weeks the speakers are so incredibly slow to react.
And since last week the volume change is not implemented at all, and the worst: if I use the volume on a speaker to finally control it, it drops back to the previous volume or doesn’t react at all! This has never EVER been an issue and it frustrates me beyond words.

You might have duplicate IP adresses, all sonos unplugged.router off/on, then one sonos device at a time back on.

If on ios sonophone app £2.99 might work ok, which would point to new app causing you problems

I don’t think you read the article if you are asking these questions. 

Are you attached to @Ken_Griffiths’ ankle? I’ve yet to see a post he has made that you’ve not commented on…! 

Confirmation bias at play here. He’s such an amazing, knowledgeable and prolific poster championing the amazingness of the new app that I’m bound to respond to a few or more of his posts. He’s everywhere, can’t escape it 🤷‍♀️


I don’t think you read the article if you are asking these questions. 

Are you attached to @Ken_Griffiths’ ankle? I’ve yet to see a post he has made that you’ve not commented on…! 

Confirmation bias at play here. He’s such an amazing, knowledgeable and prolific poster championing the amazingness of the new app that I’m bound to respond to a few or more of his posts. He’s everywhere, can’t escape it 🤷‍♀️


Hey Bumper time to give it a rest now mate, you both are entitled to your points and opinions.

Ken is an alright guy, been on here for years..

Has there been any update when being able to search and play local Music Library yet? Was promised mid June and that seems to have slipped a month already.


Also any one else miss BBC Sounds and Pocket Casts don’t show the played status of podcast episodes? Are Sonos likely to fix that do we know?

It’s now evening UK time, and no app update. It’s been two weeks since the last one. I can only hope they are preparing a “mega-update” that squashes lots of bugs and remedies things such as missing queue functionality and ability to search local music libraries.

I’m not holding my breath though…...

The new app sucks as it does not function with my library.  Tech support is NO help.  Thinking about going elsewhere.

Whereas I’m going to stick around, as the Sonos App here works fine, even with my NAS local library.


Is this you “genuinely trying to help” again?

At this point, i think you are getting money from Sonos to fill this (and other) forum threads with these types of comments as you have 20k+ of them.

Seems like a move Sonos could make. 

Yes it’s me, as for the rest of your statement, don’t be so ridiculous. I’m retired and live in the UK (I’m not employed by Sonos, or anyone else) and


I did help by showing the user that a NAS library does work with the new App,

How can you not see that this is not helpful?

Clearly it's working fore some, but this user has issues, everyone understands that.

but you haven’t showed that when quoting my post. I’m also being truthful when I say I am sticking around and my 20k+ comments are because I have been part of the community here for a good many years. Feel free to read them all and you will see the help I’ve tried to provide to others here.


I think, if you could see it from the other side, what it is like having someone say, “Its working for me”, (so it must be you) perhaps you would understand how frustrating that could be.


Imagine you bought a car, and when you turn the key, it sometimes start, but sometimes it takes 10 tries.

You take it to the dealer and you get these 2 different replies.

  1. Well i have that exact same car, so you must be turning the key wrong, it works for me!
  2. That seems irritating, have you tried solution A, B and C, if it doesn't work let's talk to the manufacturer.

You give answer 1, and claim that it is helpful, when everyone is looking for answer 2.


Look, i don't doubt that you come from a good place with good intentions and also have helped people, but answer 1 is just not helpful, that's all.


Are you attached to @Ken_Griffiths’ ankle? I’ve yet to see a post he has made that you’ve not commented on…! 

Hey Bumper time to give it a rest now mate, you both are entitled to your points and opinions.

Ken is an alright guy, been on here for years..

Thanks🙏@Rhonny and @paulrw for noticing such things and the kind words too, but it maybe best to stay out of his way. I guess some folk can often have difficulty letting go if others have a different viewpoint to them.

It’s really not worth becoming involved. He’s entitled to express his own opinions anyway, even if they are wrong 😂 ha ha …but yes I’m definitely being stalked, or it certainly feels that way.

It’s now evening UK time, and no app update. It’s been two weeks since the last one. I can only hope they are preparing a “mega-update” that squashes lots of bugs and remedies things such as missing queue functionality and ability to search local music libraries.

I’m not holding my breath though…...

It’s quite often a Tuesday when the updates go out, so definitely don’t hold your breath 😂 ha ha.. the Staff mentioned earlier that an update was coming soon. Some think it will be the option to search a local library etc; but let’s see.

Funny how we go from dreading the update to demanding the update...


Well as I mentioned before, I thought my post was helpful. You just haven’t included the screen-capture video that I posted. It clearly showed a locally held library was capable of being displayed in the new Sonos App, that’s if the correct sharing protocol is used and the right permissions are in place on the share. Anyhow you inferred you were not going to be sticking around here.

You also later said that because I had posted 20K posts to this community that I was getting money from Sonos to post such messages.. I can only assure you that is not the case. I’ll repeat what I said before to you, I’m retired. I live in the UK, I am most certainly not paid or employed by Sonos, never have been and never will be.

Anyhow despite your false accusations and things said earlier I will try to help…  I assume you still cannot get your locally held library to appear or work correctly in the new Sonos App. Here are some Sonos support links (and other links) that might help:

… and if you still cannot resolve the issue yourself and still want to stick around, then here too is the link to contact Sonos Customer Support, who ARE paid by Sonos to provide help with such matters:

Funny how we go from dreading the update to demanding the update...

this seems appropriate




I don’t think you read the article if you are asking these questions. 

Are you attached to @Ken_Griffiths’ ankle? I’ve yet to see a post he has made that you’ve not commented on…! 

Confirmation bias at play here. He’s such an amazing, knowledgeable and prolific poster championing the amazingness of the new app that I’m bound to respond to a few or more of his posts. He’s everywhere, can’t escape it 🤷‍♀️


Hey Bumper time to give it a rest now mate, you both are entitled to your points and opinions.

Ken is an alright guy, been on here for years..

Ken is an alright guy. But I could care less that he’s been here a long time. I’ll give it a rest when Sonos fixes this mess and POS app. Until then feel free to skip over my posts or ignore, or report me to the mods I’m sure they would be happy to have a reason to ban me🤣 

I’m sure they would be happy to have a reason to ban me🤣 

In my humble opinion and from my own personal point of view, I don’t think what you’re suggesting here is correct, but if you want to prove me wrong…. 😂 ha ha 

This update has ruined my system, Play 3s won’t register, Roams and Port show on app but won’t connect or play and One won’t connect at all. Absolutely appalling! 
Have spent nearly three hours on phone to them with absolutely no progress.

Get this fixed!


This update has ruined my system, Play 3s won’t register, Roams and Port show on app but won’t connect or play and One won’t connect at all. Absolutely appalling! 
Have spent nearly three hours on phone to them with absolutely no progress.

Get this fixed!


Try the desktop app, does it work for you? If yes there are mobile device options you could try like SonoPhone in iOS or installing the old 16.1 on Android. 

These other options use the old way of communicating with your speakers that actually works reliably. 

Come on, Sonos. You can do it…



Most requested features?

That’s a joke because they are still putting back what they took away.

Just fix the App and stop the marketing hype.

Hi @Gaham 

I didn’t see this notification in my app because I have marketing messaging turned off on my account.

You can do the same:

  • Go to the Profile section of your My Account page on
  • Choose Profile at the top of the page.
  • Scroll down to the Contact Preferences section.
  • Opt-out of your desired contact options by unchecking them.
  • Changes will automatically save.

I hope this helps.

Hi @Gaham 

I didn’t see this notification in my app because I have marketing messaging turned off on my account.

You can do the same:

  • Go to the Profile section of your My Account page on
  • Choose Profile at the top of the page.
  • Scroll down to the Contact Preferences section.
  • Opt-out of your desired contact options by unchecking them.
  • Changes will automatically save.

I hope this helps.


I screen-grabbed it from Instagram, it wasn’t an in-app notification. 
