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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


@Ken_Griffiths Initial load is fine (no change):

Sounds selection all presents fine (no change):

Play selection shows no graphic (this is new post firmware update - previously it was fine):

This, as is any action, is followed by loading iconography on main menu untill app is closed and restarted (no change):

Also local library is no longer accessible (another new thing post firmware update - previously it too was fine):

Also, just to finalise possible network discussion, I have attempted all the above, with same results, on a totally cut down network - just 1 wifi node, 1 speaker (move), phone & tablet, local library NAS, dhcp router and ADSL modem. I have not, as yet, involved the desktop app which has been fine to date... 

I don't currently have the inclination to involve support, they must be aware of these issues - they are being reported internet wide and I have already spent far too much time trying to ensure my install is good/debug a Sonos update...


Oh, and also, if I navigate away from the app whilst it is loading on return I just see a blank page until app is closed and reloaded... (no change) 🙄

This is all aside from the continuation of sometimes laggy speaker control (play/pause/volume...).

Also although I don't group a great deal day to day that seems to be OK for me from both app and directly via button press (no change)...


It’s almost like something is intermittently blocking the Sonos cloud connection in your case - what router/mesh (make/model) is it? Do you use any hardware/software that may block any type of WAN to LAN internet traffic?

Hi @User117655, in a moment of stupidity I installed today’s v16.3 firmware update and it immediately borked my Android tablet. You’ve got more functionality on Android than me: the app crashes two seconds after the Sonos logo appears. Other Android users are experiencing the same crash behavior. So there is plainly an ugly interaction between the v80.04.05 Android app and the v16.3 firmware.

Maybe try removing and re-installing a fresh copy of the Sonos App @press250, just to see if that perhaps might make a difference on your Android device.

Maybe try removing and re-installing a fresh copy of the Sonos App @press250, just to see if that perhaps might make a difference on your Android device.

Yeah, I did exactly that: force stop, remove app, reboot, re-install app. Same result unfortunately: Sonos logo appears then the app crashes. A couple of other users report the same on their Samsung phones.

My hope is this is a release sequencing problem: the v16.3 firmware was supposed to be released coincident with an app update, but the former was released accidently before the latter. Fingers crossed my thesis is correct.

Happily the iOS app is copacetic with the v16.3 firmware.

@Ken_Griffiths I am not inclined to publish equipment detail but, suffice to say, it is all proprietary non ISP discrete box equipment. 

The fact that I am seeing functional change where the only variable is a firmware update continues to point to a Sonos side rather than local issue.

I will have loan of different mesh gear over the weekend so, if it rains a lot again (if 😂) I may find time and give it a try on that. Also may well try cutting everything out in favour of 'as supplied' single box ISP kit too... Not holding my breath for either though! I'm afraid I am with the previous X & Y user group post. I have seen behaviour variances professionally across cloud (and non-cloud come to that) back end implementations many times and all the evidence I am seeing points to that so far...

For now though I am just going to let it be and hope... 

@Ken_Griffiths I am not inclined to publish equipment detail but, suffice to say, it is all proprietary non ISP discrete box equipment. 

The fact that I am seeing functional change where the only variable is a firmware update continues to point to a Sonos side rather than local issue.

I will have loan of different mesh gear over the weekend so, if it rains a lot again (if 😂) I may find time and give it a try on that. Also may well try cutting everything out in favour of 'as supplied' single box ISP kit too... Not holding my breath for either though! I'm afraid I am with the previous X & Y user group post. I have seen behaviour variances professionally across cloud (and non-cloud come to that) back end implementations many times and all the evidence I am seeing points to that so far...

For now though I am just going to let it be and hope... 

Okay, well sorry I couldn’t help. I hope it gets resolved for you.👍

Given that firmware updates are irreversible, I strongly suggest everyone hold off on today’s v16.3 system update at least until after the mobile apps see a new version.

@press250: Here we go again. I went to make sure I have auto-updates turned off… the slider is greyed out. And I’m having new bugs today, like crashes when I try to search music by name in my linked streaming services (amazon and napster). 

This. Is. Nuts.

@press250: Here we go again. I went to make sure I have auto-updates turned off… the slider is greyed out.

Oof, @chambolle. Just to confirm, you are using the new app?

For whatever it is worth, I am using latest version of the iOS app and when I look at ngear icon] > Manage > System Updates the Update Automatically toggle is OFF (toward the left). I’m betting you’ve not touched that toggle of late, so I’d guess you are copacetic.

I did a ‘check for updates.’ The app tells me there are updates and asks me to download them. I politely declined.

Samsung users unfortunate enough to have updated to the v16.3 firmware are seeing this …



Worth noting that ^this is from the v80.04.05 app released on 1 July 2024 … and the app was ‘okay’ for two weeks before updating to the v16.3 firmware.

I'd like to be able to add my local music Library. Basically my Sonos system are now just a bunch of big paperweights. I can play mudic from a radio if I just wanted to do that, wouldn't need the price of a Sonos system. 

Can I just confirm the firmware build release today, as my devices update automatically - I didn’t see my products update as I was out & about, but I have no updates showing and hardware shows v16.3 build 80.1-55014. I assume that’s the latest update. Anyhow my Android tablet isn’t crashing, but then again it’s not a Samsung device, so presumably this is just a problem with some Samsung products🤔?

I can confirm though that I am seeing the missing artwork that @User117655 mentioned earlier, on the raised ‘now playing’ screen when selecting a BBC Sounds radio station, but that’s only on the Android (tablet) controller here… The iOS controller App is showing the BBC Sounds Artwork on its ‘now playing’ screen.

I'd like to be able to add my local music Library. Basically my Sonos system are now just a bunch of big paperweights. I can play mudic from a radio if I just wanted to do that, wouldn't need the price of a Sonos system. 

Have you tried the things mentioned here…

2 months and counting...

Approximately 30% of the music I try to load through YouTube music simply never loads. The same music works fine natively in the YT Music app, worked fine in the old Sonos app and works fine on other integrated platforms. I can even get some of these albums to play fine through the Sonos system, if I can get the voice command working properly (very tricky to do with some albums though) - it just doesn’t work through the Android app.

Imagine if a firmware update somehow disabled 30% of peoples CDs or Records. Would that be considered acceptable? Obviously not. So why is Sonos not treating this as an urgent priority?

I cannot connect to my SONOS system with your new app. My system is rendered useless. For months. And there is no addressing when it will be fixed. I had ONE technical support rep admit the new app is BROKEN (after 4 hours of holding on the phone). The fact that you REFUSE to address this issue is appalling. No updates, apologies, reimbursement. I mean, what company has the you-know-what to do that? It’s appalling.

Amateur Hour.

Good Morning (different time zone here i think and lots has happened while i slept).  First however, i want to thank everyone for all the effort this is demanding of us as consumers.  Especially @Rhonny and @Ken_Griffiths for your suggestions.  Now … 

The last thing i read last night was @Rhonny's note about the new update.  I let it run on my Galaxy S24 (maybe that was an error).  This morning i got to the notebook and check and yes, an update was there for the Windows app.  I have installed that and -one step back to the past, i was able to load the backup music folder on the external drive attached to the notebook.  Still could not access the music folder on my router sadly.  The Windows app tells me it is V 16.3, OS 2, Build 80155014.  Well i do have music 🙂.  

The android phones are a different story.  The Galaxy S24 keeps crashing (reported by others above and Samsung Care wants to put it in a deep sleep - oh so apt, lol).  I can't keep the app open so don't know what is supposed to be running and i will delete and reinstall after this report.  

I also have a Galaxy A12 (in an ideal world it would be primarily function as my Sonos controller) and it is saying it has OS S2, Build 1 and Version 80.02.07-release 20240605.39fbb8f.

Will try reinstalling the app on the Galaxy S24 and follow the kindly provided links from @Ken_Griffiths and @Press250.  Thank you all again.    

Good morning, @GSatt, are you seeing the “Sonos closed because this app has a bug” message when the app crashes on your S24? I’ve confirmed that is an Android operating system error message—not Samsung specific—that is displayed on some Android devices and silently logged on other Android devices.

Hi @press250, yes, that is what was happening.  I uninstalled Sonos, rebooted the S24 and reinstalled the app.  When i opened the app this is what i got  

which is consistent with your experience, yes? The unusual thing is it is working on the Galaxy A12.  

BTW, i'm still working my way through the links you and others suggested.  The one regarding the 913 error message only covers two of the three options Sonos gives for accessing one's music folder; it does not address the network location option.  

Can I just confirm the firmware build release today, as my devices update automatically - I didn’t see my products update as I was out & about, but I have no updates showing and hardware shows v16.3 build 80.1-55014. I assume that’s the latest update. Anyhow my Android tablet isn’t crashing, but then again it’s not a Samsung device, so presumably this is just a problem with some Samsung products🤔?

I can confirm though that I am seeing the missing artwork that @User117655 mentioned earlier, on the raised ‘now playing’ screen when selecting a BBC Sounds radio station, but that’s only on the Android (tablet) controller here… The iOS controller App is showing the BBC Sounds Artwork on its ‘now playing’ screen.

Yes, that is the correct firmware version I have from the latest system update.

Given they don’t usually put live a firmware update without first issuing an app update, I wonder whether this firmware update went live a little early, or they weren’t anticipating my eagle eyes spotting it going live in advance of them having a chance to put the app update live…. So I’m thinking the issues the firmware has caused for some people was not meant to, as the app update should have preceded it…? 
In any event, we’ll find out once the app update is released (later today..?).

@Rhonny , this is nothing to do with you spotting it etc., many people's systems would have updated automatically. Many were expecting a fairly sizeable update yesterday to resolve some of the bigger issues. That it actually, somehow, appears to have regressed is astonishing in the current situation and sooooo unprofessional, amateurish even. 😔😔
