We moderators of the community - @Corry P, @Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.
First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.
Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.
Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.
We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:
Alarms management
Sleep timers
Queue management
Playlist editing
In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.
We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!
Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.
Combined threads:
General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):
Queue management:
Music Library:
Sleep Timers:
Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.
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I will be surprised if this fiasco doesn't impact negatively on your future sales. I hope it does because that's all that matters to you at the end of the day. Prospective buyers searching the internet in order to contrast and compare competing streaming systems will come across this chapter in the Sonos story and stay clear if they have any sense. I know I would.
I have managed to uninstall this latest version and load up the previous but for all those users who cannot do this you must make the previous version available.
I won't be adding to my Sonos setup in future because I no longer trust you.
Also, less of the green virtue signalling rubbish - I get enough of that elsewhere - and do more to look after your customers.
I am considering bluesound at this moment
I don’t understand while there are those in this community that continue to denigrate other users experience with the appallingly bad app. What do you expect them to do? Just bend over and take it roughly?
The ceo email given just gets diverted to support, so what are people supposed to do to make their voices heard?
Whilst I appreciate that what is happening is disruptive, user have very few options to get their point across (especially since senior management are absolutely deaf to the complaints). The simple fact is by having these message boards filled with users issues, it will potentially affect new users purchasing decisions. This will in return will impact the bottom line of Sonos.
Given that it is clear that all the Sonos execs are interested in is money, this may prompt them to reconsider.
You make some valid points.
Everybody acknowledges the new app is bad. While Sonos have made few comments here, this remains a user forum for members to help each other out.
There are some very long-standing members here who have been committed to helping others over many years. The mods are well known to us and also do wonderful work. Remember they don’t have the answers everyone here is demanding.
Understandably there have been many new members join these forums in the last week prompted by the new app and by their experiences of it. Also understandably they are angry. Their voice is as valid as anyone’s and they should be heard. However it is often the long-standing members that are the more moderate voices here, and sadly it has been these people more on the receiving end of the denigrating behaviour, and on occasions of abuse. You called this a community. It is, and everyone is welcome. As long as they don’t barge in screaming and shouting, often with demands, threats and abuse. No matter how angry they are.
it would also help if new members took a little time to review some of the earlier posts. There are still new members wading with in something along the line of ‘why did you think it was a good idea to remove XYZ??’. It has been made clear that nothing was actively removed from the app. Rather, the app has been rewritten and not everything has yet been implemented. Yes it was released too early and yes Sonos is entirely to blame for that. But everything that is missing we have been told will come; the only grey area that I can think of is local library search. It doesn’t make any difference to the end user if the thing they are looking for is missing, but it does give a clearer understanding if you know that there wasn’t a decision to remove it in the first place.
I will be surprised if this fiasco doesn't impact negatively on your future sales. I hope it does because that's all that matters to you at the end of the day. Prospective buyers searching the internet in order to contrast and compare competing streaming systems will come across this chapter in the Sonos story and stay clear if they have any sense. I know I would.
I have managed to uninstall this latest version and load up the previous but for all those users who cannot do this you must make the previous version available.
I won't be adding to my Sonos setup in future because I no longer trust you.
Also, less of the green virtue signalling rubbish - I get enough of that elsewhere - and do more to look after your customers.
I am considering bluesound at this moment
Just be aware that the bluesound speakers are covered with soft touch plastic. This can go horribly sticky within 2 years! They can't be cleaned.
For all those who hate the loss of Music Library functionality I suggest you look at ‘SonoPhone’.
It does pretty much all SONOS functions elegantly.
Said it before, I’ll say it again: that guy is going to make 10k a day in App Store sales for every day Sonos don’t roll back the iOS app. Good luck to him. He’s even offering a discount of 30% right now. It’s truly gruesome Sonos have allowed this to happen, but for three bucks, it’s worth sending a message there’s money to be made doing things well, and a LOT of money to be lost doing things badly.
I’d fall over backwards if they admitted even some tiny miscalculation but no, they’re just claiming they’re “courageous” and it’s all our fault.
How about this, Sonos provides a way to rollback to the prior version in iOS and you guys go back to the drawing board and release a new app when it is ready.
Sonos needs Crisis management here, not a please wait a year while we figure it out...
Just buy a cheap android phone and sideload the old S2 app.
That doesn't address the issue that i already have two ios devices that I have used with this system for 10 years. I could do a lot of things. Or since it is a Sonos product and and a Sonos update maybe Sonos should do something.
I agree. BUT they will do and act in their interests first. There's little you as a user can do in reality. Sideloading is one solution, but Apple restrict that. SO what else to do?
Are they though. Eventually I want a little music in my bedroom again as well as the kitchen and I don’t need much. As I have an apple tv now and a few smart bulbs a couple of homepod minis will probably more useful apart from the easy grouping ability with sonos.
I will most likely go with a homepod mini for the bedroom at least when I look into them a bit depending on how they work.
Home pods - fiddly to use. Echos are better.
I will be surprised if this fiasco doesn't impact negatively on your future sales. I hope it does because that's all that matters to you at the end of the day. Prospective buyers searching the internet in order to contrast and compare competing streaming systems will come across this chapter in the Sonos story and stay clear if they have any sense. I know I would.
I have managed to uninstall this latest version and load up the previous but for all those users who cannot do this you must make the previous version available.
I won't be adding to my Sonos setup in future because I no longer trust you.
Also, less of the green virtue signalling rubbish - I get enough of that elsewhere - and do more to look after your customers.
While I totally agree Sonos deserve huge criticism for this personally I’m heavily invested in the ecosystem so I want them to turn it around and them continuing to have healthy sales means I continue to benefit from software support and continued development etc (though ‘benefit’ might not be the right word this week).
If Sonos dies then eventually all my speakers probably die.
For all those who hate the loss of Music Library functionality I suggest you look at ‘SonoPhone’.
It does pretty much all SONOS functions elegantly.
Said it before, I’ll say it again: that guy is going to make 10k a day in App Store sales for every day Sonos don’t roll back the iOS app. Good luck to him. He’s even offering a discount of 30% right now. It’s truly gruesome Sonos have allowed this to happen, but for three bucks, it’s worth sending a message there’s money to be made doing things well, and a LOT of money to be lost doing things badly.
I’d fall over backwards if they admitted even some tiny miscalculation but no, they’re just claiming they’re “courageous” and it’s all our fault.
The Sonopad is good. Same author has controller and software player apps for LMS (formerly Logitech Media Server). The player app turns your tablet/phone into a portable squeezebox player. Good stuff.
I have also just purchased the SonoApp for iOS. The developer must be the only person happy with the latest Sonos endeavours
I have also just purchased the SonoApp for iOS. The developer must be the only person happy with the latest Sonos endeavours
I've encountered a degree of Schadenfreude ( not quite happiness ) in certain other quarters!
How about this, Sonos provides a way to rollback to the prior version in iOS and you guys go back to the drawing board and release a new app when it is ready.
Sonos needs Crisis management here, not a please wait a year while we figure it out...
Just buy a cheap android phone and sideload the old S2 app.
That doesn't address the issue that i already have two ios devices that I have used with this system for 10 years. I could do a lot of things. Or since it is a Sonos product and and a Sonos update maybe Sonos should do something.
I agree. BUT they will do and act in their interests first. There's little you as a user can do in reality. Sideloading is one solution, but Apple restrict that. SO what else to do?
Are they though. Eventually I want a little music in my bedroom again as well as the kitchen and I don’t need much. As I have an apple tv now and a few smart bulbs a couple of homepod minis will probably more useful apart from the easy grouping ability with sonos.
I will most likely go with a homepod mini for the bedroom at least when I look into them a bit depending on how they work.
Home pods - fiddly to use. Echos are better.
Just been tested Siri with my iPod. Very intuitive and worked my Nanoleaf bulbs promptly. Looks likely I will go with a homepod in the bedroom at least. Grouping is less important there. Don't know about the kitchen, will see.
Some alternatives pro/con
All these have built in speaker(s) - very approx. prices. C-chromecast. All except Echos have Apple. B - bluetooth
Amazon Echos. Cheap Mediocre Sound 100
Audio Pro. Good sound Clunky design. 200 C
Tivoli Audio. Good sound Classic design 400. B
Bluesound Good sound Plastic casing can become sticky. 400. C B
Naim muso 2.Excellent sound EXPENSIVE.800 C B
Best range of music services (excluding Sonos) is Bluesound.
An excellent alternative (but requires speakers) are the Wiim range of streamers (99 - 350). Very good app, decent range of music services.
My experience of the new app on Android has just been plain awful so far. So many bugs, glitches and missing functions. I can no longer control auto trueplay tuning on my Sonos moves which seems like a massive regression.
Also have had an issue with services not showing at all in the app but managed to resolve this by deleting the app entirely and redownloading from scratch.
Overall an absolute mess and as with others, I'm totally confused as to how this got through QA from such an established company as Sonos.
I'm hoping for resolutions to all the bugs and missing functionality sharpish or at least an easy way to roll back in the mean time.
As a long time Sonos user. I regret that this is not a one-off occurrence (remember the introduction of the S2 Controller and the furore that caused).
Sceptical about the advance hyperbole and fearing the worst, I backed up my iPhone before downloading the new app to just one device on a test basis. It didn’t take long to discover there were enough deficiencies in it to want to restore from my backup and revert to S2. Unfortunately, I hadn’t reckoned with the intervention of the Cloud which, having restored my phone, promptly downloaded the latest copies of all my apps from the Cloud, including Sonos 80.00.04.
I will resist the temptation to add to the vitriol about the new app (the Mac/OS web version seems even worse!), but would like to add my voice to all the others asking for the S2 Controller to be made available again, at the very least until the new app is proven to be a fully functioning replacement for S2.
I can’t help feel there is a message here for Sonos senior management. How can they can repeatedly make such poor decisions about major product enhancements, which leave large sections of their customer base so completely outraged. This sort of behaviour certainly makes me reluctant to invest in further Sonos products and my only regret is that I already have too much skin in the game to walk away easily.
Unfortunately, this view is not just the result of the introduction of the new app. I already have 2 x Sonos Play:3’s, which have recently been classified by support as unserviceable due to the degradation/failure of the internal memory. I also have a loft full of other useless kit including 2 x Controllers, 4 x Bridges, 1 x Connect, which have all been superseded. The offer of a 30% discount on further investment to upgrade to new kit is not a compelling enough reason to add to what must be approaching $10k of investment already made in Sonos products.
The key element of good support is not the problem itself, but how a company deals with and fixes the issue. So, come on Sonos, eat a bit of humble pie, admit this is a product released before it is ready (or even suitable) to replace S2 and give us access to the old release asap.
My experience of the new app on Android has just been plain awful so far. So many bugs, glitches and missing functions. I can no longer control auto trueplay tuning on my Sonos moves which seems like a massive regression.
Also have had an issue with services not showing at all in the app but managed to resolve this by deleting the app entirely and redownloading from scratch.
Overall an absolute mess and as with others, I'm totally confused as to how this got through QA from such an established company as Sonos.
I'm hoping for resolutions to all the bugs and missing functionality sharpish or at least an easy way to roll back in the mean time.
Easy android rollback. Delete existing app. Download S2 from apkmirror. Sideload onto Android. Turn off auto updates. There are instruction posts on this board.
My experience of the new app on Android has just been plain awful so far [...]
I'm hoping for resolutions to all the bugs and missing functionality sharpish or at least an easy way to roll back in the mean time.
Yes please, please please let us roll back this abysmal monstrosity!
Other problems I’ve observed with iphone app:
1) Can’t just tap on a favorite to launch a stream, have to tap in favorites and then tap on start button. Adds an extra unnecessary step and that isn’t enhancing the ease of use.
Can’t get a concise list of favorites instead of icons on my open screen.
Use of term “live stream” instead of name (tunein, nytuner, etc.) means I’m guessing which favorite I’m choosing when I want to use a specific source if the stream is bookmarked for both sources.
Easy android rollback. Delete existing app. Download S2 from apkmirror. Sideload onto Android. Turn off auto updates. There are instruction posts on this board.
Hi Castalla,
Understood there is an easy rollback for Android, but when you’re wall-to-wall Mac with 2 x Mac’s 2 x iPhones and an iPad, adding and maintaining a completely different device just to manage Sonos is not an attractive idea.
Easy android rollback. Delete existing app. Download S2 from apkmirror. Sideload onto Android. Turn off auto updates. There are instruction posts on this board.
Hi Castalla,
Understood there is an easy rollback for Android, but when you’re wall-to-wall Mac with 2 x Mac’s 2 x iPhones and an iPad, adding and maintaining a completely different device just to manage Sonos is not an attractive idea.
Understood. Why not try Sonopad and Sonophone apps. About $/€ 2 each.
Not heard of either of those before. Have tended to stay away from third party apps, but will have a look. Thanks.
How long must we wait for fixes related to services that don't work with the new app (but work fine with older versions)? Among them CBC Radio..
Q3. The Wiim Ultra. (340) plus speakers (powered or Bluetooth) - you choose the price level
Easy android rollback. Delete existing app. Download S2 from apkmirror. Sideload onto Android. Turn off auto updates. There are instruction posts on this board.
Hi Castalla,
Understood there is an easy rollback for Android, but when you’re wall-to-wall Mac with 2 x Mac’s 2 x iPhones and an iPad, adding and maintaining a completely different device just to manage Sonos is not an attractive idea.
Understood. Why not try Sonopad and Sonophone apps. About $/€ 2 each.
I bought Sonophone yesterday, the dev is having a 30% off sale until May 13 for some reason (I have no affiliation just a new customer)
Needed it as my wife updated her phone by accident (I warned her). All the new app had to do was work with the CBC radio app and she would have been happy. Sonophone does the job and tbh zero complaints out of her.
Do Sonos employees use the product, ap? This upgrade has destroyed this already shakey product.
Do yourselves a favor and BACK OUT NOW. The shame is nothing compared to what you will endure trying to put lipstick on this pig.
Do you practice Change and Release Management? Back out the upgrade…this will destroy your company.
(Just ask Agile/password1!)
Someone truly needs to lose a job over this!
At this point, while waiting for fixes to appear there are two workarounds
Android - Download older S2 app from apkmirror. Sideload.
Ipad & iPhone - install Sonopad or Sonophone (both from Apple Store)
Third option is to junk your Sonos and replace
(Fourth option - technical knowledge required - use speakers as UPnP endpoints)
You’ve taken my music and I don’t take kindly to that