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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


I wonder if the development team actually used their own system before releasing this update, as they removed crucial functionalities and added others that do not seem to add value. The result has been, frankly, disastrous. Far from leaving a good impression, this new version has caused great frustration and anger. Personally, I would prefer to go back to the previous version, which was much more effective and satisfying.

At this point, while waiting for fixes to appear 😁 there are two workarounds

 Android - Download older S2 app from apkmirror.  Sideload. 

Ipad & iPhone - install Sonopad or Sonophone (both from Apple Store) 


Third option is to junk your Sonos and replace 😜

​​​(Fourth option - technical knowledge required - use speakers as UPnP endpoints) 

I have gone back !! Thx for tip.

And yet another Issue arises.  

System connectivity is down.  I get the “newSystem” query every time I go back onto the app as a fresh opening.

Dispite the cleaner look. The UI is all over the place.  Have to look up, then down for buttons and search boxes.  I was always taught as a UI designer to keep the boxes and buttons in one place/position.   Obviously not a Sonos thing!

The UI is also ungainly and true to Sonos tradition - Lacks intuitivity.


Lets go back to the last redidtion and

Sonos please Start again. You might regain some credibility.

This software is a real reputation damager!







I wonder if the development team actually used their own system before releasing this update, as they removed crucial functionalities and added others that do not seem to add value. The result has been, frankly, disastrous. Far from leaving a good impression, this new version has caused great frustration and anger. Personally, I would prefer to go back to the previous version, which was much more effective and satisfying.


I guarantee you the development team had nothing to do with this.  This release was greenlighted by someone far above the rank of developer.  Matter of fact, I would imagine most of the developers were against the decision. 

I’ll be honest but just don’t like the new app as doesn’t feel intuitive and can’t easily find what I want. Eg play my favourite playlist from My Sonos or just access the sound for my TV through my cinema set up.  It’s just taking far too much effort from the old app. In fact can I have the old app back please 

I couldn’t agree more - new app is completely unintuitive and has lost functionality- a cardinal sin for any upgrade 

What’s so unintuitive about it? 

It is missing some important functions and is laggy, and I do have a few UI suggestions myself. But after a couple of days use I find it overall pretty easy to navigate and no less intuitive than the prior app.

Dear Sonos,


As someone who works in an Engineering company, it is quite staggering that this update has been allowed to be released without the required amount of rigorous testing.  I have had to delete the app from the device I updated and now will now only use the previous version on other devices.

Given the number of issues, would it be worth a “recall” of sorts to protect the reputation of what I consider to be an excellent company.  Further functional, user and acceptance testing is clearly needed on this release.

I am a huge supporter of your products, one of the best things we have invested in over the past decade.  The set of products have provided so much enjoyment.  The new application only lasted half an hour within our house as I deleted it from the initial device I downloaded it on realising that it had some significant issues - and this was before I read reviews on the App Store and on your website.

I know and trust that Sonos will take action to resolve this, however this needs to be swift with the current App version - be it by update or by suspending it and reverting to previous.  Please consider, for your own benefit, the best course of action.


A loyal customer.

In addition to missing features the app is unstable. It does not load most of the time on my android and only loads "most" of the time on my IPad. I don't care how it looks, I care if it works and it doesn't. 

(Yes, I am furious about the missing functionality as well)

Someone mentioned using Aptoid to revert. Can someone please offer more info on how to do this? I am not familiar. TY

Just looking through the reviews on the Play Store and I just don't see how the current situation is tenable.

Sonos have an easy way out of this but it's currently a combination of stubbornness and arrogance (and a weekend off away from the damage inflicted?) stopping them doing the right thing.

Ive been around a while but there's never been anything close to this IMHO. How the hell did they think they could promote and release a new App with what they claimed were only benefits but remove so much key functionality?

Looking through the forum there are so many other issues with the release in addition to the issues they're focusing on, I really don't see any other option other than reverting to the previous version and fixing the dozens and dozens of issues properly.

At this point, while waiting for fixes to appear 😁 there are two workarounds

 Android - Download older S2 app from apkmirror.  Sideload. 

Ipad & iPhone - install Sonopad or Sonophone (both from Apple Store) 


Third option is to junk your Sonos and replace 😜

​​​(Fourth option - technical knowledge required - use speakers as UPnP endpoints) 

I have gone back !! Thx for tip.

yes - really appreciate the tip!!!

Just downloaded Sonophone. $1.99. Does not seem to have all the features that went missing - BUT the search of Music Library is fast and slick  - enter any word and it searches all fields (artist, album, etc), grouping/ungrouping speakers is easy (hold down an icon of the speaker & drag), volume control is instantaneous (with numbers), and queue management is there (still need to assess complete functionality). All very responsive. It found my Sonos network, music services (I don’t have many), and Music Library immediately. Mind you - I haven’t had time to play around much - but for Apple users this does seem like a good substitute for the time being and to me at least it’s worth the $1.99. Depending on how important to you certain features are (like timer & alarm?) this may not address your needs. 

About new app: After update, the app was completely disconfigured, my speakers (arc and the 2 play 1) were no longer connected, I couldn't get the sound from the Tidal app to Sonos. The app doesn't show an icon... I'm no longer able to control the volume (I can only do it if I'm in the app), the app has a huge delay (in the sound, when using several speakers at the same time).no words, too bad to be true and coming from a company like SONOS.

I don’t care what the app looks like I just want be able to play music and have my system work,, It doesn’t work Int is a damn. Joke,, Just let us return to the old app while you sort out the major problems if you are even going to bother as I don’t understand how any company with such a good product would even release so a useless control system update..


I guess there were technical reasons for why the new App could not be released as a ‘preview (beta) app’ alongside the S2 App - it’s quite disappointing though that that was not considered in the early days of development in case there were development delays. There was no clear ‘plan B’.

This is quite questionable since a significant number of users have rolled back to the previous version of the app, without specific issues.

How can you revert to the previous app?


For IOS users there is no method to revert back while Sonos fixes this mess.  That’s a ton of Sonos customers limping along with a subset of features. THE VERY LEAST YOU CAN DO is to put the prior version back on the App store and download sites. Give it a different App name if you must, but the longer we suffer the more tarnished is the Sonos brand.

The newest Sonos app is a disaster, obviously designed by a bunch of folks who have their own ideas about what us the user wants or needs. It took me over fifteen minutes to try and find my music library which has about 145 GB of music in it and then I find out that some genius removed the apha buttons so I have to finger scroll through hundreds of titles or artists to get to say Rod Stewart. This is insane and very unnecessary removal of the function. The app seems intent on forcing me to the multitude of music services none of which I am interested in other my long term subscription to Sirus/XM. I am so sorry I updated this from the previous and please bring it back or get some new programmers who understand common sense before I throw your equipment out the front door.

System out of sync,can’t control individual volume levels in grouped speakers, amps, can’t add songs to playing music not even end of que.. The new app needs to be withdrawn until it actually works.. Maybe get your team to actually use the app updates before releasing as the Sonos system is pretty bloody useless without a function app!!

Put the widget and pull down panel access back. I dont want to fumble with the app instead simplr access from the home screen

This launch was irresponsible at best and could be negligent as well.  Like many, we have spent plenty of money for a system, that no longer works properly.  The company has been mute with a plan for its customers.  I hope the management team saved some of that 'courage' for making things right. 


We are all getting the run around by this company.  Actions have consequences.  

To whoever recommended Aptoide, thank you! I downloaded the old app through that and am up and functional. I’ve disabled automatic updates and will see what Sonos does to respond. I think they have to, their stock price dropped by about 15% yesterday

To whoever recommended Aptoide, thank you! I downloaded the old app through that and am up and functional. I’ve disabled automatic updates and will see what Sonos does to respond. I think they have to, their stock price dropped by about 15% yesterday

I am pissed off as well but Sonos stocked closed down 3.59% not 15

Easy android rollback.  Delete existing app. Download S2 from apkmirror.  Sideload onto Android. Turn off auto updates.  This worked just fine for me.

Really a shame how poor Sonos is at the upgrades! I love the hardware and hate the software! Wish there was an alternative … or an app that would run Sonos products. Would pay for any such alternative.

What is wrong with a long time company like Sonos that can’t handle simple software upgrades and constantly alienate their base?!? Uggghhh!!!

Pay attention Sonos!!!

I stand corrected, it dropped 14% over the week, not the day

At this point, while waiting for fixes to appear 😁 there are two workarounds

 Android - Download older S2 app from apkmirror.  Sideload. 

Ipad & iPhone - install Sonopad or Sonophone (both from Apple Store) 


Third option is to junk your Sonos and replace 😜

​​​(Fourth option - technical knowledge required - use speakers as UPnP endpoints) 

I have gone back !! Thx for tip.

yes - really appreciate the tip!!!

Just downloaded Sonophone. $1.99. Does not seem to have all the features that went missing - BUT the search of Music Library is fast and slick  - enter any word and it searches all fields (artist, album, etc), grouping/ungrouping speakers is easy (hold down an icon of the speaker & drag), volume control is instantaneous (with numbers), and queue management is there (still need to assess complete functionality). All very responsive. It found my Sonos network, music services (I don’t have many), and Music Library immediately. Mind you - I haven’t had time to play around much - but for Apple users this does seem like a good substitute for the time being and to me at least it’s worth the $1.99. Depending on how important to you certain features are (like timer & alarm?) this may not address your needs. 

Thanks; downloaded and found my music with no problem. Sonos should take a lesson from these guys and get rid of their in house idiots. Simple search works perfectly. Did not mind the 1.99 but why should we have to pay a third party to operate my thousands of overpriced Sonos equipment! Really bad management on their part!

Ok. I’m giving the app another try. Sorry, but It’s still terrible. Not going to list everything because it’s been here before. 

I did get a new error that others probably got. “Unable to Connect” when adjusting the levels, which, yes, have a huge delay and sometimes would not register I was trying to lower the volume.  



I need to be able to search my own library on NAS and to edit my existing Sonos playlists by adding songs that I happen to be playing and realize I want that song on a particular playlist. I also want to create new playlists, on the fly, while sitting on my patio with mobile app.

I’m sorry if the average person doesn’t own a music library, but I do. I have invested thousands upon thousands of dollars building my music library and I want to be able to access it easily and play it wherever in my house. That’s why I spent thousands to invest in a house-wide Sonos system and the time to store my music on my NAS.

Wasting time in front of a desktop computer to build playlists is not my idea of a good user experience.

SONOS you have 2 weeks to resolve these issues or I will move on to a company that can do better.


Tell the release and change manager to back out NOW!  Sadly, there  are no lips to even apply lipstick!  

(That’s assuming Sonos has a Change and Release Manager)!😳

Just what the heck is a Change & Release Manager?   Probably somebody who's part of the problem, and not the solution and being paid ridiculous amounts for doing sweet FA. 😜

God I hope this is satire!?   If not, you just slam dunked my point.  Either way, thanks!
