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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


You’ve taken my music and I don’t take kindly to that

Sir you will get your music back ASAP, AKA whenever we get around to it. We just need to figure out how to add alarms back first cause people are really pissed about that. Excuse me while I go get advice from the CEO of Peleton and my good bud Jim Basillie about how not to screw this up further.


-- Patrick Spence (probably)

You’ve taken my music and I don’t take kindly to that

Gadzooks, Sir! The scoundrels deserve a damn good thrashing! 😜

Make the volume slider also show the volume number, it’s a feature you guys removed that i miss. 

What the crap happened??? This new app is like finger nails on chalk board....please fix it and soon or I'm dumping my sonos system

Please send me a pm as to where you’re going to  dump it so I can go and retrieve it.  Many thanks.  

If your good at puzzles....I'll deliver it to pieces

What the crap happened??? This new app is like finger nails on chalk board....please fix it and soon or I'm dumping my sonos system

Please send me a pm as to where you’re going to  dump it so I can go and retrieve it.  Many thanks.  

If your good at puzzles....I'll deliver it to pieces

Oh dear, don't be cruel about it please



Ever since the update, CBC radio will no longer work. It still shows up on the “services”, but will not play. As a Canadian listener, this is extremely frustrating. 

So my android phone now has the app. Can see my library  and play it. No album covers and can't add to playlists. Also no facility in settings to update library.

Infuriating.   App wont see my system.  it’s asking me to set up a new system.   Your logon for this page is faulty.  I put in a userid which i didnt have before and it was already in use.  What happened?  It reset my questionairre when i picked a new user id.   So i didnt thorouhly fill out your questionairre a second time so you dont get good data from me.

I purchased all of your equipment from day one.   This is a huge fail.   Why go to market w/a half baked product?  Someone needs to be fired.

I have thousands of dollars of equipment that are not working.  Oh yeah, i also replaced everything when  you bricked all the old stuff.  If someone comes out w/comparable or better stuff now or in the future, i’m selling all of my sonos stuff and leaving. 

Backout immediately, Sonos! 

no more proprietary ecosystems for me again…ever… Congratulations you suckered me, Sonos!

Having the individual controls for trebel and bass on each volume bar was very helpful for me to quickly adjust my sound levels. Now it's located in settings only. We have people who work shiftwork and due to the inconsistencies of YouTube's sound levels, this USED to help my quickly adjust the sound levels so I don't wake people up. Updates are good, but not when you make an "improvement" that makes navigating the app harder. There is very little benefit to this update. Please fix it. We have 6 speakers, a sonos move, a sound bar, a sub and a boost. We've spent alot of money on a system that used to have alot of control.

There are comparable products out in the market, if need be we can always switch to a product that will have better controls.

Soo, no need to say how incredibly bad the UI and question “Who in the right mind would design this UI” any more…


And to say it’s brave?! 
It is just really bad practice!

Who is actually running the development?

I design custom GUIs (and systems) for Crestron touchscreens for customers with complex AV and conference systems and making it usable and intuitive for anyone who needs to use the system is the number 1 thing.


I always try the GUI on many people including my wife (she is a artist so she sees things differently which is great) and collect feedback (and adjust as needed) before releasing or showing it.


The best thing is after a completed installation is when nobody calls, then you know it’s working well.

You will know directly when something isn’t working as expected or is not intuitive enough, customer will call instantly.

With that said, how can a company as big as Sonos completely fail at the absolute most basic thing?

I’m genuinely asking!


Just make a “Sonos beta app” for people to try alongside and make the switch when done.

Move fast and break things is not cool.


Glad I don’t own the stock. I bet this will end up hitting your bottom line.

I don’t understand the Sonos compulsion to release an app update that fails to contain features or functionality Sonos users have come to expect such as the ability to search the Music Library (my music files located on NAS drive), and the ability to create my own curated play list from my Music Library from the queue (from which you can add or delete tracks prior to saving the new playlist).  I also have some unusual music index glitches after updating music library.  I was an early owner of sonos products long before any Sonos speaker was produced and my system has a port, an amp, a connect and a connect amp which creates 4 different zones of music.  All of my speakers are wired.  And, my controllers consist of samsung galaxy tablets, iPhones, an iPad and Mac computers.  The controller interfaces on iPhone and galaxy tablets are awkward.  The Sonos desktop for Mac OS is actually the easiest to use (at least for now).  As others have said, I would vote to go back until the app update is ready with all of the functionality that users have come to expect.  Yes, it’s true Apple sometimes has glitches when new products or operating system updates are issued but, at least in my opinion, not the major app functionality defects that the new sonos app update has.

no more proprietary ecosystems for me again…ever… Congratulations you suckered me, Sonos!

I think we get it. 

no more proprietary ecosystems for me again…ever… Congratulations you suckered me, Sonos!

I think we get it. 

did I inconvenience too many electrons for your liking?   Are you the moderator?

no more proprietary ecosystems for me again…ever… Congratulations you suckered me, Sonos!

99% are proprietary, especially when you require streaming. 

no more proprietary ecosystems for me again…ever… Congratulations you suckered me, Sonos!

I think we get it. 

did I inconvenience too many electrons for your liking?   Are you the moderator?

Stop giving feedback in the feedback thread. 🤣

“Fixing” the new app equates to putting lipstick on a pig. Go back to 16.1 while  starting from scratch on a new version.

no more proprietary ecosystems for me again…ever… Congratulations you suckered me, Sonos!

I think we get it. 

did I inconvenience too many electrons for your liking?   Are you the moderator?

You joined yesterday and posted, I think 8 messages, only one which commented on the performance of, or issues you are having with the app.  You don’t like it and you’ve said so.  Your point is clear.  Carpet bombing the message forums doesn’t make your point any clearer than it already is.  I don’t have to be a moderator to say as much.  Sometimes, you just kinda wonder if there any adults left in the room.  

im off streaming through third party devices…all i teally need is my imac, nas, qobuz, and occasionally Radio Paradise. I don’t need a streamer for that.  I bought the port for convenience and it has not delivered!


Any other presumptions?



no more proprietary ecosystems for me again…ever… Congratulations you suckered me, Sonos!

I think we get it. 

did I inconvenience too many electrons for your liking?   Are you the moderator?

You joined yesterday and posted, I think 8 messages, only one which commented on the performance of, or issues you are having with the app.  You don’t like it and you’ve said so.  Your point is clear.  Carpet bombing the message forums doesn’t make your point any clearer than it already is.  I don’t have to be a moderator to say as much.  Sometimes, you just kinda wonder if there any adults left in the room.  

hey you don’t own the forum…go back to your cereal.

When I was angry, enraged, furious etc. 

Got me nowhere.  Turned to workarounds. 

Result: calmness and a sense of proportion

Try it!


There will be fixes or there won't 😎

The app is really poor and I suspect it would still be even if it had all the missing functionality. I remember the earlier app, I had my first experience of Sonos back on the ZP90 and thought it was amazing. It just worked and worked well. Each iteration has gone down hill in my opinion and the latest app is shocking. I want an app that works, I could use other apps but part of what I loved was the user friendly app that combined music sources and radio stations. Sonos. Voice is frustrating, whether that be through Alexa or Google for most people but the app should be the solid part of things. The last speaker I purchased was a competitors, not because it was cheaper or better but because I have lost faith with Sonos. 

im off streaming through third party devices…all i teally need is my imac, nas, qobuz, and occasionally Radio Paradise. I don’t need a streamer for that.  I bought the port for convenience and it has not delivered!


Any other presumptions?



Imac?  Isn't that hugely proprietary? 😜
