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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


no more proprietary ecosystems for me again…ever… Congratulations you suckered me, Sonos!

I think we get it. 

did I inconvenience too many electrons for your liking?   Are you the moderator?

You joined yesterday and posted, I think 8 messages, only one which commented on the performance of, or issues you are having with the app.  You don’t like it and you’ve said so.  Your point is clear.  Carpet bombing the message forums doesn’t make your point any clearer than it already is.  I don’t have to be a moderator to say as much.  Sometimes, you just kinda wonder if there any adults left in the room.  

hey you don’t own the forum…go back to your cereal.

No I don’t own the forum — but like you, I can post here.   You made the wrong purchasing choice — bad luck.

Having to search for a third party app demonstrates very nicely how terrible the new Sonos app is, virtually unusable for my purposes (listening to my huge collection of music, stored on my NAS). Have Sonos forgotten what their customers invested in their hardware for?

Anyway, temporary workaround comes in the form of SonoPhone, which is a cheap and effective controller app for iPhones. In fact in some ways it’s actually better than the old S2 app, just not as pretty… No alarm/sleep function either I’m afraid, but searching one’s collection and editing queues is brilliant.

no more proprietary ecosystems for me again…ever… Congratulations you suckered me, Sonos!

Is there even an alternative to proprietary when it comes to wireless home music system?

no more proprietary ecosystems for me again…ever… Congratulations you suckered me, Sonos!

Is there even an alternative to proprietary when it comes to wireless home music system?

Pretty much Logitech Media Server (long since open source) running on Linux, Windows, Android, Raspberry pi.  Does it all, almost. 

no more proprietary ecosystems for me again…ever… Congratulations you suckered me, Sonos!

Is there even an alternative to proprietary when it comes to wireless home music system?

Yes there is.



Probably many more. But the interesting thing about Lyrion is that it can play music to your Sonos players. Basically expands their capability.

no more proprietary ecosystems for me again…ever… Congratulations you suckered me, Sonos!

Is there even an alternative to proprietary when it comes to wireless home music system?

Yes there is.



Probably many more. But the interesting thing about Lyrion is that it can play music to your Sonos players. Basically expands their capability.

And it's 100% free

im off streaming through third party devices…all i teally need is my imac, nas, qobuz, and occasionally Radio Paradise. I don’t need a streamer for that.  I bought the port for convenience and it has not delivered!


Any other presumptions?



Imac?  Isn't that hugely proprietary? 😜

knew you’d go there!  Too easy.  


I use a mac to conduct the rest of my life. I have the ability to store music in uncompressed format.  Yes mac is a proprietary platform but can serve music natively to an outside system…using a DAC…


I did this happily for many years. I bought the Sonos for convenience.  Convenience.  



The imac comment is a red herring…and a poor one. 

I will be surprised if this fiasco doesn't impact negatively on your future sales. I hope it does because that's all that matters to you at the end of the day. Prospective buyers searching the internet in order to contrast and compare competing streaming systems will come across this chapter in the Sonos story and stay clear if they have any sense. I know I would.

I have managed to uninstall this latest version and load up the previous but for all those users who cannot do this you must make the previous version available.

I won't be adding to my Sonos setup in future because I no longer trust you.

Also, less of the green virtue signalling rubbish - I get enough of that elsewhere - and do more to look after your customers.

While I totally agree Sonos deserve huge criticism for this personally I’m heavily invested in the ecosystem so I want them to turn it around and them continuing to have healthy sales means I continue to benefit from software support and continued development etc (though ‘benefit’ might not be the right word this week). 

If Sonos dies then eventually all my speakers probably die. 

Totally understand and agree to a certain extent - I don't want them to go bust either - but organisations that behave like this ought to suffer financially, otherwise the lesson is never learned and the customer is continually shafted.

im off streaming through third party devices…all i teally need is my imac, nas, qobuz, and occasionally Radio Paradise. I don’t need a streamer for that.  I bought the port for convenience and it has not delivered!


Any other presumptions?



Imac?  Isn't that hugely proprietary? 😜

knew you’d go there!  Too easy.  


I use a mac to conduct the rest of my life. I have the ability to store music in uncompressed format.  Yes mac is a proprietary platform but can serve music natively to an outside system…using a DAC…


I did this happily for many years. I bought the Sonos for convenience.  Convenience.  



The imac comment is a red herring…and a poor one. 

Dear me, you're hardly acting as a peer of the realm with such churlish retorts 👑

what many clearly don’t realize …is Sonos is totally unnecessary. It’s just a convenience… which it’s failing miserably at.



no more proprietary ecosystems for me again…ever… Congratulations you suckered me, Sonos!

Is there even an alternative to proprietary when it comes to wireless home music system?

Yes there is.



Probably many more. But the interesting thing about Lyrion is that it can play music to your Sonos players. Basically expands their capability.

And it's 100% free

Yes an important note for anyone considering dumping their sonos gear. And Just install this and you have better local library support than Sonos ever had and Material skin is well I mean it’s better than the sonos controller but that’s not saying much these days.

I’ll be honest but just don’t like the new app as doesn’t feel intuitive and can’t easily find what I want. Eg play my favourite playlist from My Sonos or just access the sound for my TV through my cinema set up.  It’s just taking far too much effort from the old app. In fact can I have the old app back please 

I cant even find my old playlists, i just have a load of greyed out tiles that mean nothing.


That takes me back, I was using this back with Roku Soundbridge and Logitech radios (used for alarms) when I started my local library streaming journey. Didn’t realise it was still going.

Only moved to Sonos when the Roku/Logitech stuff was discontinued.

Having the individual controls for trebel and bass on each volume bar was very helpful for me to quickly adjust my sound levels. Now it's located in settings only. We have people who work shiftwork and due to the inconsistencies of YouTube's sound levels, this USED to help my quickly adjust the sound levels so I don't wake people up. Updates are good, but not when you make an "improvement" that makes navigating the app harder. There is very little benefit to this update. Please fix it. We have 6 speakers, a sonos move, a sound bar, a sub and a boost. We've spent alot of money on a system that used to have alot of control.

There are comparable products out in the market, if need be we can always switch to a product that will have better controls.

The hardware is good, the app has been flaky from time to time, but is now just a turd.

Another day without music, very sad.

Tell the release and change manager to back out NOW!  Sadly, there  are no lips to even apply lipstick!  

(That’s assuming Sonos has a Change and Release Manager)!😳


I wonder if the development team actually used their own system before releasing this update, as they removed crucial functionalities and added others that do not seem to add value. The result has been, frankly, disastrous. Far from leaving a good impression, this new version has caused great frustration and anger. Personally, I would prefer to go back to the previous version, which was much more effective and satisfying.

Tell the release and change manager to back out NOW!  Sadly, there  are no lips to even apply lipstick!  

(That’s assuming Sonos has a Change and Release Manager)!😳

Just what the heck is a Change & Release Manager?   Probably somebody who's part of the problem, and not the solution and being paid ridiculous amounts for doing sweet FA. 😜


I wonder if the development team actually used their own system before releasing this update, as they removed crucial functionalities and added others that do not seem to add value. The result has been, frankly, disastrous. Far from leaving a good impression, this new version has caused great frustration and anger. Personally, I would prefer to go back to the previous version, which was much more effective and satisfying.

Maybe they don't even use Sonos devices 😂🤣😁

The new sonos app isn’t good at all. Can’t use apps that I used to use, yet are still available on the sonos services (CBC); some apps aren’t working properly, for example can’t fast forward on Pocketcast app. The app is not intuitive. Please fix or revert to the previous app! Thank you.

Having the individual controls for trebel and bass on each volume bar was very helpful for me to quickly adjust my sound levels. Now it's located in settings only. We have people who work shiftwork and due to the inconsistencies of YouTube's sound levels, this USED to help my quickly adjust the sound levels so I don't wake people up. Updates are good, but not when you make an "improvement" that makes navigating the app harder. There is very little benefit to this update. Please fix it. We have 6 speakers, a sonos move, a sound bar, a sub and a boost. We've spent alot of money on a system that used to have alot of control.

There are comparable products out in the market, if need be we can always switch to a product that will have better controls.

The hardware is good, the app has been flaky from time to time, but is now just a turd.

Another day without music, very sad.

That functionality was very practical, they removed it, with this adjustment it shows that they do not know the Sonos system, and that they do not consider the client to make these types of adjustments.



I’ll be honest but just don’t like the new app as doesn’t feel intuitive and can’t easily find what I want. Eg play my favourite playlist from My Sonos or just access the sound for my TV through my cinema set up.  It’s just taking far too much effort from the old app. In fact can I have the old app back please 

I couldn’t agree more - new app is completely unintuitive and has lost functionality- a cardinal sin for any upgrade 

The new sonos app isn’t good at all. Can’t use apps that I used to use, yet are still available on the sonos services (CBC); some apps aren’t working properly, for example can’t fast forward on Pocketcast app. The app is not intuitive. Please fix or revert to the previous app! Thank you.

I agree 100%


I wonder if the development team actually used their own system before releasing this update, as they removed crucial functionalities and added others that do not seem to add value. The result has been, frankly, disastrous. Far from leaving a good impression, this new version has caused great frustration and anger. Personally, I would prefer to go back to the previous version, which was much more effective and satisfying.

Maybe they don't even use Sonos devices 😂🤣😁

I agree 100% bring back the old app

I am one of the very early adopters of Sonos in 2005.

I am not going to pile on here as the feedback is deafening - or it should be.

This should be an all hands on deck moment. Focus, Clarity, Speed to the product team and developers on getting this right. Your job is at risk.

Hard to be in damage control mode but you did it to yourself.

Tried new app, constantly locks up at true tune, on both iPhone, updated to the latest IO, and also on my iPad, very confusing dashboard, do you think you can get help from anyone, nope.  Started chat, bot unhelpful, passed to representative and started out at 14 before me, then15, 16, 14, 16, can’t even get number in line right, apparently pushing updates as beta to customers, seems becoming part of the norm in society not the leader anymore in product and service, wrote CEO, also no reply, funny, definitely stepping to be part of the norm!

Sad, please fix the beta app
