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Your feedback on the new Sonos App

Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


We have been using FitRadio with Sonos for our CrossFit gym for a few years, but this app update rendered FitRadio unable to authorize itself. Our business depends on this solution. I tried to call support and bring in one of my colleagues at the location, but they were unable to assist on the conference call. The conference was necessarily due to the extremely long hold times. When will this be resolved?

Surely FitRadio is available on other devices?  

FitRadio does have its own iOS app. Not sure what that has to do with the integration with Sonos being broken?

”…. taking into account the glitching and buggyness does kinda work.”

I mean you aren’t saying it works, that it only kinda works  🤣 


Well yeah - I am trying to be honest here.  It has bugs and it has glitches and bits are missing.  But I can use all my devices and I can play from my own library and I can play from Amazon music.  I’d love to give a more sensational answer, that the app caused my wife to give birth to a thousand camels and for my house to burn down, and that I therefore want a refund on my soundbar, but that wouldn’t be totally honest. 😄

Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

Queue management: 



Cannot get any of my play 3 units or the boost unit to work anymore. Tried resetting everything and reinstalling everything, I get the added to system message then nothing shows up in the app. I've had zero issues the entire time I have had these products until this update.

@castalla Dial it down from 11… We have backup solutions, but expect high-end products to do better regression testing prior to delivery. And when they run into a major problem, rollback. Playing audio in a 10,000 sq ft gym is more complicated than just “blasting tunes. Things like music licensing and staff training, as well as hardware investment all factor in. 

@castalla Dial it down from 11… We have backup solutions, but expect high-end products to do better regression testing prior to delivery. And when they run into a major problem, rollback. Playing audio in a 10,000 sq ft gym is more complicated than just “blasting tunes. Things like music licensing and staff training, as well as hardware investment all factor in. 

Yes, well, life is full of unmet expectations! Why do you need music anyway?  The athletes in ancient Greece seemed to manage without it. 😁. Anyway, good luck with your enterprise. 

”…. taking into account the glitching and buggyness does kinda work.”

I mean you aren’t saying it works, that it only kinda works  🤣 


Well yeah - I am trying to be honest here.  It has bugs and it has glitches and bits are missing.  But I can use all my devices and I can play from my own library and I can play from Amazon music.  I’d love to give a more sensational answer, that the app caused my wife to give birth to a thousand camels and for my house to burn down, and that I therefore want a refund on my soundbar, but that wouldn’t be totally honest. 😄

🤣 I mean  this app kinda works for you so you are basically a unicorn much more impressive than 1000 camels 🤣

How about this, Sonos provides a way to rollback to the prior version in iOS and you guys go back to the drawing board and release a new app when it is ready. 

Sonos needs Crisis management here, not a please wait a year while we figure it out...

How about this, Sonos provides a way to rollback to the prior version in iOS and you guys go back to the drawing board and release a new app when it is ready. 

Sonos needs Crisis management here, not a please wait a year while we figure it out...

Just buy a cheap android phone and sideload the old S2 app. 

I just have to say. This app is an embarrassment and disgrace. After thr money people spend on sonos equipment is insulting you would even put this out. I know this is not a constructive and helpful post. but this app is so bad I cant even begin to explain it in a reply post. In short, people need fired and this app need a full remake from ground up. its useless!

How about this, Sonos provides a way to rollback to the prior version in iOS and you guys go back to the drawing board and release a new app when it is ready. 

Sonos needs Crisis management here, not a please wait a year while we figure it out...

Just buy a cheap android phone and sideload the old S2 app. 

That doesn't address the issue that i already have two ios devices that I have used with this system for 10 years.  I could do a lot of things.  Or since it is a Sonos product and and a Sonos update maybe Sonos should do something. 


With the new Sonos app I can't create a new playlist. I can't edit new songs to an existing playlist. I can't edit the order of playing of the songs. I can't put a new song to reproduce as next. This is a real concern, because this is a very good advantage of the previous app that was working good.

How about this, Sonos provides a way to rollback to the prior version in iOS and you guys go back to the drawing board and release a new app when it is ready. 

Sonos needs Crisis management here, not a please wait a year while we figure it out...

Just buy a cheap android phone and sideload the old S2 app. 

That doesn't address the issue that i already have two ios devices that I have used with this system for 10 years.  I could do a lot of things.  Or since it is a Sonos product and and a Sonos update maybe Sonos should do something. 

I agree.  BUT they will do and act in their interests first.  There's little you as a user can do in reality.  Sideloading is one solution, but Apple restrict that.  SO what else to do? 

The new App that I was required to update totally screwed up my entire system.  I cannot listen to anything that I want to listen to, there is a playlist that is going that was chosen weeks ago that I cannot change or even turn down from the app. This update was not tested or planned out at all, this is kid stuff.


great job sonos! :-( 

Please reenable the volume adjust on “surrounds”. I can still adjust the height audio but the surrounds are now unadjustable and weak af and tbh really useless.  Before we had the option of 0-15 and I would adjust it constantly  according to what we were watching but now they are just stuck at weak sauce. I have turned them off and unplugged and the sound is no different.  Please please please allow manual surround volume adjustment again. Don’t dumb your product down like microsoft does.   

How about this, Sonos provides a way to rollback to the prior version in iOS and you guys go back to the drawing board and release a new app when it is ready. 

Sonos needs Crisis management here, not a please wait a year while we figure it out...

Just buy a cheap android phone and sideload the old S2 app. 

That doesn't address the issue that i already have two ios devices that I have used with this system for 10 years.  I could do a lot of things.  Or since it is a Sonos product and and a Sonos update maybe Sonos should do something. 

I agree.  BUT they will do and act in their interests first.  There's little you as a user can do in reality.  Sideloading is one solution, but Apple restrict that.  SO what else to do? 

Your comment doesn’t help and I don’t get why you want to defend Sonos.  You must have some personal interest in the future of the company.  Sideloading the app is a band aid for some portion of users.  The real issue isn't finding some random solution for some users, but for the mfg of the products and the developer of the software to provide a supported fix.  People aren’t coming onto this site to trade hacks, they come here looking for solutions that were created by the company itself. 

This is why I made my simple statement.  SONOS should provide the S2 app to ALL users via Google Play or App Store.  The millions of customers they have need a legit way to use the systems they have invested in.

Forced update to new app, now cannot reconnect Beam to TV no matter what method or cabling is tried.  Can still listen to music (even though the station listings are jumbled and favourites are gone) but app does not automatically recognise or switch over to Reconnect Beam to TV.  Also does not show switch prompt on mobile device screen.  Volume control on mobile device shows TV but there is nil sound.  New app is a mess, WTF were you guys thinking???  How does one revert to previous version of Sonos app ???

I mainly use Sonos through my android phone and a NAS at work and through my PC and Media Monkey when home and was a bit concerned when reading support through NAS may have issues/or being phased out.  The system updated overnight and after some simple fiddling around it made sense and worked fine through both NAS and MM. That said, please keep on the use of personal library as not everyone is enchanted with streaming services.  

Thanks for a great speaker system!

How about this, Sonos provides a way to rollback to the prior version in iOS and you guys go back to the drawing board and release a new app when it is ready. 

Sonos needs Crisis management here, not a please wait a year while we figure it out...

Just buy a cheap android phone and sideload the old S2 app. 

That doesn't address the issue that i already have two ios devices that I have used with this system for 10 years.  I could do a lot of things.  Or since it is a Sonos product and and a Sonos update maybe Sonos should do something. 

I agree.  BUT they will do and act in their interests first.  There's little you as a user can do in reality.  Sideloading is one solution, but Apple restrict that.  SO what else to do? 

Your comment doesn’t help and I don’t get why you want to defend Sonos.  You must have some personal interest in the future of the company.  Sideloading the app is a band aid for some portion of users.  The real issue isn't finding some random solution for some users, but for the mfg of the products and the developer of the software to provide a supported fix.  People aren’t coming onto this site to trade hacks, they come here looking for solutions that were created by the company itself. 

This is why I made my simple statement.  SONOS should provide the S2 app to ALL users via Google Play or App Store.  The millions of customers they have need a legit way to use the systems they have invested in.

I have nothing to do with Sonos whatsoever. 

I'm not defending Sonos.  Look for some of my posts and you'll see how critical I have been. 

I'm being pragmatic.  Another post asking/demanding a rollback adds nothing.  Of course, it's a solution requested ad nauseam.

Sonos will do what they want whatever you do or say - that's reality. 

There's a workaround. Take it or leave it. 


App is complete trash. Loses all functionality. Unable to stream music through app without clicking on each individual song of it will even connect. Please allow us to revert back to the previous version until this POS is usable.

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.



That’s exactly what your customers would hope that Sonos would do...

This is fine, but you are giving no time frame. Can we revert back to the old app until you guys implement the missing features?


Disregard this idiot’s post.  He consulted reddit and has since been corrected.  Thank you.  Goodnight

I’ve been using a simple two play1 system since 2019.  Early on I learned the sonos SW updates are buggy and almost always crash my system: reload the PC app, reload the android app.   The HW is very good and the concept is great, but sonos continues to mismanage SW updates.   This weeks forced android app update was an ambush.   Try to get help via chat, told to use the phone, 46 minute wait on the phone.   Android app.  Nothing I use is improved, its a step backwards.   The links to my streaming service were broken.   Tunin anonymous isn’t selectable anylonger (was the update coordinated with streaming services to get everyone to create an account?) , calm radio content appears then disappears, error messages (not a network problem).   No excuse for the poor quality of the release, broken features and the lack of communication prior to release.  Why not email users explaining the update, timing?    No good business reason to force the update.   Sonos continues to prioritize roll-out/support of new products over a stable installed base.  I won’t add to my Sonos system.   I refuse to reward this behavior.   Thanks to the previous post regarding Aptoide.   So far the old android app has restored all my feeds and features.

The new App is my first disappointment with Sonos after being a rusted on user for 15 years. Others have covered the technical issues, which I will not repeat. The ‘look and feel’ of the new app is a downgrade. It simply looks dull and the horizontal source layout is clumsy. I am finding a ‘wrong - try again’ message frequently which improves once the system settles down. Overall, I just find it hard to understand how a company like Sonos can undertake a much-touted upgrade to produce something retrograde. I simply don’t get it. Shame, Sonos. 

Who’s the brainiac that made something scroll horizontally on a freaking phone? Everything scrolls vertically on phones.
