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Your feedback on the new Sonos App

Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


Does the new app work for anybody?

Yes, it seems stable and all is working here… just missing the features widely mentioned. I can live with it for how I use my Sonos system, but I’m just as eager as everyone else to have the ‘missing bits’ restored, plus a few other things besides.l

Try using the CBC radio or Calm Radio services and you won't think “all is working”.

Simple one please show the battery status of my Sonos Roam and Move without having to drill down….. basic.

We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Thanks for the post, Corry & Team, it’s important to have you chiming in.

Amalgaming the feedback into focused threads is a great idea. I tried to do just that for the Web App, tho’ you’ll have far better success. Please be sure to include focused threads for:

  • Android-specific issues: many of us are running the new app on both iOS and Android, and we’re encountering things that work on the iOS app but are broken on the Android app.
  • Local Library issues with an ‘approved’ SMBv2 share: many things in the new app work for a streaming album/playlist but do not work for a local library album/playlist.
  • Web App: issues with the web app are getting drowned out across these forums. Given the possibility of fixing/enhancing the web app more frequently than the mobile apps, I think you’ll want to keep the pedal to the metal on the web app.


Does the new app work for anybody?

With respect to the mobile app….

I’m finding playing music from all my sources is working fine (local library, iBroadcast, Spotify, Amazon, Sonos Radio, BBC) as is grouping speakers and adjusting speaker settings. And although there are a couple of things I dislike about the new UI, I’m finding it fairly easy to navigate after a couple of days use. So I suppose my answer to this is yes.

The biggest issue for me with the new app is the lack of sleep timer because I had been using that regularly. Am also disappointed by the sluggishness of the app (pages take a while to render when switching views) and wonder what they’ve done to cause this. But the other issues that seem to get most complaints (missing local library search, alarm management, and queue management) are not huge issues for me personally. 

I’m an Android user so I could roll back to v16. But since lack of sleep timer is the only significant issue for me I’ve decided I’ll stick with v80 as any UI feedback I have might be more likely to have an impact now compared to a few months down the line.

With respect to the web app….

It’s hit or miss whether it works for me. Sometimes it works and sometimes I get an “internal server error”. So I would say not reliably for the web app.

I’ll be honest but just don’t like the new app as doesn’t feel intuitive and can’t easily find what I want. Eg play my favourite playlist from My Sonos or just access the sound for my TV through my cinema set up.  It’s just taking far too much effort from the old app. In fact can I have the old app back please 

YES!!! Please give us back the old was SO much better than this “new and improved” app. The new app is not at all intuitive and lacks the versatility and information that the old app gave us.


Dear Sonos Team,

As a loyal,and should I say fanatic, user of Sonos for over 12 years, I know you, and we have gone through some hickups in the past with the technical aspect of the overall software. UI was hardly ever an issue and your support has always provided me with the right guidance, either for a fix, or for a bit of patience before my specific issue was being worked on in the next release.

This UI overhaul was obviously a shock to most loyal users, and why you did release this version with blatant regressions remains a mystery.

However you listed here the key (obvious) missing features and tell us you are working on them. This is good news, at least for someone like me who’s learned to wait for a solution when Sonos said it was coming.

Most important to me is this statement:

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

I trust you mean the universal search will also query the local media database.

Keep up the good work, and pls keep in mind that not all future Sonos customers will be using your headphones on a subway, and will need access to the fine settings the legacy app made easily accessible.

The app UI, seamless integration of sources and systems accounted for 80% of my choice when I selected Sonos. The remaining 20% is not enough to keep a customer happy or turn them into a promoter or upsell buyer. 

Eagerly waiting for your next upgrades! 🤜🤛

Kind regards,




Does the new app work for anybody?

Yes, it seems stable and all is working here… just missing the features widely mentioned. I can live with it for how I use my Sonos system, but I’m just as eager as everyone else to have the ‘missing bits’ restored, plus a few other things besides.l

You don’t use any of the queue functions?

Yeah sometimes, but can easily adapt and manage without, at least until these things are restored. “It’s life, Jim, but not as we know it”.😀

Not good enough. Nowhere near good enough.

Own this catastrophe fully. Delete this unfit for purpose app, and restore the prior version.

Asking loyal and high paying customers for patience while you pour thimblefuls of water on a dumpster fire is not good enough.

And you “hid the ball” on this one. Intentionally, in my opinion. Had you clearly communicated the features you intentionally removed in this “update” I feel certain the vast majority would have said hell no. The responses you see here demonstrate this clearly.

There is an extremely simple solution here: revert to the prior app version.

The fact you are not taking this approach demonstrates your continued bad faith.

This is the only hidden update we need - a restored app. And I agree with others here - the fact you buried this pitiful response in a community forum thread, instead of plastering it on your website home page along with a public relations response is simply terrible form.

You have treated your customers with contempt. Real Harvard Business School Case Study material. Well done.



I really hope that the local music library gets fixed asap. Reading the posts, many others use this feature as well. I paid a lot of money for all my Sonos products and expect a good product. 
Thank you!

Same here, on all accounts 😉

“Local music library is still being worked on.’

The ONLY function I use in Sonos is searching and building queues of my local music library. And now I am supposed to choke on Sonos Freakin Radio? GTFO

Geniuses. You’re all freaking geniuses.

Just wanted to add my thoughts - the new app is honestly just terrible.

The layout choice is cluttered and really difficult to navigate - it's not at all intuitive. There's no option to clear a queue, or to edit (delete) individual tracks in a queue. Also the ability to play a random track next without clearing the original queue is gone too. It's just really awful. It also seems really slow to respond. I'm so unhappy with it and don't understand why the previous version was replaced - it just needed a few tweaks is all.


Roll back to previous version please!

My guess is that the old version was not compatible with the upcoming new Sonos 🎧 product family. 

Does the new app work for anybody?

There are two people posting who seem to be able to tolerate it, they might be delusional though. Everyone else no.

Any differing opinion always provokes a nasty response. — last time I was called a ‘fanboy’, now I’m to believe I’m delusional.  I could say you’re just too damn thick to make it work.  I mean, I wouldn’t — that would just be stooping to your level.  But I could.  

🤣🤣🤣  I was being sarcastic because even people like Ken have issues with the app, my sincere apologies that you feel attacked sunshine. 


This story tells you all you need to know. If Sonos execs could spit in each of our faces directly, they would do it, and tell us they are doing us a favour.

It took “courage” to show our customers that they don’t matter: Sonos

My issue is primarily with the local music library. Its completely buried in menus, no apparent way of refreshing/adding/changing the location. I want to have the main menu as a)Local library b) my own curated playlists then b) music services.

Worst of all, all the Artwork for all that music no longer appears!!

How in heck could this software have been released as some sort of improvement????

I’ve reverted to 16.1

How you able to revert to the previous version (I’m on iOS)?

BTW, if you have access to a laptop Sonos controller, alarm settings and the full network media library experience is still available (for how long): search by any key (title, artist, genre), artwork

This is my situation after installing the Sonos app update on May 8, 2024 via Apple iPhone 14 Pro, ios 17.4.1. The Sonos System as identified on my Windows 11 pc (Version: 23H2) is OS: S1, Version: 11.14,   Build: 572150280. The following problems are present: 

- Apple Music Service: no Playlist names, no Artwork - playlists are present, and playable, but have no         names nor artwork next to them. The column left of the playlist column is blank. 

- Sonos Music Library: no artwork for artists, composers, genres, or imported playlists. Artwork exists for    albums and songs.

- Sonos Playlists: no artwork

Have removed Apple Music Service from Sonos then reinstalled it, no success. Have also reset the Sonos Controller app with no success. Have also rebooted Xfinity modem, and all Sonos components (4 play fives (S1), Sonos One (Alexa), and Sonos Beam. These problems not only exist on iPhone, Sonos app but on Windows 11 pc Sonos app as well. Please advise. Thank you.

My current solution that’s worked - I’ve uninstalled and gone back to S2 16.1.  When Sonos sorts this fiasco out (2025?), I’ll consider the update again but only after the community feedback becomes 99% positive.

Unfortunately, I don’t expect Sonos to learn from this ridiculous situation.  Unless there is a change of the personnel who dragged this mess over everybody, nothing will change.  Arrogance cannot be removed by training.

Hi how do you install an older version??

Had Sonos for 10 years 1st post on this forum  due to new updates app


My system is now virtually redundant 


Not working for me

My Library - can no longer access and doesn't exist 

No alarms

No Android Widget 



Maybe it’s time to ask for a change in leadership. I really expected an apology and perhaps give those with a help desk ticket a way to install S2 via special process. Even if they are looking at options, it would be awesome to know that. 

It’s reasonable to expect these things for a premium product company listed a stock exchange. 


When I release software at work, I have to create, share, and test my rollback plan. Is it different on iOS?



Does the new app work for anybody?

There are two people posting who seem to be able to tolerate it, they might be delusional though. Everyone else no.

Any differing opinion always provokes a nasty response. — last time I was called a ‘fanboy’, now I’m to believe I’m delusional.  I could say you’re just too damn thick to make it work.  I mean, I wouldn’t — that would just be stooping to your level.  But I could.  

🤣🤣🤣  I was being sarcastic because even people like Ken have issues with the app, my sincere apologies that you feel attacked sunshine. 


Apology accepted.   Everyone has issues with the app, myself included.  But just to clarify, the question was does the app work for anybody.  Sure it does.  That’s not to say that I have those things (alarms, queue management) that are missing for everybody else — I don’t.   But what I do have — taking into account the glitching and buggyness does kinda work.  That’s an honest answer to the question.  

I have sympathy for those people whose systems have gone ‘missing’ in the app.  I don’t have any sympathy for those screaming in CAPSLOCK about the missing alarms — 100% of those people have mobile phones that can stand in for the short term.  Those missing the queue management have a bigger beef, but we have been told that is coming too.

I am having the same issues as everyone.   But reading posts demanding m compensation or those saying that they are going to dump their gear is starting to sound very shrill and a bit ridiculous.   Help the mods out and stick to bug reports as requested (and yeah, I get the irony that this post isn’t about a bug report).  

This update broke my entire house audio.  The lag makes it impossible to use.  I was able to uninstall the app and install a 16.1 version from archive on an android phone.  I still have not addressed my other apple devices.  

Sonos, I can’t use this.  You know this and you did this????  Certainly you have to know what is broken and what is missing and you still did this??  Do you know how much we pay for your gear that only works with our mobile devices?

An apology and the ability to revert back to the original app would have prevented all this uproar. Instead their latest statement relating to the courage it took to release the app is effectively gas-lighting the customer base.

It seems that the Sonos board came to the conclusion that to put out this fire, they needed to pour more petrol on it. 
Clearly a boardroom full of geniuses.

The new app leaves me with lots of questions as to the ability and skill in Sonos to update a piece of software without takeing away its capabilities.

Sonos must remember, and I dont think they do , that users use the app to their own needs and not to Sonos’ wishes or expectations.

In my initial review I have 2 gripes,

  1. The icon on the phone being all black.  I lost it! Until I spotted the tiny word Sonos at the bottom of the screen.  A totally Black Icon does not work…..Have they not heard of Dark mode. Even a high contrast border would help
  2.  The ability to control,the global volume when the app might be hidden has been taken away. I really miss this. The app now has to be upfraont and active
  3. Sonos seem to have released this version without propoer testing nor Quality Control.  Is this the norm for a premier audio company?  Do not be Naieve. Reputations matter Gents and Ladies.

Here’s to the release of an upgrade when it has been properley tested and does not step back due to the wishes of the design department. Customers matter!

The new app leaves me with lots of questions as to the ability and skill in Sonos to update a piece of software without takeing away its capabilities.

Sonos must remember, and I dont think they do , that users use the app to their own needs and not to Sonos’ wishes or expectations.

In my initial review I have 2 gripes,

  1. The icon on the phone being all black.  I lost it! Until I spotted the tiny word Sonos at the bottom of the screen.  A totally Black Icon does not work…..Have they not heard of Dark mode. Even a high contrast border would help

If you place the App in an iOS folder it should address your icon colour concerns, or you could simply alter the colour of your iOS desktop wallpaper. It’s not an issue that is directly related to iOS ‘Dark Mode’.

  1.  The ability to control,the global volume when the app might be hidden has been taken away. I really miss this. The app now has to be upfraont and active

This has not changed and the iOS iDevice control of volume, is the same as the previous S2 App.

  1. Sonos seem to have released this version without propoer testing nor Quality Control.  Is this the norm for a premier audio company?  Do not be Naieve. Reputations matter Gents and Ladies.

I agree it seems the new Sonos App was perhaps released prematurely. Some mentioned features in documentation are clearly missing from the new App. Sonos have already said they plan to address the matters widely discussed here. 

The new app leaves me with lots of questions as to the ability and skill in Sonos to update a piece of software without takeing away its capabilities.

Sonos must remember, and I dont think they do , that users use the app to their own needs and not to Sonos’ wishes or expectations.

In my initial review I have 2 gripes,

  1. The icon on the phone being all black.  I lost it! Until I spotted the tiny word Sonos at the bottom of the screen.  A totally Black Icon does not work…..Have they not heard of Dark mode. Even a high contrast border would help
  2.  The ability to control,the global volume when the app might be hidden has been taken away. I really miss this. The app now has to be upfraont and active
  3. Sonos seem to have released this version without propoer testing nor Quality Control.  Is this the norm for a premier audio company?  Do not be Naieve. Reputations matter Gents and Ladies.

Here’s to the release of an upgrade when it has been properley tested and does not step back due to the wishes of the design department. Customers matter!

What Design Department? 😁. Prospective and repeat customers matter, nobody else. 
