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Your feedback on the new Sonos App

Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


Does the new app work for anybody?

App update has made the system un-usable. It lost the device (Play:3), and cannot reconnect. Furthest it got was to find the device but still is unable to connect, gives a “Device is not registered” error, then the “Fix it” sequence fails. Spent hours on chat with help team trying to reconnect, with no success, so wasted an enormous amount of time with no resolution. Suggested to call into the phone help line, but when tried that earlier the wait time was something like 90 minutes, so no thanks. Very frustrated, unsatisfied, unimpressed by sonos.

Absolutely disgusted with Sonos - I have invested and updated since 2008 - have about 10  products currently having upgraded over the years. Loads of € spent on Sonos.  Currently would not recommend it to anyone after thiis upgrade.  Let us rollback to previous version if you cannot sort it out.  How could Sonos roll out an upgrade that is actually a DOWNGRADE.  Cop on there Sonos - your loyal customers expect better from you!

My system is BRICKED

Does the new app work for anybody?

There are two people posting who seem to be able to tolerate it, they might be delusional though. Everyone else no.

I can no longer play all top songs from an artist with Amazon Music, it just plays the song you click on. Can't queue them individually either as you have removed the ability to create playlists.


Also have lost the ability to quickly access the equaliser for individual speakers.

I’m reading the features that people are missing. My iPhone with the new app cannot even find my SONOS system at all. Fortunately, I only downloaded the new app on the Phone. I can still access my system from the Mac and my iPad. It will be a long, long time before I update a SONOS app again. 

I am done with Sonos.  The recent app update is horrible and worse than their previous updates.  I can no longer get the Apple Store app to properly connect to the system which worked perfectly fine prior to this update.  No more Sonos devices for me.

The new app doesn’t allow you to add speakers or perform software updates. It’s just an endless loop asking to sign in as the owner but the log in screen crashes

Does the new app work for anybody?

No, can’t even add speakers I just bought and the app is now locked in the software update page with no way to log in when it asks me to

All of this terrible feedback and yet they cannot seem to admit that this was a failure and, to assist customers, go back to the previous version. They can certainly continue to work on the app, but to piss off this many people while they try to ‘fix’ an app that won’t even run the equipment is not a good business model. I cannot recommend SONOS to anyone right now (and I have recommended it to MANY people over the years).


I have to add to the complaints, as you seriously messed up this time with not giving us the choice for the update. Knowing now which functions are gone I would NEVER have done the update since all functions I use daily are now removed. This is a huge disappointment, and actually a reason I consider stop buying more products in the foreseeable future. Need to see major improvements before I consider widening my collection. A shame really. 

Does the new app work for anybody?

it works for me — using a local library and Amazon music over 6 amps, 2 soundbars and a Play 5.  Yes it glitches all over the damn place, and the local library comes and goes. It’s buggy as anything.  But it works of sorts.  I can understand the frustration, however (and apologies to anyone here having serious issues) there is nothing special about my setup.  I’m just being honest, but the last i  did this I was called a ‘Sonos fanboy’. 

My current solution that’s worked - I’ve uninstalled and gone back to S2 16.1.  When Sonos sorts this fiasco out (2025?), I’ll consider the update again but only after the community feedback becomes 99% positive.

Unfortunately, I don’t expect Sonos to learn from this ridiculous situation.  Unless there is a change of the personnel who dragged this mess over everybody, nothing will change.  Arrogance cannot be removed by training.

Does the new app work for anybody?

Yes, it seems stable and all is working here… just missing the features widely mentioned. I can live with it for how I use my Sonos system, but I’m just as eager as everyone else to have the ‘missing bits’ restored, plus a few other things besides.l

I’ve had to revert to the macOS app just to be able to play my vinyls through my local tune-in stream (Rpi + darkice + icecast2). Tune-in (new) doesn’t sync my custom stream url back to the new Sonos app. 

Does the new app work for anybody?

Yes, it seems stable and all is working here… just missing the features widely mentioned. I can live with it for how I use my Sonos system, but I’m just as eager as everyone else to have the ‘missing bits’ restored, plus a few other things besides.l

You don’t use any of the queue functions?

Well done Sonos. Another rubbish app that crashes and is buggy as hell. Can’t find my own well established system. Can’t see what is playing. Can see some speakers and that they are grouped but have to use the buttons on the speakers to make changes. This really is not good enough, you have had enough practice at this. Same mistakes = Same results. Come on!

PLEASE bring back scrobbling integration!

@Corry P Thanks at least for acknowledging the issues and the fact that you are listening to us (even though we can’t listen to our music 🙂 )

I genuinely appreciate that at least you too the time to give at least a psuedo-official response from the company. as you can see from both here and elsewhere ( X <Twitter>, Reddit, etc.) people have been very loyal to the company and the products, and are feeling very let down to be treated this way. I am one of the ones who have now gone back to the prior release via APKMirror so that I have a useable system, but it would be nice if the company also offered people the chance to do that officially until all these issues you mention above (especially the local library for me) get resolved.

Thanks again for taking the time.

Does the new app work for anybody?

There are two people posting who seem to be able to tolerate it, they might be delusional though. Everyone else no.

It works okay for me (Android) - with many features not implemented.  Do I like it?  No.  The interface is clunky and amateurish - looks like the work of a first year undergraduate, not a multi-million tech. company.  

The older app was never brilliant, but the new version has quite a way to go to just match what it has replaced.  Scores compared to other apps I'm familiar with (eg. LMS Material 8, Wiim Home 6,  old Sonos 5, new Sonos 3).


In addition to the general disdain for your new app you also need to address the fact that some services have stopped working. The CBC service does not work at all with the new app, although it continues to work with older versions of the app and with third-party Sonos apps. The Calm Radio service is no longer working with any version of your apps, although its demise seemed to coincide with the intro of the new Sonos app. There are unanswered (by Sonos) discussions about both of these issues.

Does the new app work for anybody?

Yes, it seems stable and all is working here… just missing the features widely mentioned. I can live with it for how I use my Sonos system, but I’m just as eager as everyone else to have the ‘missing bits’ restored, plus a few other things besides.l

You don’t use any of the queue functions?

There aren't any! (AFAIK) 

Does the new app work for anybody?

There are two people posting who seem to be able to tolerate it, they might be delusional though. Everyone else no.

Any differing opinion always provokes a nasty response. — last time I was called a ‘fanboy’, now I’m to believe I’m delusional.  I could say you’re just too damn thick to make it work.  I mean, I wouldn’t — that would just be stooping to your level.  But I could.  

OMG!  This is the worst update.  Yes there are things missing but there is NO MAPPING or common sense as to how to navigate this app.  NEVER LET ENGINEERS develop the user interface.  They may be smart people but they have no common sense.   I had to take over the development of our own app’s user interface because our own engineers messed it top so bad.  Always ask consumers what they like and FOLLOW that advice.  

Here is a simple issue overlooked.  My sub is mostly off out of respect for my neighbours. but when I go to add speakers for that night I can choose any or all of my speakers but there is no place… RIGHT THERE… to select and activate my sub.  Duh.  To include my sub I have to much around through several other pages to find the sub and then turn it on.  Dumb.

Please go back to the previous version and try again.  But use customer input.  I don’t remember ever being asked what I like or dislike about the previous version of the app.


