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New SONOS App - Feedback

In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

2189 replies

Can I get the old app back?

please can we. how do you do playlists now?

Userlevel 2

Right now I’m unable to control my speakers because the app keeps loading. Wtf Sonos?

Any chance to put the old (working!) version as a separate app on the AppStore for those people who actually don’t have the time to be your beta-testers?



Userlevel 7
Badge +4

I have been reading this thread yet again to see if anyone from SONOS has responded.  No responses from anyone at SONOS.


I sent an email to CEO as was suggested on this thread and have received no response.


It is apparent that SONOS does not care that they have rolled out a huge mistake.  I read a response from a support member that this was to be a seamless update to revitalize the SONOS app.  It revitalized alright- it is defunct.


Thanks to Salami Slices I did get my library to appear but only briefly.  It is not working now.  I can play none of the 4,000+ songs in my library.  I have been streaming and all I hear are the same songs over and over.


A loyal but very frustrated SONOS customer.  SONOS is going to lose its customer base if they can’t correct this and very soon.


Did anyone receive responses from CEO or anyone at SONOS on this farce?



Nope, 2 weeks waiting and still radio silence. 

At least last time P.Spence released the “Crack-App”, S1-S2, he apologized.  But he and his fellow tech-bros, have a new philosophy now: Never apologize, move fast and break things - screw the customer, they’re just PRODUCTS to us now! - we’re RICH for life who have our golden parachutes, escape hatches, and underground bunkers all set. 

Only really adding a comment because I think that the more people do, someone will eventually listen. 

Absolutely befuddled with the new app. I’m pretty easy going and this has driven me to the verge of smashing the speakers up.


Can’t play the music I want on the speaker I want and have decided the only solution is to sell my speakers on and try and recover some of the money I have spent.


And then you tell me that you have exciting news. Two little speakers that sit on your ears and still don’t allow you to listen to your music?

No thanks. 

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.


Who thought it a good idea to force me to the new ‘better’ app and then leave out features people use a lot? 


Userlevel 2

new app is terrible. Missing features and slow. Bring back the old app please!

Dear Sonos,

please please please make the previous s2 version available again in AppStore. 

i have been a Sonos fan for 20+ years. Just updated the Sonos app and never had a worse experience. I feels like you have stolen my Home music setup. My own Music library is gone, Music search basically doesnt work. The app is horrible to navigate. I cant believe you can treat your customers like this. 

I’m also convinced it must be a violation of danish consumer law. I bought an expensive product (the hardware) and now you have so fundamentally changed the Way i Can use it without my acceptance. 

but please please please just make the old s2 app available again. 

br Joachim

Wow I had no idea how misguided this update was until I started reading these comments. And what bothers me is around sxm and Apple Music interfaces. I need to take more steps to access channels on sxm, and the songs currently playing on the channels do not update until you back out of the source and reenter, and don’t update at all on the device clusters.  It’s clunky to change/ add devices to play the same music. I haven’t figured out on Apple Music how to find artist ‘essentials’ playlists. Not intuitive in the least. There’s less search history too. We have invested heavily in Sonos (10 devices) and this is a baffling step backward. 

Userlevel 2

Has any one found a way to get the old app back on iOS without jail breaking the device ? With the new EU laws about side loading it is maybe easier to do that. Never thought I’d be looking for a bootleg Sonos app…

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Wow I had no idea how misguided this update was until I started reading these comments. And what bothers me is around sxm and Apple Music interfaces. I need to take more steps to access channels on sxm, and the songs currently playing on the channels do not update until you back out of the source and reenter, and don’t update at all on the device clusters.  It’s clunky to change/ add devices to play the same music. I haven’t figured out on Apple Music how to find artist ‘essentials’ playlists. Not intuitive in the least. There’s less search history too. We have invested heavily in Sonos (10 devices) and this is a baffling step backward. 

Sonos has gotten too big. I read somewhere that they have millions of users/speakers out there. For people who just stream to a couple of speakers, the new version may work. Sonos doesn’t care about the few thousands who don’t match their preferred customer base. I read somewhere that just 10 years ago 90% of Sonos customers did streaming and nothing else. Some estimates are that this may be as much as 99% now. That 10% or 1% is expendable. They just don’t care about a few thousand abandoned customers. Time to leave folks. Time to leave. There are better alternatives like BlueSound or Denon. For what it is worth BlueSound is popular with audiophiles, who fit a demographic aligned with the very people that SOnos has abandoned. Denon is good too but they don’t have a PC app and I want both PC and iOS,

The app is very glitchy in Spotify. It will not allow me to view my album list (it give an error message that “something went wrong”. Also, I am only seeing a small fraction of the playlists I’ve got in Spotify. Since I could no longer connect Sonos to my own music collection I rely on Spotify playlists. It is very frustrating and needs to be fixed.

Userlevel 1

Apparently there was a new update a day or two ago. But I still cannot play songs on my computer, and that is my main use for Sonos. Imagine, being locked out of my own music. Who is Mr. Spence to think he ought to be able to lock me out of my own music after I spent $ on speakers? I go to add my music library (which used to work just fine, but now Sonos doesn’t know where my songs are) and it just says it couldn’t. So we need another new update--actually we need an update of the software, AND an update of the CEO. 

Userlevel 1

I have an outdoor complete Sonos system by my pool, the move and my house wired with Sonos for listening throughout my whole house.


you change the app to where it is much more difficult to just play from a playlist.  Like when I shuffle songs how do you either skip a song or go back to a song now?  All I can see to do is hit reshuffle.  

The new app just seems more confusing and not as user friendly.  I guess I do t know why a change was needed.  You did not make it better…. Made it more frustrating to me.


Please reset back to the old app!

Userlevel 2

Has any one found a way to get the old app back on iOS without jail breaking the device ? With the new EU laws about side loading it is maybe easier to do that. Never thought I’d be looking for a bootleg Sonos app…

Not that I’m aware of.

Thought I’d found a solution earlier today. Went to the App Store and downloaded the S1 app. Installed perfectly. Fired up with the splash screen. Asked me whether I wanted to connect to a new or existing system. When I specified the latter, it took a second and then gave me a green checkmark. When I swiped to go to my rooms, a black screen appeared with useless buttons for obtaining more information, reporting a problem or switching to the S2 app. No other actions allowed.

May try again after uninstalling the S2 app but worry about having to reinstall the S2 app, which is at least hasn’t bricked any of my speakers. Also, doubt the S1 app would support my Era 100s.

Userlevel 1

I have an 84 yr old Mom who has been using your app. She had issues but it worked. The new one???  She doesn’t even know what to do and I can’t help because even I don’t know how to use it. I’m completely shocked you would release something so confusing. Sonos you are pissing off your core users. There are many other speakers with better software. 

Userlevel 1

Instead of complaining I am look at new systems.  What does everyone think about Sony and Apple they both have multi room WiFi speakers that just work?  Does anyone have other suggestions?  Not SONOS lol.

Yes, but many of us are already thousands of dollars into this company for these products and platforms! And now it doesn't work as expected..…total bullshit!

Userlevel 1

So horrendous! I used to use the app to “DJ” at home pulling songs from multiple apps (Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music) and place them in the same queue. That’s all gone. I can’t even delete tracks from a queue. Interface is terrible and difficult to navigate. You have to scroll back 5 screens to find where you started searching. You can no longer find “Album Info” on a song!

I will now read all the forums and find an alternative to this pathetic app or else I will sell all my speakers and start over. Sonos, you blew it and everyone in this new app development should already be unemployed!


Ok, I as well have huge problems finding anything good with the new ios version. 

need your help to figure out the following:

how do I reorder Favorites? It feels archaic to have them in alphabetical order, but I cannot figure out how to reorder


how do I skip 30 seconds forward or back? this used to be really easy, but now I cannot figure out how to do it and it is driving me crazy


how do I make the area ib the screen covered by "now-is-playing” smaller. i only have the normal-sized iPhone and the share of the screen being blocked by this is annoying - it should be much smaller and then expand when I click on it. 

This is what my app looks like. And the choice of music reflects Sonos CEO for releasing the courageous App.


Terrible, terrible and unnecessary update! Please bring back previous version

Thanks to new update I'm unable to listen radio stations via my tuner radio. 

Userlevel 2

Oh my God, I Don’t know where to begin with the new app and the fact that I’m pretty sure it’s messing up my Wi-Fi is getting knocked off of their connection multiple times a day? I never was knocked off I think last year seven or eight times a day. The volume doesn’t control more than one speaker I have five speakers in one room remotely and one or two of them is constantly going off. It takes forever for the app to load, even if it’s just minimized or closed out. There’s so many more issues like when are they fixing an updating some of these? After the rollout was so bad why didn’t you warn your other customers before they downloaded it? I didn’t download mine for several days and you didn’t warn us? That’s awful  And then defending it like you should have sympathy for your customers, not defending a bad product  You guys are the best we all make mistakes, just defending it and then not giving a heads up to your clients isn’t cool at all. 

So horrendous! I used to use the app to “DJ” at home pulling songs from multiple apps (Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music) and place them in the same queue. That’s all gone. I can’t even delete tracks from a queue. Interface is terrible and difficult to navigate. You have to scroll back 5 screens to find where you started searching. You can no longer find “Album Info” on a song!

I will now read all the forums and find an alternative to this pathetic app or else I will sell all my speakers and start over. Sonos, you blew it and everyone in this new app development should already be unemployed!

The queue management features you mention are apparently coming to the App in mid-June according to this link:

Just a case that we all have to wait a while. I’m ‘missing’ those features too.👍

Userlevel 3

well obviously no one at Sonos cares, but another problem I'm having is none of my Sonos playlist will play on my iPad or iPhone. Only on my Mac desktop. Another winner from Sonos

well obviously no one at Sonos cares, but another problem I'm having is none of my Sonos playlist will play on my iPad or iPhone. Only on my Mac desktop. Another winner from Sonos

If it’s a local library based playlist it sounds like the share is set to SMBv1 or http.

If that is the case search the threads here or look online to switch it to an SMBv2 or higher share. 
