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In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

Please, add again the surround distance configuration

Audio display: I really don’t like that I have to tap an actively playing room once or twice to see the audio display info (Dolby Atmos, Dolby Digital Plus 2.0, etc).  There’s a huge banner for each room, this info should be automatically displayed in the banner.

Since the new updated app my standard radio service was removed and i can’t add a new one. I have SRP3 as my alarm clock and used tuneIn, it doesnt work to just add it again, i instead tried to add Sveriges Radio service and that didnt work aswell, it just says that it didnt work and that i should try again. 

The app is now CRapp    Absolutely devastating!!  I have savored a house full of beautiful music during all my waking hours until now.  What on earth were they thinking?  Clearly, they weren’t thinking of the user experience.  This is spirit sapping!!

How to get app to stop playing?  Music is playing but app only shows the play icon - no square stop button.  Just one of the issues.  Can’t get it to switch source either.  Sure wish I could get old app back

I have been a Sonos guy for over a decade.  Love all their products.  First bomb is this new app.  It is absolutely awful to use on my Iphone.  I think I am picking my room to play music on, pick the album or station on Spotify or Pandora and then it reverts to playing in another room.  I have had no problem using the app in the past.  This new one is trash.  D-.  

The new Favorites home screen has a lot of problems. It doesn’t have the ability to sort preferred sections.  The older “My Sonos” home screen allowed the user to sort content sections under “Edit My Sonos.”  I put “Stations” at the top.

The new app’s Favorites doesn’t allow editing of the layout, and in my case it puts “Recently Added” at the top, followed by Playlists,  Albums, and Stations.  I don’t care about “Recently Added” and would prefer “Recently Played” but the Favorites layout kills that option.

Particularly annoying is how the new “Stations” section compares to the old one.  I can’t discern how it sorts my saved stations.  It’s not alpha/numeric.  It’s not by date added.  I just cannot understand what it’s doing. 

The old app displays all 63 of my saved radio stations.  The new app displays about half greyed out, meaning they’re inaccessible.  

The old app displays station titles in alpha/numeric order, AND it allowed editing of individual names so that I could group them.  (for example, Jazz - WGBH Boston, Rock- WBRU Providence, Classical - ABC Sydney)  The new app doesn’t allow editing of names, and the sort order is a hot mess.


The app is now unusable. How can something with obvious effort get consistently worse, until one day, today, it become completely unusable. The app is simply not fit for purpose. And without any other option, then neither are the speakers. Terrible! 


I've sent a messages to the CEO on wether this problem lies with Google often spoken about anti completive process or Sonos incompetence. Still waiting on a response. Meanwhile I'll continue to seeth.  



Good luck. lmk if you get a reply. I have been waiting now for over a week. SONOS is done as far as I am concerned.

jgatie wrote: “If you don’t see your local library, there is something else at work (perhaps you are using the obsolete and security lax SMB v1 share protocol?).”  I will steadfastly take issue with your general statement that SMB v1 is “obsolete and security lax.”  For whom? The original poster of this comment (Cheated) shares the same issues that I do and, I agree that those that invested in this equipment should make the determination in regards to their cyber safety. I’ve posted before that, although Macs aren’t entirely free from worms, viruses and the like, they’ve always been less likely to be the targets of said breeches. Regardless, I had a system that worked and now it does not.  Also, I gave the Amazon Music stream icon a go and, received an error message. Nothing works for me as it once did. I at one time wired some quite elaborate audio systems for personal use and, ran audio cable through my entire house when I built it in the late 90’s. The reason I bought into Sonos was quality and ease of use - of which neither apply since I updated my iPhone app. Yes, I received the May 2nd email but, I didn’t know my lowly USB drives were NADs or had anything to do with SMB as I’d never heard of SMB before now. I, like others, found out the hard way.

Who of all the competitors out there would anyone suggest? My SONOS system is already to go to the dump. DONE. Never have I seen a company treat its best customers this way.

What a miserable piece of garbage.  I have 20 active speakers and while the update does deal with vlans better that is the only thing that is not exponentially worse.  Sonos needs to get over trying to monetize every last dime of its loyal customers!

With the removal of so many functions to play local music and to use other music services, the new app feels like Sonos wanting to convert its Sonos system to only being speakers that stream Sonos Radio, where they can get ongoing ad revenue, rather than being an actual sound system.  Sad!  If that is the case then shouldn't they just give away the hardware instead of charging a premium.  I may as well go with some decent blue tooth speaker system since I can no longer use the system to play my own music.  No reason that they could not keep original functionality as well as adding new functionality unless they are just trying to force users into an ongoing revenue model.  I don't think Sonos understands its customer base at all.

Oh, they understand their customer base, they just don't give a damn about it if they can sell a bunch of their new headphones.


Wow ! !  Not even an apology for the inconvenience this has caused. Even if your response to me was correct I have not changed any of my settings since first following Sonos directions when setting it up. Would have been nice to make everyone aware of this change. 

Untrustworthy brand

The whole update is an insult to the many thousands of users/consumers who probably the same as me have spent thousands building a system that is now a shambles. Can we have a response from developers, managers etc beyond the mundane fixes coming soon because you should be ashamed of yourselves releasing an incomplete not fit for purpose app.


I agree. This needs to be corrected yesterday. These developers would be out of a job or working around the clock to fix / roll this back if they worked anywhere else 

What a miserable piece of garbage.  I have 20 active speakers and while the update does deal with vlans better that is the only thing that is not exponentially worse.  Sonos needs to get over trying to monetize every last dime of its loyal customers!

Luckily I’m only in for 3 speakers. I’ll probably start researching an alternative system. They won’t be getting any more of my money.

The whole update is an insult to the many thousands of users/consumers who probably the same as me have spent thousands building a system that is now a shambles. Can we have a response from developers, managers etc beyond the mundane fixes coming soon because you should be ashamed of yourselves releasing an incomplete not fit for purpose app.


I agree. This needs to be corrected yesterday. These developers would be out of a job or working around the clock to fix / roll this back if they worked anywhere else 

They claim that this Crap-App was in the making for 2yrs and CEO Spence has been happily using it since Christmas.  And this is the best they can rush out the door for just Bluetooth headphones? 

Having worked in the consumer software industry for decades, I wouldn’t be too quick to put full blame on the developers.  The Captain of this Titanic is P.Spence!   But he’ll likely bail before the final sinking (hmm, just like Blackberry perhaps?) 

Ruined our holiday weekend party plans for whole-home-wireless music system as most of the functions, playlists, etc. is borked!  Gee thanks Patrick! 

WHY DID YOU DECIDE TO BRING OUT A COMPLETELY NEW APP??? What exactly was so wrong with the old one? This one looks no better and NOTHING works right,

Who of all the competitors out there would anyone suggest? My SONOS system is already to go to the dump. DONE. Never have I seen a company treat its best customers this way.

What a miserable piece of garbage.  I have 20 active speakers and while the update does deal with vlans better that is the only thing that is not exponentially worse.  Sonos needs to get over trying to monetize every last dime of its loyal customers!

Luckily I’m only in for 3 speakers. I’ll probably start researching an alternative system. They won’t be getting any more of my money.

LMK what alternative system you think is best. I am an ex SONOS advocate as well.

I'm like so many others who keeps losing their systems for days and hours (system not on network) since the app update. The response has been disgusting and to blame this on everyones' wifi networks taking a crap at the exact same time is beyond comical. I asked for a time-line when we are guaranteed to get our systems back up and no response. I'm not asking how my weeks, but how many days or hours? I want an exact time-line for what is planned or I will start helping organize a lawsuit not only against the company but against the individuals at the top. Enough of this being talked about ans time to start putting the accountability of this on someone. Whoever is reading this from support, tell your cowardly CEO to get his ass on here within 24 hours and to give us the time-line for when he is unbricking our systems. Go

The whole update is an insult to the many thousands of users/consumers who probably the same as me have spent thousands building a system that is now a shambles. Can we have a response from developers, managers etc beyond the mundane fixes coming soon because you should be ashamed of yourselves releasing an incomplete not fit for purpose app.


I agree. This needs to be corrected yesterday. These developers would be out of a job or working around the clock to fix / roll this back if they worked anywhere else 

They claim that this Crap-App was in the making for 2yrs and CEO Spence has been happily using it since Christmas.  And this is the best they can rush out the door for just Bluetooth headphones? 

Having worked in the consumer software industry for decades, I wouldn’t be too quick to put full blame on the developers.  The Captain of this Titanic is P.Spence!   But he’ll likely bail before the final sinking (hmm, just like Blackberry perhaps?) 

Ruined our holiday weekend party plans for whole-home-wireless music system as most of the functions, playlists, etc. is borked!  Gee thanks Patrick! 

captain PS dejavu



Buongiorno, con la nuova applicazione cliccando su riproduzioni recenti, spesso, mi dà errore
Grazie Buona giornata 


Moderator edit:
Google Translate-

Good morning, with the new application clicking on recent plays often gives me an error
Thank you have a nice day

Tune in radios do not work well anymore..very messy to keep listening to my usual radios channels..

Each time I open the app it requires me to search for my system or need to close and open the app..

The app crashes when used on Chromebook…


I was happy to hear the new app was coming but this is a disaster and I do not even refer to the missing features ,.......

same here untill yesterday I could after various trial and errors listen to tune in radios , today it simply does not work forcing me to listen to the radio on my phone. I feel like trapped in a nightmare here .

Y'all have to wait for sonos blackberry special edition.


The worst feature is that the room choices are hidden! This is really dreadful. Room choices should be very visible.

The worst feature is that the room choices are hidden! This is really dreadful. Room choices should be very visible.

Agree, this is the most annoying thing about the new app for me.


The second is: Managing multiple systems.

I have 3 Sonos systems on 3 locations (Home, Work, Wife's company). Everytime I change location I have to re-connect to the system and login again.


