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New SONOS App - Feedback

In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

2189 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +2

Late last night my play list showed up on the app……hooray 

Today gone again 😡

What on Earth is going on 

Userlevel 3

So horrendous! I used to use the app to “DJ” at home pulling songs from multiple apps (Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube Music) and place them in the same queue. That’s all gone. I can’t even delete tracks from a queue. Interface is terrible and difficult to navigate. You have to scroll back 5 screens to find where you started searching. You can no longer find “Album Info” on a song!

I will now read all the forums and find an alternative to this pathetic app or else I will sell all my speakers and start over. Sonos, you blew it and everyone in this new app development should already be unemployed!

The queue management features you mention are apparently coming to the App in mid-June according to this link:

Just a case that we all have to wait a while. I’m ‘missing’ those features too.👍

Ken - I’m 72 years old. Up to several weeks ago my 8000+ quid’s worth of SONOS products were working fine - now they are a load of junk sitting in the corners of my rooms or looking at me from my walls. I don’t want to waste two (or more) months  waiting for a bunch of seemingly incompetent money grabbers to put right what they shouldn’t have or needed to change - it’s time I’ll never get back!!!!!

Hope you have something to keep you busy while you wait for the next fiasco.


Userlevel 7
Badge +10

@lazylouis what I find really sad about all this is that those speakers sat in the corner idly staring at you are just as capable of delivering the music you want to hear as they were on may 6th. 

Absolutely! I wish I could go back and NOT purchase the systems I have. Thoroughly disgusted with the new app. This at best is a poor beta. Your developers should be flogged. 

New app,total disgrace, won't play my radio app ,and keeps disconnecting, why fix something that wasn't broken, can't believe this,ruined my listening experience 

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

The app is broken in at least a dozen different ways. The REAL question we should be asking is what the hell is Sonos support doing to help their customer base? Because you KNOW they know it’s broken, their users have a wad of money dedicated to this (now junk) hardware and we get … nothing?!

Nothing from the president/CEO, nothing from calling support, nothing from the support website, and nothing from the latest release for IOS - which continues to have the same issues it did last week, and the week before, and the week before that!

Class action lawsuit is required with negligence like this from a corporation that has shafted their users.

This new app is garbage!! I try to listen to certain speakers and it reverts back to my sound bar and sub on the main TV. Please give me the old app back.

Userlevel 2

Nothing from the president/CEO, nothing from calling support, nothing from the support website, and nothing from the latest release for IOS - which continues to have the same issues it did last week, and the week before, and the week before that!

Not exactly true. The CEO has said it took courage and -- this kills me -- that we’ll all get used to the app. Like we have any choice… 🙄

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

There is just one good thing about the new (Android V80.x) app.


It makes V16.1 look and feel really excellent!


Nice one, Sonos.  Now how about fixing this mess?


Everything worked GREAT prior to the update. Since the update, the only thing I can listen to is the station I usually listen to (already had in my Queue). Tap on something else, literally anything else, and all I get “Something went wrong.” Go into System Updates and check for updates, and it results in “There was a problem checking for updates.”

One of the steps it suggests is to restart the speakers, so I tried that on one. The result was that now I can’t play anything through that speaker. Another suggested step was to restart the router, which I did. No change. Each speaker (4) has a correct IP address.

Why did Sonos have to break something that worked flawlessly?

Hi Sonos, please focus on what you are and not what you wish you were! 

Sonos is a speaker system with its obvious functionality and features! 

Volume control, equalizer etc must be you number one focus! When that is so, when you’re the best music player and speakerphone controller then focus on whatever you dream about becoming next! 

simply: Get your * in order! Volume and being able controlling audio nothing else! 

best of luck!


*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

We are AirBnb hosts often with guests in the basement and we have to make sure we are not too loud. In the old app we used the numbered volume levels (1-100) to set the volume just high enough (30) to where we could hear the living room TV well but just low enough to where it wouldn’t be annoying for our guests downstairs. Please re-add the number reference to the volume control as is a helpful feature that let us be certain we weren’t disturbing our guests, and removing it was, in my opinion, unnecessary. 


C'est impossible de configurer le wifi dans l'appli sonos. L'écran de configuration est complètement vide! Comment faire? L'appli est a jour. Le wifi est activé sur l'enceinte. Ça marchait depuis des années, j'ai l'habitude de les reconfigurer, de les déplacer plein de fois. Ça ne marche plus soudainement sans aucun changement manuel sur une installation fonctionnelle.

Its impossible to configure wifi in sonos app. The configuration screen IS juste empty! How to fix? App IS UP to date. Wifi IS UP on thé speaker level. All was working for years, I use to reconfigure thème, move them Many Times. It fail but it was working ans no change was made.


hi support,

I feel ridiculous … :

How can I “MUTE” with the new mobile app ?
I’m missing something here ???
Don’t tell me I need to sweep the volume all the way back to the left ??? (and swipe back to UNMUTE again) 
Many thanks in advance,


Having to take the extra step of pressing play after already clicking on a station or favorite is asinine. Please fix this.

new sonos app is a professional embarrassment for sonos, a user nightmare as a consumer and a textbook example of corporate arrogance.


here’s going they can recover fast, starting with an apology!

Same here , nothing works 

New App is catastrophic.Radio Player not working, system not recognized frequently.

About Sonos headphones: how Sonos can ignore his customer community in releasing a new product not compatible with the wifi Sonos system? unbelievable at that price release.Should kill the sales intro.

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

I don’t think I can complain enough about this “upgrade”. 

What complete and utter F’up! 

Why don’t Sonos just offer user the ability to return to the previous version until the new one is fit for purpose? Even then, it should remain a choice. I can’t remember now if I actually chose to upgrade but I  think it might have been automatic. Either way, I can’t now get back to what I had before.

I know somebody suggested alternative controllers but there don’t seem to be any for Android. 

I think the reason for the release of this half-baked app is pretty clear.  Sonos wanted their new hardware on the shelves before the end of the fiscal year.  

Absolute hate the new app. The first app was the best (5 years ago) every app release has just got worse. This last app is unusable for me. So confusing I've got different music pkaying in different rooms can’t seem to stop it. It’s slow glitchy and worst of all I can’t even find the add track function. Bring back the old app so fed up hate it😡

Sonos app does not work since the update! Can’t even connect to network much less play any piece in our extensive set up. Trash

I downloaded the new update for my phone and now it continuously can’t see any of the options on youtube music, doesn’t recognize that I’m signalling to play or skip a song, plays the wrong song.. unusable. Additionally my Desktop app doesn’t recognize my password when I try to update. Why try to fix something that wasn’t broken? Really shows Wifi speakers are just subpar in terms of accessibility to Bluetooth, dissapointing how you’re making me work this hard to just use my speaker. Unclear how to fix.

Userlevel 1

I understand that UX design is challenging as I have done it myself for a living. So many everchanging devices, formats, APIs, OSs. But what prompted this?! Is it the upcoming product release? Your user base gets accustomed to things. Don’t change stuff that already works. Don’t revert the icon for S2 back to S1 because some people use both. (You’d think that product split debacle would have been a lesson in customer satisfaction). There is no way you tested this new version before releasing it. The icons are the least bad part. It has lost functionality and is far less intuitive. I spent thirty minutes trying to get my soundbar to play from the tv source it is wired to and another 15 trying to make the tv source also play on the surround sound play1s. 
The “apply” button has no apparent purpose. My radio stations no longer work. Can’t control grouped device audio with one slider. I was such a fan and I’ve wished for the upcoming headphones for 10 years. Think I am buying them now?  Sorry to slag you so hard but this was an epic fail. Please just rescind the update, apologize and go back to the drawing board. 

Userlevel 1


Patrick Spence,

CEO, Sonos


I am writing to express my disappointment and dissatisfaction regarding the new app version which was auto updated on my iOS (Apple) smart phone. The new app renders my Sonos products much less enjoyable. Please inform me regarding how I can obtain and reinstall the prior APP version which seemed to work just fine for me.


