In the new 2024 Sonos App :
Where are the alarms settings?
Where is the service?
Where is the Android widget?
This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.
In the new 2024 Sonos App :
Where are the alarms settings?
Where is the service?
Where is the Android widget?
This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.
Need to fix access to the Music Library on the new app as quickly as possible. I was an early Sonos adopter, have purchased large and expensive Sonos systems throughout my home starting with S1 and last year replaced all with S2.
But I use Sonos primarily to listen to the 40,000 songs and playlists in my Music Library! Please fix this as quickly as possible. When I first downloaded the new app, my Music Library showed up as a source after 24 hours, and now it has disappeared again.
Also -- honestly -- the new app is not intuitive, hard to navigate, and quite confusing compared the prior S2 app.
This forum needs better organization.
As for bug reports (as far as I can tell, since they are not tracked here or anywhere else I can find, going nowhere and so frustrating to bother with), room selection is buggy. My iOS controller apps typically select the alphabetically first speaker to play on, and insist on it. I’ve taken to combining it with whatever I actually want to play on, and (provided it is not the one I want to play on), turning the volume to 0 on the undesired speaker. Even getting the controllers to activate, and keep activated, the speaker(s) I am seeking to use is more often problematic than not. It generally takes several tries.
This is a bug, not a feature request. I get it that many features are currently missing, both features formerly present and desired new features. But, this is a bug. One among many. Take them seriously, and provide us tracking.
If you went back to the 1970s where we had to put individual vinyl records on one at a time (or maybe 3 on a fancy record changer) but had no way to make our own playlists, to reorder our playlists etc, and told them about digital music and the ability to make playlists and play songs from different records without having to actually change the record...and told them about the small Sonos speakers that had such great sound and you didn't even have to put wires under your carpet to get stereo sound, they would have been amazed and said sign me up!
But then, if you told them that the company that made this futuristic record player could remotely take away your ability to even use the equipment, and not only they could but they would do that, NO ONE WOULD BUY IT.
In what world is it moral, let alone legal, to sell someone a product, especially an expensive product, and then, after they bought it, take away their ability to use it?
Sonos deserves to go bankrupt; but I feel for their regular employees. Therefore, this needs to all come out of the pockets of the dear CEO and other responsible company leaders. Heck, not just the pockets...but jail time! Heck a a couple centuries ago there’d be tar and feathers!
Does nobody posting here get it after 3 weeks and 1000s of angry posts, nobody is listening.
Sonos has its plans and is sticking to them.
Shouting into the empty silence will change nothing.
Heads will roll, only if and when institutional investors pull the plug.
Can't decide which one is worse S1 or S2. Latest update or should we call it downgrade is a great example of careless and disrespectful customer service approach. In the past 3 weeks literally millions of sonos users are upset because we can't use the product since there is no actual remote and the app is simply not working. Nobody received a message or email where situation was explained. But someone took the time to introduce a new product on the website. Fix the app first developers!
Does nobody posting here get it after 3 weeks and 1000s of angry posts, nobody is listening.
Sonos has its plans and is sticking to them.
Shouting into the empty silence will change nothing.
Heads will roll, only if and when institutional investors pull the plug.
No, but it’s nice to keep shouting Greenland, even if it’s just to let off steam and ease the frustration.
Roll back Sonos. Swallow your unearned pride and admit you f*cked up. #firespence #firetheappteam
Just fire Spence will do me - this is the second time he’s tried to do us over. The first was moving from S1 to S2 when he attempted to make all Gen 1 products obsolete so we had to upgrade hardware - and was then “gracious enough” to offer a derisory discount if we bought Gen 2 products off him to replace Gen 1 products. He's a charlatan who doesn’t give a toss about SONOS customers.
I have spent 10.5 hours this past week to get all my speakers to play music even though it shows they are playing in the app. I worked with chat, Level 1 phone, and Level 2 phone. Now they want me to call in again and wait in line or be put on a list for level 3. They are still not all working.
I have also told everyone at support that the CEO should be down in support to help rather than doing interviews to sell the new headphones. The support people deserve bonus pay, I have been telling them.
I have also asked how Sonos will be compensating people who can’t use their equipment, and have been told they will not. One person I talked to did admitted that this mess was done to sell the headphones.
I did a test on my office iMac that USED TO play music on my Sonos speakers in that particular location. I was being denied access no matter how many permissions I granted to hard drives, folders...etc. So, I completely deleted the S2 controller via an app cleaner that removes all of the specks and particulates that permeate a computer during install. I downloaded the S2 from Sonos’ downloads page and reinstalled it. I then went to add the Sonos Music Library that previously had worked and… it wouldn’t work. I restarted. Still wouldn’t work. I can only attribute the problems to the iOS app that I installed a week or more ago that completely upended my Sonos ecosystem. I am beyond pissed off. Sonos needs to fix this sh-t show and soon.
What error message did you encounter during your attempt to setup your local library share?
Did you check the actual library folder share permission included "Sonos Wireless HiFi System”?
Hi, Ken… thank you for replying. I got the “319” error and, I followed the link (on a different thread) that detail how to resolve that, with varying degrees of success. The bottom line is that when I originally set up my system in 2014 it was seamless and without issue. Now, the unfortunates - myself included - are scrambling to repair a system that wasn’t broken. My fear is that, in my impatience, I’ve jacked up my iMacs due to an iPhone update. Again, thank you for reaching out again. I’m kind of at Sonos’ mercy at this point.
If you haven’t tried it yet, this worked for me:
The last steps have to be repeated any time your playlists are updated, but at least I have my music back.
Really hoping that at some point I’ll be able to add my local music library without all of this rigamarole. You know, the way it was before this blighted update.
My thanks to krez56 and to Ken_Griffiths (thank you for being patient and hanging in there with me)… Between these two, I’ve resurrected my office Sonos Music Library; I still have to go down and do the same on our downstairs Sonos Music Library which is a newer iMac and Mac OS (I’m still on Mojave due to my older Adobe apps) and both systems use a NAS (USB drive) to store the music. I used the YouTube link contained in Krez56’s reply. I had to stop and start it quite a few times and switch from the video to Sonos Preferences and back again but, it DID work after the Library finished indexing the files. One suggestion for older users like myself is to be careful with the “\\” and opposed to a web site’s “//” and, the User Name versus one’s I.D. name for your Mac/iMac. The Terminal segment of the video helped quite a lot.
So, where does this leave me after going through this process? Honestly, I’m afraid to install anything from Sonos in the event that they produce an update that patches and addresses these issues. Thoughts?
Again… Thanks to those that offered to help - and more than once in my case. You’re much appreciated.
I start playing on Spotify And about 3 songs later, the Sonos App takes over the stream
really annoying
Sonos software is an absolute cluster f***
I regret buying 3 Sonos Play 1’s
I’m just being honest
Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.
Seems like they are more concerned with their "community code of conduct " and some colorful language then actually doing something about the current S*** Show..Priorities Sonos, Priorities!
Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.
In the new 2024 Sonos App :
Where are the alarms settings?
Where is the service?
Where is the Android widget?
This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.
Feedback on new App
As with most users on in this Community absolutely The worst app ever total Garbage designed to loose customers and render there expensive speakers useless
Guess I will be returning the headphones I ordered before this disaster off an app arrived
What have you done? Everything drops out. Doesn’t play the music you select. Absolutely rubbish. The money we spend on the products and you do this!
Feedback on new App
As with most users on in this Community absolutely The worst app ever total Garbage designed to loose customers and render there expensive speakers useless
Guess I will be returning the headphones I ordered before this disaster off an app arrived
If you are referring to the Sonos Ace headphones, then FYI they were released for pre-order a full month AFTER the new App software release, so your post isn’t making too much sense here?
Iam I the only one who is having trouble with this new complete piece of * system?
*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*
The new app is horrible. Frustrating to use. Search is not nearly as good. System keeps defaulting to the wrong zone and then glitches. Why did they mess up something that worked so well.
New app - shocking that you released this without playlist and local storage (eg by artist/album) support. Absolute disgrace and you should be ashamed of ruining what you should have been proud of previously. Sort it out please. 😤
Dear Product Mgr, product owners, leadership team, support team.…
Please read again and again and again and again all the communities around the world, the Facebook pages.
It is a real worldwide issue about the new App. I stopped counting the number of threads about people complaining about the new version. Never saw so much complaints and people suffering since a software company updated her app.
Fun fact: everybody is making a joke about the Sonos support always claiming the issue is with the WiFi. It seems that everyone one heard the chat advising to check the router. It looks like the Sonos support has a line of defense suggesting the issue is with Wifi. Please stop!!! You can't have thousands of customers having issues with Wifi.
What would be required before we'll have a stable application?
I really hope all the decisions making people at Sonos will spend time reading how the users are really sick of this new app ...
New app - shocking that you released this without playlist and local storage (eg by artist/album) support. Absolute disgrace and you should be ashamed of ruining what you should have been proud of previously. Sort it out please. 😤
The new App already has playlist and local storage support?
I don’t have any playlists in favourites from my local music library. I keep my local music tracks separate from the streaming services and use my own .m3u playlists (held in a library folder). I also mostly create my playlists in the various streaming services native music App and then let them show in the service in the Sonos App. I have very few ‘Sonos playlists’ in the `Sonos App’.
I am not creating playlists, FWIW, I am simply marking a handful of local library albums with “Add to Sonos Favorites.” (I have experimented with creating playlists for said albums, and the results are also grayed out.) It’s an awfully rough bug for me, as I rely on those shortcuts pretty much exclusively when listening via my Android tablet. I’ve reported the bug seems the iOS app is the focus of Sonos’ dev team, so I keep hoping for a workaround.
If I add an Album from my local library to Sonos Favorites, it gets added but the artwork doesn’t show, but the album still plays fine. It’s only the Album cover that doesn’t show. I see the artwork when I view the separate tracks on the album. (I’m not sure if that’s what you mean?)
Heres a quick .gif recording of me adding Genesis - ‘Trick of the tail’ from my local NAS library to Sonos favourites and it showing with no album cover - I go onto show the tracks though do play. See attached.
Hi everyone,
I have finally found a solution to the numerous problems of the app.
We know the problems we’ve all had- alarms have disspaeared, can’t group rooms, volume issues, radio stations ahve dissappeared. I don’t think anyone has found a solution. Sonos keeps telling us that the new app is great, but that there will be an update that will resolve the minor issues that we are all having. However, Sonos has never told me how to resolve these problems.
Turn off your Sonos and don’t use it for the next few weeks. Enjoy the silence of the house (or amplify the sound of your kids bickering in my case). The anticipation of waiting for this Godsend app to finally work, will certainly amplify the beauty of Sonos once it does finally work again.
Oh, and if silence or bickering doesn’t work for you, then certainly there is another solution you can try- buy the Sonos headphones. Those will certainly resolve the problem of the speakers not working.
I hope that I have enlightened everyone on solutions that work.
The new app keeps jumping around from room to room. I hit apply to change rooms and it goes back to the prior one. It only seems to work if I stop playing and restart. The latency is a huge issue. The interface is clunky and not intuitive. Very bad “update”. After nearly 10 years with the product in almost every room, I hope they fix this quick. It is borderline unusable.
This new update for the Sonos app for IOS is absolutely horrible. Trying to change rooms and press “apply” and it will not change. It is a royal pain. I have deleted the app and reinstalled 3 times. I have reset my speakers not because I think that will fix it but Sonos tech support will tell me to do that no matter the issue. I have about had it with this company. My wife cannot use music services in her office. Also we should not have to upgrade our speakers unless we want to our one fails. DO BETTER SONOS
This new update for the Sonos app for IOS is absolutely horrible. Trying to change rooms and press “apply” and it will not change. It is a royal pain. I have deleted the app and reinstalled 3 times. I have reset my speakers not because I think that will fix it but Sonos tech support will tell me to do that no matter the issue. I have about had it with this company. My wife cannot use music services in her office. Also we should not have to upgrade our speakers unless we want to our one fails. DO BETTER SONOS
It’s not a room ‘changer’ screen - it’s a room ‘grouping/ungrouping’ screen - to change the current playing audio to play on a different room you need to switch the group-co-ordinator first and then group the rooms to the primary GC player.
If you drop the group co-ordinator and add other rooms you may find the music playing will not switch. The grouped players that you uncheck will just fall silent.
Perhaps try the switching in two separate stages. Setup the GC to play/continue-playing the chosen audio then hit apply …and perhaps then go onto ‘group’ the other rooms you want to play with the GC and click Apply again and all should then ‘hopefully’ work to switch the audio to the required zone(s).
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