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Your feedback on the new Sonos App

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  • Enthusiast II
  • 61 replies
  • May 23, 2024
jgatie wrote:
Andrew jlc wrote:

So Why Oh Why were’nt these programmed in , in the first place.

Still items missing from the list though.


It’s pretty obvious that the app was not complete, and somebody OK’d an incomplete release in order to meet some other deadline, such as a fiscal year release of the new headphone hardware.  Not hard to read between those lines (and no excuse for a disastrous decision by the powers that be).

Designed by "genius" guided by ceo "with track record"

  • Prodigy II
  • 426 replies
  • May 23, 2024

Blast. The app updated on my iPad even though I declined the update several days back and it was a bit of a pita to start an album with it. Glad the android apps a bit better now.




At least it has some artwork and colour but not sure that it will be any better to use than the old app. Certainly taking me a bit to get use to it.

  • Contributor II
  • 8 replies
  • May 23, 2024

Can Sonos give an ETA of when they consider this new iOS app will be fully operational?  If not, let us rollback to the previous version.

Utter shambles of an update🤬

  • Local Superstar
  • 2800 replies
  • May 23, 2024
LizzyM wrote:

Can Sonos give an ETA of when they consider this new iOS app will be fully operational?

They did.

  • Headliner I
  • 268 replies
  • May 23, 2024

Well it finally happened. I had auto update turned off but the sneaky sonos app version 80.01.11 got around this defense after 2 weeks. 

In any case, it only took 2 hardware update cycles for everything to reconnect. The app appears functional and I could find what I need to reassure myself will be okay.

I'm not a power sonos user, they're just voice activated speakers to me. I didn't have to re-trueplay my main room. So missing features that I don't use aren't a big deal. Unless getting to basic music streaming services is effed up.

I still don't like that Sonos somehow forced the app update onto my iPhone. Shame on you.

The balance slider on my era 100 stereo pair is missing in the new app. 
when will this be fixed?

  • 6141 replies
  • May 23, 2024

But of a cross post from the Dutch language forum, but maybe I can also post this here:

The CEO has now also spoken out about it, see A not very critical interview, by the way.

What strikes me is that he does not address the serious problems that people seem to have with the app:

  • missing speakers;
  • slow app for some users;
  • if you have different systems in multiple locations you cannot reach both systems;
  • is a web app without additional verification safe?

He does give  a small apology for the lack of advance warning. But Sonos could now have shown that they have learned from the S1/S2 history by telling the honest story. “Guys, it's a bit difficult, but we're going to change something. More web access, which, however, is completely safe for the following reason. In the first period there are some missing functionalities, but they will return on such and such a date. Just bite the bullet." Why does Sonos fall back into PR blurb about how good it all is and deny the problems first? Even saying how “courageous” this all was.

If, because you are not a very large company, you cannot work on two apps, the new app has to be removed because the new headphones will not work otherwise and on the morning of the rollout it turns out that you have to disable the alarm function due to an error, mention this. Explicitly appeal to your users' loyalty instead of giving them the idea that you don't care. Being vulnerable can be a very good option.

I updated yesterday anyway. I am using a Boost and there seemed to be problems with it, but they have probably been resolved now. Everything seems to have gone well. The only thing that stands out is that switching between music services seems to take a little longer than before.

There are a few points where Sonos deviates from the regular UI of (in my case) iOS, which is very annoying:

  • the app has “buttons” that are not recognizable as such, see for example “manage”. You can/should click on that, but because it doesn't look like a button, people miss it;
  • the floating bar containing the active speaker is rounded at the bottom and corners, which normally indicates that it is a button. However, if you tap it, it appears that it is not a button, but a menu, in which you can also choose your other speakers.

Switching between speakers does not work very well. The first speaker, alphabetically speaking, is always on top, not the most or last used one. So you always have to click. In my case Bathroom speaker off-Kitchen on. If you don't turn off the Bathroom, it will group with the Kitchen. This is very inconvenient. I could of course rename my speakers, but in an app that is advertised as customizable that is of course nonsense.

In addition, I would like to put all my music services in a self-chosen order and not just be able to choose one most important one. The personalization doesn't seem to go far enough here.

My points after an hour of use. Surely someone should have noticed that before? Or do I use my system differently than others do?

  • 0 replies
  • May 23, 2024

I have 2 phones with the same Android version. One has the old app which works fine and one the new. It was my intention to post screenshots of functions to show the deterioration.

However, on the new app despite being up to date with the latest version it barely connects after 5 minutes and then connections between speakers my connect and the app are intermittent so it cannot be used and any screenshots are just of the splash screen or greyed out icons. 

This is because the app sits on the internet and is polling for web services to perform functions that were previously executable from your phone across your LAN. 

Those people that have got seamless connections (there are not so many on the Community Forum claiming this but a handful on the internet) are defying the laws of physics. So maybe they can explain how they get consistent connections on their home audio now their controller apps sit on the internet? Or maybe Sonos support will come back with an explanation of this "improvement"?


  • Enthusiast II
  • 61 replies
  • May 23, 2024


  • Enthusiast I
  • 15 replies
  • May 23, 2024

I'm very disappointed with the way SONOS as a company has handled this .. as an IT professional, I'd probably be looking at which heads needed to roll due to these such basic QA issues .. given that, I can access my music library which is really all I want apart from a bit of Spotify from time to time (I'd like my album art back and the ability to search it, but I can cope .. not happily).

What I really dont understand is why 'Music Library' is somehow different from other content sources .. mines on a NAS, but it could be on Dropbox, or anywhere really, its just another digital source ..

Leads me to ask if this thing got designed by software professionals with a bit of experience, or was it mandated by a marketing department/CEO so they could meet their target to roll out headphones that I cant really see the Use Case for?

  • Contributor II
  • 8 replies
  • May 23, 2024
beynym wrote:
LizzyM wrote:

Can Sonos give an ETA of when they consider this new iOS app will be fully operational?

They did.

They've not exactly been honest and upfront that the update will wreck systems and will take a lot of time to re-configure to how it was, if this is at all possible.

Not impressed it will take a month to fix all the glitches either.

  • Enthusiast II
  • 61 replies
  • May 23, 2024

The original idea. NOT HEADPHONE


  • Enthusiast II
  • 61 replies
  • May 23, 2024
LizzyM wrote:
beynym wrote:
LizzyM wrote:

Can Sonos give an ETA of when they consider this new iOS app will be fully operational?

They did.

They've not exactly been honest and upfront that the update will wreck systems and will take a lot of time to re-configure to how it was, if this is at all possible.

Not impressed it will take a month to fix all the glitches either.

Bad company. Untrustworthy

  • Enthusiast II
  • 37 replies
  • May 23, 2024

Dear Sonos,



*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*


  • Enthusiast I
  • 15 replies
  • May 23, 2024
limcungwei wrote:

The original idea. NOT HEADPHONE


Agree .. but the original (from memory) was a subscrption service so I avoided it despite the apparent benefits .. back to the future so the big question for me is what are the options?

  • Enthusiast II
  • 61 replies
  • May 23, 2024
Clfy wrote:
limcungwei wrote:

The original idea. NOT HEADPHONE


Agree .. but the original (from memory) was a subscrption service so I avoided it despite the apparent benefits .. back to the future so the big question for me is what are the options?

I used NAS since the 1st gen

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 10 replies
  • May 23, 2024

Hi  @Corry P 

My feedback… from reading all about this, rather than actually using it. So take it with whatever pinch of salt you like.

I have a (large) S1 system and was close to “modernising” it - buying 2 pairs of Fives and an Arc theatre system. After hearing all the problems and the occasional whimper of “it’s not that bad”  - not anymore.

Now, I just don’t want the hassle of going anywhere near this new app. S1 is good because Sonos won’t mess with it. S1 kit is cheap and works and won’t get broken on a whim. I know where all the bodies are buried with it. Ironically, the mishandling of S1 vs S2 _the last time it happened_ has now paid a pretty good dividend. So, thanks for that. You’re not all bad and it shows good decisions can be made when people try.

But - fool me once, shame on you - fool me twice, shame on me.

One of your competitors got my sale on the theatre system. I wouldn’t have an S2 system now if it was free. Because life’s too short for me to waste my time fixing all the mess Sonos made with it. Or worrying that tomorrow when I try to use it, something that worked yesterday doesn’t today. A new system, potentially having hours of hair pulling, forum posts, resets, router changes, prayers etc. etc. Why bother? Who wants that hassle? Plug in another soundbar and it works. Plug an old S1 Connect into it and - hey presto. Plus it won’t get hosed later with a firmware update.

Yes, I’m overly sensitive perhaps compared to other people but I’d rather be listening to my kit than fiddling with it trying to make it work. Especially when it worked just fine yesterday.

Or - worse - explaining to a 4 year old why she cannot listen to Frozen for bedtime. Or woke up to it still playing in the morning… at 4am. Please try that.

I am truly sad for Sonos. I loved your kit (past tense). It’s like a form of organisational self-harm going on.

Sonos competing in home theatre was great - but unlike multi-room audio where Sonos completely dominated, there are a lot of other very good (dare I say, better?) products out there. Consumers have a choice.

I work in technology and despite others moaning here that “it’ll take a month to fix queues!” or something, I know the reality is that the “most important” features (via the telemetry collected) get prioritised and done (usually slower than the promises management make vs reality) while the rest of the shrapnel falls by the wayside once the stink has died down in a few months and is forgotten. That’s just how it works. So I am 100% confident that many broken things on the new app will never be fixed or addressed. It is what it is here and now today - that’s what I base my decisions on, not promises.

I hope Sonos keeps selling products - I really do. They’ve got great hardware (when it works). But Sonos are not going to be selling them to me. Sonos was the peak of good and convenient audio - there isn’t anyone else really the same or like them (I don’t count Bluesound, sorry). Now there is just, well, nobody and I have to make-do with a patchwork quilt of old bits and bobs.

I suspect there were a lot of people (e.g. me) who got 1-2 Sonos speakers, liked them and then went on to build out a full-home system over time. Sonos was really attractive for that. Now, not only are those users abandoned/screwed over but maybe Sonos hopes their new app will attract new users who will start buying 1-2 Sonos speakers/headphones, like them and…

Thanks and good luck to you all - it’s the end of an era and relationship for me.


  • Enthusiast II
  • 37 replies
  • May 23, 2024

My TV, which surprisingly is not where I store my 50,000 song local music library, shows up at the top of my app as a Source. My actual local media server? Not so much.

Does anyone know how to stop showing a TV as a music source? It’s taking up valuable screen real estate in this new and amazingly efficient user interface Sonos designed,

  • Enthusiast II
  • 61 replies
  • May 23, 2024
sonos_remerson wrote:

Hi  @Corry P 

My feedback… from reading all about this, rather than actually using it. So take it with whatever pinch of salt you like.

I have a (large) S1 system and was close to “modernising” it - buying 2 pairs of Fives and an Arc theatre system. After hearing all the problems and the occasional whimper of “it’s not that bad”  - not anymore.

Now, I just don’t want the hassle of going anywhere near this new app. S1 is good because Sonos won’t mess with it. S1 kit is cheap and works and won’t get broken on a whim. I know where all the bodies are buried with it. Ironically, the mishandling of S1 vs S2 _the last time it happened_ has now paid a pretty good dividend. So, thanks for that. You’re not all bad and it shows good decisions can be made when people try.

But - fool me once, shame on you - fool me twice, shame on me.

One of your competitors got my sale on the theatre system. I wouldn’t have an S2 system now if it was free. Because life’s too short for me to waste my time fixing all the mess Sonos made with it. Or worrying that tomorrow when I try to use it, something that worked yesterday doesn’t today. A new system, potentially having hours of hair pulling, forum posts, resets, router changes, prayers etc. etc. Why bother? Who wants that hassle? Plug in another soundbar and it works. Plug an old S1 Connect into it and - hey presto. Plus it won’t get hosed later with a firmware update.

Yes, I’m overly sensitive perhaps compared to other people but I’d rather be listening to my kit than fiddling with it trying to make it work. Especially when it worked just fine yesterday.

Or - worse - explaining to a 4 year old why she cannot listen to Frozen for bedtime. Or woke up to it still playing in the morning… at 4am. Please try that.

I am truly sad for Sonos. I loved your kit (past tense). It’s like a form of organisational self-harm going on.

Sonos competing in home theatre was great - but unlike multi-room audio where Sonos completely dominated, there are a lot of other very good (dare I say, better?) products out there. Consumers have a choice.

I work in technology and despite others moaning here that “it’ll take a month to fix queues!” or something, I know the reality is that the “most important” features (via the telemetry collected) get prioritised and done (usually slower than the promises management make vs reality) while the rest of the shrapnel falls by the wayside once the stink has died down in a few months and is forgotten. That’s just how it works. So I am 100% confident that many broken things on the new app will never be fixed or addressed. It is what it is here and now today - that’s what I base my decisions on, not promises.

I hope Sonos keeps selling products - I really do. They’ve got great hardware (when it works). But Sonos are not going to be selling them to me. Sonos was the peak of good and convenient audio - there isn’t anyone else really the same or like them (I don’t count Bluesound, sorry). Now there is just, well, nobody and I have to make-do with a patchwork quilt of old bits and bobs.

I suspect there were a lot of people (e.g. me) who got 1-2 Sonos speakers, liked them and then went on to build out a full-home system over time. Sonos was really attractive for that. Now, not only are those users abandoned/screwed over but maybe Sonos hopes their new app will attract new users who will start buying 1-2 Sonos speakers/headphones, like them and…

Thanks and good luck to you all - it’s the end of an era and relationship for me.


Me too. Wont buy sonos again

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 10 replies
  • May 23, 2024

Two more bad signs.



  • Enthusiast I
  • 15 replies
  • May 23, 2024
WhatUserName wrote:

Two more bad signs.



Yep.  This is CEO code for "my strategy was right .. but the timing was wrong.. I (superhero) will be proved right in the end" .. 

  • Lyricist III
  • 8 replies
  • May 23, 2024

PLEASE fix Port setup. It does NOT work on iOS. Hours spent trying over a few weeks. Still a $450 paperweight. It’s a slap in the face to promote the Ace headphones when so many people are unhappy with the performance of the app that is ESSENTIAL to operation of the major Sonos investments they already have.

  • Lyricist II
  • 4 replies
  • May 23, 2024

Yeah, Sonos management has a problem here.  Putting out an app update that turns out to be defective?  That happens.  Knowingly putting out a defective product, intentionally failing to disclose the known defects, all the while rabidly encouraging customers to implement the defective product--that sounds like bad faith, deceptive business practices, maybe even fraud.  It’s not the bad product that gets you, it’s the cover-up.  The legal expenses may well eat up any profit they hoped for from the new headphones.  But a CEO met a deadline and kept his job--for now...

What is the DEAL with the delay in the new app? From the time it’s opened it takes several minutes for it to be functional. Then any song/playlist change is on a delay as well.

  • Contributor I
  • 6 replies
  • May 23, 2024

After 2 updates that claim to fix the issues, I cannot add my 3 new Roams to replace the ones that Bricked! Waiting….patience is withering 


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