
Your feedback on the new Sonos App

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Userlevel 1

I am not a lawyer, I was wondering if anyone knew what legal obligations sonos has to refund consumers if they won’t resolve the issue. 


I’m based in the Uk, I have ~2k worth of sonos devices that have been significantly degraded by the update and  are no longer functioning as they were sold becuase of the App update 


according to citizens advice it looks like there are some rights - particularly if you had bought the product recently - has anyone else looked into this ?'re%20legally%20entitled%20to,by%20the%20faulty%20digital%20product.

Userlevel 2

This update from today is much better.

No more crashing.

I start to like it.

Of course there is more to fix…..

Keep up the good work.


Userlevel 3

Well, this confirms they really did not test this app at all and still do not know what is going on. In a previous post I mentioned that the new software bricked a Sonos amp of mine. After hours on the phone they sent me a new amp. The new software would not setup the amp, it would disconnect in the middle of the setup. After spending another 2.5 hours on a call with support, nothing and they are sending another amp. My gut was telling me this is not an amp issue, it is this new app. This morning I checked and there was an app update. I updated and tried adding the amp again. This time I can get the setup started and get the point where the app wants to update the amp, this fails and leaves the amp in limbo. I called again and another 2 hours with support, they are now aware of this issue and they asked me “to keep an eye out for another app update over the next 1-2 weeks that should address this”. Are you kidding me? After two weeks, if they haven’t received the old amp back they charge my credit card while at the same time telling me to wait this long for them to deliver the ability to even use this amp. As we have all stated, just put the old app back out there, but my guess is that it is not compatible with the new software they are pushing to the devices, thus we are all screwed.

Userlevel 5
Badge +3

If Sonos was counting on a big bonce to the stock with the Ace release it ain't happening. SONO ticker is up 9 cents. Big Whoop

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Well, rather typically given recent events, even the Pre-Order button doesn't work 😂🤣😭😭


LMAO! Just like the “PREVIEW” link on the original New App Preview email a few weeks ago.  Never worked on any browser. 

What did a competitor infect the entire Sonos management team with saboteurs?

This would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic! 

Bye SONOS - no more purchases from my friends/family/associates even if you fix the app, we’re done being treated like trash instead of customers! 

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

This is my last message here. I just wanted to let listeners know how I have resolved my issues with Sonos. I have 4 Era 300s and 11 Era 100s, The update 2 weeks ago made it impossible for me to use the Sonos system. Sonos refuses to allow iOS users to revert to the previous version. I do not understand why they have done what they have done. But I have been a loyal user for more than a decade. This is unacceptable but there is nothing that I can do except jump ship. I have accordingly uninstalled all my Sonos equipment and am in the middle of replacing it all with BlueSound equipment. I cannot recommend this company highly enough. The Pulse M and Pulse Mini sound fantastic, at least on a par with Sonos but far more configurable. They have very clean fully functional apps on Mac, PC, iOS and Android. No login to the BlueSound site is required except to download the app, which you can save on your computer if you have a Mac or PC. No registration of equipment. You don’t even have to have a BlueSound account. Unless you use streaming services you do not need to be signed in to the Internet, so if you lose internet connectivity you do not lose the ability to play local music stores. Plus all Bluesound units have USB input (thumb drive or usb drive, headphone out, and audio in, plus two way bluetooth (so you can use wireless headphones). Anything played on one unit can be played on any other unit. Everything that I don’t like about Sonos is no longer an issue. I do not know of another multi-room system that has all these benefits. Most require that you have an active internet connection to even run the app. I think in the long run I will be thankful for this mess. Otherwise I would never have had the courage to make the switch. I am not sure what I will do with all the Sonos equipment. I will hang on to it for a while and if Sonos ever gets their act together I may try to sell it. Otherwise it will find its way to an electronic equipment landfill or whatever it is they do with trashed electronic stuff. So long Sonos. 


Userlevel 4

Well, rather typically given recent events, even the Pre-Order button doesn't work 😂🤣😭😭


This is Sonos’ new feature: nothing works as expected. It’s not a bug.

Userlevel 6
Badge +6



Why did your email announcement in April 23 state:


How will this affect my system?

We've taken great care to ensure that this update only enhances your Sonos experience. Your products, features, and services will work as they always have, and all your settings will be saved.



How could they do this?  Seems like there would be legal implications for flat out lying and misleading customers.  This company sux all day long.

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Playlists. How do you add to playlists you already have.

Anyone got an answer please?

Use the Windows Desktop Controller.


Userlevel 1

“Functions are coming back” suggests one of two things to me, either they were removed and the weight of complaint has forced Sonos to reinstate them or, the app was launched too early or designed without a thought for features users love and the impact of their removal or worse wasn’t tested properly. I might have missed an email from Sonos about the update, but clearly lots of customers think this is a step backwards or not what the upgrade suggested would be improved. 

Userlevel 4

The app was released only because it needed to work with their upcoming/now Sonos headphones. Getting the sale of those was more important than maintaining functionality with all their existing equipment. And customer be damned, they need to get those headphone sales! This is clearly a CEO move to me.

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

The app was released only because it needed to work with their upcoming/now Sonos headphones. Getting the sale of those was more important than maintaining functionality with all their existing equipment. And customer be damned, they need to get those headphone sales! This is clearly a CEO move to me.

CEO should hang his head in shame, hope the shareholders read these community posts 

“Functions are coming back” suggests one of two things to me, either they were removed and the weight of complaint has forced Sonos to reinstate them or, the app was launched too early or designed without a thought for features users love and the impact of their removal or worse wasn’t tested properly. I might have missed an email from Sonos about the update, but clearly lots of customers think this is a step backwards or not what the upgrade suggested would be improved. 


The app is a complete rewrite, the firmware on the players stayed the same (it has now been updated, but it wasn’t on day 1 of the app).  Since 99% of the functionality resides in the players, the functions weren’t removed, they just weren’t written into the app yet.  Not that that matters, because functions on the player aren’t worth squat if you can’t control them with the app.  So I highly doubt the design meant to drop features that were still on the players, instead it is more probable the dev team ran out of time and the executives in charge OK’d the release anyway to meet some other goal. 

Userlevel 4

They seem to have fixed TuneIn Radio today. Still hate the giant icon view and the redundant ‘play’ button within everything. User experience people. I can see a whole 4 fri$#%# huge icons on a 6.5 inch iPhone! I’m now using SonosPhone $3 from App Store until Sonos gets their interface fully working again. All the favorites are in one location in List View instead of annoyingly large icon view. Looks like an interface designed for a 5 year old. Embarrassing.


Userlevel 1

Apologies if this is answered on here or in another thread but I’m sick of looking, so here is a direct question.
I use android and a Pc desktop. When the android app first updated I could still access my music library. The first time I used the desktop app it said that it needed updating. After the desktop update my music library has disappeared and I can no longer connect to it.
Can any one clarify if this is temporary or permanent?

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.



Your support told me differently: “For what concerns searching the music library, this is not possible as the new App uses only universal search. To find the music library you can go to the Home screen and scroll down to Your resources. There you can browse the music library and start playback.”

This sounds to me like a “new app can’t do it” thing. I don’t know what “universal search” is, but this sounds to me that even if local libraries return, they will only be browsable, not searchable.

That would be a deal breaker for me!
Local music library should be treated as another service.

That’s why a clear answer alongside releasing the update would have been so important. What I am picking up from Sonos is that the company itself is unsure when if and how features return, and I wouldn’t trust any roadmap they throw out there.

I do not wish to add to the confusion, I am trying to figure out what local music libraries are going to look like months down the line. But I feel like Sonos themselves have no idea and just quietly wanted to drag the entire feature behind the shed.

On the German forums moderators told us to “just use Plex, it’s free.” *shrug*

Search is crap.  If I enter the name of a song, I get results for every song, artist, album, etc with any of the words in the title, not just the song I want - it’s universal alright, universally @#$$ed.  Putting the title in quotes “Black Dog” - I don’t get just Zep, but all sort of other unwanted results.

Using the SonoPhone app, I get exactly what I’d expect, and I can also search my music library.  This Sonos app is a dog’s breakfast.

You gotta love those Germans - just cutting to the chase! 🙄

Userlevel 2

Add me to the list of angry and disappointed Sonos owners. My memory isn’t what it used to be, but, in my 45+ years using apps and computers, I don’t remember a worse “software upgrade.”


is there a signup site for the inevitable lawsuit? It’s not a good idea to upset users when your target audience is  the top 1% of people with money.


Is anyone here shorting their stock?

Userlevel 6
Badge +6

Does the new app work for anybody?

There are two people posting who seem to be able to tolerate it, they might be delusional though. Everyone else no.

Any differing opinion always provokes a nasty response. — last time I was called a ‘fanboy’, now I’m to believe I’m delusional.  I could say you’re just too damn thick to make it work.  I mean, I wouldn’t — that would just be stooping to your level.  But I could.  


Hey, you know what - maybe I’m thick.  Happy to wear that moniker if it helps.  That said, help us with our thickness and explain how to manifest missing and broken features out of thin air.  We’d all love to know.  Go for it - pick one: Queues - how?  Search for a song in my library - how?  I’m definitely thick and as hard as I try, I got nothin’.  So, step up and share your cleverness with us.  I’m happy to eat crow and be schooled. 

An email from the CEO to all their customers admitting their big mistake would be a start.

Grow some b@##s, apologising would be good - and might help save your jobs!

Userlevel 1

In the past 2 weeks the new app unploaded doesn’t work!!!!!

No connection at all

No volume button works

Cannot play an artist, cannot add an artist on the queue.

Cannot save anything.

Lost all library

Want to downgrade the new app but impossible to do it

No answer to all emails sent

Bot Chat doesn’t understand, and live chat goes to 36 positions to 42, 48 and no one!

Try to call the US number xxx time, just get one person after 95 minutes, impossible to understand the accent, has no knowledge for any questions……………….……………………..

Tried to call back, waiting time goes to 60mn to 75, to 90 and hangup on me.

Tried to call back waiting time 80, 90,75,110mn and off course no answer.

Tried to have someone to be reimburse for all my 9 speakers, and off course impossible to reach anyone!

On the web site you can send a message to the CEO and off course the link/address doesn’t work.

Get in touch with our CEO, Patrick Spence, at

From: System Administrator
Sent: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 3:14 PM
Subject: Undeliverable: NEW SONOS APP

Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients.

      Subject:     NEW SONOS APP

      Sent:  5/21/2024 3:14 PM

The following recipient(s) cannot be reached: []' on 5/21/2024 3:14 PM

            503 5.5.1 specifications. 00721157ae682-6209e26fc1csm54353687b3.71 - gsmtp


This is unacceptable!

Userlevel 2

Same here they offered 30% off a new sub. They want me to send my sub back in order to get the discount. My sub worked perfectly fine before this app🤬

Userlevel 4

The “fixed” app update v 80.01.11


As soon as you open they are forcing you to do an entire system “software update.”

I suspect they will use this Trojan Horse to destroy my still functioning Mac controller and make things EVEN WORSE, if you can imagine worse than this. 

And then Sonos have THE BALLS to send me new product emails.  GTFO 

Give us the old app back. Today.


My Beam is hooked up to my TV (listed as a Source).  If I try to add my existing additional speakers for my surround sound, the Source in the app defaults to Music Library and I lose the sound to the TV.  Can someone help?

Userlevel 2

Honestly, just give us the old app back. Why would you take away features that people use? Big features??


Today, I think we got our answer: Sonos launched headphones.

Here’s my guess at how things went down:

  1. They couldn’t (or didn’t want to) build support for the headphones in the existing app, so they committed to making a new app.
  2. The app was delayed.
  3. Instead of delay the launch of the headphones, Sonos barreled ahead and launched an incomplete app.

I’m not sure whether I’m more impressed by the incompetence of planning, or the hubris to assume that Sonos customers will just sit here and take it. (I mean… I guess we will. Because what else can we do, right?)

They’re literally relying on the sunk cost fallacy as a business model at this point.

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Does anyone have experience with Denon HEOS? Please let me know.

After trying in vain to make this new Sonos app work, I’m ready to throw in the towel and move on. I can’t even get it to recognize my existing system. If anyone asks me about Sonos going forward my advice will be to simply light a match to your money. It will save you an enormous amount to time, energy and frustration.

It is apparent the Sonos is going to maintain a position that what their end users think does not matter. This CEO’s lack of customer concerns is what destroyed Blackberry when he was CEO there. The only real solution? Stop being an end user! “What’s past is prologue”.

It is a weird parallel to Blackberry, huh?  TBH, I think the lack of response to the avalanche of complaints from new and long term customers, and what that says about the company direction and culture annoys me more than the actual app.

Have a look at Roon, if you haven't already.  It can control a tonne of speakers/amps/etc (including, ironically, Sonos, and Denon HEOS speakers), and it's an excellent system.  It's recently been bought out by Harmon, but fingers crossed they won't destroy it …. It works great with a local library and streaming.  I use it with both in my music room, and will probably use it now to control my Sonos speakers, then progressively replace them with something else.
