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music library after latest app update

Just installed the new app. But I can’t find where the music library went. Also no option to add a folder to the library 


Moderator edit: We have an article with instruction on how to add a music library share on Windows and MacOS. Have a look.


I still cannot play my music library from the app (android).  What am I doing wrong?


This Morning’s update fixed My Music Library. The “unable to browse” is gone!!

Everything is playable in native iTunes Playlist form.

More Drama than I prefer, but I am happy again...the Speakers are very good-glad I did not have to sell and start anew with another company. 


You’re lucky! I can see my local music library (after doing the network drive workaround) but all of my imported playlists are gone.

At this point the only thing I can do that works relatively solidly is send music from my desktop Mac using AirPlay. (Trying to control it from the Android app though is frustrating for all the reason’s already posted in the forum -- can’t find my system, sends music to speakers seemingly randomly not the ones I’ve already chosen, big lag time for volume control...)


I suspect this will be studied by future business school students as a lesson in “How to Anger, Frustrate and Lose Your Customers, While Completely Blowing the Announcement of your Latest New Product and Adding Insult to Injury by Posting Tone-deaf Statements from the CEO while Months Go By.”


This Morning’s update fixed My Music Library. The “unable to browse” is gone!!

Everything is playable in native iTunes Playlist form.

More Drama than I prefer, but I am happy again...the Speakers are very good-glad I did not have to sell and start anew with another company. 


You’re lucky! I can see my local music library (after doing the network drive workaround) but all of my imported playlists are gone.

At this point the only thing I can do that works relatively solidly is send music from my desktop Mac using AirPlay. (Trying to control it from the Android app though is frustrating for all the reason’s already posted in the forum -- can’t find my system, sends music to speakers seemingly randomly not the ones I’ve already chosen, big lag time for volume control...)


I suspect this will be studied by future business school students as a lesson in “How to Anger, Frustrate and Lose Your Customers, While Completely Blowing the Announcement of your Latest New Product and Adding Insult to Injury by Posting Tone-deaf Statements from the CEO while Months Go By.”

I’m about to this point of frustration and paranoid to update the firmware in my speakers and, consulting an IT guru friend of mine on how to plug a USB or thumb drive into my router in order to have my mobile Sonos app see my libraries under Your Sources. You know, how it USED to work before the notorious update?

The update 2 days ago also restored my playlists on my iMac and iPhone. A pleasant surprise. I have not thoroughly tested it yet so there may be more hiccups. I am still stuck with the awful phone app which is not intuitive and keeps playing my music selection in multiple zones even after selecting just 1 zone.

Certainly agree this is all a lesson in the “art “of upgrades. Its hard to fathom how an innovative company like Sonos could suddenly get things so wrong.

Early August 2024. How can I go back a year with your iPhone/iPad software. Like many other users, I have a very large library of albums on a WD disk, and your software is DREADFUL now. I moved my library off my PC because I did not want to have it running in order to play my library on my Sonus speakers. 

Now I can NOT UPDATE MY LIBRARY on my iPhone. That means to see the 15 new operas I added to the library last week I have to use my PC to play them. 

I can’t delete a cue from my iPhone, so it is very difficult to play anything without using the PC. 

others mentioned not being able to SEARCH for an album, song, artist or composer.  

You have many users who are not into streaming - we want to play our own music!  I NEED TO KNOW WHO CAN DEFINE YOUR CORPORATE PLAN TO FIX THIS MESS!!