In the new 2024 Sonos App :
Where are the alarms settings?
Where is the service?
Where is the Android widget?
This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.
In the new 2024 Sonos App :
Where are the alarms settings?
Where is the service?
Where is the Android widget?
This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.
If Sonos doesn’t bring back the previous app within the following month, I am going to sell all Sonos products. This is not the first time and Sonos demonstrated perfectly that they don’t care about the customers. Unbelievable. I hope others will boycot Sonos as well.
who do you think is going to buy your Sonos?
I have 10 Era 100 speakers and 4 Era 300 speakers sitting in my dining room ready to sell. Sonos will eventually get everything working and there will be a market for these speakers. Then I will sell them. But I have already replaced everything with BlueSound speakers. Frankly I will miss Sonos. The speakers are solid and sound great. I am just tired of the way Sonos treats its loyal customers. First it was the S1 to S2 issue. Then this. Coupled with the fact that (1) Sonos dies when the internet is down (can’t even play local music) (2) Sonos demands that we logon to even use their stuff and have to register speakers before we can use them, and deregister before we can sell them (3) sees no problem with cutting off people from their music for 2 months or more (it has been over a month now) and has steadfastly refused to allow users to revert to an older version while they work on a long list of problems. Nothing will have changed when they finally get the problems fixed. It is still a company that I do not want to deal with.
Wireless headphones are not new. I have an expensive Sony pair that was a nice novelty, but I never use them. To do all of this in order to push out some new headphones is a very bad move. If they had thought first of users and pushed this release out in parallel with the old app, then none of this would have happened. And it would have saved me from spending big bucks unnecessarily for a new system. One user said that leaving was rash. I disagree. Music is an important part of my life, or I would not have been with Sonos for 15 years. Sonos does not understand or really care about their customers. I wish them well, but I am gone and hope a few others join me so Sonos will have some incentive to change the way they do business. I now love Bluesoft by the way. I am very happy with the switch. I do sigh wistfully though when I pass that pile of beautiful speakers in my dining room. What a shame.
My main issue same as yourself is number 3. But I wanted to warn you - DO NOT BUY A NEW NAS. Reason being that I have one and that is where my Music Library is stored but since the updates I have been unable to reconnect. Tried everything such as deleting library re-adding etc. Just to be clear, this was working fine for years, and I can connect to the NAS drive through every other device that is not Sonos.
I just would not want somebody wasting even more money buying a new NAS drive thinking that will fix the problem, as it will not. It’s a pure issue with Sonos.
This might work for you. It worked on my Mac;
The downside is that the xml file has to be exported and renamed whenever changes are made. But at least I have my music back.
Shame you don’t work in Sonos App dev team!!
Quick question for you, did you ever get the Music library to appear on new Sonos IOS app? Basically it still doesnt appear on “Sources” but can access and play music on devices throgh Mac Controller and actually now using SonoPhone on my Iphone to access through my phone.
Crazy that Sonos can not simply fix this on their own app.
If you are referring to me, all I did was haunt the various Sonos threads here and on Reddit, trying all suggestions until I found one that worked for me.
Fortunately for me, I mainly use the desktop app, which remains functional - at least, after I was able to get my music library back. When the iOS app is working, my library does show up since I got it back, though accessing it remains challenging. What was once fairly intuitive now requires tapping pretty much every option, until I finally make it to what I want. I’m going to stick to the desktop app for now, and only use my other devices for AirPlay.
But more often, when I open the app, it can’t find my speakers and/or my music.
Although I now realise you didn’t write the fix yourself, I just wanted to highlight that this does now create a workaround - also got my music library to show in the new Sonos app after updating library about 3 times it finally appeared.
However, this doesn’t fix the fact that the new Sonos app is fundamentally broken. This has been proven as other 3rd party apps such as SonoPhone can still work. What a terrible state of affairs from Sonos, and they just say that users ”Will get used to the change”.
Why does search funktion not work after new app installer. Can not play/find new Music
Yes, SonoPhone is a paid app with a somewhat outdated design but offers all the functionalities you’d expect from it (at least as far as I’m concerned). It’s currently better than the official app
100% I’m now using SonoPhone….so poor that Sonos can’t match the capabilities. They are clearly not listening to their users.
I’m not familiar withi SonoPhone. I assume it runs on an iPhone. Will it interfere with the Sonos app? I get some functionality from what’s left of the old Sonos app, but I’d love to have more features if I can. In other words, can I have both installed and use them interchangeably? And what is SonoPhone like? Thanks!
System is slow to respond to commands or doesn’t respond at all. Turns volume up
itself. Turns off and on by itself !
I have had continuous problems with various speakers cutting in and out. I have gigabit mesh wifi throughout the house, testing no slower than 200mps anywhere, and >500 most places. All other attached products - thermostats, lights, fans, pcs, apple products - work seamlessly. Sonos? Not so much.
I’ve reset the system - all 10 speakers - and rebooted the router and Wifi access points. Same problems. If I’ve had a power flicker, it takes almost a full hour for all the speakers to finally settle down, and even then my newest speaker tends to cut out. I’ve repositioned (speakers and WAPs). I’ve booted. I’ve waited. I’ve installed all the updates. I’ve rebooted. I’ve apologized to guests and just gone to an old Bose bluetooth (seamless, BTW).
About ready to sell the whole system and have a home theater pro come wire in speakers. Seems like a step back, but this is untenable.
Sonos - fix it. You’re a premium product. Grow up and act like one.
I’m not familiar withi SonoPhone. I assume it runs on an iPhone. Will it interfere with the Sonos app? I get some functionality from what’s left of the old Sonos app, but I’d love to have more features if I can. In other words, can I have both installed and use them interchangeably? And what is SonoPhone like? Thanks!
The SonoPhone app will not interfere with the Sonos app: think of it like running the Windows/Mac Sonos desktop client (which is still on the old codebase) at the same time as running the new app. In other words, you can definitely have SonoPhone and the Sonos app installed and switch between them.
SonoPhone is functionally quite good, though as the author openly notes you’ll need to use the Sonos app for ‘administrative’ functions like device setup and alarms.
Yes, SonoPhone is a paid app with a somewhat outdated design but offers all the functionalities you’d expect from it (at least as far as I’m concerned). It’s currently better than the official app
100% I’m now using SonoPhone….so poor that Sonos can’t match the capabilities. They are clearly not listening to their users.
I’m not familiar withi SonoPhone. I assume it runs on an iPhone. Will it interfere with the Sonos app? I get some functionality from what’s left of the old Sonos app, but I’d love to have more features if I can. In other words, can I have both installed and use them interchangeably? And what is SonoPhone like? Thanks!
Yeah so SonoPhone does not interfere with the Sonos app and you can run them side by side. Functionality is not that extensive but it does something the Sonos app doesn’t currently allow you to do….play music….crazy right? Is also allows me to play on the chosen speaker of choice which….oh yeah current Sonos app does not allow me to do.
The design of SonoPhone looks a bit dated. A bit kind of Windows 98 vibe. However, right now, I will take a working app over the eye candy of the new Sonos app that’s about as useful as a chocolate fireguard.
I have actually been able to get music playing on the Sonos app with the fix mentioned above at this link using an XML file via Apple music app. My setup is as follows:
So yes, after 3 weeks of having a system that previously perfectly worked with just a NAS and my Sonos App pointing to that Music library, the update broke this completely and then had to do the setup above to get it working. So I now have my music library back, I can use the Sonos App (which seems laggy and flaky). So I have SonoPhone as the backup app.
Bottom line is, we should not have to discover these workarounds. Secondly, how can the user community work this out but the app developers at Sonos cannot. It’s just mad.
Looking forward to the next Sonos app update which will undoubtly break this workaround again…..
With the new version of Sonos, the following things that I could do with the previous version seem to have disappeared (of course they may still be there but I just haven’t found them)
At this point I am thinking about selling my Sonos stuff on ebay and going back to my old turntable/amp/wire speakers setup.
I have actually been able to get music playing on the Sonos app with the fix mentioned above at this link using an XML file via Apple music app. My setup is as follows:
So yes, after 3 weeks of having a system that previously perfectly worked with just a NAS and my Sonos App pointing to that Music library, the update broke this completely and then had to do the setup above to get it working. So I now have my music library back, I can use the Sonos App (which seems laggy and flaky). So I have SonoPhone as the backup app.
Bottom line is, we should not have to discover these workarounds. Secondly, how can the user community work this out but the app developers at Sonos cannot. It’s just mad.
Looking forward to the next Sonos app update which will undoubtly break this workaround again…..
Welcome to your enlistment (along with all Sonos users now) in Sonos’ new WWCBTP (world wide customer beta testing program). Simple really - Sonos lays off hundreds of employees over the years to pad the quarterly numbers and Spence’s bonus , then builds a crap-app - sending it out to the ten’s of thousands of loyal customers who will do the Apha/Beta testing for them! Magic! then they can blame a new product intro to save face while screwing the brand and laying off employees. Cheap and Easy right?
Spence is digging his own career grave (just like he/they did at Blackberry) and he could care less b/c he’s just another filthy rich tech-bro who spun the stock options roulette wheel and won big!
If we could collectively bill Sonos for the hundreds of wasted hours trying to get our whole-home-wireless-audio-systems to work after each of these nasty downgrades (more like malware), we could collectively OWN Sonos and and fire Captain P.Spence over this Tech Titanic sinking!
We are the TESTERS, the PRODUCT (through our usage data), and the ultimate LOSERS now.
I have actually been able to get music playing on the Sonos app with the fix mentioned above at this link using an XML file via Apple music app. My setup is as follows:
So yes, after 3 weeks of having a system that previously perfectly worked with just a NAS and my Sonos App pointing to that Music library, the update broke this completely and then had to do the setup above to get it working. So I now have my music library back, I can use the Sonos App (which seems laggy and flaky). So I have SonoPhone as the backup app.
Bottom line is, we should not have to discover these workarounds. Secondly, how can the user community work this out but the app developers at Sonos cannot. It’s just mad.
Looking forward to the next Sonos app update which will undoubtly break this workaround again…..
Welcome to your enlistment (along with all Sonos users now) in Sonos’ new WWCBTP (world wide customer beta testing program). Simple really - Sonos lays off hundreds of employees over the years to pad the quarterly numbers and Spence’s bonus , then builds a crap-app - sending it out to the ten’s of thousands of loyal customers who will do the Apha/Beta testing for them! Magic! then they can blame a new product intro to save face while screwing the brand and laying off employees. Cheap and Easy right?
Spence is digging his own career grave (just like he/they did at Blackberry) and he could care less b/c he’s just another filthy rich tech-bro who spun the stock options roulette wheel and won big!
If we could collectively bill Sonos for the hundreds of wasted hours trying to get our whole-home-wireless-audio-systems to work after each of these nasty downgrades (more like malware), we could collectively OWN Sonos and and fire Captain P.Spence over this Tech Titanic sinking!
We are the TESTERS, the PRODUCT (through our usage data), and the ultimate LOSERS now.
So well put
Sorry to say you latest app following a week or so of use is crap. Not user friendly with Sonos set up of products. Please bring back the last app process with your new look. The author obviously doesn’t know the flexibility the last app had. Crap update.
As much I share in my disappointment in the new Sonos app (PAINFULLY SLOW 😱), I am further disappointed by the lack of an alphabetical index for the Apple Music library. It was missing in the previous version and is STILL MISSING in the new app. It is VERY inconvenient and TIME CONSUMING to scroll through the entire library using a plain ‘list’ of artists instead of quickly jumping to the alphabetical category. Does anyone else find this a big pain??
Dave….Please take note previous responses to the same issue(s) you describe, where the temporary solution is clear!!!
First,, uninstall Sonos, then you need to go here:
Thank you! Back to the old app and all ok again...
This app is awful. So jinky, I unselect an amp, hit apply yet the amp keeps playing. Also when I unselect an amp, hit apply, the volume indicator looks like it is still playing, even though it is unselected and not playing. Can’t change the order of the amps in settings which sucks as my least used amp is at the top and my most used is at the bottom. The last app wasn’t great but seems to work most of the time. This one? Unbelievable bad.
There are commonly 5 or 6 stages of grief following a loss, including anger, denial, etc.
One which is special to this update business is the stage of boredom.
I for one am definitely experiencing this. I am bored with 1000s of messages all basically saying the same thing (it doesn't work anymore), bored by repeated threats to never ever buy another Sonos device, bored by the deafening silence from Sonos. Bored by people shouting about how many 1000s of dollars they have spent and somehow implying that this gives them special privilege to get a solution now, or a fast track to getting their money back.
Somehow, apart from losing my little used Music Library, my modest collection of devices seems to have survived through all the update turmoil. I personally dislike the new app intensely but it is working sufficiently for me to listen to my favourite radio stations. I'm off now to do just that.
Let's hope for calmer times ahead when everybody gets back to listening to their favourite tunes.
Why? This could be the blunder that takes you down. New app has turned the whole experience to crap. I look at the investment I’ve made in your products, and feel ripped off.
Have worked hard on playlists that no longer can be edited. The crap app is filled with bugs. Volume control is sloppy. Could go on and on about this half ass app.
I will no longer give positive feedback on any of your products and services. And I would think twice about who is making your business decisions.
Anyone else find that the new updated app , is a load of poo .
Since update I'm unable to use Google assistant, and the connectivity is absolutely shocking.
After spending £££££££s and a great sound system then went and screwed it up .
Anyone else having the same issues and any resolve ???
How come the new update is absolutely horrible to use evwrytime I open app it doesn't find my system automatically I have to do it manually then It doesn't load up my paid youtube app and is is way more complicated to switch between room speakers then to turn rhe TV sound back on is a pain
When you adjust the volume in the old app, the volume level will be displayed. Now, the new app has completely disappeared.
True!!! Please bring this back!!
When you adjust the volume in the old app, the volume level will be displayed. Now, the new app has completely disappeared.
True!!! Please bring this back!!
No, it has not disappeared completely. Click on the icon to move the music between room. This display has volume control with numeric levels.
Sonos, When are you going to fix this s***** app you forced all users to get? Sonos has become the butt of all audiophile jokes. I used to recommend it to users who wanted beautiful sounds without paying for a premiere system. The new (s*****) app has been pushed on users. It takes over a minute to connect all speakers in the house. If I start a new song, it defaults to playing in our basement system. If I change volume or attempt to do a new search, the app either crashes or starts over to the one speaker before I have to wait another minute to connect to the system. No longer can I play music via different groups or speakers - you really f***** up Sonos. I am unable to play music without continued frustration. I have called Sonos customer service at the start of the day, middle of the day, and end of the day and each time, "the next customer service representative is a 45-min wait." I understand these issues are "first world issues" but we paid for a nice system and are now regretting our purchase and no longer recommend the Sonos product to family, friends, clients or others I work alongside with in the music business.
Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.
Why is it that after the new app did the ‘upgrade’ I no longer have control over my sounds for 3 of my 4 speakers…. Anyone want to buy my SONOS speakers?
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