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In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

does anyone know when its ment to be fixed or do we sit and wait??

As jgatie replied to your previous post, see here:

Then again, far from all problems reported here will ever be fixed. When I’ve been thinking of the troubled people have reported, I realise that I’ve seen those issues in the past as well. So many of them are not directly related to the new app. Rather, they are inherent issues in the Sonos system. But it appears that the new app has some different settings in communicating with the players, so that some people are seeing a degradation. For me, I have at times found the new app more responsive than the old app. At least on my phone, maybe less on my tablet.

The conclusion of all this? Well, I coughed up the money for two Bluesound speakers yesterday for evaluation. (I have the right to return them within 60 days.) It remains to see if the grass is really bluer on the other side.

The conclusion of all this? Well, I coughed up the money for two Bluesound speakers yesterday for evaluation. (I have the right to return them within 60 days.) It remains to see if the grass is really bluer on the other side.

Please keep us posted on what your findings concerning Bluesound are.


La deuxième MAJ du nouveau système sonos ne permet plus de passer de la musique sur mes trois enceintes, alors que précédemment cela fonctionnait. Ceci prouve que s'ils veulent ils peuvent faire en sorte que cela fonctionne.

Ce matin oh surprise cela ne fonctionne plus, ça me gonfle sévère. S'ils pensent que je vais racheter deux autres enceintes... Ils rêvent. S'ils ne font pas le nécessaire, je dégage tout ce matériel.

Et dans 2 ans, nouveaux matériels et on doit encore racheter de nouvelles enceintes ? L'obsolescence programmée est interdite selon la loi.

Sonos se fout du la G****E DU MONDE.


Moderator edit:
Google Translate-


Good morning

The second update of the new sound system no longer allows music to be played on my three speakers, whereas previously it worked. This proves that if they want they can make it work.

This morning oh surprise it doesn't work anymore, it's really annoying me. If they think I'm going to buy two more speakers... They're dreaming. If they don't do what's necessary, I'll clear all this equipment.

And in 2 years, new equipment and we still have to buy new speakers? Planned obsolescence is prohibited by law.

Sonos doesn't care about the G****E OF THE WORLD.

Really can’t stand the new Sonos app, and sometimes I just play an Apple playlist on my phone. It takes forever to load, it skips songs on the playlist, it sometimes won’t let me change speakers in the house…

The conclusion of all this? Well, I coughed up the money for two Bluesound speakers yesterday for evaluation. (I have the right to return them within 60 days.) It remains to see if the grass is really bluer on the other side.

Please keep us posted on what your findings concerning Bluesound are.

I will return those two speakers. But only to get a different model. The system itself passed the audition.

Now, a one-day test is not really enough, since my main beef with Sonos is the reliability. That is, transient problems that do not occur every day, but often enough to be irritating. Nevertheless some observations.

  • When setting up, there is no requirement for registration. And you have never have to log in to be able access some settings as you need to do with Sonos. However, this is something that cuts both way. I live alone and have no need to protect my system, but I can see many situations where this is a must. What is completely wrong with Sonos is that the login is mandatory and authentication is central with Sonos.
  • There has been a lot of talk that the new controller requires internet, but when doing tests I could not find much difference between the Sonos and Bluetooth apps. I pulled my internet cable, and then I restarted my phone. In this situation, none of the apps could find their players, presumably because the phone indicated that the WiFi lacked internet. I put back the network cable, so that the phone would find internet. I then pulled the network cable. Now both apps found their players, but the Sonos app did not find the Sonos favourites.
  • Sonos have their own SonosNet where the players talk to each other. Bluesound has no such thing, but uses your WiFi. The Sonos solution probably made sense twenty years ago, but today I am not sure. I think some of my problems are due to the players not always interacting with each other as I would like to. My bedroom is somewhat remote, and I have most difficulties in this room. If I get issues with Bluesound, I can simply buy one more WiFi router to add to the mesh. Seems simpler and more straightforward.
  • I did a test with pulling the network cable to the NAS while playing music from the NAS. In this situation, Sonos will jump ahead in the queue until it finds something to play, and eventually come to the end unless the connection comes back. This has irritated me a lot. (See remark about bedroom above.) Bluesound, on the other hand, just stops when it can get more music. When I put back the network cable, Bluesound started playing on its own from the point where it stopped. Exactly what I want!
  • With Sonos you can set up daily rebuild of your music library, a feature that is essential for me, as I create random playlists daily. Bluesound has no such thing built-in. But I found tip in the Bluesound forums on how to do this from Windows Task Scheduler.
  • All Bluesound speakers support Bluetooth headphones. So if the neighbours starting banging on the ceiling, just get the headphones on and switch to Bluetooth without interruption. With Sonos, I have a Port that feeds a Bluetooth transmitter, and the sole reason I have that Port.
  • The Spotify integration is less slick than in Sonos. You are supposed to use the Spotify app to play music from Spotify. The Sonos experience is nicer, but the Bluesound solution certainly makes sense. I assume the same applies to other services, but I only have Spotify.

As I said, the system passed the audition, and the plan is to get in total eight players of different models for my four rooms.

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Over the years I had more negative then possitive experiences with my Sonos system. The new app update made everything more worse then it already was. Sonos is not a premium brand but just a brand with premium prices. It’s so redicoulous that I totally lost my trust in Sonos and my only option is to go for another brand.

Bye Sonos

Why was this App released.  It is literally unusable. Very frustrating, I spent thousands on this system and it’s horrible. What’s wrong with the programmers? Are they someone’s kids? It’s truly bizarre, I’ve never seen a company self implode like this.

Is there anyway this new app can go back. It’s awful. My system is basically useless. I can’t get music to sync with different rooms. All my music and stations are gone. The system constantly tells me it cannot connect. Whoever drove this needs to go. Horrible. I’ve been a Sonos person for 15 years and this is just the worse system ever. Get your stuff together please and return our old system. 

The new app stinks in every way I’ve tried to use it. I mean that it fails at basic functionality, not that I disagree with design choices.

FAIL: The one thing I use the Sonos app for, besides initial setup, is to group speakers in different rooms. It will not group any combination of my Port, my Roam SL, or my paired One SLs. I can play to any one of them individually, but they will not pair.

Figuring out the workflow to group rooms took some getting used to, and it’s clunkier than the old way.

I can’t check the battery life remaining on my Roam besides a tiny icon that basically just shows whether it’s above or below 50%. There should be a readout of the actual percentage remaining.

Thank goodness I don’t rely on the Sonos app to actually choose my music. What a mess that aspect of the app is!

I bought some CDs yesterday (yay me!) and ripped them to my server.

Is it possible to manually re index the library so I can listen to my new music? Of course not. 

I bought some CDs yesterday (yay me!) and ripped them to my server.

Is it possible to manually re index the library so I can listen to my new music? Of course not. 

It is. Use the desktop app.

I bought some CDs yesterday (yay me!) and ripped them to my server.

Is it possible to manually re index the library so I can listen to my new music? Of course not. 

It is. Use the desktop app.

I tried that too. The option is greyed out and not selectable. 

I also tried it on my work iPhone which has the old version of the app on it still. Greyed out there too. Says that I need to upgrade to use certain features.

So it's not possible as far as I can see. 

It did re index overnight however. 

It is. Use the desktop app.

I tried that too. The option is greyed out and not selectable. 

On my Windows app it is lit up. Do you have the most recent version of the desktop app?

I also tried it on my work iPhone which has the old version of the app on it still. Greyed out there too. Says that I need to upgrade to use certain features.

I note that on a tablet where I have the Gold app, the option is greyed out.

It did re index overnight however. 

Happy ending then.

It is. Use the desktop app.

I tried that too. The option is greyed out and not selectable. 

On my Windows app it is lit up. Do you have the most recent version of the desktop app?

I also tried it on my work iPhone which has the old version of the app on it still. Greyed out there too. Says that I need to upgrade to use certain features.

I note that on a tablet where I have the Gold app, the option is greyed out.

It did re index overnight however. 

Happy ending then.

Happy ish ending. Just an inconvenience that I can't listen to music which I own immediately. 

I bought some CDs yesterday (yay me!) and ripped them to my server.

Is it possible to manually re index the library so I can listen to my new music? Of course not. 

It is. Use the desktop app.

I tried that too. The option is greyed out and not selectable. 

You need to be on latest version of desktop app. Then the greyed out functions will be available again. Manage > Check for software updates.

For a few years now, every time there in an update available I fear something will go wrong. And it does every time! But the difference now is that for the past updates it would only take me 10 to 20 mins to read what other users did to solve my problem.  

But this time is different! SONOS messed it up big time! 

The latest update is just a big BUG. I’be been a SONOS user since 2018 and this is by far their worst update. Here I am waiting for the “mid june” fix, to see if I can finally access my local library again !


Dear SONOS - please fix this soon !

The latest update is just a big BUG. I’be been a SONOS user since 2018 and this is by far their worst update. Here I am waiting for the “mid june” fix, to see if I can finally access my local library again !

Do you and Sonos why you cannot access your local library? Because if Sonos don’t know why, they can’t fix it.

The one thing we do know have changed is that they have dropped support for SMB1, so check where the local library is located and make sure that you have SMB1/SMB2 enabled. When in doubt, call Sonos support. And, yeah, I know that is a horrible and time-consuming experience. But they can help you to troubleshoot.

You don’t seem to be alone with accessing your local library. But myself, I have no troubles with accessing my local library, and several others have the library working as well.



The latest update is just a big BUG. I’be been a SONOS user since 2018 and this is by far their worst update. Here I am waiting for the “mid june” fix, to see if I can finally access my local library again !

Do you and Sonos why you cannot access your local library? Because if Sonos don’t know why, they can’t fix it.

The one thing we do know have changed is that they have dropped support for SMB1, so check where the local library is located and make sure that you have SMB1/SMB2 enabled. When in doubt, call Sonos support. And, yeah, I know that is a horrible and time-consuming experience. But they can help you to troubleshoot.

You don’t seem to be alone with accessing your local library. But myself, I have no troubles with accessing my local library, and several others have the library working as well.



Working well is a bit of a stretch 😂

Following Erland Sommerskog’s good advice to try the desktop app to see if it would allow grouping of rooms, I downloaded and installed it on my Windows machine. It’s stuck in an endless loop of telling me I need to update to the latest software, installing the the update “successfully,” and repeat.

So apparently Sonos broke the desktop app, too, at least for new installations.

Complain, but SONOS will not do anything. There won't be a rollback.

Thousands of people bought their headphones as they got excellent reviews.

Nearly no review mentions the problem with the new app.

Old customers paid for their hardware, they are no longer valuable. There will be a new release soon explaining you to buy the newest speakers, otherwise no connectivity with the new app will be possible.

I am already forced to update my 16.1 app in order to add an old symfonisk.

And of course you in the future will have to pay a subscription fee to use all features of the new app

Following Erland Sommerskog’s good advice to try the desktop app to see if it would allow grouping of rooms, I downloaded and installed it on my Windows machine. It’s stuck in an endless loop of telling me I need to update to the latest software, installing the the update “successfully,” and repeat.

So apparently Sonos broke the desktop app, too, at least for new installations.

I tested downloading and installing the Windows controller on a machine that never had the Sonos controller before. I had no issues with the installation and controller worked just fine.

I assume that the file you downloaded was named Sonos_79.1-53290.exe?

My guess is that in your case, your players have fallen behind so they don’t match the Sonos controller. So you would need to upgrade your players. Which you would have to do from your Andriod/iOS app. But if you have issues with talking to the player from the app, you are in a catch-22 I guess. I guess that you need to find an hour or two you can set off to call Sonos support.

Please just let us return to the old app this new app is still a * joke.!!

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

Thanks for the reply. All players on mobile devices are up to date and all firmware on speakers is current, according to mobile apps. I was able to install the desktop app on a Mac, so I suspect the issue I’m experiencing on my Windows machine is either confined to the Windows version of the app or something in my permissions/security is interfering with updates.

Furthermore, the Mac desktop app updated successfully, and grouping is now magically working not only via the desktop app but on mobile device apps, too. Grouping Sonos rooms within the Roon controller also works now, something that was also broken. I suspect the desktop app found a piece of the system that hadn’t registered as needing an update when I checked using mobile apps.

Thank you for your help on this. Basic functionality has been restored on my system.

Great to hear that you got things working!

The new Sonos app is a downgrade that has turned a great system into a piece of junk. It does not connect to the existing system, speakers have to be repaired over and over again, music will just play with out being able to be controlled, speakers will disappear and reappear, a complete mess. I would before this recommend Sonos to everyone as the hands down best system around. Now with this new app I would tell people search for something else. Very disappointed and frustrated long time customer who is search for a new system.
