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In the new 2024 Sonos App :

Where are the alarms settings? 

Where is the service?

Where is the Android widget?

This is a real nightmare. I hope Sonos will fix all that asap because what they did releasing this not finished app is scandalous.

It would show that they after all has some respect for their customers.

As I have said before, I have in my professional life experience of another vendor of whom representatives more than once has asked their customers for apologies, and also said “we hear you loud and clear”. Granted, that is for a professional product and not a consumer product.

At the end of that AMA they had some weeks back one of the Sonos persons admitted that their communication could have been better. And indeed, had they introduced new app as “we releasing this now to support new products, and sadly a few features will be missing for a while, but we hope to deliver these soon, and in the end,  you will get a lot better app”, they would had been a in lot better position.

(Although releasing the new app with full support for blind people is simply not acceptable.)


Meh, an apology to me would mean they are trying to appeal to people’s egos by making them think they “feel their pain” when this was all about the investors from the beginning.  They aren’t sorry!  They promised something to someone else, and the customers were second.  They figured the thousand or so who got pissed off enough to register here were about 10% of the total number affected, which is far less than 1% of their millions of users.  Of which even less were willing to jettison their gear (despite all the thrashing and gnashing, nobody ever really tosses it out).  

Those were acceptable casualties, and any “apology” they make for what they considered acceptable is no apology at all.  It’s as hollow as can be, and all it does is take advantage of the base emotion that people who are “wronged” want to see people grovel in front of them.  I’m real surprised people can’t figure that out instead of falling for it.







What good will an apology do?

It would show that they after all has some respect for their customers.

As I have said before, I have in my professional life experience of another vendor of whom representatives more than once has asked their customers for apologies, and also said “we hear you loud and clear”. Granted, that is for a professional product and not a consumer product.

At the end of that AMA they had some weeks back one of the Sonos persons admitted that their communication could have been better. And indeed, had they introduced new app as “we releasing this now to support new products, and sadly a few features will be missing for a while, but we hope to deliver these soon, and in the end,  you will get a lot better app”, they would had been a in lot better position.

(Although releasing the new app with full support for blind people is simply not acceptable.)

These were the features added in the last App update …

  • Further improved navigation for visually-impaired customers
  • Added VoiceOver support to read toast message automatically on iOS
  • Added support for the all new Sonos Ace headphones
  • Added sleep timer settings
  • Added “play next” and “add to end of queue”
  • Improved Home Feed scrolling
  • Improved setup reliability
  • Added WiFi configuration for products with BLE
  • Improved battery consumption for Bluetooth discovery
  • Improved ability to update older firmware systems
  • Introduced mute button on iOS
  • Improved local library connectivity
  • Improved Trueplay setup on iOS
  • Added distance settings for surrounds
  • Added line-out settings for Sonos Port

And these are the features that are currently being worked on and coming soon…

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Playback controls including mute and volume numbers: June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July
  • Create and edit local music library: July
  • Improved Autoplay settings: July
  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July
  • Snooze alarms: TBD

So it’s not a case that things are not being done to bring the new Sonos App up-to full speed.

Also @Ken_Griffiths the’ve posted this:


The New Sonos App and Future Feature Updates

We set out to create a more personalized and effortless listening experience with the updated Sonos app. It was rebuilt from the ground up to ensure it could support future innovation in the years to come. For its initial rollout, we focused on how we could answer some of the most common requests from our customers, including increased reliability, performance, and faster access to music.


Many of you have shared valuable feedback on both the improvements that have made your experience better, as well as the areas where we fell short. We are listening to all of your comments and working to address them as quickly as possible. Over the coming weeks, we will reintroduce the below features, while fixing bugs and performance issues. Thank you for your engagement and we look forward to building upon this first step to create a listening experience that meets everyone’s needs.


Which is about as close to “we(‘re) releasing this now to support new products, and sadly a few features will be missing for a while, but we hope to deliver these soon, and in the end,  you will get a lot better app” as anyone is going to get.

See case study on New Coke or more recently Bud Light on taking legacy customers for granted.  

one firm recovered and one looks like it has permanently lost share.  

Please fix this Sonos.  All vitriol is actually impressively positive news about the company .  Your customers loved the products enough to rant and protest.  I would suspend every effort not related to fixing the basic app. Addressing matters for the visually impaired and another nice to have features that have nothing to do with keeping legacy customers happy is a fools errand.  Please please fix this because we love the product and would hate to leave it

 Addressing matters for the visually impaired and another nice to have features


You think that support for accessibility is a nice-to-have feature? You seem to be in the same league as Mr Spence!

And, no, I am not speaking in own personal interest. I have no need in accessibility features myself, but it just is something a company like Sonos should not ignore.


When I select a Favourite to play I get a message “something went wrong try again”

too many steps to play something - should be able to just click once not have to go in to press play - really frustrating 

Just generally really glitchy. Feels like it’s copying other kinds of apps with the big “buttons” but it worked better before.








What good will an apology do?

It would show that they after all has some respect for their customers.

As I have said before, I have in my professional life experience of another vendor of whom representatives more than once has asked their customers for apologies, and also said “we hear you loud and clear”. Granted, that is for a professional product and not a consumer product.

At the end of that AMA they had some weeks back one of the Sonos persons admitted that their communication could have been better. And indeed, had they introduced new app as “we releasing this now to support new products, and sadly a few features will be missing for a while, but we hope to deliver these soon, and in the end,  you will get a lot better app”, they would had been a in lot better position.

(Although releasing the new app with full support for blind people is simply not acceptable.)

These were the features added in the last App update …

  • Further improved navigation for visually-impaired customers
  • Added VoiceOver support to read toast message automatically on iOS
  • Added support for the all new Sonos Ace headphones
  • Added sleep timer settings
  • Added “play next” and “add to end of queue”
  • Improved Home Feed scrolling
  • Improved setup reliability
  • Added WiFi configuration for products with BLE
  • Improved battery consumption for Bluetooth discovery
  • Improved ability to update older firmware systems
  • Introduced mute button on iOS
  • Improved local library connectivity
  • Improved Trueplay setup on iOS
  • Added distance settings for surrounds
  • Added line-out settings for Sonos Port

And these are the features that are currently being worked on and coming soon…

  • Continued improvements to navigation for visually-impaired customers: mid-June
  • Playback controls including mute and volume numbers: June
  • Local music library search and playback: mid-June
  • Improved playback settings including Play Now: July
  • Create and edit local music library: July
  • Improved Autoplay settings: July
  • Improved Sub audio settings with Amp: July
  • Snooze alarms: TBD

So it’s not a case that things are not being done to bring the new Sonos App up-to full speed.

What about alarms? 

What about alarms? 

Do you mean the ones that were added to Sonos App build 80.00.05 (Android) and  80.00.08 (iOS)?




These were the features added in the last App update …

  • Added “play next” and “add to end of queue”

Have you been able to get these to work? I have not.


What about alarms? 

Do you mean the ones that were added to Sonos App build 80.00.05 (Android) and  80.00.08 (iOS)?


Not sure when they were added. Its wake-up Alarms where you can select different days and times for Sonos to turn on and play the chosen music you preselect

And what about adding custom radios like it was possible with the Windows application? Remember these links converted to favorites with no way to edit or add anymore!





These were the features added in the last App update …

  • Added “play next” and “add to end of queue”

Have you been able to get these to work? I have not.


Yes, they each work fine here.. here’s an example of adding the Wishbone Ash ‘Live Dates’ album to the end of the current room queue… see attached.

And what about adding custom radios like it was possible with the Windows application? Remember these links converted to favorites with no way to edit or add anymore!

I understand this is still currently available via the old Desktop controller App, but that said I haven’t personally tested these things myself, but perhaps see this Sonos Support link if you have the Tune-In service available to you:

What about alarms? 

Do you mean the ones that were added to Sonos App build 80.00.05 (Android) and  80.00.08 (iOS)?


Not sure when they were added. Its wake-up Alarms where you can select different days and times for Sonos to turn on and play the chosen music you preselect

They were added back to the Sonos App on May 14th 2024. FYI. See screenshot from the Sonos App here.

Two days ago, I contacted support because my system kept dropping one or both the areas where my music plays.  I was on hold for over 90 minutes. I spent another 65 minutes as a young woman tried to get the system to work. While I’m good with accents, hers was almost incomprehensible. Soooo frustrating. 

And now it’s happened yet again. I’ve been on hold for over 20 minutes so far. I’m listening to the same five bars of distorted music, then told over and over to run Diagnostics. 

This is bloody ridiculous. The wizards to did this new opaque and glitchy app need to be fired. 

Wow! What a MASSIVE step backwards!! I wish I didn’t update the app. The new one has no obvious advantages but is super clunky and difficult to navigate around. 
what were. You thinking Sonos?

can the app be wound back??

The following emailed 24th April is the only notification from Sonos I can find re the app update “

How will this affect my system?

We've taken great care to ensure that this update only enhances your Sonos experience. Your products, features and services will work as they always have, and all your settings will be saved.”

As we know not all went as planned. C’est la vie in the world of app programming. I well assume the Sonos team will be putting in the overtime to correct the issue. One fundamental oversight in my mind is in my scanning of some of the Sonos replies to user concerns I did not see the word “Sorry about that” rather some of the replies bordered on the aggressive. Admittedly this may be the default response mechanism of one Sonos employee and not reflective of the company.

That being said it’s not too late Sonos to say “Ooops sorry about that” perhaps you have done so already and I missed it. If so well done.



These were the features added in the last App update …

  • Added “play next” and “add to end of queue”

Have you been able to get these to work? I have not.


Yes, they each work fine here.. here’s an example of adding the Wishbone Ash ‘Live Dates’ album to the end of the current room queue… see attached.

I note that you take the album from the Sonos favourites. That seems to work on my end too. What does not seem to work is to add an item directly from the music library. That only results in “Something went wrong”.

Does anyone know how to avoid using the SONOS app but still use the speakers?

Does anyone know how to avoid using the SONOS app but still use the speakers?

This and/or this.

I note that you take the album from the Sonos favourites. That seems to work on my end too. What does not seem to work is to add an item directly from the music library. That only results in “Something went wrong”.

I’m slightly confused here, because you shouldn’t see the ‘Play Next’ or ‘Add to End of Queue’ options to add an Album from your local library to the current queue - as that’s not yet been implemented in the new App, or are you referring to something different than what you previously mentioned in your earlier post?

Sonos - you are a software company first, and a hardware company second.  Your strength is rooted in the reliability of your APP and connected devices. The new APP should never have been rolled out until it was ready.  By doing so, you have rendered your hardware useless 

For example - WHEN will the edit the queue feature return? Something as BASIC as this should never have been removed.  SONOS rushed the APP release in order to trump up their earnings call. 

The only reason I have continued to use SONOS (and sing it’s praises to all my friends and guests) was the RELIABILITY of the software. I have even bought ARC’s, subs and speakers for friends over the years... $1000’s spent on SONOS for myself and a lot of people - I was your biggest evangelist! 

The SONOS APP and software is the core of your success. Everything is secondary to that.  There are better streamers and better speakers out there.  The SONOS app was always superior in its reliability and consistency.  Screw up the APP and the associated software and SONOS no longer has a competitive edge. 

I’m having a party for the July 4th. If the system isn’t working right a week prior, I will ditch the entire thing and replace it with BlueSound.  In the meanwhile, I’m shorting the SONOS stock to help pay for it.

Fire your leadership, straighten up and fly right.

Dreadful. System now totally useless. I give up.....


I’m slightly confused here, because you shouldn’t see the ‘Play Next’ or ‘Add to End of Queue’ options to add an Album from your local library to the current queue - as that’s not yet been implemented in the new App,

That would explain why they don’t work. :--)

And, yes I see them when I press the ring with three dots in it. (Sorry, I don’t know who do screenshots from the phone and then bring it to the computer where I type this.)

As it happens, I only occasionally use these functions from the app, but I mainly use the Windows app to change the queue.

