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Hello everyone,

We wanted to take a moment to address concerns regarding our new app that launched in May. At Sonos, delivering an exceptional experience is paramount to all that we do. Unfortunately, your experiences over the past several weeks have fallen short of our commitment to you.

Today, our CEO Patrick Spence published a letter that includes a detailed update on the progress we’ve been making and plans going forward. You can read the full letter here.

We sincerely appreciate your patience and continued support. We are working hard to earn back your trust and are more committed than ever to delivering a consistently great Sonos experience for everyone.

Thank you all for your patience,
Your Sonos Team

After spending about eight hours with support on and second line support, perhaps YOU would like a try?


I have a lot of Sonos products but as we speak only two of them are availble, but NOT working.

ALL devices responds to ping though….

If Level-2 Sonos Support Staff are dealing with the matter, then it’s probably best if they just continue to handle the matter with yourself - they no doubt will have the support reference and full details and I guess they will get back to you at some point.

Yeah Ken! We all hope so, but after 3.5 months of silence in all my Sonos speakers I GUESS you also would have been a little bit upset….

Yeah Ken! We all hope so, but after 3.5 months of silence in all my Sonos speakers I GUESS you also would have been a little bit upset…

In my own case Stefan I’d have found what network hardware worked and perhaps thrown some money at it to get things working, but that’s just me and maybe not everyone is in that position.

The Sonos App in any event is not an audio ‘player’ anyway it’s just a ‘remote’ control - there’s plenty of other options I could use to play musuc to my speakers, including…

  • Airplay 2 (useful for grouping speakers too)
  • Direct Control (PlexAmp/Spotify/Amazon Apps/iBroadcast/Emby)
  • Bluetooth Audio
  • Alexa Voice Services (useful for grouping speakers too)
  • Google Voice Services 
  • Sonos Voice Control (useful for grouping speakers too)
  • TV Apps (YouTube/Chromecast/Plex)
  • Line-In audio
  • 3rd Party Apps (Soro/SonoPhone/Orto etc.) (useful for grouping speakers too)

You mentioned your Sonos products are on the network subnet as you can ‘ping’ them, so I’m guessing there must be some options in the above list that should still work for you, without having to throw any, or perhaps too much money at the problem.

You don’t hear what I’m saying.

the products are available to PING, guess you know what that is.

But the app doesn’t find them except two, firmware update doesn’t work, finding players using app doesn’t work.


If I would have a BT speaker I would have bought one, right??!

You don’t hear what I’m saying.

the products are available to PING, guess you know what that is.

But the app doesn’t find them except two, firmware update doesn’t work, finding players using app doesn’t work.


If I would have a BT speaker I would have bought one, right??!

If the players are on your network subnet, why do you need the Sonos App? - when you likely have some of the other options to play on your speakers, as listed in my previous post?

The app strikes again

“However, Sonos’s stand-out feature has always been how seamlessly the speakers work together as a system. Even if I were totally incompetent—which I may be—Sonos is supposed to be idiot-proof, and at this point it just isn't. If you’re constantly fighting with the app, then there’s not as much of an incentive to go with a pricey Sonos system ahead of our more affordable top picks. ”

Before I try to plug the gap with a paid app. Has anyone had positive experience with this? And if a third party can set this up quickly, why not Sonos??

Before I try to plug the gap with a paid app. Has anyone had positive experience with this? And if a third party can set this up quickly, why not Sonos??

Hi @fair SonoPhone has been available for some time, way before arrival of the new app. It is a great app, worth every penny, and quite popular with users.

I hadn't seen he had been asked to stand down.  Cant imagine why  😂


Hasn't even had the decency to reply to emails as he promised.  Still waiting for the Music Library (Error 913) fix promised.

Do the things mentioned in this Sonos Support link not work for you. It seems that most people have this fixed now…

If using MacOS, there is also a user-created guide with screenshots at:

If using Windows, there is this thread too:

I hope this helps.


I’ve tried these fixes - I suspect the original poster has too - and none of them work for me and many others I’ve spoken to including professional installers. I’ve factory reset, I’ve endlessly rebooted, migrated to wifi off Sonosnet, played with firewall settings, eliminated old kit from my set up, the lot.  I have no idea if the issue is something other than the app - it could be some pesky setting somewhere I’ve overlooked but I’ve simply spent too long on this.  I do know I don’t get this sort of issue from any other smart home product I use and I’m drowning in them.  

I regret with you and if you find a working competent product instead of Sonos please let us all know.



I’m an Apple user but I have to believe there is a Windows alternative for the below. 

The conclusion I have come to is use Apple Airplay2 with Apple music or a bespoke controller - there are a couple of recommendations in this thread.  I’ve had to figure out workarounds to replicate some functionality but I’ve managed to replicate everything I need.

Older Sonos speakers don’t work with it so Play1 and Play3s go straight in the bin but other speakers will work (assuming you can get them set up using the Sonos app!!!). It is a way to salvage at least some of your investment in Sonos and then you can gradually migrate and not need to spend a huge amount of money replacing your entire system.

When you decide to buy new speakers, you can then choose whatever speakers you want that work with Apple airplay which is a very wide range - budget through to audiophile - so provides a far wider choice than sticking with Sonos. For example, I’m thinking of replacing Sonos in some rooms with cheaper Apple speakers (HomePods) and treating myself to some high end speakers far superior to Sonos speakers for the rooms I typically listen to music in. 

Using this strategy you could decide Sonos provide a decent alternative and use upgrade points to get a good deal but honestly I’m at the point where I’d rather cut off my nose to spite my face.  As demonstrated ably on this forum they simply don't get it - the vast majority of users have never wanted to know what SMB stands for etc.. let along be reconfirming firewalls etc… They buy speakers to play music not learn about networks.  









the vast majority of users have never wanted to know what SMB stands for etc.. let along be reconfirming firewalls etc… They buy speakers to play music not learn about networks.  


Indeed; but you hear some say here that no, it is not a speaker, it is a network computer system that plays music. So you better know about networks. 

Sonos will not dare say this themselves because if they do, their target market will drop by many orders of magnitude.


the vast majority of users have never wanted to know what SMB stands for etc.. let along be reconfirming firewalls etc… They buy speakers to play music not learn about networks.  


Indeed; but you hear some say here that no, it is not a speaker, it is a network computer system that plays music. So you better know about networks. 

Sonos will not dare say this themselves because if they do, their target market will drop by many orders of magnitude.

It just makes me wonder how many people perhaps don’t share things over their local home network whether that’s using http, ftp, SMB, CIFS, NFS, etc and what they did in the past to setup access to their music libraries with the numerous Apps that are available these days.

I don’t personally know that much about electricity, but I know how to change a plug, or a fuse - and folder shares over a network are perhaps no more difficult than changing a plug.

There’s even information online (step by step with images) and YouTube videos that walk people through these things (some of which I’ve seen posted in the community here), but I guess people don’t have the time to read/watch these things for themselves and if it then still doesn’t work, for whatever reason, (eg: the computer or device OS needs upgrading etc.) then I personally would go ask a mate/colleague/family member etc to help; or call Sonos Support, even if that may mean hanging on the line for an hour or so  … or I guess you just can sit back and wait and live in hope that it may one day somehow sort itself, although I’m yet to come across a plug or fuse that can change itself. Of course if you have the wrong plug, or incorrect fuse to begin with, you might have to spend some money and get one that does work, c’est la vie.



the vast majority of users have never wanted to know what SMB stands for etc.. let along be reconfirming firewalls etc… They buy speakers to play music not learn about networks.  


Indeed; but you hear some say here that no, it is not a speaker, it is a network computer system that plays music. So you better know about networks. 

Sonos will not dare say this themselves because if they do, their target market will drop by many orders of magnitude.

It just makes me wonder how many people perhaps don’t share things over their local home network whether that’s using http, ftp, SMB, CIFS, NFS, etc and what they did in the past to setup access to their music libraries with the numerous Apps that are available these days.

I don’t personally know that much about electricity, but I know how to change a plug, or a fuse - and folder shares over a network are perhaps no more difficult than changing a plug.

There’s even information online (step by step with images) and YouTube videos that walk people through these things (some of which I’ve seen posted in the community here), but I guess people don’t have the time to read/watch these things for themselves and if it then still doesn’t work, for whatever reason, (eg: the computer or device OS needs upgrading etc.) then I personally would go ask a mate/colleague/family member etc to help; or call Sonos Support, even if that may mean hanging on the line for an hour or so  … or I guess you just can sit back and wait and live in hope that it may one day somehow sort itself, although I’m yet to come across a plug or fuse that can change itself. Of course if you have the wrong plug, or incorrect fuse to begin with, you might have to spend some money and get one that does work, c’est la vie.


As I said I have plenty of smart devices sharing my network that work fine - this is a problem with the App - I’m also not an idiot so thanks for the patronising screed about plugs and fuses (ironically demonstrating your ignorance of the electricity system of the countries where the vast majority of the consumer base resides). If you work for Sonos this attitude is precisely what is killing the company off.  




As I said I have plenty of smart devices sharing my network that work fine - this is a problem with the App - I’m also not an idiot so thanks for the patronising screed about plugs and fuses (ironically demonstrating your ignorance of the electricity system of the countries where the vast majority of the consumer base resides). If you work for Sonos this attitude is precisely what is killing the company off.    

I don’t work for Sonos - employees are clearly shown here. I’m retired and live in the U.K. 

I’m not sure why you mention smart devices sharing your network as my post is referring to a folder share using SMB v2 or higher? The sharing of a folder is IMHO as easy as changing a plug or a fuse - in fact if I use windows as an example here, then these are the steps

  1. In File Explorer, navigate to the folder containing your music files.
  2. Right click on your music folder and select Properties.
  3. In the Properties window, select the Sharingtab.
  4. Select Advanced Sharing, then check the box next to Share this folder.
  5. Select Permissions and look for your new local account listed under “Group or user names.”
    • If the new local account is not listed, select Add… and then type in the name of the account under “Enter the object names to select.” You can select Check Names to make sure Windows is adding the correct user account.
  6. With your local account selected, make sure the Allow box is checked next to the Read permission.
  7. Select the Everyone group and make sure there isn’t a checked box in the Deny column for the Read permission.
  8. Select OK to get back to the Properties window.

That to me, is a few simple steps but YMMV. It’s not anything to do with what your post mentions in reply.

As I said I have plenty of smart devices sharing my network that work fine - this is a problem with the App - I’m also not an idiot so thanks for the patronising screed about plugs and fuses (ironically demonstrating your ignorance of the electricity system of the countries where the vast majority of the consumer base resides). If you work for Sonos this attitude is precisely what is killing the company off.    

I don’t work for Sonos - employees are clearly shown here. I’m retired and live in the U.K. 

I’m not sure why you mention smart devices sharing your network as my post is referring to a folder share using SMB v2 or higher? The sharing of a folder is IMHO as easy as changing a plug or a fuse - in fact if I use windows as an example here, then these are the steps

  1. In File Explorer, navigate to the folder containing your music files.
  2. Right click on your music folder and select Properties.
  3. In the Properties window, select the Sharingtab.
  4. Select Advanced Sharing, then check the box next to Share this folder.
  5. Select Permissions and look for your new local account listed under “Group or user names.”
    • If the new local account is not listed, select Add… and then type in the name of the account under “Enter the object names to select.” You can select Check Names to make sure Windows is adding the correct user account.
  6. With your local account selected, make sure the Allow box is checked next to the Read permission.
  7. Select the Everyone group and make sure there isn’t a checked box in the Deny column for the Read permission.
  8. Select OK to get back to the Properties window.

That to me, is a few simple steps but YMMV. It’s not anything to do with what your post mentions in reply.

Enjoy your retirement - looks like you've found a wonderful hobby to fill your hours. 

Wow, this “new” app has So so, so many issues. What an embarrassment for Sonos. They’ve rolled out a new app that allegedly was supposed to be making our listening experience so much better. But it’s like removing a computer and forcing people to write with animal dye again. Terrible, just a terrible terrible app. And we are now months into it, with so few improvements


I have now been an avid Sonos user for over a decade. And I will be honest, I have loved the product for so many years. The ability to have access around your home in different zones, amazing. And the ability to control it with something we use on a regular basis, our mobile phones. But this app, has taken a frustrating 10 steps backwards. 


Something is simple as creating cues of music… And losing them completely just if you switch to another music service. Frustrates the heck out of me every other day. But it is also slower, less intuitive than the older classic legacy version. I do not understand rolling out something that is an abomination of what was previously working so well.

Enjoy your retirement - looks like you've found a wonderful hobby to fill your hours. 

Yes, thanks. I’ve been retired 15 years and Sonos is just one of many hobbies - right now I’m chief cook at a family BBQ and have 15 hungry people waiting to be fed a feast. Its been rather hot here today.

Oh and my daughter has taken charge of the music on Sonos - that’s playing indoors and outside, so the music is entirely in her hands for the rest of the afternoon and evening.

The new SONOS app is a complete disaster.  As of today, my system is worthless and won’t make a sound.  Is there a process for SONOS to buy back the worthless wall hangings they sold me?

Wow, this “new” app has So so, so many issues. What an embarrassment for Sonos. They’ve rolled out a new app that allegedly was supposed to be making our listening experience so much better. But it’s like removing a computer and forcing people to write with animal dye again. Terrible, just a terrible terrible app. And we are now months into it, with so few improvements


I have now been an avid Sonos user for over a decade. And I will be honest, I have loved the product for so many years. The ability to have access around your home in different zones, amazing. And the ability to control it with something we use on a regular basis, our mobile phones. But this app, has taken a frustrating 10 steps backwards. 


Something is simple as creating cues of music… And losing them completely just if you switch to another music service. Frustrates the heck out of me every other day. But it is also slower, less intuitive than the older classic legacy version. I do not understand rolling out something that is an abomination of what was previously working so well.

Completely agree. Number 1 issue is lack of intuitiveness. Changing the concept of room first, vs. music first is something you just don’t do. It’s like taking the start button away from Windows. Wait, somebody tried this with Windows 8 and was fired for it…

What is the third-party app that can be used to “to pull a playlist from a text list of our pre-existing Sonos playlists; that chosen playlist will then appear in the Sonos app as a queue that can be played, and to which new tracks can be added but not saved.” Also, where is the text list of the pre-existing Sonos playlists on an iPhone 11 Pro?

@gfmichael: I’m using ‘phonos+’. There is another called ‘sonophone’ other users like a lot. They’re on the apple app store.


The list of playlists is displayed in the phonos+ app. If you select a playlist, then open the sonos app, the playlist appears as the queue in the sonos app. As far as I can tell, you can then play anything you select in the queue; add tracks to the queue and control other functions in the sonos app. I don’t think you can remove tracks from the queue or resave it as a playlist. 

As I said I have plenty of smart devices sharing my network that work fine - this is a problem with the App - I’m also not an idiot so thanks for the patronising screed about plugs and fuses (ironically demonstrating your ignorance of the electricity system of the countries where the vast majority of the consumer base resides). If you work for Sonos this attitude is precisely what is killing the company off.    

I don’t work for Sonos - employees are clearly shown here. I’m retired and live in the U.K. 

I’m not sure why you mention smart devices sharing your network as my post is referring to a folder share using SMB v2 or higher? The sharing of a folder is IMHO as easy as changing a plug or a fuse - in fact if I use windows as an example here, then these are the steps

  1. In File Explorer, navigate to the folder containing your music files.
  2. Right click on your music folder and select Properties.
  3. In the Properties window, select the Sharingtab.
  4. Select Advanced Sharing, then check the box next to Share this folder.
  5. Select Permissions and look for your new local account listed under “Group or user names.”
    • If the new local account is not listed, select Add… and then type in the name of the account under “Enter the object names to select.” You can select Check Names to make sure Windows is adding the correct user account.
  6. With your local account selected, make sure the Allow box is checked next to the Read permission.
  7. Select the Everyone group and make sure there isn’t a checked box in the Deny column for the Read permission.
  8. Select OK to get back to the Properties window.

That to me, is a few simple steps but YMMV. It’s not anything to do with what your post mentions in reply.

And if you cant find any players at all????……

Wow, this “new” app has So so, so many issues. What an embarrassment for Sonos. They’ve rolled out a new app that allegedly was supposed to be making our listening experience so much better. But it’s like removing a computer and forcing people to write with animal dye again. Terrible, just a terrible terrible app. And we are now months into it, with so few improvements


I have now been an avid Sonos user for over a decade. And I will be honest, I have loved the product for so many years. The ability to have access around your home in different zones, amazing. And the ability to control it with something we use on a regular basis, our mobile phones. But this app, has taken a frustrating 10 steps backwards. 


Something is simple as creating cues of music… And losing them completely just if you switch to another music service. Frustrates the heck out of me every other day. But it is also slower, less intuitive than the older classic legacy version. I do not understand rolling out something that is an abomination of what was previously working so well.


The new SONOS app is a complete disaster.  As of today, my system is worthless and won’t make a sound.  Is there a process for SONOS to buy back the worthless wall hangings they sold me?

Are there any one else looking into the way to sue Sonos and get our money back?

I am so disappointed at what has happened to a system I used to enjoy.  I constantly lose service and get the message”unable to load content”. Sometimes for an entire day. I listen to music constantly. I’m not a tv watcher.  I am very unhappy now. Unfortunately I have to much invested in my 5 speakers to just abandon them for another brand.

The new SONOS app is a complete disaster.  As of today, my system is worthless and won’t make a sound.  Is there a process for SONOS to buy back the worthless wall hangings they sold me?

Are there any one else looking into the way to sue Sonos and get our money back?

With the old Sonos equipment you’ve got, can’t you just roll it back from S2 to S1 using the tool in last week’s app update? I may have missed posts where you said you’ve tried…

OLD???? I’m only using S2 speakers!!! What do you use??? S4????