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Your feedback on the new Sonos App

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  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 20 replies
  • June 4, 2024
Rimaarts wrote:
press250 wrote:
Rimaarts wrote:

I don't see the update. But once I see it I'll try on iPad. If I don't have issues on iPad for a while, I'll try on my tab! 

Same here, tho you can ‘manually’ grab the very latest right away ...

  • Open the App Store
  • Search for ‘Sonos’ and find the S2 app; this will NOT show an update available
  • Tap on the Sonos app to open the description; this WILL show an update available
  • Tap the ‘Update’ button and Bob’s your uncle

Thank you! Updated. Now half stuff is greyed out requesting firmware update. I'll do it when I get back home! I'm primarily android user! 

Well... Still no working truplay...but on the bright side app doesn't lock and I can simply exit truplay instead of having to to force close app. 

Radley wrote:

For you fellow Mac users who use their Sonos to play music from their Mac Music Library in their Music folder using either their Mac or iPhone as controllers . . . 

Equipment: iMac running macOS Sonoma 14.5 with File Sharing “on” specifying Sonos as “Read Only for “Shared Folders” of “Music” and “iTunes”; Sonos v 16.2 with two pairs of Play: 1 speakers running Sonos OS:2 . . . Sonos app updated this morning.

I updated the app this morning, got an error 1101 message, followed the directions to the letter and the app completed the update. Yet there was still no connection to the Music folder on my Mac. Tried to add it thru Sonos Music Library Settings and got the 913 error message.

Any of my fellow Mac users having the same or hopefully better experience? If you were successful, any tips?

I’m not a MacOS user but have you setup a ‘user’ (or group) on the (read only) shared music folder and have you added those users credentials to the library share in the Sonos desktop controller App?

  • Prodigy II
  • 426 replies
  • June 5, 2024



Might try looking for any error message on your machine to give you an indication of what's going on perhaps?




  • Contributor I
  • 6 replies
  • June 5, 2024

Almost Sonos. You’re getting warmer. I was able to add my new speakers, but I can’t seem to unselect speakers I don’t want to play music on. If I have my Ray on, it wants to play on that even if the TV sound is already playing. It also gives me an unavailable error when I select a group, but selects the group, plus my TV speaker. I mean WTF is happening over there? Are you guys on shrooms? Your app does not work after 5 updates. FIX IT

  • Enthusiast II
  • 26 replies
  • June 5, 2024
MatF wrote:

After 3 separate emails pushing the headphones, I've unsubscribed from Sonos emails.  Come on guys, seriously?  

On the plus side, my problems with the new app are now all resolved.  I've stopped using it.

Using Roon to control my existing Sonos speakers now.  There won't be any more Sonos products coming into the house.

It seems that unsubscribing from Sonos emails isn't unsubscribing from Sonos emails.  Just got ANOTHER email pushing the headphones.  Unsubscribed again!


  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • June 5, 2024
subtletea wrote:

Missing/No longer functions since update:

Subwoofer control (Amp) - Can no longer control any function in “Sub Audio”. Disabling sub or adjusting Sub Level, Crossover Frequency and Phase Control no longer affect the output of the subwoofer. I did discover that the subwoofer now seems to be impacted by changing the overall Bass level in EQ. PLEASE fix this.

TV Autoplay (Amp) - Can no longer choose a volume level when TV autoplays. TV automatically starts at no volume, despite previous volume state.


Per . How in the world do you guys not have a ready app where “features” that were available previously, will not be for at least another month?? Did someone just decide last minute that an overhaul needed to happen or did the project manager sleep on this? Typically this would be months in advance in a testing environment before going live. Pretty freaking ridiculous Sonos. 


For Mac Music library 913 errors, try this it works for many users;,access%20to%20guests%2C%20will%20work.

  • Lyricist III
  • 10 replies
  • June 5, 2024

So we have a fresh Sonos app update (80.02.04 on iOS) that supposedly gives us back some queue  management functionality (Added “play next” and “add to end of queue”). Just sharing just my quick feedback on this while we apparently still cannot edit queue (remove tracks, change order). My experience is that “play next” and “add to end of queue” only works for individual Songs or Albums. I want have this feature for all songs from an Artist or Genre. The same screen with three dots icon is there but queue features are missing. Can anyone else confirm? This approach to application upgrade seems like salami slicing to me… 😑


  • Lyricist III
  • 10 replies
  • June 5, 2024

Concerning Sleep timer: is this still supposed to be available trom Now Playing screen - three dots icon at the bottom right? I can see this icon there but it appears as inactive (tapping does not do anything)...

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 16 replies
  • June 5, 2024

Improved Trueplay setup on iOS”?
I don’t see a difference.

I am still unable to trueplay tune my Playbase with my iPad 9.Gen
No improvement here. Tuning my Five, Sub Mini, and Play:1s still works. Just not the Playbase, like before

App still does not offer the “Sit where you watch step” for soundbars, but starts right with the “moving around part” of normal single speaker.
That part stalls the whole App when I press “Begin Tuning”

Is there hope for the iPAD with the Playbase? Will there be a working trueplay tuning anytime (soon)?
I not, Sonos please sent me an iPhone 12 Mini. Because it works with this device. I am just tired of borrowing it all the time.

  • Contributor I
  • 1 reply
  • June 5, 2024

Ever since the update. My mixcloud play list are gone. Does anyone know if this will be fixed?

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • June 5, 2024
chdemy wrote:


I'm a developer and I just don't understand how did you manage your new app publication with so many functionality regressions.


You should have waited to finish implementing the most essential elements before releasing your new version. I have a feeling something weird was going on under the hood with the dev team that you didn't tell us.


Anyway, I reinstalled the old app with aptoide and I advise all unhappy users to do the same.


Good luck to the devs for the * they're going to face, certainly because of management decisions that went wrong somewhere.


*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

This, 100%.  So hard to use on top of it, so confusing, unintuitive.  App constantly forgets my System and god forbid you have more than one system.  Switching between two separate systems in two locations borderline requires me to reconfigure when I switch between either system. 

This is barely an MVP in my opinion, and destroys what was an already pretty good app.  What is the point of having a beta community?  Sorry, I said it.  I thought it was me, I’ve been toughing it out and trying to grind through it, please just bring the old one back.  

  • Lyricist III
  • 13 replies
  • June 5, 2024

First off, HATE the new app in general (like everyone else). What used to be a great user experience has now turned listening to music on these great speakers into a very frustrating, annoying chore.

My biggest issue is how the new app now defaults to whatever the first speaker in the system list is. In our home, this means that it defaults ALL music to our Beam + Sub that is also used as our entertainment system for our TV. So, when my wife is watching TV, and I want to use my Roam or Move to listen to music (out in our garage for example), as soon as I start playing music, the Beam she is watching TV with starts playing the music I had selected… and then it is really annoying to have to uncheck those system components to get the music to play where I want it to. Not only that, but then she has to re-select the Beam + Sub as the audio source for the TV.

The old app would remember where you last sent music, whether it was a single speaker or grouping of speakers. This new setting cannot be considered a “feature”, as I cannot figure out why anyone would want to have to constantly be selecting and unselecting speakers and groups every single time.


  • Headliner I
  • 99 replies
  • June 5, 2024

Thanks for bringing the Queue function back. Will we see the return of Search History? We used to be able to see a long list of our Search History and now its only a handful like 5. After 5 it goes away. I’m sure you guys are working on bringing back My Music Library. I dont care for the new interface period. It is what it is. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • June 5, 2024
Dcgman#1 wrote:

Thanks for bringing the Queue function back. Will we see the return of Search History? We used to be able to see a long list of our Search History and now its only a handful like 5. After 5 it goes away. I’m sure you guys are working on bringing back My Music Library. I dont care for the new interface period. It is what it is. 

5 giant icons that make it impossible for a User to find what they’re looking for and no option to sort or display in a way so that a user could have a more orderly way to find what they were looking for.  

  • Renowned Enthusiast I
  • 42 replies
  • June 5, 2024
Ken_Griffiths wrote:
Radley wrote:

For you fellow Mac users who use their Sonos to play music from their Mac Music Library in their Music folder using either their Mac or iPhone as controllers . . . 

Equipment: iMac running macOS Sonoma 14.5 with File Sharing “on” specifying Sonos as “Read Only for “Shared Folders” of “Music” and “iTunes”; Sonos v 16.2 with two pairs of Play: 1 speakers running Sonos OS:2 . . . Sonos app updated this morning.

I updated the app this morning, got an error 1101 message, followed the directions to the letter and the app completed the update. Yet there was still no connection to the Music folder on my Mac. Tried to add it thru Sonos Music Library Settings and got the 913 error message.

Any of my fellow Mac users having the same or hopefully better experience? If you were successful, any tips?

I’m not a MacOS user but have you setup a ‘user’ (or group) on the (read only) shared music folder and have you added those users credentials to the library share in the Sonos desktop controller App?


Thanks Ken . . . Yes, I’ve added Sonos as a read only user to the shared iTunes as well as the shared Music folders. When I go to the Sonos controller to Manage, Music Library Settings no Music folder or path is shown:



It’s been blank like this since the fatal bricking update. When I click on the “+” to add my music library, the normal procedure would be to click on My Music Folder and everything would be hunky dory and after the library loaded I’d be back listening to my eclectic tunes . . . 



. . . but doing so results in the 913 error message. Then when I try selecting “Another folder or a drive connected to my computer” and select the path to either the iTunes or Music folders, I still get the 913 error message. I do this each morning so I must be insane as I keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got. 

Mid-June can’t come soon enough. However, the more I listen to my music library on my Ultimate Ears Mega Boom speakers the less I miss my Sonos Brick 1 speakers.

Appreciate your suggestions, Ken.


  • 27696 replies
  • June 5, 2024
Radley wrote:


Thanks Ken . . . Yes, I’ve added Sonos as a read only user to the shared iTunes as well as the shared Music folders. When I go to the Sonos controller to Manage, Music Library Settings no Music folder or path is shown:



It’s been blank like this since the fatal bricking update. When I click on the “+” to add my music library, the normal procedure would be to click on My Music Folder and everything would be hunky dory and after the library loaded I’d be back listening to my eclectic tunes . . . 



. . . but doing so results in the 913 error message. Then when I try selecting “Another folder or a drive connected to my computer” and select the path to either the iTunes or Music folders, I still get the 913 error message. I do this each morning so I must be insane as I keep doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. If you always do what you’ve always done, you will always get what you’ve always got. 

Mid-June can’t come soon enough. However, the more I listen to my music library on my Ultimate Ears Mega Boom speakers the less I miss my Sonos Brick 1 speakers.

Appreciate your suggestions, Ken.



This video says you should use the “Networked device” choice (at 3:07):


  • Lyricist II
  • 3 replies
  • June 5, 2024

The new app shows not connected all the time, if you click on connect to the system or check messages go back and shows connected. Then close the app, it will work once then have a not connected again. I updated the app, using the Samsung S23

  • Renowned Enthusiast I
  • 42 replies
  • June 5, 2024
FredskiSounds wrote:

For Mac Music library 913 errors, try this it works for many users;,access%20to%20guests%2C%20will%20work.

Thanks Fredski . . . I had seen that and tried that solution before but without success, but as I’m apparently insane I tried it again and lo and behold I established the path to the Music folder using the “Networked device” as jgatie noted.

However, still no joy when I try to update the music library Sonos will begin indexing for just a second or two and then stop.

Again - my thanks to those of you offering work around solutions, I just can’t help but keep thinking that we should never, ever, NEVER been put in a position where we have to go thru this.


  • Lyricist I
  • 2 replies
  • June 5, 2024

Do you guys even have access to your Sonos Playlist anymore? I can’t seem to find it. The new app is so frustrating. 


Long-Time (nearly 20 year) Sonos User. Not the first time that Sonos improvements have turned my gear into expensive bricks. 

Currently own 4 or 5 Ports, an Amp and a Play 5 speaker (version 2). Recommended to friends — but not anymore. 

Latest major gripe: Poor testing and decision making prior to release of latest major iOS App update  inexcusable  


Failure to provide means to reload prior working system is bad form.  You’ve left your customers high and dry with serious deficiencies in prior functionality  Don’t you give a thought that some of your customers rely on your gear working day to day?


Loss of search access to my own music (more than 30,000 tracks) makes the problem especially bad. Other complaints, like flaky network linking (access to music library is difficult to establish and maintain), loss of timers are serious. 

Limit to size of library supported by Sonos is serious problem that Sonos shrugs and dismisses.  Can only access a subset of my library. 

I’ve been running BlueSound/NAD/BluOS for a long time now.  It’s stable, it’s full hi-res, it has more capacity than I need, it can search my entire collection perfectly, it accesses the services I want, it sounds great and it works well.


Whatever advantages Sonos once provided are now blown away by what you’ve done. Bad, bad, bad. 

Sonos, you’ve officially lost me as a one-time enthusiastic customer. What you’ve done is inexcusable, unprofessional and unforgivable. If I’m asked what I think about your products, I will be honest and it won’t be encouraging. Despite all my best efforts, you’ve failed me. Never again. 

Allen J Goldberg

  • Lyricist III
  • 10 replies
  • June 5, 2024
wkumala wrote:

Do you guys even have access to your Sonos Playlist anymore? I can’t seem to find it. The new app is so frustrating. 

All playlists are gone with the new app...

  • Trending Lyricist I
  • 17 replies
  • June 5, 2024
Mg14 wrote:

Update to new app and unable to access Sonos radio even after trying to re authorise 

Why isn’t Sonos responding?

  • Prodigy II
  • 1895 replies
  • June 5, 2024
wkumala wrote:

Do you guys even have access to your Sonos Playlist anymore? I can’t seem to find it. The new app is so frustrating. 

Playlists are under Sonos Favourites.


  • Prodigy II
  • 1895 replies
  • June 5, 2024
Kahorn wrote:
Mg14 wrote:

Update to new app and unable to access Sonos radio even after trying to re authorise 

Why isn’t Sonos responding?

Because this isn’t Sonos customer service, it’s a forum.
Besides, they did respond this morning:

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