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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


I can't seem to play more than one song in a row. Used to shuffle songs from an album or artist, and now it doesn't work. Can't add to the queue. This sucks. 

Also, miss the sleep timer. I used that every day. All my tune in stations disappeared. Emailed the CEO twice yesterday. I hope they fix this soon.

Do you seriously believe that the CEO read your 2 emails?  The emails go to a  mail server, not an actual human being ✉️😜

When will get alarms back...and sleep timers? 

Somebody is happy today, SonoPhone’s creator. The app cost 1.99 $ yesterday and 2.99 $ today.

A terrible app to go with an unreliable product.

Bought 22 speakers for home, work and colleagues and won’t buy any more.

  1. App is hard work; poor UI and UX.
  2. Biggest issue though is connectivity - app rarely connects / finds speakers, forgets recent play lists etc - whereas Amazon’s Alexa speakers just work.  I can be messing about for 15 mins at times to get it to play music.
  3. Volume level 1 is too loud when I’m at work. Speakers are on my desk.  You need better volume modulation.
  4. If I use Spotify, the volume lag from the app to speakers actually changing volume is way too long oIssue regardless of whether I‘m using the Sonos or Spofify app].

I no longer recommend Sonos.  In fact I tell people to avoid them.

After reading these many comments, I have the impression that only iOS users are having problems. As someone who is on Android, only the timer is missing, otherwise I encounter no or very few malfunctions. I therefore regret the timer, the absence of an independent dark version, the disappearance of the Windows “desktop” version in favor of the web version.



Just called the UK helpline, 'estimated wait time is 80 minutes'. Someone stated on one of the threads here that they said they have had no complaints about the new app. So I guess they're getting complaints now in the UK. 

Crunch time will be 2.30 GMT when the NASDAQ opens and the share price will freefall.

After reading these many comments, I have the impression that only iOS users are having problems. As someone who is on Android, only the timer is missing, otherwise I encounter no or very few malfunctions. I therefore regret the timer, the absence of an independent dark version, the disappearance of the Windows “desktop” version in favor of the web version.



Nonsense!  There is No queue management for playlists.  Graphic interface is a jumbled abomination.  Missing artwork throughout. 

Apart from that, it's brilliant 😜😁

I’m really not loving the new app. It’s not intuitive at all. Personally I prefer to select which device I want to play on before choosing music. The layout is not logical.

Bring back the old app!! There was nothing wrong with it. I don’t understand why completely change it. Especially the colour, I can’t see it on my phone 🤣

After reading these many comments, I have the impression that only iOS users are having problems. As someone who is on Android, only the timer is missing, otherwise I encounter no or very few malfunctions. I therefore regret the timer, the absence of an independent dark version, the disappearance of the Windows “desktop” version in favor of the web version.



Nonsense!  There is No queue management for playlists.  Graphic interface is a jumbled abomination.  Missing artwork throughout. 

Apart from that, it's brilliant 😜😁

As well as the widget gone and quick panel access. 


I’m really not loving the new app. It’s not intuitive at all. Personally I prefer to select which device I want to play on before choosing music. The layout is not logical.

Bring back the old app!! There was nothing wrong with it. I don’t understand why completely change it. Especially the colour, I can’t see it on my phone 🤣

Il est vrai que j’utilise en priorité l’interface Spotify……..

Please also note that when opening music services like Apple Music or Spotify it takes a good 2/3 seconds for or all the images etc. to come up. Please add this to your fixes.


it is bad at home for music listening but such a laggy experience would be even worse for potential new products like headphones. Especially a Sonos one should be easy and quick.


thank you for listening

After reading these many comments, I have the impression that only iOS users are having problems. As someone who is on Android, only the timer is missing, otherwise I encounter no or very few malfunctions. I therefore regret the timer, the absence of an independent dark version, the disappearance of the Windows “desktop” version in favor of the web version.



It’s more likely that Android users have already rolled back to version 16.1 through APKMirror or the likes.

I’m really not loving the new app. It’s not intuitive at all. Personally I prefer to select which device I want to play on before choosing music. The layout is not logical.

This is how I use the new app (i.e. select the room/speaker/group first and then select music). There are issues with the new app but personally I don’t find device selection to be one of them.

Morning - Issues since update:

Speakers keep dropping out

Radio won’t play through Sonos, particularly ClassicFm

Cannot play my music through Sonos, have to play through iphone then AirPlay to speakers

The user interface is very unfriendly and not logical at all.

Please could you revert app until you sort out all these issues?

AirPlay and Spotify Connect are the more stable and friendly methods of connection for me. I just completely uninstalled the new app on my devices for now. Both the Apple Music and Spotify source apps are extremely more useful and intuitive than the current new app  IMO. 

Why do the release notes for v80.0 not mention any of the features that were removed???
Surely they should have been transparent here as well?
Lies in the marketing email, omissions in the software release notes… why???!!

Release notes for Sonos software updates | Sonos

Sir, I have two questions.

1. When is Sonos going to revert to the old app?

2. Has Sonos fired those responsible for the new app yet?


Sir, I have two questions.


2. Has Sonos fired those responsible for the new app yet?


The people responsible for it are right at the top.

So that would be a ‘no’ then…

After reading these many comments, I have the impression that only iOS users are having problems. As someone who is on Android, only the timer is missing, otherwise I encounter no or very few malfunctions. I therefore regret the timer, the absence of an independent dark version, the disappearance of the Windows “desktop” version in favor of the web version.



It’s more likely that Android users have already rolled back to version 16.1 through APKMirror or the likes.


Not all of us Android Users have rolled back yet:


But I do miss

  1. Poor conectivity.  This is the big one!  New system query is seen regularly along with greyed out sections
  2. Poor search engine - My NAS server music is no longer included in any system wide search
  3. Lack of volume control to the side buttions when app is minimised
  4. Use of the WEB on the PC and not the local app
  5. Dark mode has to be done globally (not always wanted) across the Android device in order to instigate in Sonos
  6. Unintuitive apps is now a Sonos trade mark.  It is done so much better by others

Just tried the Web app - not too bad, if only the queue management were to be fixed 😎

My feedback on using the new application (iOs or android):
I had major latency problems on a 3-part system with old products:
- playbar with sub and 2 play1
- 2 play3
- 2 play1
with a Sonos Boost as line input. 

After some research on the internet, I understand that Sonos is disengaging from the SonosNet protocol. And I realized that my Sonos Boost was doing more damage than good. 

I reset everything and rebuilt my Sonos system by switching to direct wifi with my router. 
The 1st room is OK with the playbar. No more latency problems and the app reacts well.
I'm on the 2nd room with the addition of my play3s, but the app crashes... 

To sum up, it's a shame that the app and the missing info are seriously damaging speakers with incredible sound! 


Just tried the Web app - not too bad, if only the queue management were to be fixed 😎

It’s gonna come back but there will be a monthly fee, it’s a web service now after all. (probably)


“First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered.”


Thank you for the post but shouldn’t your statement’s message alone make it clear to Sonos they have made a mistake? Can’t you give your “valuable” users the option to temporarily revert back to the usable version?  You already have a version that works. It’s not like your new release was bringing all these new features you never had before.  My system is completely unusable because  I am not using it to play music from online streaming services. Most of all my playlists that are gone. So disappointed.

I share all of the same feelings regarding the loss of functions in the new apps. One additional complaint is how FAST the volume controls disappear on the Android version. I barely have time to touch the controls for individual speakers before they vanish; stayed open much longer (at least a couple of seconds) in the last version. Also the digital volume display has been removed. This was very useful when I want to return a speaker to an exact volume (for example, with the sleep timer at bedtime) - now it’s guesswork since the currently playing song is not necessarily representative of the whole playlist .

Dear Sonos - the Update looks like a major fail by all accounts. 

Can’t add to queue, can’t even change speaker ½ the time as app just keeps defaulting back to one speaker even though I select another one. If you searched Amazon music under prior app and selected an Artist and then  “Top Songs” you would get a list of … guessed it the Artist’s Top Songs! Now, you just get a screen that says “Top Songs” that is apparently a station and you have no idea what songs are going to be played.  

This seriously has to be the worst app update I have ever seen from Sonos and really makes the system unusable.  It’s time to look at other systems. Sonos sells very expensive hardware and then you are stuck with a useless, convoluted, amateur app that has absolute nothing intuitive about it.  There cannot possibly be a human that uses a Sonos system testing these updates. Did Sonos submit an app update request to Chat GPT and then just let it roll?  😉 Please - for the love of music….roll the app back to the prior version until you engage in a complete overhaul of your app-writing and testing functions! 
