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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


Oh hello.  From 3 months ago:


Yeah.  25 years connecting human meat-sacks with workable technology.  I’m sure Sonos will gaslight this issue away though.

Can't play songs after the 100th entry in amazon music playlists. Works via web interface though. Finding the right title in audible is still a pain (why can't I sort that damn list?).

Navigating the app is still crap and too slow.

I think 1 of 5 stars for the android app is still plenty…


Please remedy the playlist bug at least...

Can't play songs after the 100th entry in amazon music playlists. Works via web interface though. Finding the right title in audible is still a pain (why can't I sort that damn list?).

Navigating the app is still crap and too slow.

I think 1 of 5 stars for the android app is still plenty…


Please remedy the playlist bug at least...

Yes, I’ve been asking for a sort feature for years. This way I will be able to detect duplicate songs in my playlists and remove them. Somehow, over the years my playlists have mysteriously grown in size and sections of the same playlist have been duplicated. Maybe when I search for a song would be one reason. Even if that searched song is in that particular playlist, it should just take me to that song and not add another instance of that song to the playlist. That has been a problem for me for years. 

Hours wasted to try play my own music not from a streaming service, something I have done for years with no issue. The software 'update ' seems to be forcing people to a streaming route. I see no way to revert back, the downgrade process doesn't work for me, or a friend who has also tried. Spent hours going back to factory setting , resetting up, checking permissions etc, all to no avail. Currently 5 useless fairly new speakers which look to be heading to the tip and finding a new system.  

I find it astounding that a company can roll out a huge system downgrade and expect its customers to spend hours trying to sort out the resulting mess, or chuck out expensive speakers. 

Once again the update to the update is making my system not useable.  Y’all are the clown show at this point, except your bad jokes are resulting in my expensive system to not work. Get your act together and give our systems back please

A day or two ago I updated my phone (Android).  I’d forgotten that the S2 app I had sideloaded would be replaced by the wonderful app that Sonos provides.  I woke up last night when I had some people over and I went to play some music.

I actually was able to select the zones I wanted and select an imported playlist.  No album artwork but I could live with that. The trouble started when a few of the songs started clipping before finished.  … then the playlist ended.  I went to select another and the app spun and spun and spun and never came back.  I resorted to playing some music through the Spotify app … which was really not what I wanted.

Today I’ve again sideloaded the S2 app and low and behold everything is more or less working again.  I’m constantly being annoyed with a “We a System Update Available” message which I’m starting to think I’ll never do.

We were recently told that re-releasing the S2 app would not work … but it does.  More than likely it can’t use the new Sonos headphones, but I’ll never buy another Sonos product … at least until I see some light at the end of the tunnel.

We were recently told that re-releasing the S2 app would not work … but it does.  More than likely it can’t use the new Sonos headphones, but I’ll never buy another Sonos product … at least until I see some light at the end of the tunnel.

When you see it, listen carefully for the train whistle and prepare to dive off the tracks. 🙂

Out of interest when does the CEO take responsibility.....

Out of interest when does the CEO take responsibility.....

Having watched this since the day it was released, I can tell you that the general consensus at Sonos is that it’s no one’s fault.  No one to blame but the customers for having bad wifi and bad opinions about the new product.

It’s really too bad.  Sonos had such good intentions.

It’s been a while since the app was updated hasn’t it? Does anyone have any indication of when the next update will be?

It’s been a while since the app was updated hasn’t it? Does anyone have any indication of when the next update will be?


It’s available NOW. No release notes published yet though. And there is no associated system update (i.e. speaker firmware). 

iOS version 80.07.03

Android version 80.07.05

It’s been a while since the app was updated hasn’t it? Does anyone have any indication of when the next update will be?

It’s available NOW. No release notes published yet though.

Thanks, I’ve just seen the update on Reddit.

No android artwork or A-Z scrolling though, so not a useful update for me. Hope it’s better for other users.

After the iOS update, I see no difference. 🙄


There are no release notes available. 

I see the search box placement on the local library screen is better, you can now easily see the last ‘folders’ option.

It looks like the box at the bottom showing the last room you used now has scrolling text, which I don’t remember seeing previously but I could be wrong.

No release notes though, which is disappointing when presumably you submitted to the app stores in advance so ought to be able to get them out. 

Edit: No firmware update to fix broken indexing and no desktop apps to remove the redundant and confusing local library sharing wizards. 

Release notes from reddit… 

In this update:

  • Accessibility improvements in Settings

  • Setup bug fixes

    • Fix for setup popups appearing for players that are already set up

    • Fix for incorrectly being prompted to connect ethernet during setup.

    • Fix for speaker not appearing in app after setup.

  • Display an error message when trying to run Trueplay tuning with an unsupported mobile device.

  • Add Night Mode toggle in Room Settings for sound bars.

  • Added the ability to clear the queue (Android)

Coming Soon:

  • Improving volume responsiveness - ongoing

  • User Interface improvement based on customer feedback - ongoing

  • Improving overall system stability - ongoing

  • Improving the reliability of Alarm consistency - early September

  • Improved Queue Editing - mid September

  • Support for Trueplay on iOS18 - early September

Important Note: This update will be deployed as a phased roll-out. This means that some users may not see this update available today. This is an effort to make sure that every update we bring does not also bring any unexpected problems. Availability starts today and we will open it up to everyone over the coming days. Thanks for understanding!

Release notes from reddit… 


Only on Reddit?! Not here?

Release notes from reddit… 


Only on Reddit?! Not here?


Release notes are now live, where they are always to be found.

Edit: I believe they have written the wrong version numbers. They should be iOS version 80.07.03 and Android version 80.07.05.

Release notes from reddit… 


Only on Reddit?! Not here?

Here now as someone re posted the release notes that are on to reddit, and reposted here. 😁


Only on Reddit?! Not here?

Here now as someone re posted the release notes that are on to reddit, and reposted here. 😁


Good to know that isn’t following the example set by Spence. 

Release notes from reddit… 


Only on Reddit?! Not here?

Here now as someone re posted the release notes that are on to reddit, and reposted here. 😁


No. A Sonos employee posted them on reddit *before* they were available on the US or GB sites. As you can see they included info that isn’t on the Sonos page. 

So don’t try claiming someone posted what was on Sonos to reddit and back… 😠

Confirmed that no-one in Sonos uses the iPhone app. Today’s update extends the now playing bottom bar to the point where you now have to be really careful about swiping up to see your rooms, as if you catch it too low, it goes into app switching mode. Superb. 


Confirmed that no-one in Sonos uses the iPhone app. Today’s update extends the now playing bottom bar to the point where you now have to be really careful about swiping up to see your rooms, as if you catch it too low, it goes into app switching mode. Superb. 


You’re meant to swipe up using the line at the top of the now playing area.

Confirmed that no-one in Sonos uses the iPhone app. Today’s update extends the now playing bottom bar to the point where you now have to be really careful about swiping up to see your rooms, as if you catch it too low, it goes into app switching mode. Superb. 


You’re meant to swipe up using the line at the top of the now playing area.

If you have to tell people to interact with a tiny element of a graphical interface in order to complete the action successfully and prevent an unwanted action from taking place - it’s simply terrible design. 

The previous version that had a defined box was fine. 

You can swipe up from anywhere in that area though - the line is a guide. And you wouldn’t swipe from on or below the volume line so it’s unlikely you’d accidentally change apps, surely? But I do agree the previous box was fine!

Confirmed that no-one in Sonos uses the iPhone app. Today’s update extends the now playing bottom bar to the point where you now have to be really careful about swiping up to see your rooms, as if you catch it too low, it goes into app switching mode. Superb. 


You’re meant to swipe up using the line at the top of the now playing area.

If you have to tell people to interact with a tiny element of a graphical interface in order to complete the action successfully and prevent an unwanted action from taking place - it’s simply terrible design. 

You just need to touch the top 95% of the grey box, ie anywhere above the white line. It seems intuitive to me, just like reading an email or website on phone, you swipe up to scroll through?

You could just click the Sonos System name top left if unable to swipe.

