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Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


I like this change. The box now is taking up much less screen space.

Just updated to IOS version 80.07.03, the newest version. Everything appears to be working okay. I noticed that there is now a volume amount/number at the bottom of the main screen. Not sure if that feature is new, but now I can click on boxes in Recently Played area, and it works and brings up the playlist with album artwork, which never worked before. So great job to the coders. 

Just updated to IOS version 80.07.03, the newest version. Everything appears to be working okay. I noticed that there is now a volume amount/number at the bottom of the main screen. Not sure if that feature is new, but now I can click on boxes in Recently Played area, and it works and brings up the playlist with album artwork, which never worked before. So great job to the coders. 

And just a quick update, it still takes you back to the top of the playlist upon exiting. I wish it kept your place. To me that would be a good fix. 

Release notes from reddit… 


Only on Reddit?! Not here?


Release notes are now live, where they are always to be found.

Edit: I believe they have written the wrong version numbers. They should be iOS version 80.07.03 and Android version 80.07.05.

Apart from the accessibility improvements (which will obviously be welcomed for those who rely on them), this doesn’t seem a great deal of progress considering it’s been 3 weeks since the last update….

Release notes from reddit… 


Only on Reddit?! Not here?


Release notes are now live, where they are always to be found.

Edit: I believe they have written the wrong version numbers. They should be iOS version 80.07.03 and Android version 80.07.05.

Apart from the accessibility improvements (which will obviously be welcomed for those who rely on them), this doesn’t seem a great deal of progress considering it’s been 3 weeks since the last update….

True about the lack of progress overall. But they say they’ve improved the set up process which if true, is really important. They must have had a lot of returns since May 7 simply because the set up process has been really f’d up. 

"This is an effort to make sure that every update we bring does not also bring any unexpected problems."

Hardly a confidence-inspiring statement, in fact more an admission of being hopelessly out of their depth after almost four months of being unable to restore a fully-functioning app to all users.

I see all of these updates. I’m usually pretty patient. I’ve spent hundreds on these speakers, which are great. I’m sure all of the updates are important, alarms, etc. I use Sonos for one thing, TO LISTEN TO MY MUSIC. Am I wrong to want that? For a long time I have been able to play music from my computer out of two different folders. After an earlier update, I was able to see one folder but not connect to the other. Now after the 8-27 update, nothing. WHAT THE HECK AM I MISSING? Has technology regressed? I hear nothing about being able to PLAY MY MUSIC. Am I being unreasonable to want to be able to do so?


Don’t get it.

Have you followed everything here:

Also pasting this to raise the presence of this as it has dropped dozens of places down the thread list, so many people might not have seen it. 

"This is an effort to make sure that every update we bring does not also bring any unexpected problems."

Hardly a confidence-inspiring statement, in fact more an admission of being hopelessly out of their depth after almost four months of being unable to restore a fully-functioning app to all users.

You might be very surprised at the number of companies who do this as standard for their releases and online service updates then. Google and Amazon for example regularly enable new features for a subset of their users and as long as nothing untoward happens roll it out to everyone.

Other companies will schedule releases to follow the daytime support hours across the world or over a number of days.

Technology stacks have made it far easier to perform gradual rollout than the old all or nothing methods and when you are operating at a global scale or with a large global customer base, it is far easier to identify, manage issues and halt or roll back with a controlled gradual roll out than switching everyone at the same time.

In the spirit of giving feedback and in no way excusing the crap show that has been this app development, I thought I should say that, despite multiple issues over the last few months my system/app is now pretty stable, quicker and has added back many of the features I was vocal about losing initially.

I haven't had any rogue missing devices in some time and I can search my NAS library and actually play the results quickly and easily. Not fully back to where it should be yet (some missing artwork at various stages, remaining queue problems, compilation albums not displaying correctly, no A-Z search of the library etc) but certainly getting there. I’d prefer the search bar at the top, but I can live with it. 

Hi @ainsley002 

Thanks for feeding back! I - we - are glad to hear things have improved for you! More improvements to come!

The improvements have only been minor at best.  Still a long way to go.  Services like Pandora and Spotify still don’t function properly.  For example, still no ability to use Pandora modes.  The overall volume controls when playing multiple speakers still have unacceptable lag time.  I can’t understand the slow pace to recovery.  It is so disappointing because Sonos speakers still sound good but you tend to forget that fact due to continued dismal performance of the app.  I have 13 Sonos speakers and will not be buying any more Sonos products.

The improvements have only been minor at best.  Still a long way to go.  Services like Pandora and Spotify still don’t function properly.  For example, still no ability to use Pandora modes.  The overall volume controls when playing multiple speakers still have unacceptable lag time.  I can’t understand the slow pace to recovery.  It is so disappointing because Sonos speakers still sound good but you tend to forget that fact due to continued dismal performance of the app.  I have 13 Sonos speakers and will not be buying any more Sonos products.

If your biog is still correct, all the speakers you own can use the S1 controller app, so you could downgrade your speakers to S1 using the tool in the updated app, and use the S1 app moving forward which would make your system work as it is meant to.

The improvements have only been minor at best.  Still a long way to go.  Services like Pandora and Spotify still don’t function properly.  For example, still no ability to use Pandora modes.  The overall volume controls when playing multiple speakers still have unacceptable lag time.  I can’t understand the slow pace to recovery.  It is so disappointing because Sonos speakers still sound good but you tend to forget that fact due to continued dismal performance of the app.  I have 13 Sonos speakers and will not be buying any more Sonos products.

One thing is certain in the whole process and it’s that the app and changes have been wildly inconsistent across different set ups

The improvements have only been minor at best.  Still a long way to go.  Services like Pandora and Spotify still don’t function properly.  For example, still no ability to use Pandora modes.  The overall volume controls when playing multiple speakers still have unacceptable lag time.  I can’t understand the slow pace to recovery.  It is so disappointing because Sonos speakers still sound good but you tend to forget that fact due to continued dismal performance of the app.  I have 13 Sonos speakers and will not be buying any more Sonos products.

One thing is certain in the whole process and it’s that the app and changes have been wildly inconsistent across different set ups

I'd say the other thing that is certain us that Sonos created an unholy mess for which it refuses to take full responsibility and that it's clearly not capable of resolving in a quick, certain fashion. I suspect the ramifications of  Sonos’s disregard for its customers will last for years. It's shameful.

I'd say the other thing that is certain us that Sonos [ ] refuses to take full responsibility

That’s not really true though is it? The CEO has owned this.

I'd say the other thing that is certain us that Sonos [ ] refuses to take full responsibility

That’s not really true though is it? The CEO has owned this.

I assume that's sarcasm. 

I'd say the other thing that is certain us that Sonos [ ] refuses to take full responsibility

That’s not really true though is it? The CEO has owned this.

I assume that's sarcasm. 


No, that’s called research. The following from the CEO is pasted for the purposes of accuracy:


“We pour our heart and soul into everything we do... That's why it's so painful to let customers down the way we have with our new app.

I am committed to making this right with our customers and partners. It's the company's No. 1 focus right now, and I will not rest until we're in a position where we've addressed the issues…. our execution, my execution fell short of the mark. Since I took over as CEO, one of my particular points of emphasis has been the imperative for Sonos to move faster. With the app, however, my push for speed backfired.

...far too many of our customers are having an experience that is worse than what they previously had… our customers deserve better from us. The app situation... means delaying the 2 major new product releases we had planned for Q4 until our app experience meets the level of quality that we, our customers and our partners expect from Sonos.

We have been working tirelessly on fixing the bugs in the new app… we've introduced 9 new software updates that address these issues. We expect the app will get better every 2 weeks with each subsequent release. I've asked Nick Millington, the original software architect of the Sonos experience, to do whatever it takes to address the issues with our new app. One of our Board members, Tom Conrad, is helping us ensure our software efforts are on the right track.”

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

I'd say the other thing that is certain us that Sonos [ ] refuses to take full responsibility

That’s not really true though is it? The CEO has owned this.

I assume that's sarcasm. 


No, that’s called research, to ensure I only deal in facts and not lazy hyperbolic speculation. The following from the CEO is pasted for the purposes of accuracy:


“We pour our heart and soul into everything we do... That's why it's so painful to let customers down the way we have with our new app.

I am committed to making this right with our customers and partners. It's the company's No. 1 focus right now, and I will not rest until we're in a position where we've addressed the issues…. our execution, my execution fell short of the mark. Since I took over as CEO, one of my particular points of emphasis has been the imperative for Sonos to move faster. With the app, however, my push for speed backfired.

...far too many of our customers, especially those with some of our older products in their systems, are having an experience that is worse than what they previously had… our customers deserve better from us. The app situation... means delaying the 2 major new product releases we had planned for Q4 until our app experience meets the level of quality that we, our customers and our partners expect from Sonos.

We have been working tirelessly on fixing the bugs in the new app… we've introduced 9 new software updates that address these issues. We expect the app will get better every 2 weeks with each subsequent release. I've asked Nick Millington, the original software architect of the Sonos experience, to do whatever it takes to address the issues with our new app. One of our Board members, Tom Conrad, is helping us ensure our software efforts are on the right track.”

By using the corporate buzzword “owned” and recycling the endless, shallow musings of a CEO squirming to ameliorate a mess foolishly created by the company he leads you have transformed yourself into a gullible Sonos apologist. Nobody cares who “owns” a problem. Nobody cares about hollow corporate musings. They care about quality, promptly fixing what is broken and honesty in customer relations. Spence is hiding Sonos’s culpability amid corporate gobbledygook designed to placate the unsuspecting. It seems to be working on you, but not a large number of other Sonos customers. 

I'd say the other thing that is certain us that Sonos [ ] refuses to take full responsibility

That’s not really true though is it? The CEO has owned this.

I assume that's sarcasm. 


No, that’s called research, to ensure I only deal in facts and not lazy hyperbolic speculation. The following from the CEO is pasted for the purposes of accuracy:


“We pour our heart and soul into everything we do... That's why it's so painful to let customers down the way we have with our new app.

I am committed to making this right with our customers and partners. It's the company's No. 1 focus right now, and I will not rest until we're in a position where we've addressed the issues…. our execution, my execution fell short of the mark. Since I took over as CEO, one of my particular points of emphasis has been the imperative for Sonos to move faster. With the app, however, my push for speed backfired.

...far too many of our customers, especially those with some of our older products in their systems, are having an experience that is worse than what they previously had… our customers deserve better from us. The app situation... means delaying the 2 major new product releases we had planned for Q4 until our app experience meets the level of quality that we, our customers and our partners expect from Sonos.

We have been working tirelessly on fixing the bugs in the new app… we've introduced 9 new software updates that address these issues. We expect the app will get better every 2 weeks with each subsequent release. I've asked Nick Millington, the original software architect of the Sonos experience, to do whatever it takes to address the issues with our new app. One of our Board members, Tom Conrad, is helping us ensure our software efforts are on the right track.”

By using the corporate buzzword “owned” and recycling the endless, shallow musings of a CEO squirming to ameliorate a mess foolishly created by the company he leads you have transformed yourself into a gullible Sonos apologist. Nobody cares who “owns” a problem. Nobody cares about hollow corporate musings. They care about quality, promptly fixing what is broken and honesty in customer relations. Spence is hiding Sonos’s culpability amid corporate gobbledygook designed to placate the unsuspecting. It seems to be working on you, but not a large number of other Sonos customers,.

What I pasted makes sense to me. I’m not sure what aspects of that would be deemed untrue? Or what aspects are gobbledegook - looks like basic English to me. I cut out a lot of the extraneous wording to identify the areas where they have owned it, and to make it easily readable for those who have difficulty processing full sentences.

Filling gaps in your knowledge does not make me a Sonos supporter. I really don’t care whether Sonos owns this or not, or whether you feel they have owned this. The above is verbatim. Take it up with Patrick.

I'd say the other thing that is certain us that Sonos [ ] refuses to take full responsibility

That’s not really true though is it? The CEO has owned this.

I assume that's sarcasm. 


No, that’s called research, to ensure I only deal in facts and not lazy hyperbolic speculation. The following from the CEO is pasted for the purposes of accuracy:


“We pour our heart and soul into everything we do... That's why it's so painful to let customers down the way we have with our new app.

I am committed to making this right with our customers and partners. It's the company's No. 1 focus right now, and I will not rest until we're in a position where we've addressed the issues…. our execution, my execution fell short of the mark. Since I took over as CEO, one of my particular points of emphasis has been the imperative for Sonos to move faster. With the app, however, my push for speed backfired.

...far too many of our customers, especially those with some of our older products in their systems, are having an experience that is worse than what they previously had… our customers deserve better from us. The app situation... means delaying the 2 major new product releases we had planned for Q4 until our app experience meets the level of quality that we, our customers and our partners expect from Sonos.

We have been working tirelessly on fixing the bugs in the new app… we've introduced 9 new software updates that address these issues. We expect the app will get better every 2 weeks with each subsequent release. I've asked Nick Millington, the original software architect of the Sonos experience, to do whatever it takes to address the issues with our new app. One of our Board members, Tom Conrad, is helping us ensure our software efforts are on the right track.”

By using the corporate buzzword “owned” and recycling the endless, shallow musings of a CEO squirming to ameliorate a mess foolishly created by the company he leads you have transformed yourself into a gullible Sonos apologist. Nobody cares who “owns” a problem. Nobody cares about hollow corporate musings. They care about quality, promptly fixing what is broken and honesty in customer relations. Spence is hiding Sonos’s culpability amid corporate gobbledygook designed to placate the unsuspecting. It seems to be working on you, but not a large number of other Sonos customers. 


You stated that Sonos isn’t taking full responsibility for the issue.  Quotes were provided where the CEO stated that Sonos is responsible.  Now you’re saying that you don’t care who owns the problem?

Not sure why you didn’t just say that want things fixed faster.

Been a while . . . I’ve read some of the comments just to see what progress has been made and while some of you, if not many of you, are managing to get your system(s) working, I’m still stuck with four Play 1 bricks. My Sonos system is up to date, I’ve followed all the procedures Sonos has outlined for Mac users to connect to their local library and the results are always the same - no indexing.

What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Except now, I no longer expect my system to function. Maybe I’m sane after all!

I admire the perseverance of those still hanging in there.

Been a while . . . I’ve read some of the comments just to see what progress has been made and while some of you, if not many of you, are managing to get your system(s) working, I’m still stuck with four Play 1 bricks. My Sonos system is up to date, I’ve followed all the procedures Sonos has outlined for Mac users to connect to their local library and the results are always the same - no indexing.

What’s the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Except now, I no longer expect my system to function. Maybe I’m sane after all!

I admire the perseverance of those still hanging in there.

With Play:1s, you should be able to downgrade them to S1 using the tool now included in the app, and use the S1 controller app to operate them, and wave goodbye to the S2 issues. 

Updated the app again, well sorry, but it is stil so slow. Volume change takes 3 seconds.

loading the app (iphone 14pro) before it see the system 10 seconds or more.

and now there is a black/dark volume slider at the bottom, constantly visible… 

why the stupid cloud way of working. Please make my system local again. 

more and more thinking about a stand alone receiver with speakers. Learned a BIG lesson after this move of Sonos. 



I'd say the other thing that is certain us that Sonos [ ] refuses to take full responsibility

That’s not really true though is it? The CEO has owned this.

I assume that's sarcasm. 


No, that’s called research, to ensure I only deal in facts and not lazy hyperbolic speculation. The following from the CEO is pasted for the purposes of accuracy:


“We pour our heart and soul into everything we do... That's why it's so painful to let customers down the way we have with our new app.

I am committed to making this right with our customers and partners. It's the company's No. 1 focus right now, and I will not rest until we're in a position where we've addressed the issues…. our execution, my execution fell short of the mark. Since I took over as CEO, one of my particular points of emphasis has been the imperative for Sonos to move faster. With the app, however, my push for speed backfired.

...far too many of our customers, especially those with some of our older products in their systems, are having an experience that is worse than what they previously had… our customers deserve better from us. The app situation... means delaying the 2 major new product releases we had planned for Q4 until our app experience meets the level of quality that we, our customers and our partners expect from Sonos.

We have been working tirelessly on fixing the bugs in the new app… we've introduced 9 new software updates that address these issues. We expect the app will get better every 2 weeks with each subsequent release. I've asked Nick Millington, the original software architect of the Sonos experience, to do whatever it takes to address the issues with our new app. One of our Board members, Tom Conrad, is helping us ensure our software efforts are on the right track.”

By using the corporate buzzword “owned” and recycling the endless, shallow musings of a CEO squirming to ameliorate a mess foolishly created by the company he leads you have transformed yourself into a gullible Sonos apologist. Nobody cares who “owns” a problem. Nobody cares about hollow corporate musings. They care about quality, promptly fixing what is broken and honesty in customer relations. Spence is hiding Sonos’s culpability amid corporate gobbledygook designed to placate the unsuspecting. It seems to be working on you, but not a large number of other Sonos customers,.

What I pasted makes sense to me. I’m not sure what aspects of that would be deemed untrue? Or what aspects are gobbledegook - looks like basic English to me. I cut out a lot of the extraneous wording to identify the areas where they have owned it, and to make it easily readable for those who have difficulty processing full sentences.

Filling gaps in your knowledge does not make me a Sonos supporter. I really don’t care whether Sonos owns this or not, or whether you feel they have owned this. The above is verbatim. Take it up with Patrick.

It doesn't matter who claims to “own” the problem. “Own” is corporate-speak that is uttered after something fails and by necessity blame for the problem must be assigned. “Own” does not mean ”fixed” in the corporate world, any more than the fact that  you “own” a 30-year-old wreck of a car means that it runs just fine. “Committed” also means nothing until the so-called commitment resolves the problem. In fact, Sonos has shown us that “ownership” is not tantamount to resolution, nor is so-called commitment. Problems persist with every update, the promised update cycle has been abandoned, and many customers continue to have systems that don't work nearly as well as they did before the “courageous” upgrade. Not to mention that we all have fewer, and less robust, operating features.

So, when I say I don't care who “owns” the problem, I mean I care only about who “fixes” the problem. And so far that person has yet to emerge.
