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The new app is terrible.   I think my experience is worse because the app update happened during our move into a new house, new network, new ISP, etc.   I have  deleted my Sonos app, Sonos account, reinstalled the app, set up a new account, factory reset all devices a dozen times, tried 2.4 GHz, IoT onboarding, etc, etc, etc.  I can see the devices all connected to my Wifi, but none appears in the Sonos S2 app on my system.   I was able to get the ARC to finally appear on a wired ethernet connection, but disappears when I unplug and go wireless.   I might be able to run a switch at my TV to connect TV, ARC and Sub wired, but Sonos should fix their issues.

I think the best thing I can do right now is file a warranty claim on my Platinum AMEX since Sonos will not respond to Support emails.   I don’t have hours to spend on the phone on hold since apparently their help desk is overwhelmed with customer issues.   I have already wasted hours trying to set up the Sonos.  I installed at least a half dozen other devices (two garage door openers, two wireless garage door opener keypads, power shades, etc) on our new network easily in a few minutes, so it is not me or my networks that are the issue.    Sonos is the problem.

Worst software update ever!! SLOW, unintuitive, imposible to play multi room. Nothing work well..

Give my money back!!!!!

Same. What the heck Sonos? The user experience is horrible and I can’t get it to work while watching TV. Please rollback to the previous app version or invest in some A/B testing - guaranteed this design and user flow would not have passed. 

HORRIBLE UPDATE!! Same experience for me that others are reporting here. Can’t control individual speaker volumes. Have trouble loading music services and playlists. Drops speakers, hassle to reconnect. It has gone from a smooth, premium experience to a jumbled pain in the rear. 

Sonos - please revert to prior app or update to something that improves your system.  The current version does not work and has the least intuitive  user interface ever.  I have lost my ability to enjoy my system and will be looking for other options or reverting to Bluetooth speakers.   WTF.  

This is just AWFUL! I was out of country for 3 weeks on vacation, so I barely had used it before I left. I get home and can’t get it to respond. I have our main tv hooked up to a playbase and then cast the TV audio to the kitchen and laundry room while I’m doing things around the house. The app was completely unresponsive to this action which was so easy in the past. I couldn’t really control the play base volume at all for about ten minutes. Finally it worked to link. What an awful “upgrade”. I’ve had a Sonos since about 2008, and this is the worst update I’ve seen.

They really need to fix this asap. If I just bought a Sonos product I would return it. The new app has so many issues it’s extremely frustrating to use. 

More than a decade I have enjoyed the Sonos speakers. 

The update had the effect that it can take a long time before the speakers are recognized. Futhermore the volume control is laggy (10 - 20 seconds). Finally choosing a new song is also laggy (5-10 seconds).

Sonos has not convinced me that these problems will be solved in the short term. Therefore I just ordered Denon Home 150 to replace the Play 1. If this works out fine, the other speakers will be replaced as well.


I have 15 Sonos products and my system is virtually unusable. You should be ashamed.

This app update is slow and takes too much time to load. What happened???

Undefined what ‘slow’ really means, but it’s possible you’re experiencing a duplicate IP address issue, brought on by the soft reboot done by Sonos when installing new firmware. As a test, try a network refresh, by unplugging all your Sonos devices from power, and then reboot your router. Give the router a couple of minutes to reload everything, then plug back in your Sonos. Give the Sonos devices a couple of minutes to reboot and reload before testing.

If you’re still having issues after that, I would recommend that you submit a system diagnostic within 10 minutes of experiencing this problem, and call Sonos Support to discuss it. That way, if indeed it is the app, they’ll have hard data they can pass on to the programmers, rather than anecdotal posts in the forums.

There may be information included in the diagnostic that will help Sonos pinpoint the issue and help you find a solution.

When you speak directly to the phone folks, they have tools at their disposal that will allow them to give you advice specific to your network and Sonos system.

At this point I’m better off just buying a nice Bluetooth speaker. I’ve essentially quit using it. It’s unbelievably frustrating.  


I really stuck with the app to try and give it a chance before ripping it apart but after a month or so I can honestly say, it is truly atrocious.  It is an ultimate shame to have such a great product that is rendered almost unusable by its operational app.

I will never be able to comprehend how a publicly held company with deep resources can release such a catastrophe of an app with so little testing.   Clearly, the heads of the company don’t even use or vet their own product before releasing.  A travesty such as this can only happen when the person steering the ship isn’t paying attention.  If this can get out the door, what else are they not paying attention to that we can’t see??

But what to do? I had to reset the app, wiping all of my faves, just to get 4 of 9 speakers working. No matter what I do, can’t get the rest of them to "find."

Worst piece of commercial software I have seen released in some time (on any product).  Fire the head of your design team and anyone else who didn’t question the quality of the release….

Seriously - they had so much time to update what was already a brutal UX on the old app and this is the big reveal?! 🤦🏻


Can’t even waste time going through all of the finer points that make this thing brutal to use and why it’s in no way intuitive and just forces me to place music directly from Spotify, SoundCloud, Tidal, AirPlay etc. 


Super bummer. 

What is the plan to fix the issues? Usability features have literally gone away.  I don’t understand how this happens.  
I can no longer disconnect speakers or stop music even after shutting down the app or connect to speakers if they’ve been connected from another device.  This has never been the case in the last 5 years.  

Several things have been added over the last several releases. You can see the details in the release notes here. Sonos has published a (not complete, IMHO) list of things they plan on releasing in this FAQ article.

My understanding is that the FAQ article will be updated as needed.

I won’t ever buy another Sonos product simply because of the new app . They obviously released this without testing in real users . The largest AV company in Florida stopped pushing Sonos because the app is so bad and they r flooded with calls . The IT department has been influenced by bud light syndrome . 

I’ve been a Sonos user for at least 10 years. Sonos apps have gotten worse with every upgrade. 

Sonos, you make amazing speakers and awful apps. Stick to what you’re good at and outsource your app development. You’re ruining your reputation and making a lot of loyal customers very unhappy with these bad apps you roll out. 

I would certainly agree that the old version was much better more intuitive. This one fails more often then works.  When will we see an upgrade that fixes all these connectivity issues!

This new app is terrible, brand new speaker out of the box and it can't find it and then locks up the app.  Had to factory reset my other speakers and still couldn't get them all on.  Not to mention the lag is terrible, it randomly drops speakers etc. This is the worst update of any product I have ever been involved with.  It is so frustrating the amount of time I have already spent just trying to make it work.  BTW on a fiber connection with ubiquity gear, not an issue on my end.  

I still us the Sonos 1 app on my old speakers at my cabin that works like a charm.


WTF Sonos, 0 out 5 stars right now fix this hung of garbage you call an update.

SONOS should be embarrassed by this release, and the board should step in with the CEO to find solutions. As the CEO called it, this' courageous' experiment was a FAILED experiment, yet the company will not acknowledge this or offer any solution. Every update comes with the hope that they have addressed the issues, but there are still more bugs than a Florida Motel 6 in this thing. I am not a Luddite and have spent hours working through every reset, wired, and unwired connection and update, and can’t even play music from the IOS app. I have been able to get it working from the desktop, but that is not ideal. I ask those who are criticizing the less tech savvy on the forum, why should they be forced to figure it out? Many other companies have figured out how to make their software intuitive and workable. It is not the customer’s job to be an IT expert, that is what the customer pays for.  Like many posts I have read, I have invested thousands of dollars in SONOS equipment. I remember the company’s early promise of making all changes backward compatible with older speakers. I guess the new philosophy is to build an app incompatible with any SONOS speakers. S2 was not the world’s best IOS app by any stretch, but why make your customers suffer with the new app until you work out your issues? Is it pride? is it that you don’t want to admit you screwed up? Well, s*** happens, and people don’t care if you give them options while you get it right. All Sonos is doing here is making the problem worse and losing customers. This is really poor leadership and should be addressed by shareholders as well.

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

New Coke 

I’m throwing all this stuff in the trash - devices won’t connect to the network - won’t with with Alexa - Spotify won’t show the speakers anymore. 

simply awful. 

I’m throwing all this stuff in the trash - devices won’t connect to the network - won’t with with Alexa - Spotify won’t show the speakers anymore. 

simply awful. 

I would not rule out (just yet) that something else might be wrong with your system setup, particularly  as the Sonos Apps here (on iOS and Android) are working okay with our Sonos products and music services. You maybe jumping the gun and wasting your money if you trash your products. Maybe seek some further advice by speaking to others and (if not done already) Sonos customer support too. Here is their link:

Ken Griffiths: The newest version of the app remains buggy and lacking basic features many, many users have relied on for years. On my ipad, connected to a gigabit cable feed via extremely fast wifi, the app is slow to load and often refuses to load unless I shut down and restart the device. The ‘recently played’ function is nonfunctional, which is now the only way to retrace my steps if I want to create a new queue, which is the only option to remove tracks from an existing queue since queue editing and playlist creation no longer exist.

Indeed, Sonos playlists have simply disappeared from the app altogether. Given that’s how I created my music library, that is a huge problem… a deal killer in fact. 

Sonos playlists do display using the web controller, but that controller works erratically and the interface is downright bizarre. Besides, no way should users need to resort to a web site to play music, not when there are so many more user friendly options available from other purveyors of hardware and playback software.

None of these problems existed prior to the ‘courageous’ management decision to force-feed the new app on all Sonos owners without the option to revert to the prior version. And a month after the new app release, Sonos still seems to be in no great hurry to rectify these problems. 

I’ve resolved to live with this fiasco for a month or two, limp along with limited functionality, and wait for Sonos to step up its game. I download updates as they appear, but thus far, none of them has addressed my concerns. I have a few thousand dollars invested in Sonos playback hardware and don’t want to abandon it and replace it… yet.

But if this situation persists through the summer, by autumn I’ll be shopping for new equipment and shove the Sonos speakers I now own in a corner of the basement to gather dust. And I will never buy or recommend any Sonos product - except, perhaps, to my worst enemy — ever again.
