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Just installed the new app. But I can’t find where the music library went. Also no option to add a folder to the library 


Moderator edit: We have an article with instruction on how to add a music library share on Windows and MacOS. Have a look.


I have a large local library of about 35000 songs ~ 500 artists.


In the old app I could search for a song, album, artist, now it won't search the local library at all.

If I want to go to a specific artist, for example “Weezer” In the old app I went Library → Artists → “W” or just searched.

They removed the alphabet selector and the ability to search.

I now have to go to Local Library → Artists and then scroll and scroll and scroll. Page after page after page.

Imagine scrolling for a specific song. 

I think Sonos is moving towards streaming services support. As far as I am concerned my local library has become unusable.

Same problem here. My local music library, with Sonos connecting to my NAS, is the reason I bought Sonos a decade ago. Perhaps this is the perfect example of a generational divide. Older folks like me, with extensive personal music collections, curated over decades, from old CDs we converted to digital files, to mp3s we've collected since well before iPods, iTunes, and music streaming were a thing, I have over 50K tracks and albums that were easily searched, indexed, and incorporated into my Sonos system, with the ability to create and draw from playlists from multiple sources, including my local music library, which I use more than anything. I know the younger generation is used to streaming and this new app seems perfectly suited for that, but that's not what brought us older folks to Sonos to begin with. Our personal music libraries are our most treasured assets, because our love for music is first and foremost above any speaker, or system, no matter the quality. The new update is useless when it comes to my local music library, and there are drastically cheaper options for accessing my music through speakers that connect to my NAS, even if those speakers themselves are lower quality. But that is a compromise I will have to take if this is what Sonos has become. So, reluctantly, I will start researching alternatives. My system and speakers are ten years old anyway so I was already planning to invest significantly in updating it. 

I have 31,000 mostly ripped songs (Jazz, classical, etc.) and I cannot get them to play on my Sonos system at all. I have tried playing directly from my library, indexing my library, and through the Apple Music app within Sonos. 

Any ideas?

Have the same problem. I downloaded Plex, as a temporary fix, and had that app to connect to my NAS and added that app to My Services. It´s a s*** way but it works for now till the folks at SONOS have come up with a better solution.


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Great. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try that. 


Unfortunately, I had already went through the considerable effort and process of downgrading my entire system, speaker by speaker, to the last S2 version. Now, I cannot add Plex, or any other new service, without updating the software to the new (unwanted) version. And since downgrading to S2 also required me to reconnect to my music library, I can't do so without installing the new update. So I'm basically screwed unless I update to the new version, and even then, would have to hope your Plex suggestion works as a temporary fix, for me. 

Thats terrible to hear. I do hope Sonos reach out to you to explain themselves. Maybe it’s time to move back to reliable systems that will at least do what you want if you instead of convenience being the core buisness. I use Spotify as my way of getting new music into my world and so stream through the sonos speakers … they also have a couple of good curated playlists but primarily its a speaker that plays my music that I’ve  paid for, and grant Sonos rights to play it. Seems they are not interested in that anymore. Out of interest what other speakers would you use, or are you going back to hifi?

I have a large local library of about 35000 songs ~ 500 artists.


In the old app I could search for a song, album, artist, now it won't search the local library at all.

If I want to go to a specific artist, for example “Weezer” In the old app I went Library → Artists → “W” or just searched.

They removed the alphabet selector and the ability to search.

I now have to go to Local Library → Artists and then scroll and scroll and scroll. Page after page after page.

Imagine scrolling for a specific song. 

I think Sonos is moving towards streaming services support. As far as I am concerned my local library has become unusable.

Same problem here. My local music library, with Sonos connecting to my NAS, is the reason I bought Sonos a decade ago. Perhaps this is the perfect example of a generational divide. Older folks like me, with extensive personal music collections, curated over decades, from old CDs we converted to digital files, to mp3s we've collected since well before iPods, iTunes, and music streaming were a thing, I have over 50K tracks and albums that were easily searched, indexed, and incorporated into my Sonos system, with the ability to create and draw from playlists from multiple sources, including my local music library, which I use more than anything. I know the younger generation is used to streaming and this new app seems perfectly suited for that, but that's not what brought us older folks to Sonos to begin with. Our personal music libraries are our most treasured assets, because our love for music is first and foremost above any speaker, or system, no matter the quality. The new update is useless when it comes to my local music library, and there are drastically cheaper options for accessing my music through speakers that connect to my NAS, even if those speakers themselves are lower quality. But that is a compromise I will have to take if this is what Sonos has become. So, reluctantly, I will start researching alternatives. My system and speakers are ten years old anyway so I was already planning to invest significantly in updating it. 

All ‘too true’ & very sad. The constant ‘promotion’ of Sonos’ new headphones merely adds to my annoyance at the way I/we have been treated ……. for simply ‘believing’ in Sonos over many years. I would be very appreciative of any ‘alternative systems/speakers’ that others via this forum can recommend.

Just installed the new app. But I can’t find where the music library went. Also no option to add a folder to the library 

The new app is truly awful. Unintuitive, badly laid out, shoddy. It’s a disgrace. Plus my personal library has disappeared and I can’t access all my music. I was angry with Sonos’ behaviour before, I am now totally livid. It’s a kind of digital, modern-day blackmail that should be outlawed. I’d switch to a new system tomorrow, but they have me over a barrel because I have (sadly) invested so much in their product. Get your act together Sonos!

It seems they’ve removed the option to manually tell the library to rescan, so if I add new music to my library.

I only bought a Sonos for it’s ability to connect to a local music server.  I was considering buying a second Sonos to make it stereo.  I definitely won’t be doing that now.

It seems they’ve removed the option to manually tell the library to rescan, so if I add new music to my library.

I only bought a Sonos for it’s ability to connect to a local music server.  I was considering buying a second Sonos to make it stereo.  I definitely won’t be doing that now.

That option is still available in the desktop app, and should return to the mobile app mid-June my instance, all worked fine with the rollback until soneone else in my house updated their android app. this updated 3 of my four speakers to the latest firmware, (79.1.xxxx) and left one on the old firmware ( 78.1-52020).

If one of the updated ones is plugged in, it wont recognize my nas library, and only will search streaming services. If i have just the old-firmware one connected, nas is recognized, and all is good on that one speaker.

If i plug a mix of versions in, the old one wants to upgrade and so nothing works, even the desktop controller wont let me fo anything until it is updated (streaming or local)

So i installed the LMS server ( ) and added the UPNP/DLNA plugin (from the plugins tab ) on my mac, and loaded squeezer on my android devices, and all speakers play fine using my local storage.

Ditching the sonos app for now, in fact i prefer the squeezer interface to the new sonos app. Of course my mac has to be alwzys on to play from the library, but it always is anyway.

It even plays streams the sonos doesn’t, so is a solution for me at least.

Update.. I decided to update the one that wasn’t working, so it was the same firmware level as the others, and just use LMS until any update came about…. I also found I could enable SMB2 to be complient with Sonos.. so did that as well. doing that, the desktop version now doesn’t find the music library at all (music library no longer available, path may have changed, not powered on…..all of which is untrue as it worked before the update, and LMS sees it just fine)) , and my phone apps don’t paint properly to see the favorites etc on the home screen…..

So I have uninstalled the sonos app from everywhere and sticking with the LMS server/Squeezer app as they work fine.

I just downloaded the sonosphone app from the app store for $3.99.  I now have my libray back and able to play all my music and playlists on my Sonos system.  No waiting for June as this third party has competent tech people.  

Same, works with no nonsense

The sonophone app is only available for iOS

Just installed the new app. But I can’t find where the music library went. Also no option to add a folder to the library 

What a hopeless, hopeless mess. The update has disappeared my local music library. 

Can someone point to where I find steps to roll this back. Thanks


Just installed the new app. But I can’t find where the music library went. Also no option to add a folder to the library 

What a hopeless, hopeless mess. The update has disappeared my local music library. 

Can someone point to where I find steps to roll this back. Thanks


I had the same thing, tried all sorts to get it back...see me post above for details, but i installed the LMS server ( ) and added the UPNP/DLNA plugin (from the plugins tab ) on my mac, and loaded squeezer on my android devices, and all speakers play fine using my local storage.

Just not using the Sonos app anymore. The install was easy on both the Mac and Android 



Seems like most folks here have a NAS but hoping something will be coning to all connections to external hard drives again as well. We are almost to mid-June.

Sonos - this is a major issue. Please fix asap!!

I’m just here to vent.  WTF is wrong with these companies that they can’t sell you a product that does the one thing you want it to do, and stop mucking about with it, trying to lock you in to crap you don’t want.  This is the basic infrastructure of my life.  I just want it to work and be invisible.  Every second I waste finding workarounds to their corporate stupidity makes me want to do and say things I shouldn’t do and say. 

Well SONOS this new and improved app of yours turned out to be a massive cluster *! The absolutely most important function, that I have been using daily since the beginning of time (well almost) playing music from my local music library from my Synology NAS is now apparently at an end… It has been more than 4 weeks now since I could browse through my collection. And I have not received any help to resolve my issue, just excuses. The release of this new app is a truly embarrassing feat from a company like yours. Nothing is better! Connectivity worse, interface worse, stability worse, response worse and so on.

 I am utterly disappointed! 
A nowadays not so loyal user.  

*Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.*

Hi i just read somewhere on this site that sonos is definitely not supporting SMBv1  no more so if i got this right all users with older pc‘s or sonos speakers are $ncked and guess what sonos doesn’t give you know what very disappointing. But sonos i’m sure i find me another speaker that let’s me play the music i want not what you try to serve me !!! Good bye sonos rip off someone else baha

OK, the latest Android update (June 4?) still does not provide a way to rescan/refresh/update the music library folders. This is crazy. Sonos still couldn’t fix this major bug after two bug-fix releases?


Also, the Trueplay equalization is no longer available in the EQ section of the speaker system. I calibrated the system with my iPad previously, but now that feature is no longer available from the Android app.


Music library and Trueplay are the main reasons I bought the Sonos. Now they are both broken.

Under “Your System”, your music library should be listed under “Your Sources”. It might take a little bit for it to appear as it didn’t appear immediately for me.

Yes mine is shown under ‘Your resources’. When I open that I see the usual list ,’Artists’ ‘Albums’ ‘Composers’ etc, but when I click on any of the options I get a greyed out screen with a note ‘Something went wrong. Try again.

The link to my locally stored music library was deleted. Trying to re establish the link is resulting with a message: Sonos unable to add the music folder. Unable to add the shared folder….to your music library(913).

I am using Windows 11 and have Norton installed.

The link to my locally stored music library was deleted. Trying to re establish the link is resulting with a message: Sonos unable to add the music folder. Unable to add the shared folder….to your music library(913).

I am using Windows 11 and have Norton installed.

Not sure, BUT this seems to be ANOTHER of the many issues (see other ‘comments’ within this ‘thread’) resulting from SONOS’ ill judged system/app update that appears to be “disenfranchising” many previously committed and happy customers. 

The link to my locally stored music library was deleted. Trying to re establish the link is resulting with a message: Sonos unable to add the music folder. Unable to add the shared folder….to your music library(913).

I am using Windows 11 and have Norton installed.

Same with iMac with same message. I was told a few weeks ago by Sonos rep that a 913 code will never link to my Mac’s music library. I will have to wait for the iMac’s app (which controls my iPhone and iPad) to be updated. In the meantime, my Squeezebox Touch (rescued from hibernation) is using my Port as a stand. The Touch sounds better than the Port did, so I will keep on using it in that room. My other 3 Ports are now silent.

After a long protracted discussion with many people regarding this issue I have at last established the problem to me a sharing issue.  The problem was the update issue with V2 appeared to be the file sharing, I selected the folders with my music, opened properties and changed the sharing settings ie, to share, which for some reason was switched off. Open advanced sharing, share name to be  The Folder name, click permissions, insert a tick in the box for - full control, change and read.  Behold this worked a treat my Sonos system is back working a treat, brilliant!!!  Note:- this also works for CD disc’s & memory sticks.  Good luck to you all hope this was useful.

After a long protracted discussion with many people regarding this issue I have at last established the problem to me a sharing issue.  The problem was the update issue with V2 appeared to be the file sharing, I selected the folders with my music, opened properties and changed the sharing settings ie, to share, which for some reason was switched off. Open advanced sharing, share name to be  The Folder name, click permissions, insert a tick in the box for - full control, change and read.  Behold this worked a treat my Sonos system is back working a treat, brilliant!!!  Note:- this also works for CD disc’s & memory sticks.  Good luck to you all hope this was useful.

I assume you are referring to a PC and not a Mac,

correct? Seems like no good solutions for Mac except waiting for an app update.


After a long protracted discussion with many people regarding this issue I have at last established the problem to me a sharing issue.  The problem was the update issue with V2 appeared to be the file sharing, I selected the folders with my music, opened properties and changed the sharing settings ie, to share, which for some reason was switched off. Open advanced sharing, share name to be  The Folder name, click permissions, insert a tick in the box for - full control, change and read.  Behold this worked a treat my Sonos system is back working a treat, brilliant!!!  Note:- this also works for CD disc’s & memory sticks.  Good luck to you all hope this was useful.

I assume you are referring to a PC and not a Mac,

correct? Seems like no good solutions for Mac except waiting for an app update.


Are you talking about using the Sonos program on your PC or the app from your phone or tablet?  Throughout this debacle, I have never had a problem playing my music library through my various Sonos devices when I controlled it through my PC.  And yes, my music folders were already shared.  But through the Android app, no dice.  I was told via email that the problem would be solved by mid June.  I remain skeptical.
