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Just installed the new app. But I can’t find where the music library went. Also no option to add a folder to the library 


Moderator edit: We have an article with instruction on how to add a music library share on Windows and MacOS. Have a look.


With my original Sonos purchasing (starting 15yrs back) it was a wondrous experience. I seem to recollect plugging everything in, following the CLEAR instructions and ‘hey-presto’ networked music in any/all room(s) AND auto-indexing/updating of my music library ….. thousands of tracks from previously purchased CDs as well as numerous ‘digitised’ LPs. I was a Sonos convert 😍 and felt the cost to be well worth it for the ease/simplicity of use coupled with the speedy & friendly support for the odd occasion that something went wrong. Halcyon days indeed😎

HOWEVER …… I’ve now ‘lost’ the simple/speedy access to all MY music and instead I’m presented with 

“if SMB1 on the NAS you'll never see your library again. You need a file store which has smbv2/3 protocols installed” as well as “controller is V16.2 (build 79052294) ….  the App is Build 80.01.11-release+202450520.c129f372c” 🤔WTF?!

I’m not intending to ‘decry’ all the well intentioned help contained within these community forums but (message to Sonos) “what happened to the simple/clear plug’n’play system that I bought into?”😥 If i was a pioneering, techie and I hadn’t paid hundreds (if not thousands) of pounds for something that no longer seems to exist none of this would matter BUT ….. WTF!?!😝


Major disappointment if we are unable to get our Sonos Playlists back and very difficult or impossible to add a song to your playlists or music library. Not happy but hoping these are oversights that will be added back to new app.

These features should never have been removed in the first place. Appalling work from the developers. They should be ashamed. 

Seems like the ability to connect to my NAS is gone ? I cannot find a,way to connect it anymore.

Me too. Feature removed?

SONOS has become pathetic. 

These features should never have been removed in the first place. Appalling work from the developers. They should be ashamed. 


Not to nitpick, but they weren’t removed.  The app was a ground up rewrite, so they were left out.  No difference in the outcome, but a very different cause.

I’m at wits end now with this app. The only thing my current system is capable of doing is playing radio (indexing NAS and streaming don’t work). My system is playing radio as we speak and I went to turn it off but my app is telling me this! Really Sonos. Get this sorted if you’re listening. It can’t even do the basics. It’s a joke right and we’ll all wake up soon with our old system restored and we’ll be able to listen to our cherished lifelong music collections…….?



Think I’ve run into this issue today!.. Phoned the tech line which suggested 90 min wait.  Gave up and tried the online chat.  Well after almost 2 hours was told it needs tech person to help, and to the phone number with reference.

My music is on a Synology NAS, and from the logs can see that SMBv3 is being used by the Sonos players.  I can select music from my library using the Windows PC app, and it plays ok on the Sonos player.  I can then see the playing music in my Android app but cannot interact with it, cannot browse artist etc..  A shocking bit of test and integration on Sonos part here.

Think I’ve run into this issue today!.. Phoned the tech line which suggested 90 min wait.  Gave up and tried the online chat.  Well after almost 2 hours was told it needs tech person to help, and to the phone number with reference.

My music is on a Synology NAS, and from the logs can see that SMBv3 is being used by the Sonos players.  I can select music from my library using the Windows PC app, and it plays ok on the Sonos player.  I can then see the playing music in my Android app but cannot interact with it, cannot browse artist etc..  A shocking bit of test and integration on Sonos part here.


If your library is visible in the PC/Mac app, some users have found that resetting the Android/iOS app and then restarting and choosing “Connect to existing system" will make it show up on the mobile app.

Possible (but tedious) help for lost libraries as an interim until Sonos wake up from their slumber…..

I have been unable to get anyone to confirm if its the new app (80.whatever) or the the forced firmware upgrades the breaks the smbv1.  Fortunately when apple upgraded all my apps (thank you) I ignored the “your system needs upgrading” while I investigated, and so my firmware is still running 16.1.    If the firmware has been upgraded to 80.pileofcrap then this may not help, but it may be worth a try anyway as no-one has confirmed that.   

I have a very old NAS (from my first investment in Sonos in about 2006 when you HAD to have a music Library) and it cannot be upgraded.   So I am in the process of building a new one - I am not that upset about the demise of smbv1 support but am VERY upset that they only told us that AFTER upgrading….  

So to try and keep things running I first downloaded Sonophone and that once again saw my Library and artwork and restored all my playlists.   I then decided to buy a cheapish Android Tablet (as I am all IOS) and followed the instructions on this forum to use apkmirror to download the 16.1 android version of S2.   With that in place I now have my LIbrary accessible and working so I have some breathing space to build a new NAS. 

Hope that helps someone, I suspect the support team have as much of a clue about whats going on as we do.   But whatever anyone says allowing us to reinstall the old app (and firmware) - even if that involves a factory reset - is completely viable option.  and would give the dev team some breathing space - under the current pressure you know more will get broken than fixed.   Preventing a rollback (which should always be built into a release as a failsafe option) is purely a Management decision, and shows not only a complete lack of “courage’, but how little they care about their “ most loyal, longest tenured customers”……...

I have been unable to get anyone to confirm if its the new app (80.whatever) or the the forced firmware upgrades the breaks the smbv1…….    

If the firmware has been upgraded to 80.pileofcrap then this may not help, but it may be worth a try anyway as no-one has confirmed that.  

When this problem started, the first thing I did was install the prior version Android app via the APK website, but that didn’t help.  Still can’t see my Library.  Also, the Windows PC app can’t see my Library either.

So I think it’s safe to say that the firmware update to the hardware is indeed part of the problem

So I have no idea if this will work, but I have been wondering about this…… and if desperate may be worth a shot…    Be interesting if any Moderators or other experts can chime in as this is all theory….

If you have at least two or more speakers/components in your system, disconnect one of them from the exisiting system, and do a factory reset on it as outlined here, which looks like its up to date as it includes headphones (!!!)……..

Then take your 16.1 android app, disconnect it from your original system, and set up a ‘new’ system with the reset speaker.   You may have to turn off the ‘old’ system so it doesnt see it, and possibly invent a new Sonos account or preferably dont have an account as it may try and force the upgrade.   I guess if it does that you could download the S1 app and according to the ‘world of sonos’ you should be able to connect a reset speaker to an S1 system.   But if you can get either a new S1 or S2 system working then see if you can access your library still, and check what firmware they then have.   You will have to reindex and Playlists will have gone (from the new one) as they are stored in the speakers, but if you can keep one on the old system and run Phonus Plus (controlav in these forums wrote that) that may save them (although only if they can see the old Library).   

Full disclaimer again, no idea if this would work, but if I had completely lost access to my library I would give it a shot (assuming you have 2 or more components in your system).   Ideally leave on speaker on the now useless system as if they do every figure it out then you may get your playlists back.  

And if this is all bollocks then I apologise for wasting your time, but in the absence of any kind of sense of urgency from Sonos in restoring our music I figured it might be worth a shot.   I think they are spending more time fire fighting than figuring out how easy it would be to let us roll back until they fix it.

DSLA, thanks for your reply.  Wow, that’s an interesting experiment, but I don’t think I’m going to try it, because I’m not that desperate. I am able to listen to my Music Library on my Sonos speakers, using non-Sonos apps.  I’m running the Asset uPnP media server on my PC, and using BubbleuPnP app on our Android tablets to access my music (including all my Playlists) and send it to my Sonos speakers.  The apps work great for that purpose, but I do miss the Alarms feature on the Sonos app, to play various Playlists at various times of day.

These features should never have been removed in the first place. Appalling work from the developers. They should be ashamed. 


Not to nitpick, but they weren’t removed.  The app was a ground up rewrite, so they were left out.  No difference in the outcome, but a very different cause.

Okay, fair call on the technical point, however, isn’t it the outcome we’re all focussed on? I’ve spent the last hour scrolling through endless threads and they all state similar opinions: functionality enjoyed over the past 10 or so years has gone. Why would the devs choose to not include core features? Only they can answer that, and I doubt we’ll hear from any of them in an official capacity, unless someone can point me to a thread discussing (and I am happy to be proven wrong). All I want - and seemingly all the disgruntled users share my view - is to be able to use my very expensive Sonos hardware to play music how I’ve always played it. My NAS has gone, can’t find it for any money. Queue editing, playlists… on it goes. Why on earth would devs choose not to include these features?

Seems like the ability to connect to my NAS is gone ? I cannot find a,way to connect it anymore.

I am pulling my hair out trying to work it out too. How the heck does one add a NAS? I’ve tapped every possible ‘link’ in the iOS app and there’s no method to add a NAS.

Anyone else worked it out?

Just another person who casually clicked ok to update the app, then found they could no longer play their own music on their own speaker.

Now I’m wasting my evening reading support forums and even registering here to vent my frustration.

How did this happen? How long until a fix arrives?

I’ve completely lost trust in Sonos tonight. Please sort quickly as my Sonos speaker is suddenly a redundant lump of metal and plastic.


No, it’s all okay… really it is. The Sonos CEO says so, and suggests that people like you and I are in the minority… enjoy:

Seems like the ability to connect to my NAS is gone ? I cannot find a,way to connect it anymore.

I am pulling my hair out trying to work it out too. How the heck does one add a NAS? I’ve tapped every possible ‘link’ in the iOS app and there’s no method to add a NAS.

Anyone else worked it out?

I had to add it back in using my laptop the other day, but yesterday it disappeared again, so I have just added it back on again using my laptop. Will have to see how long it stays on there!

No local library album artwork displayed on any of my android devices. Same problem on multiple phones and tablets. Please fix. Very annoying. 

Just another person who casually clicked ok to update the app, then found they could no longer play their own music on their own speaker.

Now I’m wasting my evening reading support forums and even registering here to vent my frustration.

How did this happen? How long until a fix arrives?

I’ve completely lost trust in Sonos tonight. Please sort quickly as my Sonos speaker is suddenly a redundant lump of metal and plastic.


No, it’s all okay… really it is. The Sonos CEO says so, and suggests that people like you and I are in the minority… enjoy:

Patrick Spence (CEO) needs to learn to stop treating Customers like clowns. These modern CEO’s are so much driven by image and bulls***, instead of having respect for customers and producing a great product. Dear CEO, You do not have the right to strip a product of nearly all its features, after a customer has already paid for the product. Wake up and focus on fixing this debacle of an “upgrade”. I would be sooooo embarrassed if my team produced such rubbish. I am a programmer myself and I can tell you, if I produced something like that I would be very, very embarrassed.

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

Just another person who casually clicked ok to update the app, then found they could no longer play their own music on their own speaker.

Now I’m wasting my evening reading support forums and even registering here to vent my frustration.

How did this happen? How long until a fix arrives?

I’ve completely lost trust in Sonos tonight. Please sort quickly as my Sonos speaker is suddenly a redundant lump of metal and plastic.


No, it’s all okay… really it is. The Sonos CEO says so, and suggests that people like you and I are in the minority… enjoy:

Yeah well it’s not the first stupid idea they’ve had under his “leadership” and been arrogant about, remember bricking devices and suggesting they go to a recycling centre as a useless piece of electronic waste.

Hopefully another u-turn when they finally admit it was a massive mistake that has made lots of users very unhappy. Half of what iI use doesn’t work anymore so I really can’t work out how this is anything other than a shambolic launch of an untested upgrade that’s turned into a huge downgrade. Maybe they’ll launch a premium paid-for app that gives back what they took away. Hang on…. they might actually do that!

If it was a subscription services I’d have cancelled but with a big investment in many speakers and home cinema I’ll wait for now. I won’t be buying anything until they sort it out though and even then I’ll consider whether it’s time to switch to a more humble business that listens to feedback instead of dismissing it.





Just another person who casually clicked ok to update the app, then found they could no longer play their own music on their own speaker.

Now I’m wasting my evening reading support forums and even registering here to vent my frustration.

How did this happen? How long until a fix arrives?

I’ve completely lost trust in Sonos tonight. Please sort quickly as my Sonos speaker is suddenly a redundant lump of metal and plastic.


No, it’s all okay… really it is. The Sonos CEO says so, and suggests that people like you and I are in the minority… enjoy:

Yeah well it’s not the first stupid idea they’ve had under his “leadership” and been arrogant about, remember bricking devices and suggesting they go to a recycling centre as a useless piece of electronic waste.

Hopefully another u-turn when they finally admit it was a massive mistake that has made lots of users very unhappy. Half of what iI use doesn’t work anymore so I really can’t work out how this is anything other than a shambolic launch of an untested upgrade that’s turned into a huge downgrade. Maybe they’ll launch a premium paid-for app that gives back what they took away. Hang on…. they might actually do that!

If it was a subscription services I’d have cancelled but with a big investment in many speakers and home cinema I’ll wait for now. I won’t be buying anything until they sort it out though and even then I’ll consider whether it’s time to switch to a more humble business that listens to feedback instead of dismissing it.





Yeah mate, disgraceful conduct from the CEO and their Development team. I just can’t understand why they would have brought out a new app without all the functionality that customers are used to, surely that is not too much to ask for and justifies customer dissatisfaction. I have always loved the product but I can’t see myself buying any more Sonos gear in the future now that I know their CEO and development team has this attitude towards its customers.

Why can I not see “Your Source” in the new Sonos App and others can? I am trying to access my personal music library on my NAS server and am on the Apple iOS version of the app. Thanks 🙏 

One thing I liked about Sonos was the good Apple system integration. But since the update, the application no longer recognizes the Music folder on my Mac and I no longer have access to the playlists...

Does a solution exist ?



After the new Sonos app update, my music library is missing in the android phone app and I see no way to add it.

The update is one step forward, but really 20 back to the stone age. It takes forever to connect once launched… horribly slow and inconceivable why this wasn't resolved prior to rollout. Can't think of any comparison to normal business practices where this would ‘fly’ in the companies that I've worked for.

Just another person who casually clicked ok to update the app, then found they could no longer play their own music on their own speaker.

Now I’m wasting my evening reading support forums and even registering here to vent my frustration.

How did this happen? How long until a fix arrives?

I’ve completely lost trust in Sonos tonight. Please sort quickly as my Sonos speaker is suddenly a redundant lump of metal and plastic.


No, it’s all okay… really it is. The Sonos CEO says so, and suggests that people like you and I are in the minority… enjoy:

Wow, this Patrick guy comes across as clueless, and arrogant. After reading that I am pretty sure I want nothing to do with this company. The problem starts at the top, clearly. Only way to fix it is to fire his dumb ass, burn it to the ground and start over. 😳

Shameful that this Sonos Community forum is completely unmoderated by Sonos Staff.  100's of blind users attempting to devine answers.  A collective waste of 100's (or 1,000's) of hours attempting to fix Sonos issues.


I've switched to using Spotify to control the Sonos system in my home, and started looking for the next evolution of my home system. 


Sonos appears to have lost its way unfortunately. 

I've ended up having half my Speakers in an S1 system because of Sono's bizarre Idea of trying to force loyal customers to throw out their perfectly good older speakers and buy the latest models (that had no extra functionality) greedy idiots. The so called older speakers unsupported firmware didn't make sense anyway. My very first Play 3 speaker I've had years is eligible to be in an S2 system, whereas my two Connect Amp devices that I bought within months of eachother not long before Sonos announced the S1 S2 scam. One must be in the S1 system the other is ok in the S2??? Go figure that!!

The irony is my "unsupported" S1 system works fine with the S1 app, It does everything it's always done. 

With the latest piece of junk App I'm forced to use and it's equally 5h!t firmware on the S2 system, these speakers are now unusable, sometimes the new App might show my local music library if I'm lucky, but it won't index it anymore so I can't add or remove music.

I've wasted hours trying to work around this for the last few weeks, I forced my android phone to use the old app, this does help me play my music library but still fails to index. Now I don't have the option to index, its greyed out and I get a prompt to update the app...why are Sonos intent on pissing of older loyal customers.

I'm so sick of this new app also bombarding me with ads for their bloody headphones, what's so amazing about a blinking set of headphones, if I want new headphones I'll look at Bose thank you very much Sonos.

Anyone got any tips on "downgrading" my S2 speakers into my S1 system?? I think that would solve all my problems.
