I appreciate the advice but I’ve already done all of that and I highly doubt it’s an interference issue as nothing has changed in this environment for almost 2 years. The fact that multiple people here and on Reddit are having the issue only after the 14.6 update leads me to believe there is some bug introduced with the last update
Not sure if this is related, but last night I started experiencing a slight delay from by surround speakers (Play:1s bonded to an Arc). This was the first time I’ve ever encountered this issue since I’ve had this setup (since August 2020). I had to power cycle the Play:1s to fix it.
Nothing changed in my environment, either. Until I realized that the neighbor next door had installed a new wifi router that was interfering with all of the things I’d previously set up. Pervious to the neighbor issue, I had a microwave going bad that, when it ran, interrupted my kitchen’s ability to run any Sonos. Wifi and SonosNet don’t exist in a vacuum, unfortunately, and there are a lot of things completely out of your control that can affect them, and any radio signal. And those environments can change over time, not only by you adding things in your home, but those pesky outside influences.
But you know your environment better than I do. Since I’ve only got a limited amount of data, I thought sharing the possibility might be helpful. It’s up to you if you’re interested in following it.
Same issues but I just tried playing Spotify music directly to the Sonos after the issue started again and when in music mode, I get sound from the speakers!
So, something is definitely wonky here.
@Corry P sorry to call you out just wondering if Sonos is aware of this issue potentially introduced with 14.6
For me, I’m starting to recognize a pattern in that it seems to happen when I switch from other inputs back to my input that has my Apple TV.
For me, I’m starting to recognize a pattern in that it seems to happen when I switch from other inputs back to my input that has my Apple TV.
Yup for me it usually happens when I switch content on Apple TV that changes formats (5.1 to stereo for example)
Hi @peterbault
@Corry P sorry to call you out just wondering if Sonos is aware of this issue potentially introduced with 14.6
No problem.
To be honest, if such a bug were introduced, we’d be hearing much more about it.
Your diagnostic seems fairly clean, though there are some issues reported by the Arc about it maintaining it’s connection to the satellites, and it seems to occasionally have an issue with decoding the audio.
I’d certainly advise a reboot of everything - turn off satellites, TV (unplug), Arc and the router. Once the router has been off for 30 seconds, turn it back on. Once you have WiFi again, turn on the TV and Arc. And once the Arc has a solid, white light, turn on the satellites. A check of sources of interference near the Arc would also be recommended. Please see our Reducing wireless interference help page.
I can’t help much more that that as I’d need to know the context of multiple diagnostics - I recommend you get in touch with our technical support team, who will go into some step-by-step troubleshooting. If indeed there is a bug, this is the only way of verifying such a thing.
I hope this helps.
hello, sorry for my english! I have exactly the same problem since the update. I watch everything on Apple TV. I have a wired Arc, a Sub 3 and 2 One SL on wifi. I have been losing my Sub and the surrounds for several days now as soon as I change sources, whether directly on the Apple TV or on the TV with the HDMI ports. I reset everything but the problem keeps coming back...
Does everyone experiencing this issue use Apple TV?
Does everyone experiencing this issue use Apple TV?
Can you perhaps briefly outline the steps you’re taking to reproduce the issue and state what audio codec you are using when the problem arises (a screenshot of your ‘now playing’ screen and a diagnostic) might be a start - I’m not seeing the issue here at the moment.
the problem occurs with any audio codec, whether stereo, atmos ... once I lost the Sub and the surrounds, even when playing music directly through Sonos S2, my Sub and surround are always lost. At times, the sound comes back on its own on the sub and the surrounds but desynchronized from its Arc. I have to restart the Sonos Arc for it to work and it's usually short lived. I don't think it's specific to Apple TV because even with TV apps, it does too. It's sure and certain that it's because of the update...
When I experienced the delay from the surrounds two nights ago, I was watching a YouTube video on my Roku Ultra.
Does everyone experiencing this issue use Apple TV?
Can you perhaps briefly outline the steps you’re taking to reproduce the issue and state what audio codec you are using when the problem arises (a screenshot of your ‘now playing’ screen and a diagnostic) might be a start - I’m not seeing the issue here at the moment.
the way I was able to consistently reproduce the issue was (all on Apple TV)
- watch content that outputs Multichannel PCM 5.1
- switch to content that outputs Stereo PCM
- switch back to Multichannel PCM 5.1
- surrounds and sub no longer output any audio. they still show as connected to the network via my router and the sonos App
- only way to get audio back on the other speakers is to: power cycle the arc or power cycle all my other speakers or reboot my router
I was able to consistently reproduce this both on sonosnet with one speaker hard wired and without sonosnet
I’ve found that if I turn off eARC on my TV and force dolby digital 5.1 on the Apple TV (no atmos) it happens less often
Sony A9G tv btw
for the steps, I will give that a go and report back if I see the issue.
I also have an Apple TV and it has happened a handful of times in the last week. It seems to happen when I’m on my XBOX X (connected to a Hue Sync, then to a LG C9 on Input 4) and when I go back to my Apple TV (Input 1), the surrounds and sometimes back sub (I have 2) just are silent, even though on the S2 App (iOS) they show as normal. Oddly, when I try Spotify music when the surrounds are out, the setup works fine again, but when I switch back to TV Mode, the surrounds are silent.
A router reboot sets everything back in order. Also, I’m running the Arc hardwired and everything else is on SonosNet 11.
I opted to play ‘6 Underground’ on the Netflix App via ATV to the Sonos Arc/Surrounds (2 x Fives/Sub) all working at this stage - I then played some stereo audio from YouTube App (as @GuitarSuperstar had mentioned that App earlier) and then I returned to ‘6 Underground’ - The surrounds were still playing okay here.
I then played stereo music audio from Amazon Music App, then returned again to the Netflix App the ‘6 Underground’ Movie still outputs fine to the surrounds… I did go onto repeat the above too, by closing (sliding up off screen) and reopening the various Apps inbetween switching, but so far I’m not seeing the same issue here.
However, I will try to test some more and see if I can reproduce it and will post back if I do come across the problem.
@Ken_Griffiths first off thank you for trying to reproduce. 6 underground is in Atmos so it wouldn’t cause the issue. When I was able to reproduce it it was specifically multichannel PCM 5.1
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to give other information, I connected the Digital Optical adapter, and even with it, the problem came back... I even tried to connect the sub and the surrounds in ethernet, and the same problem
I also have an Apple TV and it has happened a handful of times in the last week. It seems to happen when I’m on my XBOX X (connected to a Hue Sync, then to a LG C9 on Input 4) and when I go back to my Apple TV (Input 1), the surrounds and sometimes back sub (I have 2) just are silent, even though on the S2 App (iOS) they show as normal. Oddly, when I try Spotify music when the surrounds are out, the setup works fine again, but when I switch back to TV Mode, the surrounds are silent.
A router reboot sets everything back in order.
I don’t have XBox, nor a Hue Sync hub/switch - but do have the LG C9 TV, I will just keep trying to see if I come across the issue.
In my setup, I have Virgin Media cable TV box on HDMI-1, Arc/Surrounds/Sub on HDMI-2, IR controlled switch with Apple TV, Fire TV, PlayStation all linked to HDMI-3 …and a Nvidia Shield TV on HDMI-4
So I will just switch and play from the various inputs and apps and see if I can reproduce.
@Ken_Griffiths first off thank you for trying to reproduce. 6 underground is in Atmos so it wouldn’t cause the issue. When I was able to reproduce it it was specifically multichannel PCM 5.1
Okay .. just to briefly mention I’ve tried again too with ‘Oblivion’ movie from the Amazon Prime App, that definitely shows here as Multichannel PCM 5.1 and then tried YouTube stereo and back to the Prime movie, but still no audio loss on surrounds/sub seen here at the moment.. I can assure you if I do come across the issue I will post back here.
@Ken_Griffiths first off thank you for trying to reproduce. 6 underground is in Atmos so it wouldn’t cause the issue. When I was able to reproduce it it was specifically multichannel PCM 5.1
Okay .. just to briefly mention I’ve tried again too with ‘Oblivion’ movie from the Amazon Prime App, that definitely shows here as Multichannel PCM 5.1 and then tried YouTube stereo and back to the Prime movie, but still no audio loss on surrounds/sub seen here at the moment.. I can assure you if I do come across the issue I will post back here.
thank you for trying I really do appreciate it.
curiously, I have another Arc system with surrounds and a sub in a different room and I haven’t run into this issue there yet. its a different TV, LG CX, with no Apple TV though
Looks like there’s some crossover here →
at my wits end I’ve changed my sonosnet channel and installed the tvOS 15.5 beta on my Apple TV just trying anything. Will update if it changes anything
at my wits end I’ve changed my sonosnet channel and installed the tvOS 15.5 beta on my Apple TV just trying anything. Will update if it changes anything
Let us know how it goes!