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Your feedback on the new Sonos App

Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


Wow.  I don't really know where to start with this, but want to add my voice to the many who wish they'd never updated, and are massively disappointed in SONOS.  

I pretty much now can't do anything.  We have a few Play:1s, an Ikea table lamp/speaker, and an Arc/Sub.  We almost exclusively use a local library (on a NAS) of many CDs that I painstakingly ripped to FLAC over many years.  S2 worked pretty well, and I vehemently defended SONOS to other family members when speakers disconnected/went AWOL/had to be reset, as I was a SONOS fan.

This app update though ….. I can see our local library as a source, but can't get anything into a queue for any speaker.  I've gone to an album in the local library, hit “replace queue”, and it does nothing.  Nothing at all.  Not to mention the lack of ability to add to an existing queue.   I genuinely can't believe you've released an update where this fundamental functionality just plain doesn't work.  It's not good enough to say that it's coming back, when it was working fine in S2 (and is so basic!). 

Am I doing something wrong, or is it really that dysfunctional?

I now have empty queues for all speakers, and literally can't get them to play anything, except for using the Arc as a “dumb” soundbar for the TV via optical.  At least that still works.

I think you've lost me as a customer, guys.  Releasing an app in this state, and then saying “we know there is more work to be done on it” isn't a sign of a company in good shape.  Your products are not cheap, and only worth the $$ if there is quality software to control it.  I'm hugely disappointed.  Most of my speakers are now bricks, and I have no idea when they might work again.  I can't even in good conscience sell them to anyone now with the current state of the app.

This app update though ….. I can see our local library as a source, but can't get anything into a queue for any speaker.  I've gone to an album in the local library, hit “replace queue”, and it does nothing.  Nothing at all.  Not to mention the lack of ability to add to an existing queue.  

Am I doing something wrong, or is it really that dysfunctional?

Your local NAS library should be working @MatF - at least my library tracks/playlists are all playing here in the new App - you’re perhaps best to first reproduce the issue, then immediately submit a Sonos system diagnostic report from within the Sonos App, note it’s reference and then contact/chat with Sonos Support via this LINK to discuss the matter in detail and see what the Staff can perhaps then suggest to resolve the matter.

It is an absolute disgrace and shows a fundamental ignorance and/or disregard for your customers and how they use the app. Introducing a retrograde, worse product than that which already existed and claiming that is “courage” is insulting and and frankly risible. Does the clown Maxime who came out with such BS actually believe it? This is serious error and misjudgement for the comany. “C” level people should be fired for this.

And now my PC app, which I thought was safe, has become unusable - update or you can’t use the app. After update - impossible to upload the music library again. Error code 913. What an absolute joke. And a bad one at that.

This app update though ….. I can see our local library as a source, but can't get anything into a queue for any speaker.  I've gone to an album in the local library, hit “replace queue”, and it does nothing.  Nothing at all.  Not to mention the lack of ability to add to an existing queue.  

Am I doing something wrong, or is it really that dysfunctional?

Your local NAS library should be working @MatF - at least my library tracks/playlists are all playing here in the new App - you’re perhaps best to first reproduce the issue, then immediately submit a Sonos system diagnostic report from within the Sonos App, note it’s reference and then contact/chat with Sonos Support via this LINK to discuss the matter in detail and see what the Staff can perhaps then suggest to resolve the matter.

Will do, thanks Ken.  Is that the right process to get local tracks into a queue?  Use the “replace queue” button from within the library?  When I go back to the queue, this is all that I get.  Every time.

And now my PC app, which I thought was safe, has become unusable - update or you can’t use the app. After update - impossible to upload the music library again. Error code 913. What and absolute joke.

You can get the latest PC Desktop App here:

That works okay.👍

My feedback on using the new application (iOs or android):
I had major latency problems on a 3-part system with old products:
- playbar with sub and 2 play1
- 2 play3
- 2 play1
with a Sonos Boost as line input. 

After some research on the internet, I understand that Sonos is disengaging from the SonosNet protocol. And I realized that my Sonos Boost was doing more damage than good. 

I reset everything and rebuilt my Sonos system by switching to direct wifi with my router. 
The 1st room is OK with the playbar. No more latency problems and the app reacts well.
I'm on the 2nd room with the addition of my play3s, but the app crashes... 

To sum up, it's a shame that the app and the missing info are seriously damaging speakers with incredible sound! 


I hope Sonos has fixed the issue with mesh networks if they are discontinuing SonosNet, as I had to resort to SonosNet because my speakers kept disappearing from the app if they weren’t all connected to the same node in my mesh WiFi. 


Update about my reset :

- with the new firmware, it's better.

- I can add my play3s and play1s on my Sonos system

- Mesh wifi is supported for my home network.


And now my PC app, which I thought was safe, has become unusable - update or you can’t use the app. After update - impossible to upload the music library again. Error code 913. What and absolute joke.

You can get the latest PC Desktop App here:

That works okay.👍

The app works OK if you’re happy with the new limited options. However using that link still does not allow me to add my music library to Sonos, which is the only reason I use it.

And now my PC app, which I thought was safe, has become unusable - update or you can’t use the app. After update - impossible to upload the music library again. Error code 913. What and absolute joke.

You can get the latest PC Desktop App here:

That works okay.👍

The app works OK if you’re happy with the new limited options. However using that link still does not allow me to add my music library to Sonos, which is the only reason I use it.

Make sure smb2/3 is enabled on your nas. The firmware update yesterday removed smb1. 

Thanks but I’m not using a NAS drive. All 500 gigs of music are on my laptop SSD hard drive.


I just select the play buttons on screen, but it seems you’re not seeing your library content. I’ve attached an ‘example’ 4 x screenshot/collage from the library on my NAS… just so you can perhaps see: 


Thanks but I’m not using a NAS drive. All 500 gigs of music are on my laptop SSD hard drive.

I don’t think that type of ‘http’ share is supported on the new Sonos App, but this was announcer before the update was sent out - SMB v1 is not supported either.

You probably need to use the laptop to setup an SMB v2 (or higher) share. There should be instructions to do this online and I think some users may have posted the steps too in the community here, but not sure if that was for Windows🤔?… plus I’m not too sure where they are at the moment. Hopefully you’ll find the answers you’re looking for to get the share back up and running.🤞


I just select the play buttons on screen, but it seems you’re not seeing your library content. I’ve attached an ‘example’ 4 x screenshot/collage from the library on my NAS… just so you can perhaps see: 


Thanks Ken - appreciate it.

I can see the library OK (though none of the album art comes up ...) - and I have tried clicking that play button.  It just spins around for a bit and does nothing either.  Doesn't play anything, or show anything in any queue.

I'm waiting in line to chat to support now.


I see that and thanks, but I don’t even get my library as music source choice...

...perhaps because it won’t let me add my library to the app, also perhaps because it’s looking in the wrong place, despite me specifying where to go.


This app update though ….. I can see our local library as a source, but can't get anything into a queue for any speaker.  I've gone to an album in the local library, hit “replace queue”, and it does nothing.  Nothing at all.  Not to mention the lack of ability to add to an existing queue.  

Am I doing something wrong, or is it really that dysfunctional?

Your local NAS library should be working @MatF - at least my library tracks/playlists are all playing here in the new App - you’re perhaps best to first reproduce the issue, then immediately submit a Sonos system diagnostic report from within the Sonos App, note it’s reference and then contact/chat with Sonos Support via this LINK to discuss the matter in detail and see what the Staff can perhaps then suggest to resolve the matter.

Yesterday I could search and play as usual on my Mac desktop app. Today Music Library disappeared and manage music library settings from Sonos desktop controller was empty. Also iPad and iPhone was showing Music Library now nothing. Updated to latest controller and trying to add path to NAS. I think I have name right but public link asking for username and password which shouldn’t be required. So just get an error.

Can’t be bothered to call as I’m certain lines will be deluged.


Absolute omni-shambles now I’m afraid!


If I hit the ‘play’ button, it plays immediately - not seeing a delay. The library here is on a Ethernet wired NAS. I’m using SMBv2-3 - the protocol auto-selects based on the capabilities of the client making the request.

I’m just wondering if maybe a reboot of the network/devices will resolve the issue for you, just as a quick thought (that’s if not perhaps tried already?)

Well, that wasn't really worth the wait, unfortunately.  I might try again in a day or two.



If I hit the ‘play’ button, it plays immediately - not seeing a delay. The library here is on a Ethernet wired NAS. I’m using SMBv2-3 - the protocol auto-selects based on the capabilities of the client making the request.

I’m just wondering if maybe a reboot of the network/devices will resolve the issue for you, just as a quick thought (that’s if not perhaps tried already?)

Sadly already tried that.  My library is also on NAS with an ethernet connection, running SMB2/3 (Synology DS1821+).  Have also rebooted all the speakers.  Are you using the Android app?  (I'm not familiar with Android, so wasn't sure from your screenshots).  Maybe the iOS app is just worse.

Well, that wasn't really worth the wait, unfortunately.  I might try again in a day or two.


“delayed features” of the new app. i.e. missing. What absolute *********. 


Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

If you are good at network stuff, I found I can make the new app really pissed off by blocking domains. 

my ad blocking appliance has this this for me IF I wish to cut off access from my home to sites. 

Good luck to us all!

That’s because the new app uses the Web API, not the Sonos Control API.  The new app is basically a reskinned version of

  • That’s why it’s slow.  Everything you try to do goes back through Sonos servers.
  • Thats why you’ve lost functionality.  It basically has the functionality of the web version of sonos.
  • That’s why they rolled it out.  They want to do away with local control and do everything in the cloud

This sounds like a first step in moving to a subscription model. And would explain the blasé nature of the corporate response. 

Well, that wasn't really worth the wait, unfortunately.  I might try again in a day or two.

Oh dear, you can’t beat speaking to someone on the end of a phone, but I guess now’s not the time either, eh🤔?

Well, that wasn't really worth the wait, unfortunately.  I might try again in a day or two.

Oh dear, you can’t beat speaking to someone on the end of a phone, but I guess now’s not the time either, eh🤔?

Yep, agree.  Will try them again via phone at a better hour, and when I'm less frustrated  :)


If I hit the ‘play’ button, it plays immediately - not seeing a delay. The library here is on a Ethernet wired NAS. I’m using SMBv2-3 - the protocol auto-selects based on the capabilities of the client making the request.

I’m just wondering if maybe a reboot of the network/devices will resolve the issue for you, just as a quick thought (that’s if not perhaps tried already?)

Sadly already tried that.  My library is also on NAS with an ethernet connection, running SMB2/3 (Synology DS1821+).  Have also rebooted all the speakers.  Are you using the Android app?  (I'm not familiar with Android, so wasn't sure from your screenshots).  Maybe the iOS app is just worse.

I have several controllers Android and iOS, but mostly use iOS. The iPhone works best with the new App, followed by the iPad (that’s where my screenshots are from). The Android has some artwork display issues with the local library and my (cheap) Android tablet (see attached photo) is now a bit old and slow and only has a 2.4Ghz WiFi connection… I really need to upgrade it and hand it to the grandkids.


Yesterday I could search and play as usual on my Mac desktop app. Today Music Library disappeared and manage music library settings from Sonos desktop controller was empty. Also iPad and iPhone was showing Music Library now nothing. Updated to latest controller and trying to add path to NAS. I think I have name right but public link asking for username and password which shouldn’t be required. So just get an error.

Can’t be bothered to call as I’m certain lines will be deluged.


Absolute omni-shambles now I’m afraid!

If you installed the firmware update yesterday, Sonos removed support for smbv1 - if your NAS isn’t using smbv2/3 this may be the reason why your music disappeared. If not, lol who knows.

I don’t quite know why Sonos picked yesterday to roll this out, just potential adding on to the issues people are having.

The simple solution here is to allow us to roll-back to the old “S2” app.

For me, I simply cannot control my system with the new app. If I reset the app, I can see my system, but when I log-in, my entire system vanishes. After 10 or so attempts yesterday (a combination of re-installing / re-setting), I managed to see my system and be logged-in, but guess what happened when I closed the app down?

There is too much wrong in version 80.00 for it to be something that can be fixed “in live”. Please, please, please give us back the old app.
