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Your feedback on the new Sonos App

Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


My 2 year old could've done a better job with developing this, the beta testers and SONOS development team should be spanked and put to bed early in view of this disaster. Failing that they should be embarrassed beyond belief and relieved from their roles. This is so amateurish and badly designed and delivered. You should be ashamed 

I am a little step forward.

When I log off as owner the don't crash anymore.

When I log in again...the app crashed again.

 Might it be a corrupt install, the controllers here have not crashed - maybe try an uninstall/reinstall, that’s if perhaps not tried already. Hope it sorts it for you. 

Wow, interesting new development from Sonos.  Far from admitting any mistakes in rushing out an unsuitable release, I am now being forced to accept new Terms and Conditions in order to use software that I wish I’d never seen.

The new Sonos EULA forces you to (i) accept a new limited liability clause, (ii) acknowledge that there is  no guarantee that features will be carried forward from one release to the next, (iii) accept that there will be bugs.  You must agree to this before you can contine to the app proper.

If Sonos were being at all reasonable, one would accept that no-one  can guarantee to carry forward all existing features for ever and no software is ever bug free, but the fact that they are doing this now is very suspicious and I feel very uncomfortable about it.  Furthermore, the contract is quite a lengthy document and not easily digested in a quick scan, so who knows what else you are signing up to in order to use a set of products that I have owned for 13 years now!

I had already downloaded Sonophone, which is not bad, but a bit limited.  However, for the time being, I will use it instead of the Sonos app and have declined to accept the new T’s & C’s.

Well done Sonos.  You continue to turn what has to date been an unbelievable technical and PR disaster into something much worse!

I am a little step forward.

When I log off as owner the don't crash anymore.

When I log in again...the app crashed again.

 Might it be a corrupt install, the controllers here have not crashed - maybe try an uninstall/reinstall, that’s if perhaps not tried already. Hope it sorts it for you. 

I already did that.

That was one of the first thing I tried.

I think it is very strange, on my Iphone 15 pro max the app crashed After 2 seconds, on my daughters Iphone 12 pro max the app crashed after 2 seconds and also on my Samsung the app crashed after 2 seconds.

I have the ios 17.5, my daughters has the ios 17.4.1

The Samsung has the latest android.

I also was searching in my Wifi / router settings.

Can't find anything what is strange.

It starts after the new app update



Yesterday I could search and play as usual on my Mac desktop app. Today Music Library disappeared and manage music library settings from Sonos desktop controller was empty. Also iPad and iPhone was showing Music Library now nothing. Updated to latest controller and trying to add path to NAS. I think I have name right but public link asking for username and password which shouldn’t be required. So just get an error.

Can’t be bothered to call as I’m certain lines will be deluged.


Absolute omni-shambles now I’m afraid!

If you installed the firmware update yesterday, Sonos removed support for smbv1 - if your NAS isn’t using smbv2/3 this may be the reason why your music disappeared. If not, lol who knows.

I don’t quite know why Sonos picked yesterday to roll this out, just potential adding on to the issues people are having.

Well I didn’t install the software update on the desktop yesterday though I did the iPhone and iPad earlier and I suppose the speakers will have updated themselves so I expect they’re the ones which will control the NAS protocol issue. I have tried to find out what protocol my NAS uses and I have assumed it’s SMB 1 due to its age and the lack of a setting in the admin page.

Really aggrevating especially as I only got the NAS to listen to my ripped music without having the desktop switched on all the time.

Wow, interesting new development from Sonos.  Far from admitting any mistakes in rushing out an unsuitable release, I am now being forced to accept new Terms and Conditions in order to use software that I wish I’d never seen.

The new Sonos EULA forces you to (i) accept a new limited liability clause, (ii) acknowledge that there is  no guarantee that features will be carried forward from one release to the next, (iii) accept that there will be bugs.  You must agree to this before you can contine to the app proper.

If Sonos were being at all reasonable, one would accept that no-one  can guarantee to carry forward all existing features for ever and no software is ever bug free, but the fact that they are doing this now is very suspicious and I feel very uncomfortable about it.  Furthermore, the contract is quite a lengthy document and not easily digested in a quick scan, so who knows what else you are signing up to in order to use a set of products that I have owned for 13 years now!

I had already downloaded Sonophone, which is not bad, but a bit limited.  However, for the time being, I will use it instead of the Sonos app and have declined to accept the new T’s & C’s.

Well done Sonos.  You continue to turn what has to date been an unbelievable technical and PR disaster into something much worse!


Very revealing.  Thank you for posting this. 

Wow, interesting new development from Sonos.  Far from admitting any mistakes in rushing out an unsuitable release, I am now being forced to accept new Terms and Conditions in order to use software that I wish I’d never seen.

The new Sonos EULA forces you to (i) accept a new limited liability clause, (ii) acknowledge that there is  no guarantee that features will be carried forward from one release to the next, (iii) accept that there will be bugs.  You must agree to this before you can contine to the app proper.

If Sonos were being at all reasonable, one would accept that no-one  can guarantee to carry forward all existing features for ever and no software is ever bug free, but the fact that they are doing this now is very suspicious and I feel very uncomfortable about it.  Furthermore, the contract is quite a lengthy document and not easily digested in a quick scan, so who knows what else you are signing up to in order to use a set of products that I have owned for 13 years now!

I had already downloaded Sonophone, which is not bad, but a bit limited.  However, for the time being, I will use it instead of the Sonos app and have declined to accept the new T’s & C’s.

Well done Sonos.  You continue to turn what has to date been an unbelievable technical and PR disaster into something much worse!


That language has been in the EULA for as long as I’ve owned Sonos (since 2008).  It’s boilerplate for any software based EULA. 

I am a little step forward.

When I log off as owner the don't crash anymore.

When I log in again...the app crashed again.

 Might it be a corrupt install, the controllers here have not crashed - maybe try an uninstall/reinstall, that’s if perhaps not tried already. Hope it sorts it for you. 

I already did that.

That was one of the first thing I tried.

I think it is very strange, on my Iphone 15 pro max the app crashed After 2 seconds, on my daughters Iphone 12 pro max the app crashed after 2 seconds and also on my Samsung the app crashed after 2 seconds.

I have the ios 17.5, my daughters has the ios 17.4.1

The Samsung has the latest android.

I also was searching in my Wifi / router settings.

Can't find anything what is strange.

It starts after the new app update


I would not expect the App to crash on a production Apple operating system, but I can see there being issues perhaps with an iOS public beta platform - Anyhow if the issues persist, it maybe best to first reproduce the issue, then immediately submit a Sonos system diagnostic report from within the Sonos App, note it’s reference and then contact/chat with Sonos Support via this LINK to discuss the matter in detail and see what the Staff can perhaps then suggest to resolve the matter.

It has been sometime when I had a regular ‘reproducible’ crash with an App, but note the time/date too, because you can then hand Support Staff the *.ips crash logs to help them see what happened and resolve the issue.

Hope you can get it sorted. 👍

I am a little step forward.

When I log off as owner the don't crash anymore.

When I log in again...the app crashed again.

 Might it be a corrupt install, the controllers here have not crashed - maybe try an uninstall/reinstall, that’s if perhaps not tried already. Hope it sorts it for you. 

I already did that.

That was one of the first thing I tried.

I think it is very strange, on my Iphone 15 pro max the app crashed After 2 seconds, on my daughters Iphone 12 pro max the app crashed after 2 seconds and also on my Samsung the app crashed after 2 seconds.

I have the ios 17.5, my daughters has the ios 17.4.1

The Samsung has the latest android.

I also was searching in my Wifi / router settings.

Can't find anything what is strange.

It starts after the new app update


I would not expect the App to crash on a production Apple operating system, but I can see there being issues perhaps with an iOS public beta platform - Anyhow if the issues persist, it maybe best to first reproduce the issue, then immediately submit a Sonos system diagnostic report from within the Sonos App, note it’s reference and then contact/chat with Sonos Support via this LINK to discuss the matter in detail and see what the Staff can perhaps then suggest to resolve the matter.

It has been sometime when I had a regular ‘reproducible’ crash with an App, but note the time/date too, because you can then hand Support Staff the *.ips crash logs to help them see what happened and resolve the issue.

Hope you can get it sorted. 👍

Thank you.

I also did that.

Called the helpdesk from sonos and sent the log file.

And I am not on a beta.

And my daughter has the ios 17.4.1

There are more People with the same issue.

I hope they will fix it soon.


App Upgrade???!!! Sonos attempts to ruin our entire system (over $10k), removes necessary features, and more!  This is more MALWARE than App Improvements.  Then they have the salt-on-the-wound response by calling this action courageous??!!!

Burn me once (S1 to S2), bad on you, Burn me twice (NOT GOING TO HAPPEN EVER AGAIN) because we’ll sell off this awful system before I let you wreck the rest of our home-wide audio system. 

FIRE the CEO and CTO! 

Class action lawsuit maybe ? 


I used to be a huge fan of Sonos and would gush on how great and easy the whole system was, even customer service, which is  the blight of most companies.  However,  with the release of the new controller  I am wondering if Sonos has lost it!!  Usually a new product is an upgrade not a down grade. The new controller is confusing and NOT user friendly.  Why was adding to the queue removed?  It also has become unstable, crashing on my mobile multiple times, numerous error messages, etc.

I am not sure I can recommend Sonos anymore!

Wow, interesting new development from Sonos.  Far from admitting any mistakes in rushing out an unsuitable release, I am now being forced to accept new Terms and Conditions in order to use software that I wish I’d never seen.

The new Sonos EULA forces you to (i) accept a new limited liability clause, (ii) acknowledge that there is  no guarantee that features will be carried forward from one release to the next, (iii) accept that there will be bugs.  You must agree to this before you can contine to the app proper.

If Sonos were being at all reasonable, one would accept that no-one  can guarantee to carry forward all existing features for ever and no software is ever bug free, but the fact that they are doing this now is very suspicious and I feel very uncomfortable about it.  Furthermore, the contract is quite a lengthy document and not easily digested in a quick scan, so who knows what else you are signing up to in order to use a set of products that I have owned for 13 years now!

I had already downloaded Sonophone, which is not bad, but a bit limited.  However, for the time being, I will use it instead of the Sonos app and have declined to accept the new T’s & C’s.

Well done Sonos.  You continue to turn what has to date been an unbelievable technical and PR disaster into something much worse!


That language has been in the EULA for as long as I’ve owned Sonos (since 2008).  It’s boilerplate for any software based EULA. 

I am sure you are right, but I find it surprising, if that is the case, that I am being asked to agree (again) to this just now, when there is such unhappiness from many users, me included, about the new release and its missing features, amongst other failings.
I worked almost my entire adult life in the software industry and I find this sudden update being forced on me (with all the relevant bits now in block caps), more than a bit suspicious. Call me a sceptic, if you will, but nobody, especially in this situation, does something like this for no reason. 
Far be it from me to suggest you plough a pro-Sonos line, but I do find it interesting that all your posts are immediately liked by a small group of cohorts and are generally very supportive. I am definitely not trying to be anti-Sonos. - I generally like the products, use them every day and have a significant investment in the company. But I do think it important to call them out when they are way out of line, as I believe them to be now. 

As noted on another thread here, I (and others) am unable to add devices to the system, as the app is crashing when trying to register the device.

I had hoped that the update would solve this but it hasn’t.

Is there any sense of how big of an issue this is, globally? I assume that many others who bought a new device since the app update are unable to register it successfully.

This abysmal new app, particularly the local library fiasco, has been the final straw and I will now be giving up on Sonos permanently. I am so, so tired of the company telling me how I am allowed to use my own music system. Sonos does not know better than its users, and it really deserves to go bankrupt after so many years of dismal product changes and complete disinterest in the many problems with the system. We really need an open source alternative that can hack these devices back into a usable form. It just isn't this hard to stream MP3s across a wifi network. I can stream 4K video but apparently not a 20-year old music format. 

I have a pretty new Synology NAS, and I have tried multiple times to move from SMBv1 to SMBv2 or even v3, but Sonos refuses to connect. When I last asked Sonos support they didn't even realise that SMBv3 was supported.


Now we are told that Sonos are removing SMBv1 support (which to be honest is sensible given how insecure and old it is) but please can you give us clear instructions on how to get newer SMB versions working?

As an observation and as an Android user I updated the speaker firmware this morning - eventually. New app continuously prompted (and still does) for firmware update and either fails to complete or find the system.

Subsequently I restored the app to 16.1 without noticeable issues.

It would appear that, from my P.o.V, the new firmware and 'old' (functional) app work O.K on Android... As for i💩 though who knows as Apple can't, seemingly, revert versions...

SONOS is not in the habit of listening to what we say. The magnitude of the complete and utter failure of this “upgrade”, and the pain it is causing to thousands of users, makes it seems inevitable that there will be a class action lawsuit on this. Hopefully very soon!

I don’t think SONOS has ever been any good at staying in touch with the needs of their users, and this is now indisputable proof of that. Most users have been in a ‘love/hate’ relationship with the software, until now - now the ‘love’ side of the equation is fully suspended. Maybe a class action lawsuit could force them to fix this, or even better, sell to a company that knows how to design proper user interfaces. C’mon people someone get this started - finding folks to sign on will not be difficult. This has to end.

First, you refuse to replace my non-working Sonos Move speaker, which is only two months past its warranty period. It's unacceptable that a $400 speaker should only last 14 months! But as if that wasn’t enough, you follow this first injustice by releasing an app update that renders my entire system worthless!  What is wrong with you people? I will never buy another Sonos product! What a huge disappointment! How do you guys release such a giant turd? Don’t you test this stuff at all prior to releasing it? Raise your standards before its too late!

We really need an open source alternative that can hack these devices back into a usable form. It just isn't this hard to stream MP3s across a wifi network. I can stream 4K video but apparently not a 20-year old music format. 

The speakers support UPnP; no hacking required. The only restriction is that you need to use the Sonos app to group/stereo pair.

To be honest I’m surprised people are still using the Sonos local library as the indexing is really quite limited (not even multi-value tag support!).

Can you please explain whether the limited SMB1 support will still allow to connect in Mac SONOMA to a NAS drive (time capsule) in the future? if so, how???

True Play not functioning with arc / gen 3 sub and era 300s 

love to get old app back. Very frustrating. 

Can you please explain whether the limited SMB1 support will still allow to connect in Mac SONOMA to a NAS drive (time capsule) in the future? if so, how???

Where did you read “limited SMB1 support”? On the release notes of 80.00.04 it states that “Sonos systems no longer support local library shares that use SMBv1”.

If time capsule only supports SMBv1 then I think you’re out of luck.

I would not expect the App to crash on a production Apple operating system, but I can see there being issues perhaps with an iOS public beta platform - Anyhow if the issues persist, it maybe best to first reproduce the issue, then immediately submit a Sonos system diagnostic report from within the Sonos App, note it’s reference and then contact/chat with Sonos Support via this LINK to discuss the matter in detail and see what the Staff can perhaps then suggest to resolve the matter.

It has been sometime when I had a regular ‘reproducible’ crash with an App, but note the time/date too, because you can then hand Support Staff the *.ips crash logs to help them see what happened and resolve the issue.

Hope you can get it sorted. 👍

Thank you.

I also did that.

Called the helpdesk from sonos and sent the log file.

And I am not on a beta.

And my daughter has the ios 17.4.1

There are more People with the same issue.

I hope they will fix it soon.


Ah I thought iOS 17.5 was still in public beta, but see that it’s now been released to all. Anyhow, I hope  Sonos App is fixed for your setup soon too.👍

I'm using the app on an iPad which I bought specifically to use as a Sonos controller. Just upgraded and am now thoroughly sorry that I did.

Minor nuisance: every time I start the app it nags me to turn on Bluetooth, which I don't use and prefer to keep off. Yes, Bluetooth is useful when adding a new speaker, but that isn't something I do many times a day.

Major failure: the new search doesn't allow me to search by track, artist, album, composer, etc. Without that ability, trying to find a specific piece of classical music, or a specific performance of that piece, is just blundering around in the dark. Worse, the new search doesn't work at all with my primary service, Classical Archives. The older version of the app on my iPod Touch still works fine, so the problem is not on their end.

Missing features: in addition to the many ones already discussed upstream, I miss the submenu on the currently playing track, which featured actions specific to that service.

At this point my best move is probably to switch back to the S1 system, which still does everything I need.
