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Your feedback on the new Sonos App

Hi Everyone

We moderators of the community - @Corry P@Jamie A & @Sotiris C. - wanted to take an opportunity to explain some of what is currently happening on the community.

First of all, we value all the feedback you are providing about the new Sonos App. We hear you. Feedback is coming in fast and thick, however - for understandable reasons - and to be frank, we are having trouble just keeping up with it all. For this reason, some topics that have not yet been replied to will go unanswered. We will, however, do our best to amalgamate some of these separate threads into bigger, related threads (such as one big thread for Alarm complaints and another for Queue Management) to be answered en-mass. The threads that are feedback on other aspects of the new app will be merged with this post.

Threads that describe issues such as missing rooms and app crashes (those that are not just feedback, in other words) will be answered, as will threads not relating to the new app in anyway, but these will take a bit longer than normal.

Please be aware that we are reading every post, we are recording and collating all feedback, and all of it will be passed over to the app software development team. In addition, we are doing our best to identify previously unidentified issues and report them to our technical teams.

We know many of you are concerned about certain features going missing, so let us take this opportunity to say that the following features are coming back:

  • Alarms management
  • Sleep timers
  • Queue management
  • Playlist editing

In addition and contrary to some speculation, local Music Library is not going anywhere, though SMBv1 support has been permanently removed. Local Music Library searching is something that is still being worked on.

We’d also like to thank everyone who has taken it upon themselves to help others here with their questions and concerns - we appreciate you all!

Thanks for listening - take care of yourselves, and each other.


Combined threads:

General feedback (not relating specifically to those below):

Queue management: 



Music Library:

Sleep Timers:


Please note that there is an official statement that can be read here.


The simple solution here is to allow us to roll-back to the old “S2” app.

For me, I simply cannot control my system with the new app. If I reset the app, I can see my system, but when I log-in, my entire system vanishes. After 10 or so attempts yesterday (a combination of re-installing / re-setting), I managed to see my system and be logged-in, but guess what happened when I closed the app down?

There is too much wrong in version 80.00 for it to be something that can be fixed “in live”. Please, please, please give us back the old app.


Yesterday I could search and play as usual on my Mac desktop app. Today Music Library disappeared and manage music library settings from Sonos desktop controller was empty. Also iPad and iPhone was showing Music Library now nothing. Updated to latest controller and trying to add path to NAS. I think I have name right but public link asking for username and password which shouldn’t be required. So just get an error.

Can’t be bothered to call as I’m certain lines will be deluged.


Absolute omni-shambles now I’m afraid!

If you installed the firmware update yesterday, Sonos removed support for smbv1 - if your NAS isn’t using smbv2/3 this may be the reason why your music disappeared. If not, lol who knows.

I don’t quite know why Sonos picked yesterday to roll this out, just potential adding on to the issues people are having.

Why couldn't smbv be downwardly compatible - not just kill servers with ver. 1?  (not that I understand this samba mystery cult 😛

Smbv v1 is vulnerable and removed from many products some time ago. Sonos was one of the last depending on it. First thing to do today was disabling v1 on my NAS and switch to minimum v2. At least this caused no additional problems.

Bring back the Sonos Android widget!!!!

Since I can’t play my music I have too much time to think LOL.  The posts others made about their stock got me thinking. Brief dip on the day the release of the new app and now it’s up again. Somewhere in a boardroom someone was saying and look at the increase in our website traffic after our new app launch! All the traffic from all of us whose systems are broken or hindered in some way hoping they will find a fix here.

I feel a little sorry for the customer facing guys. They must be getting swamped with nothing but irate customers. But Sonos has the solution in its own hands. The old app was perfectly serviceable. Bring it back and let the users decide when/whether they want to update.

In the German forum a guy wrote, that he has a new router and is not able to connect his Sonos to the new network. In the new settings dialogue you can remove the existing network, but it seems that they forgot to offer the opportunity to add a new one. Great work.



Why couldn't smbv be downwardly compatible - not just kill servers with ver. 1?  (not that I understand this samba mystery cult 😛

My understanding is Sonos disabled smb1 support, so they’ve removed compatibility. Yesterday compatible. Today no. Security is top priority along with accessibility etc.

In the German forum a guy wrote, that he has a new router and is not able to connect his Sonos to the new network. In the new settings dialogue you can remove the existing network, but it seems that they forgot to offer the opportunity to add a new one. Great work.


Yeah I feel for this guy I would be pissed off.

But over all it’s pretty freaking funny that Sonos removed the ability to edit Wifi networks on WiFi speakers. It’s something else 🤣



The Sonos android is the only app in years of android use which has triggered an update even when auto update is OFF for Play Store.   This behaviour verges on the criminal  - sort of software abduction.   Where's the FBI 😝🚨🚔🚓👮


And to add insult to injury it now wants to update the firmware - that'd be software with menaces, another indictable offence👮🚓😛



The Sonos android is the only app in years of android use which has triggered an update even when auto update is OFF for Play Store.   This behaviour verges on the criminal  - sort of software abduction.   Where's the FBI 😝🚨🚔🚓👮


And to add insult to injury it now wants to update the firmware - that'd be software with menaces, another indictable offece👮🚓😛

Is the alarm back?



The Sonos android is the only app in years of android use which has triggered an update even when auto update is OFF for Play Store.   This behaviour verges on the criminal  - sort of software abduction.   Where's the FBI 😝🚨🚔🚓👮


And to add insult to injury it now wants to update the firmware - that'd be software with menaces, another indictable offece👮🚓😛

I’ve installed the old app on a second (Android) phone. The update is offered, but not installed by force. Do you have a Samsung or other phone with a separate appstore? Maybe the update is triggered from there.

No - standard Playstore. 

It's going to blast my Local Music Library next - which still works on 16.1.


I don't have many files, but it's the principle of hijacking I actually detest 



The Sonos android is the only app in years of android use which has triggered an update even when auto update is OFF for Play Store.   This behaviour verges on the criminal  - sort of software abduction.   Where's the FBI 😝🚨🚔🚓👮


And to add insult to injury it now wants to update the firmware - that'd be software with menaces, another indictable offece👮🚓😛

Is the alarm back?

The only Alarm I'm interested in is the sound of squad cars racing toward Sonos HQ 🚓👮

Perversely enough, just about the only thing that is working is the alarm function.



The Sonos android is the only app in years of android use which has triggered an update even when auto update is OFF for Play Store.   This behaviour verges on the criminal  - sort of software abduction.   Where's the FBI 😝🚨🚔🚓👮


And to add insult to injury it now wants to update the firmware - that'd be software with menaces, another indictable offence👮🚓😛

Unless you turn off updates directly in the Sonos app it might update regardless of you're playstore settings

It's off in the app - I never allow any auto updates on my LAN 

(except where there's no way/option to stop updates). 


This abduction has now happened on 2 separate devices.  The first was a week ago and now again on. a different tablet. 

From the missing features to the “can’t find system” to queue problems to ease of use to ugly as crap aesthetics….this app is the worst. I signed up on the forums for the first time ever, just to say that if this isn’t fixed soon, i will sell off all my system and never come back to sonos. Every time you update an app, some problems are expected, but this has rendered my investment almost useless. No, I don’t want to spend 2 hours on the phone with you so that you can screw up my internet settings again and fix absolutely nothing. Btw, to anyone reading this- remember that sonos support are the same IT geniuses that built this app. 

After the update from today, the app still keeps crashing.

It takes about 2 seconds.

I own a Iphone 15 pro max ios 17.5 

And a Samsung with the newest android.

My daughter has the Iphone 12 pro max ios 17.4.1

All the phones keeps crashing.

The android came with a pop-up that the sonos app has a bug🙈🙈

The workarround is to turn off Wifi, then open the app, and then turn on the wifi.

Then the app won't crash.


Please fix




The Sonos android is the only app in years of android use which has triggered an update even when auto update is OFF for Play Store.   This behaviour verges on the criminal  - sort of software abduction.   Where's the FBI 😝🚨🚔🚓👮


And to add insult to injury it now wants to update the firmware - that'd be software with menaces, another indictable offence👮🚓😛

Unless you turn off updates directly in the Sonos app it might update regardless of you're playstore settings

Well, the firmware update has gone through.  Local library shows all the files BUT NOTHING PLAYS now. 

Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

In addition to the many issues with the new app roll out, could we PLEASE get an Apple lock screen widget to control the app?


In addition to the many issues with the new app roll out, could we PLEASE get an Apple lock screen widget to control the app?


Me too

For me, the loss of a short cut to the EQ settings from the Now Playing card is the most annoying omission in the new SONOS app on IOS. To adjust EQ now requires maneuvering away from your music, and going 3-4 clicks deep into the settings, and then returning. I hope that shortcut returns in the next upgrade.

I am a little step forward.

When I log off as owner the don't crash anymore.

When I log in again...the app crashed again.


Music library & queueing are the losses I feel most. Please, please, please let us roll back on iOS for mobile. 
