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Interested in class action against sonos?


Insofar as ways to move forward, might we be able to get a little team of lawyers together to pressure the board to respond to our concerns?



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215 replies

  • Enthusiast II
  • 40 replies
  • May 11, 2024

They appear to be closing these sorts of threads from having comments added to them.


Guess they don’t like being called out for deliberately destroying their brand and user confidence.

  • Contributor I
  • 8 replies
  • May 11, 2024

Absolutely time for a class action lawsuit against sonos. 

  • 27674 replies
  • May 11, 2024

So what exactly are the damages you seek compensation for in this class action suit?  And are they enough to pay for the legal expenses of the lawyer(s) who take the case?  Because unless you can answer those questions to the affirmative, all the melodramatic threats of lawsuits are just silly posturing.  

Back here in reality, you and I have 2 choices:

  1. Wait and see if Sonos makes right on their screwup by fixing the problems.
  2. Sell our Sonos devices and buy something else.

So choose one.  

  • Enthusiast II
  • 40 replies
  • May 11, 2024
jgatie wrote:

So what exactly are the damages you seek compensation for in this class action suit?  And are they enough to pay for the legal expenses of the lawyer(s) who take the case?  Because unless you can answer those questions to the affirmative, all the melodramatic threats of lawsuits are just silly posturing.  

Back here in reality, you and I have 2 choices:

  1. Wait and see if Sonos makes right on their screwup by fixing the problems.
  2. Sell our Sonos devices and buy something else.

So choose one.  

Wrong. If a lawyer thinks it has a good chance of being profitable, it can happen. It’s the lawyers that make all the money.

  • 27674 replies
  • May 11, 2024
Dr. Cogent wrote:
jgatie wrote:

So what exactly are the damages you seek compensation for in this class action suit?  And are they enough to pay for the legal expenses of the lawyer(s) who take the case?  Because unless you can answer those questions to the affirmative, all the melodramatic threats of lawsuits are just silly posturing.  

Back here in reality, you and I have 2 choices:

  1. Wait and see if Sonos makes right on their screwup by fixing the problems.
  2. Sell our Sonos devices and buy something else.

So choose one.  

Wrong. If a lawyer thinks it has a good chance of being profitable, it can happen. It’s the lawyers that make all the money.


Uhhhh, isn’t that what I said?  The trick is actually finding a lawyer who thinks it can be profitable.

  • 42556 replies
  • May 11, 2024

It’s been a while since I read the terms you agree to when using Sonos’ software (and hardware). I’m pretty sure any lawyer will refuse to take action. 

  • 27674 replies
  • May 11, 2024
Airgetlam wrote:

It’s been a while since I read the terms you agree to when using Sonos’ software (and hardware). I’m pretty sure any lawyer will refuse to take action. 


Yep.  If the class action of one single person in the CR100 case wasn’t successful, and the dozens of lawsuits threatened in the S1/S2 case never came to pass, this one is dead on arrival. 

  • Contributor I
  • 8 replies
  • May 11, 2024

Ive been reading that they are all about Sonos headphones which seems a bit of a joke as if your not at home the Sonos app is as useless as the new update.. If can’t stream your music to even your car stereo how can it play to headphones,, This latest update is a real slap in the face,,


  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 12, 2024

If you have a full home theatre that is less useful than the damages add up.

  • 0 replies
  • May 12, 2024
jgatie wrote:
Airgetlam wrote:

It’s been a while since I read the terms you agree to when using Sonos’ software (and hardware). I’m pretty sure any lawyer will refuse to take action. 


Yep.  If the class action of one single person in the CR100 case wasn’t successful, and the dozens of lawsuits threatened in the S1/S2 case never came to pass, this one is dead on arrival. 

For once I’m in agreement with Jgatie — it had to happen sooner or later.  😄.  The notion is totally nonsense.   You’ve been dealt a buggy app.  We all have.   Just try to be a little grown up about it and  wait for the bug fixes.  If you’re not that enamoured with it sell it and move on with your life.  There is just something a little skewed about a person’s character if your first thought about any hiccup in your life is to turn to litigation.  

Wow look Jgatie — we’ll be drinking buddies next !! 

  • Contributor I
  • 8 replies
  • May 15, 2024

I am gathering a list of individuals whose Sonos hardware has been renderened inoperable by the recent app update. If you have experienced any of these bugs which prevent devices from being registered or used on your system, please contact me directly:

  • "Owner must be logged in" loop bug
  • "Managed Networks" page empty bug
  • "System network unavailable" bug
  • "Unable to register your Sonos product" bug

Note that this class action lawsuit is not regarding missing app features removed in the recent update, but rather hardware-breaking bugs in the new software.

Alonzo Mosley
Airgetlam wrote:

I’m pretty sure any lawyer will refuse to take action. 

Then they have a lot in common with Sonos.

Alonzo Mosley
Andrew-s wrote:

 Just try to be a little grown up about it and  wait for the bug fixes.

Thousands of dollars of hardware is inoperable. This isn’t “Oh, drat, I don’t like the colors of the bubbles on my News Feed.”

This was something paying customers did not request, do not want, and renders their purchase useless. So while I “grow up” and “wait for the bug fixes”, I can listen to… the dishwasher?

  • 0 replies
  • May 15, 2024
Alonzo Mosley wrote:
Andrew-s wrote:

 Just try to be a little grown up about it and  wait for the bug fixes.

Thousands of dollars of hardware is inoperable. This isn’t “Oh, drat, I don’t like the colors of the bubbles on my News Feed.”

This was something paying customers did not request, do not want, and renders their purchase useless. So while I “grow up” and “wait for the bug fixes”, I can listen to… the dishwasher?

No, sure I get that.  Having your kit inoperable is altogether more serious.  I was kinda irked more about the (literally) hundreds of people seemingly on the edge of despair because they couldn’t set alarms.  

On a more serious note it does seem that those who were able to roll back (Android users, that is) were able to rediscover their systems, so there is evidence that the hardware itself has not been ‘broken’ in any way.  This seems to be a discovery bug in the new app, which appears to be affecting those with older generation hardware.  If the hardware is discoverable in the old app it’s probable a fix will be found on the new app.   That doesn’t help you today and maybe Sonos should make a comment on these issues.  I wish you luck  and would hope that a fix is quickly found.

  • Lyricist III
  • 6 replies
  • May 15, 2024

@Andrew-s, imagine your 89 year old mother is visiting and wants to listen to her favorite every day radio show at 6 pm. At home she can easily do that - she just has to press a button on her good old fashioned radio. But at your home she is not able to use your highly sophisticated aparatusses because she doesn’t know how it works. And you have gone out of the house and won’t be back until 7 pm. But her show starts at 6. So what do you do? Well, you could easily make your mother happy by setting an alarm for her. 

Please bear with people complaining about not being able to set an alarm. Other people’s habits might differ from your’s. 


  • 0 replies
  • May 15, 2024
Yekla wrote:

@Andrew-s, imagine your 89 year old mother is visiting and wants to listen to her favorite every day radio show at 6 pm. At home she can easily do that - she just has to press a button on her good old fashioned radio. But at your home she is not able to use your highly sophisticated aparatusses because she doesn’t know how it works. And you have gone out of the house and won’t be back until 7 pm. But her show starts at 6. So what do you do? Well, you could easily make your mother happy by setting an alarm for her. 

Please bear with people complaining about not being able to set an alarm. Other people’s habits might differ from your’s. 


The complaint is valid — I don’t use alarms but I can understand the inconvenience if you did.  But the vitriol, hatred, and borderline abuse in some of the comments (and yesterday’s AMA) would show that (again — while valid) the issue was blown out of all proportion, especially as the remedy was only 1 week.  I remain sympathetic to those who have ‘lost’ their system.  And I’m sympathetic to your 89yr old mother (if that was a real case scenario😋), but to everyone else — we’ve been given the timetable for reinstated features.  We would all like it to be yesterday, but we know it isn’t — but a little proportionally is needed here — heaven forbid some of these people encounter a real crisis in their lives.  

  • 27674 replies
  • May 15, 2024

Borderline abuse?  Sure, after the Mods got rid of the actual abuse. 

  • 1767 replies
  • May 15, 2024
Yekla wrote:

@Andrew-s, imagine your 89 year old mother is visiting and wants to listen to her favorite every day radio show at 6 pm. At home she can easily do that - she just has to press a button on her good old fashioned radio. But at your home she is not able to use your highly sophisticated aparatusses because she doesn’t know how it works. And you have gone out of the house and won’t be back until 7 pm. But her show starts at 6. So what do you do? Well, you could easily make your mother happy by setting an alarm for her. 

Please bear with people complaining about not being able to set an alarm. Other people’s habits might differ from your’s. 


We all know the update was a disaster. You don’t need to create ridiculous scenarios. I mean cause actually with the new system you could log in to and play the station for your mom instead of using alarms. 

  • Lyricist I
  • 1 reply
  • May 16, 2024


Sonos won't return my replies.

My home has been sonos for 8 plus years. Is there any eta for a fix? I can't access anything. 

I have been using my phone for any music as sonos is all we own. Do we need to replace thousands of dollars of equipment at  who's cost?

Yes put my name on any class action you move with here.

John Navone 

  • Prodigy II
  • 1893 replies
  • May 16, 2024
Jnavone2014 wrote:


Sonos won't return my replies.

They’re probably quite busy?


Jnavone2014 wrote:

My home has been sonos for 8 plus years. Is there any eta for a fix? I can't access anything. 

Yes, I’ve read anything from 4-6 weeks, but things will be fixed. They’re hardly going to not fix things.


Jnavone2014 wrote:

I have been using my phone for any music as sonos is all we own. Do we need to replace thousands of dollars of equipment




Jnavone2014 wrote:

at  who's cost?

Yours, if that’s the route you select.


Jnavone2014 wrote:

Yes put my name on any class action you move with here.

John Navone 

Better start saving to contribute to this class action as it will cost you a lot of money. (Your proceeds from the sale of your Sonos speakers should help.)


  • 1767 replies
  • May 16, 2024

“Yes, I’ve read anything from 4-6 weeks, but things will be fixed. They’re hardly going to not fix things.”

They “fixed” alarms already, except there’s a bug and the alarms don’t go off at the right time. Some people don’t actually have the alarms, the update didn’t add it. There’s no facility to adjust times or sync to internet time. This is missing, one of the many other things they need to put back. 

The push to fix things in 4-6 week isn’t off to a great start. 

  • Lyricist III
  • 7 replies
  • May 17, 2024

Half of my system has diapered with the new update. This is not about missing features, this is about thousands of dollars in equipment that is now unusable. 


I spoke with technical support and they basically said I'm screwed.


  • Lyricist III
  • 7 replies
  • May 17, 2024
jgatie wrote:

So what exactly are the damages you seek compensation for in this class action suit?  And are they enough to pay for the legal expenses of the lawyer(s) who take the case?  Because unless you can answer those questions to the affirmative, all the melodramatic threats of lawsuits are just silly posturing.  

Back here in reality, you and I have 2 choices:

  1. Wait and see if Sonos makes right on their screwup by fixing the problems.
  2. Sell our Sonos devices and buy something else.

So choose one.  



Thousand of dollars in equipment that is now unusable and how about some punitive damages for releasing   completely destructive software? I just spent about 1.4hr with support just to be told I'm screwed. maybe it gets fixed in “weeks” 


Re: Damages: The amount of damages would be a function of the net cost to consumers of the entire history of SONOS products as the new app has rendered alll products ever sold by the company useless.  

Also, this is clearly a case of negligence, which would render damages punitive.  That alone will attract legal interest.  

Waiting.  Hmm.  Is that a strategy or a surrender?    

  • 27674 replies
  • May 22, 2024

All this talk about a lawsuit, but not one visit to a lawyer.  I suggest that would be the first step one would take if one were serious, not making blustering posts on a company forum. 


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