
Sonos App Redesign AMA

Sonos App Redesign AMA

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770 replies

Userlevel 4

So many features missing, but one of the CORE BASIC functions of a CONTROLLER app should be to CONTROL what songs play and in what order. However, I can't really do that because you removed any kind of queue management. How is this remotely a useful controller app?

How is something that eliminated half the features an "upgrade"? I do not think that word means what you think it means.

Btw, please be aware that many of us are waiting for some kind of apology before we're willing to trust you for anything again. Please acknowledge that you have done damage here. Otherwise it seems like you just don't get what basically ALL of your customers are saying, and I see no reason to spend any more money on any of your products in the future.


Userlevel 1

Wow... what the heck is Hhappening?

Userlevel 4

I cannot comment enough on the level of disrespect you are showing your customer base by not fixing this AMA…total radio silence.  Where is the video link, panel to answer questions???  This is absolutely appalling…you don’t deserve to be in business!

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Why should we trust Sonos?

Userlevel 2

For everyone who is waiting, it can take a while unfortunately.The whole Management is looking for the trainee and Stevie wonder who developed this app. 

Userlevel 1

Everyone should send an email to the CEO right now so he can watch this horrific failure:


Userlevel 4

Re Muting speakers:

When will the mute function return?

Apparently it’s been relocated to this AMA.


Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Re: Checking battery charge level on portable devices


This used to show up at a glance when you viewed your list of speakers. Now it’s buried three layers deep and you have to check each device individually, then back out and click some more to get to the next device. When will this be fixed?

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Why should we continue to invest in your speakers given how dismissive you have been of the issues raised about the new app?

Userlevel 2

This just gets a stockholder and as someone who has always pushed and bragged about your products, I am truly disappointed (once again).

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

so is nobody from sonos going to answer to the angry public and own up to the mistakes you have made??

everybody involved in releasing this app should either be fired or stand down immediately!!

This app is a complete disaster, and I think everybody here will agree with that. The only way forward it to pull this app and rerelease the old one and go back to  the drawing board. 

Scrap the new app and start again but when the new one is finally ready with all the existing features, present and working, only then should it be released to the public

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

re: iOS

Why are the radius corners on the boxes so round? Even on the bottom?

  • it’s very extravagant
  • it’s a waste of valuable screen space

What is the design logic? UI logic? UX logic?

Userlevel 5
Badge +1

@Mike R. H. -


What’s happening here?? Is there actually going to be a response from ANYONE from Sonos in this AMA?



Userlevel 6
Badge +1

Perhaps we should all have a sing-song while we wait for somebody from Sonos to show up.  

Userlevel 6
Badge +5

Now that you are centrally gathering usage data from every single device (to make the web app work) is it your intention to sell any of that data, or any statistics derived from that data, to third parties?

Userlevel 5

The whole Management is looking for the trainee and Stevie wonder who developed this app. 

Ignoring the ableist joke to point out that had Stevie Wonder been involved, blind users wouldn’t have lost screen reader functionality. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Folks it’s time to report this to the tech pubs (Wired, GeekWire, Consumer Reports, +++)

This LAME AMA further shows Sonos is laughing at us en mass.   Wasting more of our precious time. 


Userlevel 4
Badge +4

30 minutes in and nothing from the Sonos Team. I’m off.

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

Does share any technical underpinnings with the SONOS pro web service?

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

Maybe the Sonos team is waiting for us to leave before they start.

Userlevel 3

I still can’t find the link to actually listen to the AMA. Is it here but inaccessible somehow? Could someone please just add the direct link?

Userlevel 7
Badge +3

I had the app push an update out to my speakers today and it broke what WAS working.  Plus it won’t let me update my music library with the old app on my un-updated iPad. 

Does the new app completely deprecate SonosNet?  Because I am using a Boost too and it seems to always want to run my speakers on regular WiFi.

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

30 mins in now with no replies from Sonos.  This is absolutely riveting! 

Userlevel 3

Maybe they've all been fired. 🤷‍♂️

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

All panelists from this AMA are MIA...