
Sonos App Redesign AMA

Sonos App Redesign AMA

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770 replies

Userlevel 4

I thought this was funny but it’s just sad now. 
Management are panicking, no one has the balls to speak up, that’s a team lead by fear. 

Userlevel 3

Wow, a new app update. I knew I shouldn't have held my breath... You've now put a search bar exactly where everyone's thumb first touches a phone screen to scroll up, now resulting in constantly bringing up the keyboard. 






I imagine it's only a matter of time before you also brick the previous app, to force people to update to this terrible mess.

Userlevel 5
Badge +2

Are you planning on restocking the milk on aisle 5 at Tesco express anytime tonight, or should I just continue to keep on waiting? 

Userlevel 2

Everyone should send an email to the CEO right now so he can watch this horrific failure:


You know that they probably don’t even read them, especially with this sh*tstorm they inflicted upon themselves.  They are all hiding. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Everyone should send an email to the CEO right now so he can watch this horrific failure:



Userlevel 5
Badge +1

Maybe Tucker will respond if we send questions his way via X (Twitter)?



Userlevel 4
Badge +1

look at it from the bright side,.. 

software team is preparing a roll back

Userlevel 2

Strange that the shares of sonos, at least for the moment, not seems to have a big influence on this absolute disaster software release,… 


Userlevel 6
Badge +4

Why are any of us surprised by this? The Exec team clearly couldn’t run a p!55 up in brewery.


They have probably got a sanitised version with company stooges being filmed asking them how did such a splendid job.
We have been dumped in the trouble-maker group.

Userlevel 5
Badge +4

I still can’t find the link to actually listen to the AMA. Is it here but inaccessible somehow? Could someone please just add the direct link?

This is it, like a Reddit AMA.

Userlevel 7
Badge +8

How did you prioritise the feature set of the new app?

  • The popping up sliders for each zone in the group is important!
  • It was quite nice, that the former app could kind of foresee, that you might be starting music in the wrong room/zone, so it rather asked you by popping up the overview in order for you to select a different one.. 

Could you please bring that back?

Userlevel 1

Hi, long time user of Sonos products here.  Primary use mode is a large local library from shared directory on internal hard drive.  So far have been able to navigate the new app, with some learning curve.  It looks nice.


The queue management features are important to me, primarily: 

  1. Ability to add music to end of queue
  2. I do like to edit (move position and delete) songs in the queue. 

Until these features return, I've found a workaround which is to create larger custom imported playlists and then update the music library from the PC app. 

Can you tell me if these desirable queue management features will be returning, and if so, approximately when?  Thank you devs.


edit:  the ability to ‘Update Music Library' from the app is also very desirable to have back

Userlevel 2

Does courageous mean something else at Sonos?  It’s not the first word that comes to mind when you rush out an app and then don’t show up for your AMA.  Serious question, what was your definition of ready for the release?

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Re: Messages to update on iOS devices - Afraid to update right now!


I have so far only updated one device. Since I couldn’t do what I needed on that device, I’ve prevented my other devices from updating. So far, I can still use the older app on other devices, which I’m happy about. But now one of the other devices tells me I need a systems update. Is this a firmware update to the speakers, or an app update? If I continue to update the one device with the new app, will this ruin my ability to use the older app on the other devices? 




Userlevel 3

Perhaps they are all drunk down the pub….

Userlevel 2

After the latest update, I am unable to play my local files (Synology NAS server) because “Music Library no longer in “Your Sources.” How do I access my Local Library again. 

Userlevel 3

If the event is starting late for some reason it would at least be nice if Sonos staff could let everyone know what’s happening. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

I don’t understand why you would go to such lengths to publicize this event and then, just...not show up?!

Userlevel 1

Is there a new PC/Mac version on the Road map...? 

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Would somebody please ask The Verge what is going on?

Userlevel 3

As an investor, it is incredibly disheartening to see so many loyal customers questioning their loyalty. I think a direct approach to owning up to your mistakes is going to be the best way forward, but I have not seen any hints that this will be happening. Instead, your leadership looks cowardly hiding behind platitudes and corporate jargon. 


Will you own up to making this mistake and how will you ensure your customers and investors can continue to trust you moving forward? Will the team commit to owning up to their work...the good and the bad?

Userlevel 4
Badge +1

For everyone who is waiting, it can take a while unfortunately.The whole Management is looking for the trainee and Stevie wonder who developed this app. 

He wouldn't have screwed up accessibility at least 😅

Flutter is awesome - write once, run anywhere looks absolutely amazing on some Powerpoint slide...

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

How about we DM the members of the board of directors? Would that help with this..situation?

Really, I don’t know anymore. 

Userlevel 4

Maybe they start answering questions when posts got 1000+++ likes?


Could you please like my post???? 😅