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random muting on my system

My entire system mutes randomly and without touching any buttons, The voice Assistance not activated and that's not what appears to be causing it. Are there any solutions? I have updated my system. 

The problem has been acknowledged by Sonos. 

The latest firmware / software has made it worst.

It used to happen few times a week now it's few times a day.…


Another great update from sonos. Keep on the good work guys!


The problem has been acknowledged by Sonos. 

The latest firmware / software has made it worst.

It used to happen few times a week now it's few times a day.…


Another great update from sonos. Keep on the good work guys!


Yeah, i think they are totally overwhelmed  with the new software. i bet my ass that the decison to renew the software was business driven...

The problem has been acknowledged by Sonos. 

The latest firmware / software has made it worst.

It used to happen few times a week now it's few times a day.…


Another great update from sonos. Keep on the good work guys!


Yeah, i think they are totally overwhelmed  with the new software. i bet my ass that the decison to renew the software was business driven...

I suspect they also had a lot of legacy code that was blocking them to improve efficiently the app. Legacy is by definition harder and harder to maintain.

The big mistake they made was to deliver the app in a really unfinished state (I am being polite...)

Someone from the board has aggreed to press the button because their new shiny headphone was only compatible with the new app and the marteking was all in the pipeline with a fixed date for the product release ( advertising etc...)

In 6 months, customers will have forgotten this mess and only few of us will completely leave Sonos (I think) 

I uninstalled the app from my phone and none of my speakers have muted on me since.

Other than adding new speakers I don’t even know what the app is supposed to be for so I’m just going to stick with this as my solution for the foreseeable future.

I uninstalled the app from my phone and none of my speakers have muted on me since.

Other than adding new speakers I don’t even know what the app is supposed to be for so I’m just going to stick with this as my solution for the foreseeable future.

I can’t find any other way to enable night mode or speech enhacement.

I uninstalled the app from my phone and none of my speakers have muted on me since.

Other than adding new speakers I don’t even know what the app is supposed to be for so I’m just going to stick with this as my solution for the foreseeable future.

I can’t find any other way to enable night mode or speech enhacement.

It’s a PITA, but you can control all aspects of your Sonos setup from HomeAssistant.  It’s how I’m able to turn night mode on/off with Alexa voice commands (custom built Alexa app that interfaces with HomeAssistant, which in turn passes the commands onto Sonos).

Also adding my voice here - we’ve been finding our Arc/Sub3 has been randomly muting itself over the last week or so.  Totally unacceptable.  Did you guys just the QA department over there or what? 

Fix this.

My entire system mutes randomly and without touching any buttons, The voice Assistance not activated and that's not what appears to be causing it. Are there any solutions? I have updated my system. 

So far mine are only muting overnight - which is still extremely irritating.  I noticed it first on my Beam Gen 2 centered system about a week ago - all 4 speakers had the green light on - didn’t think much of it.  Then a couple of days later I noticed the same thing with my Arc system, which is the one that gets the most use - now it’s always muted when I check in the morning - and finally my Move in the bedroom a couple of days ago is now also green lighting overnight.

Looks like Sonos are sitting on their hands again instead of sorting it out, or at least communicating openly about it and giving some kind of estimate as to when it will be fixed.


Given this topic has over 4k views, this seems pretty pervasive issue for users, but I figure the more people write in, the more weight this issue might carry to get resolved.  I’ve got 2 x Sonos One and 2 x IKEA Symfonisk speakers.  For the past several days they have all been muting overnight (green light).  

Please fix this Sonos!  

I’ve also been experiencing the same app issues as some other users have posted in this thread with the app not finding my system from one day to the next with no changes to my wifi, no outages, etc.


Not much Sonos can do from a simple report in a forum.  The next time this happens, submit a diagnostic and contact Sonos with the reference number.  That will open a ticket and get it assigned, and Sonos will get some data on how or what caused the muting. 

I have sent several diagnostics. Big problem  is I cannot contact Sonos.

Muting over night happens during play back in my kids nursery. This is really annoying 

It's been happening to me for two weeks now. I'm returning my Era 100's and selling my one SL's. The app is garbage. People pay premium prices for their product and the software is terrible.

Added my name to the list. I've been experiencing this randomly for a while.

I have an Arc with 2 SLs, also 2 separate 'Ones' and a Roam.

Mine randomly mute - mostly overnight - variously all or some of them. 

I agree with many that the new app is rubbish - I've tried but just can't get on with it! 

The problem has been acknowledged by Sonos. 

The latest firmware / software has made it worst.

It used to happen few times a week now it's few times a day.…


Another great update from sonos. Keep on the good work guys!


Yeah, i think they are totally overwhelmed  with the new software. i bet my ass that the decison to renew the software was business driven...

I suspect they also had a lot of legacy code that was blocking them to improve efficiently the app. Legacy is by definition harder and harder to maintain.

The big mistake they made was to deliver the app in a really unfinished state (I am being polite...)

Someone from the board has aggreed to press the button because their new shiny headphone was only compatible with the new app and the marteking was all in the pipeline with a fixed date for the product release ( advertising etc...)

In 6 months, customers will have forgotten this mess and only few of us will completely leave Sonos (I think) 

That's what they are hoping. I'm trapped because of the amount of product I have. But I highly doubt I will ever add another component to my system. They would have to be really on sale. Like 50 % off.

I wanted to chime in too because I was looking up this issue. It started a few days ago for me for both my Sonos systems (Arc, two ERA 300s, Sub Gen 3) and (Arc, two One SLs, Sub Mini). They all seems to mute throughout the day and I work from home so it is quite annoying to have to tell ‘Hey Sonos, unmute’ multiple times throughout the day.


I have been a Sonos user/fan since the earlier days (I still have my Gen1 Five for music in the garage). There has been quirks throughout the years, but this is probably the most annoying thing that I have run across.

Q&A tomorrow with Keith from Sonos on the subreddit.  Make some noise in this thread to see if we can get an update:

Also happening here as well - same exact random muting.  All over the house, all different types of Sonos products (sound bar, One SL’s and Roam) - 7 in total.


One would have thought Sonos would have beta tested their new software before mandating a user-wide software update.  Who is running the ship over there?  Sonos just moved themselves down a few pegs in terms of best in class products/software.  Sad to see.

Submitted diagnostic.


Moderator Note: Removed and recorded diagnostics number.

I'm having the exact same issue as well as the app not finding my system error all the time. Whilst I get progress needs to be made, the release of the new app has been a complete shambles. I've been a loyal Sonos user for many years, but I will never buy a Sonos product again. There have been too many issues, not only with the app, but also the products themselves. It seems that Sonos have dropped loyal customers for the release of a new product, with little support or understanding of what the consequences will be.

I'm having the exact same issue as well as the app not finding my system error all the time. Whilst I get progress needs to be made, the release of the new app has been a complete shambles. I've been a loyal Sonos user for many years, but I will never buy a Sonos product again. There have been too many issues, not only with the app, but also the products themselves. It seems that Sonos have dropped loyal customers for the release of a new product, with little support or understanding of what the consequences will be.

I feel the exact same way and just as I was reading this response I glanced over at my arc and saw the dreaded green light. Grrrr


Woke at 2:30 am to the bright mute glare in the bedroom from “Ray”

Unlike others, I will not be submitting a diagnostic report, there really is no point.

SONOS are fully aware of the issues, and thus far continue to drag their heels.

Other posters have spoke about a “loyal customer base”, the manufacturer is clearly is not bothered about customers satisfaction, or why would they have pushed through such an abomination of an app, which will ultimately churn users to another manufacturers products.

I have the same behavior since a week or two on my sonos five 2nd gen. Probably after the last firmware update.

Every day I set the volume and every morning my Sonos five is muted (green light).

What is also annoying, is that the green light keeps on, even if the “status light” is turned off in the settings.

A fix would be greatly appreciated.

It’s my first Sonos product and find it unreliable so far. Plexamp casting is not working and now this green light issue. I bought Sonos for the simplicity and quality, I wouldn’t have thought it would be so restrictive and bugged. Especially for that price!!


It’s my first Sonos product and find it unreliable so far. Plexamp casting is not working and now this green light issue. I bought Sonos for the simplicity and quality, I wouldn’t have thought it would be so restrictive and bugged. Especially for that price!!


What I find unbelievable, is that this post was started 10 days ago, it is accessible by SONOS, both through your registered user account, and their database as a user of their products…


No comment of any form, as to ownership of the fault, let alone a timescale for a fix by SONOS.

Contacting tech support (really… have you nothing better to do?), is unbelievably slow!


You could not make it up!

Experiencing same  issue -- I just spoke to support and shared a diagnostic code

Their response:

We would like to inform you that we are aware of the issue and currently working and investigating, and do not currently have an ETA.


Nothing to do except keep a look out for a update the fixes the issue.

Experiencing same  issue -- I just spoke to support and shared a diagnostic code

Their response:

We would like to inform you that we are aware of the issue and currently working and investigating, and do not currently have an ETA.


Nothing to do except keep a look out for a update the fixes the issue.

What they could do, as a temporary fix is to give us access to the previous "working" version, to side load on our phones.

This would:

1) Let us use our very expensive limited use Sonos products.

2) Prove whether this is the app or firmware updates to the products causing all the grief.

3) Stop pi££ing off its customer base.

Maybe someone actually from Sonos can comment on here

This has been happening to me as well for the last week+. I have 10 rooms (12 devices) of Sonos in my house, and every morning when I wake up, ALL rooms are muted. Every morning. So frustrating. And since the new app acts like I have never set up a Sonos system half the time I open it, it’s an even bigger problem. 

Same issue here so adding to the chain in the hope Sonos take this seriously.

Absolutely shocking experience since the new App and so disappointed with Sonos as a whole right now.