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random muting on my system

My entire system mutes randomly and without touching any buttons, The voice Assistance not activated and that's not what appears to be causing it. Are there any solutions? I have updated my system. 

Arc (TV connected)

Beam  + gen1 sub (the big'un)





Roam gen1


All muting together. Not just over night. This has happened during the day too. Since the big change to the app, nothing but issue's. From finding speakers to volume not changing or randomly lowering. 

My Boost might as well not be here. Hasn't seen connection/use for month's. 

Everything went sideways when the assistant and Google feud kicked off. I honestly don't know why I haven't ditched them. The 300's where a benefit of the doubt. And I was considering the Amp or connect for my Project1. 


Diagnostic report: *********** @0948hrs 25/6/2024

Slightly different today in that not all of them have muted. Just the play:1 and Arc. 


Moderator Note: Recorded and removed Diagnostics Number. Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.

This reply from Sonos only addresses the Muting.…

Thank you all for your assistance - we have identified an issue making speakers randomly set their volume to 0 and are investigating. We will update this thread once a fix has been implemented.


What about the obviously related issues like no product found, constant lagging, room info showing wrong info on what is playing. The previous version of the app may have had some problems and was not the prettiest but I wish I could go back to it.

Just adding to this thread with the same problem.   Speaker mutes itself randomly.  Solid green light.  Usually happens overnight when using white noise on Sonos 5.   

We have the same randomly sets volume to zero

4 days ago they said, that they will look into this issue. i am sure that a lot of customers are affected by this bug. So i wonder why the hell they take so long...,🤔

4 days ago they said, that they will look into this issue. i am sure that a lot of customers are affected by this bug. So i wonder why the hell they take so long...,🤔

The problem is it is loads of other issues too.

Happening on all my speakers as well. Call support? There is a 90 min wait time. I haven't been able to verify my email ever since the 1st update. It's one issue after the next. First I had no voice assistant. Then it wasn't finding my system. Then the email issue. Now the muting on all my speakers. It's maddening!!!

Looks like this has been resolved in my household, no more auto muting. 

Now can we please pick an app design and stick with it?

I have just spoken to support, who claim this issue is not being tracked internally at all. Anyone got a support case where they acknowledged the issue instead of falling back to the standard troubleshooting?

I have just spoken to support, who claim this issue is not being tracked internally at all. Anyone got a support case where they acknowledged the issue instead of falling back to the standard troubleshooting?

Ugh. Thank you for seeing it through and getting it reported . Most frustrating company ever. Probably cause we are trapped in thousands of dollars. Usually you'd just ditch the product. But we can't. We're stuck dealing with their inadequacy, while they continue to not put their customers needs first.

1487703965 is another diagnostic Sonos because the Speaker that is my alarm tp get me up in an hours time for work had just muted again. Which it does every single night in the small hours. I cannot get to speak to anyone. I think they know who is contacting them so choose to say no agents available.

I have just spoken to support, who claim this issue is not being tracked internally at all. Anyone got a support case where they acknowledged the issue instead of falling back to the standard troubleshooting?

Support acknowledged my issue but could not see anything on my diagnostic report. That was 5 days ago. I was told to send a diagnostic next time it happened and contact support. Well I have submitted a diagnostic many times since but cannot get through to support everytime. My case no is 06448670. Diagnostic sent 10 mins ago. Does anyone at Sonos fancy contacting me. I am getting no help at all and wasting so much time.

1487703965 is another diagnostic Sonos because the Speaker that is my alarm tp get me up in an hours time for work had just muted again. Which it does every single night in the small hours. I cannot get to speak to anyone. I think they know who is contacting them so choose to say no agents available.

Just joined queue to speak to support. Made me wait in queue. When it got to my turn it said no agents available. Sonos must be choosing who they speak to. I am disgusted after years of being a loyal customer.

I am experiencing the same issue on my Roam. Diagnostic report added

I am experiencing the same issue on my Roam. Diagnostic report added

They do not try and help.

As usual TV and Ray just gone into mute/zero volume.

I ask the same question again…

Is there anyone from SONOS actually monitoring these posts. Obviosly not........

Same issue, though mine is not only overnight. 

Have a Beam, 2 X Roams, a Move, One, and a Symfonisk lamp. 

Most annoying that the whole system, including the Beam, will drop to mute while watching TV. 

I will happily submit a diagnostic if required, if it's actually going to make any difference? I've never done this if someone could kindly advise me how. 

This is also happening on my playbar, it is incredibly frustrating

This is also happening on my playbar, it is incredibly frustrating

They surely must be able to fix this. Or do they want to.


Any chance they fix this issue soon? Keeps happening to me. I’ve done all the troubleshooting necessary, but nothing works. At this point I might as well use the warranty but if it is entirely a software problem, then any replacement would have the same issue…

Ive been using sonos 8 years. Its definately the new app. I have so much invested now i am stuck with it.

That app is just a problem. Whenever I open it initially, it never finds my devices. I have to close it initially and reopen for it to find my devices. Every single time without fail.

That app is just a problem. Whenever I open it initially, it never finds my devices. I have to close it initially and reopen for it to find my devices. Every single time without fail.

Yes that now happens to me too. Nearly every time. Never used to.

Given this topic has over 4k views, this seems pretty pervasive issue for users, but I figure the more people write in, the more weight this issue might carry to get resolved.  I’ve got 2 x Sonos One and 2 x IKEA Symfonisk speakers.  For the past several days they have all been muting overnight (green light).  

Please fix this Sonos!  

I’ve also been experiencing the same app issues as some other users have posted in this thread with the app not finding my system from one day to the next with no changes to my wifi, no outages, etc.

Given this topic has over 4k views, this seems pretty pervasive issue for users, but I figure the more people write in, the more weight this issue might carry to get resolved.  I’ve got 2 x Sonos One and 2 x IKEA Symfonisk speakers.  For the past several days they have all been muting overnight (green light).  

Please fix this Sonos!  

I’ve also been experiencing the same app issues as some other users have posted in this thread with the app not finding my system from one day to the next with no changes to my wifi, no outages, etc.


Not much Sonos can do from a simple report in a forum.  The next time this happens, submit a diagnostic and contact Sonos with the reference number.  That will open a ticket and get it assigned, and Sonos will get some data on how or what caused the muting.