The New Sonos iOS app is absolutely terrible. If you haven’t upgraded yet please please don’t. There are so many missing features and bugs to boot. It looks like an pre-Alpha version of software rushed to market without being properly tested or checked.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Sonos bring back the S2 app for download on the App Store. If I could downgrade I would do it in a heartbeat. I’m a long time user and fan of Sonos products but frankly this is a big miss a disaster. This new app is almost unusable. This is Sonos’s Windows Vista moment.
Please listen to your users Sonos, negative feedback is everywhere now. Please give us back the S2 app whilst this one goes back to the drawing board or perhaps the trash can.
New SONOS iOS app (May 2024) is TOTAL RUBBISH!!
It’s probably worth me repeating here what I said on another thread….
Even if Sonos do manage to get this new app in a state that is somewhere near as usable as the one it replaced, I will never trust them again.
The way they have treated their loyal customers with both arrogance and ignorance has taught me a final lesson that they believe they can do what they want and we as users do not matter to them. I have forgiven them in the past for promising the earth when S2 was released which made me have to scrap a lot of my Sonos hardware (zp90 x 2, zp120, cr200, cr100) and they never took the S2 software to the level I was expecting. I will not do so again.
I will not be buying any more Sonos products and will just let my current system fade away until it is either all not working or once again Sonos renders it all useless.
Please, please, please revert to the previous version of the Sonos App - the present one is terrible!!!
The only possible thing Sonos could do to attempt to regain the trust of customers would be to make it possible to revert to the old app. If they did that I’m pretty sure more than 90% of users would do so. Of course this would require admitting what a tremendous error they made in releasing this poorly conceived and even more poorly designed farce of an update. Somehow I don’t think that’s likely…
Clearly Sonos has lost their way. The value of my rather expensive equipment is drastically reduced. Please give iOS users the old app back.
The head of app tech at Sonos should be fired. I worked for Amazon for 10 years and I can say that the amount of failures from their tech would NEVER be tolerated. Not only is the app hot garbage. But I have had to try to post this response three times because the forum crashed. How bad of a tech leader do you have to be to not be able to run a scalable forum? Answer. Really bad. I’ve been a Sonos adopter since the very first product launch. I have 10+ Sonos devices and really love them generally. I also bought the ACE the minute it was available. But if Sonos allows inept tech leaders to destroy the user experience, they will be unseated. Hey Sonos leaders. Read the Innovators Dilemma. You may be experiencing it. Don’t become blackberry. Please.
I like the new app! I think it works very well. My alarms are easy to find and change, I’m having no problems controlling volume, I’m easily able to group the speakers. I was having all these problems with the old app, but the new app works perfectly. I like it so much, that I decided to buy the headphones as well.
I like the new app! I think it works very well. My alarms are easy to find and change, I’m having no problems controlling volume, I’m easily able to group the speakers. I was having all these problems with the old app, but the new app works perfectly. I like it so much, that I decided to buy the headphones as well.
Do you work for Sonos????
The New Sonos iOS app is absolutely terrible. If you haven’t upgraded yet please please don’t. There are so many missing features and bugs to boot. It looks like an pre-Alpha version of software rushed to market without being properly tested or checked.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Sonos bring back the S2 app for download on the App Store. If I could downgrade I would do it in a heartbeat. I’m a long time user and fan of Sonos products but frankly this is a big miss a disaster. This new app is almost unusable. This is Sonos’s Windows Vista moment.
Please listen to your users Sonos, negative feedback is everywhere now. Please give us back the S2 app whilst this one goes back to the drawing board or perhaps the trash can.
Agreed! I will be having a marketplace fire sale of all my Sonos products if they don’t bring back the functionality I enjoyed in the previous version. Mainly, the add to queue function.
Why is it that anyone who has an opposing view must be working for Sonos?
As far as I’m aware, any Sonos employees are required to identify them as such in their user data. At least, that’s what I recall from reading the terms and conditions of the use of this forum.
This is, after all, a community forum. Anyone’s perspective should be allowed, whether it agrees with your perspective or not. As long as the post is in accordance with the T&Cs.
I like the new app! I think it works very well. My alarms are easy to find and change, I’m having no problems controlling volume, I’m easily able to group the speakers. I was having all these problems with the old app, but the new app works perfectly. I like it so much, that I decided to buy the headphones as well.
Yeah it’s so great. I love not being able to add or remove songs to the queue. It’s so nice that now I just have to manually play another song once the first song is over. Just love it. Did you catch my sarcasm! Multi room volume is clumsy, songs randomly stop playing. I’m amazed that the CEO is standing behind this update. He should be furious. Anyone have suggestions on a good Sonos replacement. Currently have 9 zones.
Why is it that anyone who has an opposing view must be working for Sonos?
As far as I’m aware, any Sonos employees are required to identify them as such in their user data. At least, that’s what I recall from reading the terms and conditions of the use of this forum.
This is, after all, a community forum. Anyone’s perspective should be allowed, whether it agrees with your perspective or not. As long as the post is in accordance with the T&Cs.
Posts with gushing praise are suspect considering the overwhelming facts pointing the other direction.
Even if it were gushing praise, and not sarcasm, that doesn’t mean the user should be identified as a Sonos employee, which implies discrimination on your part, since it means Sonos employees are ‘lesser’ in your view.
‘Overwhelming facts’ seem to be, based on what I’ve been reading, and experiencing, subjective. Many people seem to be having issues, others, often less vocal, seem not to be.
Accusations of ‘shilling’ are never welcome on a community. I saw no evidence of that user asking if you worked for a competitor to Sonos, based on your posts of issues you are experiencing. Only a comment suggesting they were not experiencing the same as you. Which has no effect on your issues, merely states that they aren’t experiencing them.
Even if it were gushing praise, and not sarcasm, that doesn’t mean the user should be identified as a Sonos employee, which implies discrimination on your part, since it means Sonos employees are ‘lesser’ in your view.
‘Overwhelming facts’ seem to be, based on what I’ve been reading, and experiencing, subjective. Many people seem to be having issues, others, often less vocal, seem not to be.
Accusations of ‘shilling’ are never welcome on a community. I saw no evidence of that user asking if you worked for a competitor to Sonos, based on your posts of issues you are experiencing. Only a comment suggesting they were not experiencing the same as you. Which has no effect on your issues, merely states that they aren’t experiencing them.
Why do you feel the need to defend the user so much. Opinions are fine and welcome but clearly an impartial observer would see this one does not fit in, at least is response to this thread. You should well know the manipulation of forums and reviews that occur on the internet and that it is rampant. So do you agree with the praiseworthy opinion or are you just trying to muddy the waters here of frustrated users who have legitimate grievances.
I’m trying to defend less vocal users against being ‘shouted down’. Just because other opinions are expressed doesn’t change the value of either side. Especially on a community forum.
No shouting here Bruce.
Are you a user ? Tell us your experience. We dont need lectures on virtue from you.
New app is rubbish. dog slow, poor interface. Bring back the previous app.
whoever at Sonos thought this was a good idea? If it wasn’t for my existing hardware investment, I’d Bud Light them!
I agree, terrible update. We can no longer change the volume of 3 speakers in the house all at once, it must be done each one at a time and the slider is extremely finicky.
Totally useless update in every way. They ruined something that worked perfectly. Extra steps to do everything, no volume control, missing playlists. Just a mess. Why???
The New Sonos iOS app is absolutely terrible. If you haven’t upgraded yet please please don’t. There are so many missing features and bugs to boot. It looks like an pre-Alpha version of software rushed to market without being properly tested or checked.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE Sonos bring back the S2 app for download on the App Store. If I could downgrade I would do it in a heartbeat. I’m a long time user and fan of Sonos products but frankly this is a big miss a disaster. This new app is almost unusable. This is Sonos’s Windows Vista moment.
Please listen to your users Sonos, negative feedback is everywhere now. Please give us back the S2 app whilst this one goes back to the drawing board or perhaps the trash can.
Completely agree, response time I awl full and it stops constantly
Don’t be surprised if a new app comes out next year. Sonos+. For a monthly fee you get all the features they took out of the last app that we miss.
Don’t be surprised if a new app comes out next year. Sonos+. For a monthly fee you get all the features they took out of the last app that we miss.
Nice FUD. I see we’ve reached the “let’s see who can come up with the most looney toon conspiracy theories” phase of the app overhaul. 🙄
I’m happy for the fortunate people who aren’t having hardware problems and for those who are ok with the new app.
Nevertheless, this update is still terrible after several weeks.
- It broke services or hardware for many people. These are music speakers, they should not require tinkering or reconfiguring services.
- It was unexpectedly released without important features (alarms, local media server support, I’m sure there are others).
- it’s advantages are only eye candy. The actual usability of the app is quite poor and clunky. It takes many clicks to perform common actions, navigating the app is not intuitive (no obvious way to go “back”), it’s a major change from how the S2 app worked just a few weeks ago, and some parts still just don’t work.
Overall this is really shockingly bad.
Have they fixed this yet? It's becoming a pain having to update all my apps manually so I don't end up with this abhorrent mess on my phone again.
Completely f***** it SONOS
Moderator Note: Modified in accordance with the Community Code of Conduct.
This app feels like a pre-alpha in usability and takes away (meaningful access ) to features that have been enjoyed by the community for years. What’s the point of bringing a new app that has no way of competing with the old app within a reasonable timeframe?
@Sonos, you can’t update yourself out of this one. Admit your mistake, show that you listen to your users, bring back the old app, and go forward from there.
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